In some cases, even if the husband refuses to get an evaluation, the wife may be able to use her understanding of his probable AS to reframe her understanding of her husband and change how she relates to him. Those with AS find it harder to formulate theories or hypotheses about another person’s mental or emotional state. Integrating each other back into the activities that both partners enjoy is beneficial. Many couples tell us that common interests and activities is what first brought them together: long walks, boat rides, hikes, picnics, dance events and exercise classes, travel. This is in part because the able autistic parent community is invisibly disabled. Other tensions within a marriage such as finances and children can add other layers of stress on top of living with Aspergers spouse. Eva Mendes, M.A. Neurological differences apart, people have major differences in how much sex they need, how often, and how they want to be intimate with their partners. In my groups and couple’s counseling sessions, we have observed recurring issues or challenges, and recurring strategies for addressing them, which I am calling here the fourteen practical strategies for facilitating an AS marriage, namely: Diagnosis is an important step in starting to work through issues in an AS marriage. But there are certain challenges that you must be aware of if you are contemplating living with Aspergers spouse. Many couples report that working with a couple’s counselor who is not experienced in working with adults with AS can often harm rather than help the AS marriage. Many of the women in AANE’s spouse groups report having at least one parent with AS; their experiences in their family of origin may have led them to seek out a spouse with AS because he felt familiar. Understanding concrete mental abilities is preferred to a vague understanding of emotions: the language of connections. The NT partner might even have to help their partner with AS to say complimentary things to their children and to schedule one on one quality time with each of the children as well as the entire family on the calendar on a daily and weekly basis. Coaches can help adults with AS resolve practical problems that are draining their emotionally or causing friction with their spouses, such as employment issues, or difficulty with time management, staying organized, or social skills. A quick internet search will lead to numerous suggestions that adults who have Asperger’s Syndrome make poor parents. leads Spouse, Couples, and Women’s Support Groups at AANE. Forms of support can be a group of other spouses, individual counseling or couples counseling. It is also important to understand that growth and change happens in spurts, and that maintaining a high quality and happy marriage is a lifelong commitment. Since you can’t be with your child all the time, give him/her helpful hints (even if you have to repeat … He is bullied at school for his oddness but eventually thrives at a school for kids outside neurotypical norms. She enhances her clinical skills with respectful curiosity and non-judgement exploring strengths and resilience to gain access to  inner wisdom we possess inside. Individuals with AS struggle with social/communication initiation and reciprocity. Now that autism is more widely recognized, adults as well as children, who may have not been identified as autistic in the past, are being diagnosed. Your partner may be anxious, have certain routines they need to follow or have difficulties with organisation and prioritising. According to his mother, Jared was always a finicky child, even from the time he was a baby. Additionally, with other layers of unions that involve, interracial, same-sex, physical or mental abilities would present with their own layers of challenges and strengths. Making the space to hear how you can find each other again and understand each partner’s inner world also means setting reasonable concrete expectations, finding ways to establish routines, individual responsibilities of practical everyday life, activities to maintain emotional connections, self-determination, managing conflict, understanding  the barriers to Asperger’s communication, build in your own self-soothing and self-care, find ways to turn towards each other and to facilitate creative pathways. A counselor can also facilitate conversations, and help both partners learn better communication skills. Some individuals with AS also don’t enjoy sex due to their sensory issues and/or low sex drive. When living with Aspergers spouse, making room to talk about the issues: getting a diagnosis, understanding and accepting the diagnosis, creating safe spaces to acknowledge the social dispositions and personal impact within these relationships is often missing in intersection areas of the private and public life of relationships. It is important for the partner with AS to understand that their partner’s sexual needs are different than their own, and that both partners need to work at the keeping emotional connection going on a daily basis, both inside and outside the bedroom. Safety must always be the first area of assessment in treatment. But young Max was not the “aha” moment for my husband. There is help for your husband as well as yourself. When a partner has Asperger’s also known as High Functioning Autism this can present with invisible dynamics within the relationship that press outward and or against the individual partners cloaked in a cloud of shame and secrecy. Many couples in an AS marriage tend to engage in what is known as “parallel play,” where one partner engages in a preferred activity or hobby alone, rather than seeking out his or her partner to enjoy these activities together. Given the complexity and extra challenges of an AS marriage, neuro-diverse couples who do not yet have children may want to think carefully before deciding to become parents. Verbalizing details about their inner and outer worlds, in a non-judgmental atmosphere, gives partners an opportunity to understand each other better and to bond. Post-diagnosis, helping my husband understand what the therapists are teaching me, helping him see what is behind my son’s behavior, and getting on the same page as to how we approach parenting (for both of our sons), has been one of the most frustrating, rewarding, painful, rewarding, anger inducing, and rewarding parts of our marriage. If things have escalated to the point that professional help is sought, doing your homework to find the right therapist is