jesus' encounters with individuals

Ate and regained his strength, Faith involved, but not so much faith that God would heal, as a conversion experience, Peter told him, Jesus Christ heals you; get up and make your bed., Immediately got up. The Bible is a cross-cultural book, from Genesis to Revelation, and records many cross-cultural encounters. After opening eyes, she sat up He took hand, helped up, Peter showed her friends that she was alive Many believed in the Lord, None indicated, except all grieving believers, Could not use feet, never walked, crippled from birth, Paul looked at him intently, saw he had faith and loudly told him, Stand upright on your feet., Man sprang up, began to walk. 13-14). Many People And Christians Dont Comprehend Why Must Christ Suffer? Hes not only interacting with her, but Hes asking her for water. I felt this was a good choice for the setting because the accounts of these encounters reveal the core teachings and personality of Jesus in a particularly compelling way, as I had discovered personally so many years before. From the series: People Who Met Jesus PREVIOUS PAGE | NEXT PAGE. However, even though Saul had an experience with Jesus the disciples in Jerusalem were still afraid of him. Each interaction with another person will supply you with the prospect to speak to his or her situation in the name of Jesus Christ. Jesus challenges the religious leaders (Matthew 23:1-12) Jesus spoke about the . Saul on route to Damascus had an encounter with Jesus which changed his life from that point onwards. Those individuals are: Nathanael the skeptic, the Insider - Nicodemus and the Outcast - the Samaritan woman, Mary and Martha the Grieving Sisters, the disciples and town at the wedding party, Mary Magdalene, Satan and his temptations, Jesus at his Ascension, Jesus in the Garden, and Mary after the Angel's revelation. Whatever it is, Jesus likes to surprise us and remind us that Hes got it under control. These, however, are additional features that every disciple of Jesus possesses. Jesus told us that the Comforter will bring back forgotten things to our memory. And again shes surprised because shes a woman and Hes a man. Strangers and friends will desire to eliminate you because now you are calling on the name of Jesus Christ. How do you think the Samaritan woman feels when she hears that God is searching for people like her to worship him? So, ensure thats significant to you too. The Cross And Christian Distinctiveness (1 Peter 2:1-10), tax collectors and other sinners, invited to a party by Matthew (Matt. Painting by Yongsung Kim Everyone in town knows that youve been sleeping with quite a few different guys over the last few years. Examples: Other conversations were triggered by third parties. If you are a college student, weve got worship, solid community and more for you! And he was with them coming in and going out at Jerusalem, (Acts 9:28). Blogging About The Word. Man, herders became evangelists. Where do you get that living water? People, I think, that tell us a lot about not only the story of the passion, and the incredible intensity of the mood and emotions; but I think encounters in Jesus passion is a story about humanity. How has He changed you? A true encounter with Jesus sends us out to tell others about .. Pilate is easy to relate to because so many of us are just like him. The pool had five porches around it and people would often sit on those porches waiting for an angel to come down from heaven and stir up the waters. For me a fundamental truth, the human truth in all these reflections is that we can be and sometimes are, all of these people. These people knew not Christ nor did they experience his presence and power. Jesus clearly tells us not to judge others ( Matthew 7:1-2 ). Then learn from someone who was in your exact situation! When He comes,He will tell us all things.26Jesus said to her,I who speak to you am He.. 9. There have been plenty of times when Ive come to Him wanting Him to help me maybe deal with someone whos being annoying or frustrating to me. Sinners dont experience the presence of God! And in front of many witnesses too! Seeing that Jesus Christ is not physically with us for he returned to heaven, then we must learn how to encounter him by interacting with his Holy Ghost. Water for the Thirsty So shes coming up against a lot of unexpected things! What principles can you draw from Jesus' conversation with the woman to help you in reaching out to others? So much so that you will never forget it. Access them from the listing below, or from your favorite streaming service, or try asking your smart speaker to play the Christ Chapel Renovate Podcast.. Getting the Most Out of Encountering Jesus They will direct death towards you, but fear no evil for the Lord is always with us. So shes coming up against a lot of unexpected things! Who initiated contact? 20Our fathers worshiped onthis mountain, but you say thatin Jerusalem isthe place where people ought to worship.21Jesus said to her, Woman, believe me,the hour is coming whenneither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. 