Abnormal changes in serum chloride levels is usually an indicator of metabolic changes in the body. Lab values made easy! A. Lab values: pH 7.23, paCo2 37, HCO3 18 * 3. If the radioimmunoassay technique is being used, the injection of radionuclides within 1 week before the blood test is performed may cause falsely elevated results. Huang LY in 2017, reported that students significantly improved . The hemoglobin test is a measure of the total amount of hemoglobin in the blood. Assess and validate that the client has not been receiving. Instruct the client to avoid strenuous exercise for 8 hours before and after the test. This site has changed my life! hemostatic plug formation, clot retraction, and coagulation factor activation. Preparation of the equipment and supplies needed. Instruct the client to fast for 4 hours before the blood is drawn. ) # simplenursingsuccess # nursingstudent . - Area is usually over a bony prominence. Natriuretic peptides are neuroendocrine peptides that are used to identify clients with heart failure. Getting familiar with and interpreting laboratory values can be intimidating, particularly to new nurses. Screen for dysfunction of the extrinsic clotting system resulting from vitamin K deficiency disseminated intravascular coagulation or liver disease. allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 1-917 . This website contains a comprehensive compilation of different nursing games and activities. High Level:Dehydration, hypoxia, cigarette smoking, polycythemia vera, tumors, erythropoietin abuse, lung diseases, blood doping, erythrocytosis, cor pulmonale, Low Level:Overhydration, nutritional deficiencies, blood loss, bone marrow suppression, leukemia, lead poisoning, Hodgkins lymphoma, chemotherapy treatment, Drugs that may increase hemoglobin: Erythropoietin, iron supplements, Drugs that may decrease hemoglobin: Aspirin, antibiotics, anti-neoplastic drugs. Examples include fatty casts, granular cast, and waxy casts among others. Divide the class into groups of three and ask the first group to sit at the front of the classroom. per page . Diagnostic testing involves three phases: pretest, intratest, and post-test. Normal and critical values for Total Calcium (Ca): Normal and critical values for Ionized Calcium: Increased calcium levels (Hypercalcemia) may indicate: Decreased calcium levels (Hypocalcemia) may indicate: In this section, well be discussing the normal laboratory values of serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen, including their indications and nursing considerations. Glucose should not be present in the urine. See Also:5 Fun Low-Maintenance Mobile Games For Nurses. The following are the chemical tests usually included in reagent strips: The pH level of the urine is related to the acid-base balance maintained by the body. Educaplay uses its own and third-party cookies for anonymous analytical purposes, save the preferences you select, personalize the advertising you see based on your browsing habits and for the general operation of the page. However, in cases of urinary tract infection and improper urine collection, bacteria, yeast,and trichomonads can be found under microscopic examination. In avisual examination, a urine sample is inspected for color, cloudiness,and odor. Normal and critical values for hematocrit count: Increased hematocrit levels may indicate: Decreased hematocrit levels may indicate: Red blood cell indicates (RBC Indices) determine the characteristics of an RBC. This information is crucial to their health and care, and knowing how to record, manage, and interpret this data will be a big part of your career. Hemoglobin count is indicated to help measure the severity of. High Level:Dehydration, cigarette smoking, polycythemia vera, tumors, erythropoietin abuse, lung diseases, blood doping. There are still no results for this activity. Normal and critical values for Creatinine (Serum): Normal lab values for Creatinine Clearance (CrCl): Increased creatinine levels may indicate: Decreased creatinine levels may indicate: Urea nitrogen is the nitrogen portion of urea, a substance formed in the liver through an enzymatic protein breakdown process. When this phenomenon happens inside the kidney, kidney stones can develop. Normal values for Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT): Abnormal Glucose tolerance testmay indicate: Glycosylated hemoglobin is blood glucose bound to hemoglobin. 