important. It is helpful to realize that your AS- spouse’s developmental disorder … By Eva Mendes, M.A., Psychotherapist & Couple’s Counselor. A husband with Asperger’s is often attracted to a woman who shares his interests or passions and this can form a good basis for their relationship. He can, however, learn what to do if he is given concrete, step-by-step actions through which he can offer loving support to his NT partner. feeling lonely and unsafe within the marriage, 7 Tips to Manage Disagreements & Fight Fair in the Relationship. How Much Resentment do You Have Towards Your Partner? It is important to note that change and growth is a slow and painful process for any couple or individual wanting to work on their marriage. Weak Theory of Mind leads to individuals with AS unintentionally and unknowingly saying and doing things in a relationship that can come across as insensitive and be unintentionally hurtful. Putting sex on the Relationship Schedule isn’t enough. Understanding concrete mental abilities is preferred to a vague understanding of emotions: the. In an AS marriage, adding to this calendar quiet time, times for conversation, sex, shared leisure activities, exercise, and meditation/prayer can be very beneficial to keeping the partners connected on a day to day basis. Their voices have been given a platform that's been long in coming. Diagnosis can also help with finding an appropriate couple’s counselor who can work within the AS framework. The excerpts below focus on interventions for relationships in which an individual with Asperger Syndrome (AS) is partnered with a spouse or partner who does not have AS (a neurotypical). While many of the issues and challenges that some couples in an AS marriage face can seem similar, it is important to remember that every individual with AS is different, and each marriage unique. Understanding how AS impacts the individual; Managing depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; Coping with sensory overload and meltdowns; Managing expectations and suspending judgment. This quote of Stephen Shore, Ed.D., an author and professor with AS, says it all. It is vital to diagnose and treat depression, anxiety, OCD, or ADD/ADHD either with medications or/and with therapy. Within a society that holds different social expectations for men and women in marriage, the dynamics within each partnership would have its own individual presentation. Individuals with AS have difficulties in being able to pick up and interpret facial cues, vocal intonations, and body language, and hence a miss out on a significant amount of communication. In some cases, the disconnect in an AS marriage is due to the fact that the partner with AS has great difficulty initiating conversations and keeping them flowing. Otherwise, chances are that the AS spouse will not be able to read his partner’s mind, due to his somewhat limited Theory of Mind and ability to read non-verbal cues. This will help more than anything else. Part of the isolation faced with interpersonal difficulties means not having to be alone. Her website is: Thanks again for putting up something potentially supportive rather than just saying how awful my husband must Be. Her role as a therapist is to support and assist individuals and families to look for ways to resolve personal challenges that impact their daily lives and ability to cope. For example, the NT partner may be able to bring attention to the AS spouse’s rising stress level, and suggest that each of them take some time alone to alleviate some of the stress and overstimulation. Having Asperger’s is a challenge for parents, but wanting to do a good job at it is the most important ingredient for effective parenting. Sometimes this level of output comes at a price, and the 98 Percenter is exhausted after interacting – sometimes s/he has a hard time interacting at 50%. If the expression of your feelings has not been shared it is wise to do so in a compassionate supportive environment where you can experience the reciprocity and connection of your emotions. Staying motivated. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our site. Some narratives paint a painfully negative picture; while it may still be helpful to read these accounts, it is good to keep in mind that every marriage and relationship is unique. For motivated couples, working hard to improve the marriage with the various tools listed here can bring about real change and made the marriage more comfortable and rewarding for both partners. The partner with Asperger’s may miss cues from the child that the other neurotypical parent is able to pick up. “Out of Mind - Out of Sight: Parenting with a Partner with Asperger Syndrome (ASD),” takes an honest look at the unique issues that come up when you’re co-parenting with an Asperger partner. Individuals with AS tend to have weak Theory of Mind, meaning a relatively limited ability to “read” another person’s thoughts, feelings, or intentions. Familiarizing yourself with Asperger’s syndrome can be helpful, as long as you combine it with familiarizing yourself with the person in front of you just the way you would when dating someone new. Making the space to hear how you can find each other again and understand each partner’s inner world also means setting reasonable concrete expectations, finding ways to establish routines, individual responsibilities of practical everyday life, activities to maintain emotional connections, self-determination, managing conflict, understanding  the barriers to Asperger’s communication, build in your own self-soothing and self-care, find ways to turn towards each other and to facilitate creative pathways. These adaptations necessary as a child still maintain a powerful influence in adulthood. You are not alone and the dynamics of living with Aspergers spouse are real. In some cases, however, the NT partner may be depressed, angry, lonely, and disconnected from her AS partner, that salvaging the marriage is not an option. Some people living with Asperger’s, on the other hand, may seek a life where they can be left to their own areas of pursuits. Forms of support can be a group of other spouses, individual. Smells at the grocery store can feel nauseating and overwhelming. If you’re also parenting with an Aspie partner, isn’t that what you want for your children? Living with Aspergers spouse is tough and a little help from a therapist can bring about a marked change in your relationship.
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