6Jacobs well was there; so Jesus,wearied as He was from His journey, was sitting beside the well. In this act, he shows what it means to really be a friend by deed, and not just by words. Click below to download a bucket list. The Cross And Christian Distinctiveness (1 Peter 2:1-10). Nicodemus encounter with God involved conversation. Jesus touched him, said, Be made clean! Sent to priest and directed to offer prescribed gift. Your encounters with Jesus will highlight three things: you will see Jesus; he will speak to you; you will preach and teach in the name of Jesus Christ. The heart of the issue is whats happening now those who worship God must do so in spirit and truth and the Messiah has arrived. He tells her to bring her husband to the well, and she sees an opportunity to admit whats been going on with her. Peter followed Jesus, but while Jesus prayed, Peter fell asleep. But as well learn when we see more about her character in a few verses, she probably had reason to want to avoid being there at busy times. Be sure to check out everything happening online. What one thing in your life do you need Jesus to touch and restore? Paul went back to preaching, Paul visited him and cured him by putting his hands on him, Cured. Crowd filled with wonder and amazement, Assorted sick and demon-possessed people brought by friends and relatives, People carried people out into the street so Peters shadow would fall on them, All cured. Picture this the woman who just a few hours ago was going to the well in the middle of the day to avoid seeing people comes back into town running around, gathering up as many people as she can find. This week I had the opportunity to teach a lesson on a woman in the Bible who loved God. He could just immediately say to her, Well, lady, youre sexually immoral. And it is easy to fall into a pattern of wanting to know, without necessarily wanting to do. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Online Christian Articles and Information Hub. People Who Met Jesus The gospels record some fascinating stories of Jesus' interaction with people. What is an Encounter With Jesus? Based on the example of this woman, how can you demonstrate gratitude to Jesus for forgiving you? These encounters definitely help us on the road to righteousness. Since she knows Hes a Jew, she knows He believes Jerusalem is the place to worship. This is my favorite part of this story. A Closer Look at a Jesus-Style Encounter. 6:14-15) and this must include forgiving the sins of the past as well as of the present. He chooses the time and the place. Here are 15 personal encounters Jesus had with a whole range of people: children, women, men, parents, teachers, leaders, people who were busy, people who were ill, people who were rich, people whose lives were messed up, people who were desperate, people who were proud. Shes been amazed by Him and believes Him when He says that Hes the Messiah. This is an area that Jews wouldnt have been excited to stop in. In fact, there are no descriptions at all of what He looked like herejust that He appeared as just another person on their journey together toward Jerusalem! Jesus told him that his sins were forgiven by God (Mark 2:5) and then sent him home without legs so he could carry his bed himself (Luke 5:24). He speaks through conversation. Jesus told us not to judge other sinners. Do we help people who are suffering when our conscience invites us to do so? Jesus cured him, Disciples lack of faith prevented healing, Poor behavior, seizures, demon possession, Demons came out of patient Jesus fame spread, Jesus provided privacy, put his fingers in patients ears, spat and touched tongue, said, Be opened., Patient could hear and speak clearly; crowd spread the word about Jesus, Jesus provided privacy, healed in 2 stages (saliva to eyes and touching), Jesus touched the bier and told patient to arise, Patient sat up and began to speak; crowd fearful, praised God, Jesus initiated encounter, took compassion, Evil spirit-imposed disability of 18 years. Jesus-Encounters Turn Us into Beggars It's so easy to look back at those ancient church leaders and wag our heads in disgust, yet we may find that their unteachable hearts are not so far from our own. If we never have an encounter with Jesus Christ we cannot have our names written in the Lambs Book of Life. They include more than 40 meetings between Jesus and various individuals. He is passionate about the Lord and spends quality time with the Word of God every day. Jesus said not to fear, but believe, Woman with hemorrhage Mt 9:20-22; Mk 5:25-29; Lk 8:43-48, Chronic vaginal bleeding (12 years), unsuccessful medical treatment, financially exhausted, Touched Jesus clothing (selfcare). Each encounter reveals something about the nature of Christ, enabling the reader to more deeply understand His mission as well as His revelation of God. I have written about some initial qualities of a disciple of Jesus Christ. John 4:1-30, Based on what Jesus says to Nicodemus in verses 5-8, how would you define the phrase "born again" to someone who had never heard it or who had a misconception about it? Now you will commence to talk about him. Its no surprise that Jesus first miracle of calming the storm is one of the most well-known. Each encounter reveals something about the nature of Christ, enabling the reader to more deeply understand His mission as well as His revelation of God. And everyone who comes face to face with the Lord will have this report. As a result, pay attention to conversations, because we will never know which ones He could utilize to initiate our meeting with Jesus. You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and updated information on List Of Encounters With Jesus In The Bible. However, because of Sauls reputation with Christians, the disciples of Jesus didnt believe that he had an encounter with Jesus. In what ways are you not believing that the gospel applies to this person? Hes revealed her sin to her and shes understood that Hes a prophet. Jesus said to her,Give me a drink.8(For His disciples had gone away into the city to buy food. Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. Meeting Jesus is also meeting the Word of God. Blessings and thanks again! Thus having a personal meeting with Jesus Christ will equip you. And we will be lost for all eternity to enjoy torment with the Devil. They marveled that He was talking with a woman, but no one said, What do you seek? or, Why are you talking with her?28So the woman left her water jar and went away into town and said to the people,29Come, see a manwho told me all that I ever did. We succumb to the pressures of the people, and would rather be in good standing with what is popular as opposed to what is right. How many people have we let down who needed us when it mattered the most? Jesus is not a distant God who does not know us or care about us, but an intimate God who desires to have a personal relationship with each one of His children. I might expect Him to take certain sorrows or troubles out of my life, but He instead just tells me to trust Him and wait patiently. Want to know more about Jesus or a ministry that you can get involved with? When we truly know Him and Hes done all this work in our hearts, we cant possibly keep it to ourselves. We can, in our own way, simply offer prayers like: "Lord Jesus, give me the grace to receive your love more deeply." "Lord Jesus, give me a new and personal encounter with you." "Jesus, change my heart to love you more completely.". When we truly know Him and Hes done all this work in our hearts, we cant possibly keep it to ourselves. Home Groups allow us to dig into Gods word together and learn how to live for him throughout our week. 4And He had to pass through Samaria. But He has His own plan and its often different from mine and always better. Till this day we use his name as a synonym for people who deceive us in this way. Man healed, All had leprosy and were forced to keep their distance from healthy people Asked Jesus for mercy, Jesus cleansed all 10 of leprosy and told them to go show themselves to the priests (return to community), One patient returned to thank Jesus, commended for his faith and sent on his way, All 10 cured. She doesnt know to look for it or hope for it. Jesus knows exactly what this womans biggest struggle is. Your personal encounter with Jesus will change you so much that people will start to note the change. These encounters often changed the life of the person involved, as well as those around them. The Holy Ghost is our keeper. No, I dont provide RSS Feed. Shes now the one asking for a drink. Who started the conversation' In nine cases, Jesus initiated the conversations. We will remember things even in our good old age. Note the Bible says all things. Your meeting with Jesus Christ will always be the most unique incident in your life. This requires some amount of boldness. While youre spending more time at home this holiday season, why not make a holiday bucket list for those long winter nights and weekends? Which when the brethren knew, they brought him down to Caesarea, and sent him forth to Tarsus, (Acts 9:30). Sometimes we want to argue about whether we should have traditional or contemporary music in a worship service at church, but all the while were not focusing on actually worshipping Jesus in our hearts and actions. Jesus responded to other peoples inquiries. But the question I didnt know I needed an answer to turned out to be, What is it in your heart, Kristin, that needs to change in the way you interact with this person? And it is a rare personthat would keep the company of someone who they know is going to betray them. The story begins with Nathanael meeting Philip, a disciple of John the Baptist. When we believe in Jesus, we receive a new identity as well. So since Hes a prophet, she now brings up a question thats been bothering her for a long time. In closing, the Lord Jesus wants all Believers to have an experience with Him. Manage Settings Newell uses three foundational principles as a lens to examine these biblical cross-cultural encounters; namely, the Bible is a portrayer of cultures; a sculptor of cultures; and an appraiser of cultures (pp. She tells them that He knew everything about her, Hes a prophet, and her enthusiasm for Him makes them want to meet Him themselves. Soon after, I was ecstatic because the Lord Jesus brought back his name to mind. But I love that as soon as He explains it to her, shes all ineven though it seems she doesnt completely understand what Hes talking about. Instead, Jesus knows the importance of revealing sin to the sinner in a loving way. He could just immediately say to her, Well, lady, youre sexually immoral. While shes gone, Jesus takes the opportunity to remind His disciples that there are a lot of people out there ready to be harvested for salvation. The identical thing happened to Saul. Not only is she bereft of a husband, but her family line has been severed. The people who met Jesus Christ in person faced the same big life questions we face today. Paul preached, was persecuted, Slave girl with spirit of divination, earned money for owners by fortune telling, Paul got annoyed and ordered the spirit to come out of her, Spirit came out immediately; girl no longer useful to owner. It was about the sixth hour. But this result is only true if you approach your encounter with Jesus with faith in him. First, he saw Jesus; he spoke with him; then he preached in his name. There are probably a lot of people in town who look down on her. Examples: He connected with peoples thoughts and feelings. Most Jews wouldnt have interacted at all with her because they wouldve thought it would make them unclean. Then had the churches rest throughout all Judaea and Galilee and Samaria, and were edified; and walking in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost, were multiplied, (Acts 9:31). There is a great empathy we see here with these women who weep for him, who may or may not know him and yet mourn what is being done to him. And I continued with whatever I was doing. And again shes surprised because shes a woman and Hes a man. But Barnabas took him, and brought him to the apostles, and declared unto them how he had seen the Lord in the way, and that he had spoken to him, and how he had preached boldly at Damascus in the name of Jesus.. The Apostles in Jerusalem had every right not to trust Saul for he had no personal encounters with Jesus; the Lord hadnt spoken to him, and he had not spoken in the name of Jesus Christ yet! 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