5,000 10,000per microliter (Some textbooks say 4,500 10,000), High Level: Infections, cigarette smoking, leukemia, inflammatory diseases, tissue damage, severe physical or mental stress, Low Level: Autoimmune disorders, bone marrow deficiencies, viral diseases, liver problems, spleen problems, severe bacterial infections, radiation therapy, Drugs that may increase white blood cells: Corticosteroids, heparin, beta-adrenergic agonists, epinephrine, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, lithium, Drugs that may decrease white blood cells: Diuretics, chemotherapeutic drugs, histamine-2 blockers, captopril, anticonvulsants, antibiotics, antithyroid drugs, quinidine, chlorpromazine, terbinafine, clozapine, sulfonamides, ticlopidine. Since 1997, allnurses is trusted by nurses around the globe. CD4+ T-cell counts help Monitors the progression of HIV. Magnesium is used as an index to determine metabolic activity and renal function. Mar 2007 - Present16 years 2 months. Norm Lab Value for WBC Neutropils (Bands). This offers information about conditions affecting the respiratory system, circulatory system, and metabolic processes. High Level: Hypoparathyroidism, diabetic ketoacidosis, liver disease, kidney failure, Low Level: Poor nutrition, alcoholism, hyperparathyroidism, hypercalcemia, Drugs that may increase phosphorous: Vitamin D, phosphate-containing laxatives, Drugs that may decrease phosphorous: Antacids, diuretics, corticosteroids, anticonvulsants, ACE inhibitors, insulin. Hemoglobin is the protein component of red blood cells. 5. The site employs different strategies for the games, making learning fun and engaging at the same time. This quiz will test your knowledge of lab values used in nursing and hospital setting. Inform the client that punctures are made to measure the time it takes for bleeding to stop. White blood cell differential provides specific information on white blood cell types: Normal and critical lab values for white blood cell count: Increased WBC count (Leukocytosis) may indicate: Decreased WBC count (Leukopenia) may indicate: Electrolytes are minerals that are involved in some of the important functions in our body. Instruct the client to fast for 8 to 12 hours before the test. Arterial Blood Gases (ABGs) are measured in a laboratory test to determine the extent of compensation by the buffer system. You can try outThe Blood Typing Game, The Electrocardiogram Game, and The Immune System Game as they aresome of the most visited educational games there. It also plays a part in motor and nerve function. Oct 2011. This platform helps us students a lot! Nursing Lab Values Test 25 Questions - Developed by: Erica Wood - Developed on: 2006-12-15 - 128,586 taken - User Rating: 4.0 of 5 - 119 votes - 10 people like it This is to test you on your knowledge of lab values used in the hospital setting. Familiarizing and interpreting laboratory values for nurses dont always have to feel that way. I am last year bsc nursing student. Bone marrow infiltration (e.g., myelofibrosis). - Blood filled tissue due to underlying tissue damage. Place the specimen on ice and transport to the laboratory immediately. one page study guide with some of the most common labs and their values for students. Oxygen carrying pigment in blood B. What is normal Hemoglobin? Drugs that may decrease BUN: Streptomycin, chloramphenicol. In this section, well discuss the indications and nursing implications of each lab test. please Im a person of Boateng Wisdom, Im about to write my licensing exam, please and please help me to know what it takes to pass this exams. In microscopic examination, the urine sample is centrifuged so sediments will settle at the bottom and the clear part can be discarded. Nursing lab values alone should rarely be used to guide treatment. Fasting blood glucose or fasting blood sugar (FBS) levels are used to help diagnose diabetes mellitus and hypoglycemia. Other conditions that produce ketones in the urine are diabetes mellitus, frequent vomiting, strenuous exercise, and high protein diet. Compare the previous and current test results. Creatinine is a specific indicator of renal function. Even "normal" nursing lab values can be . ABG Values pH: 7.367.45 HCO3: 2426 mEq/L CO2: 3545 mEq/L PaO2: 80%100% SaO2: >95% 6. Like Knee Operation, Appendix Surgery is also a simulation game. Potassium: 3.5 - 5 Sodium: 135 - 145 WBC: 5,000 - 10,000 Creatinine: 0.6 - 1.2 PT: 11 - 13 Potassium: 3.5 to 5.0 mmol/L Maintains blood pressure, blood volume, and pH balance. Thanks! Orally administered anticoagulation therapy usually maintains the PT at 1.5 to 2 times the laboratory control value. Clients with elevated white blood cell counts and platelet counts may have falsely elevated potassium levels. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. It makes the blood look bright red as it is made with iron. Lipase is a pancreatic enzyme converts fats and triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol. Calcium aids in blood clotting by converting prothrombin to thrombin. The test, known by the acronym Syn-SAA, was found to have robust sensitivity in detecting synuclein pathology a buildup of abnormal . Which of the following nursing interventions is NOT routinely expected when collecting laboratory specimens? Low Level: Low protein diet, malnutrition, liver failure, fluid overload. Serum electrolytes may be ordered as a Chem 7 or as a basic metabolic panel (BMP). Its fun and educational in that it presents a case before the actual operation. Albumin is usually the first type of protein compound excreted in the urine whenever there is a kidney problem. Past Life Quiz: Who Was I In My Past Life? 3. name and discuss at least 2 cardiac enzyme lab tests and 3 serum electrolyte and blood group tests and their nursing implications. Thankyou for such a nice website with superb notes. Lab Value Patho Range/ Critical Value What's Normal? Stepped out like I had won the 3.5 million jack pot, with my 105 bleached streaks, 2.5 phos. Listed on 14 Apr, 2023 By. I preside over all of the technical operations within the department of Human and Health Sciences and provide technical assistance to all Allied Health courses within the school. Normal and critical values for Chloride (Cl-): Increased chloride levels (Hyperchloremia) may indicate: Decreased chloride levels (Hypochloremia) may indicate: Nursing Considerations for Serum Chloride. There's always the fear of messing things up and not being able to meet the patients' health needs. Thank you. Questions and Answers 1. It's no secret that one of the keys to increasing student engagement within the nursing curriculum is through active learning activities and strategies. The games are grouped into different categories for easy reference. It was now . High Level:Oliguria, dehydration, Addison disease, chronic renal failure, diabetic acidosis, Low Level:Chronic diarrhea, alcoholism, hemodialysis, ulcerative colitis, delirium tremens, hypoparathyroidism, hyperaldosteronism, hepatic cirrhosis, pancreatitis, toxemia of pregnancy, Drugs that may increase magnesium: Milk of magnesia, lithium carbonate, Drugs that may decrease magnesium: Insulin, antiarrhythmic drugs, digoxin amiodarone, sotalol, quinidine, bretylium, strophanthin, diuretics, isoproterenol. Urine contaminated by blood from menstruation or hemorrhoids). Potassium is critical in nerve and muscle function because it communicates impulses. (not for any other reason, but to help make nursing fun & help you pass your exams & NCLEX! Instruct the client to fast before the test. High intake of foods that contain vitamin K, such as liver, broccoli, kale, turnip greens and soybeans. University of Dammam Nursing College Fundamentals of Nursing Laboratory Schedule of Occupancy 1st Semester, Academic year 1430-1431 (2010-2011) From 12/2/2011 - 30/5/2011 DAY TIME 8:00 AM ---12: 00PM 12: 00PM--1:00 PM 1:00 PM3:00 PM Saturday You can switch gaming types as you progress through the game. Lab values: pH 7.31, paCo2 34, HCO3 21 * 4. Ketones are by-products of fat metabolism and they form whenever there is not enough carbohydrate present for energy production. Our lab values are based on NCLEX standards according to NCSBN, your text book, hospital, nursing book . Normal Lab and Diagnostic Values Questions and Answers 1. Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) evaluates the function of the contact activation pathway and coagulation sequence by measuring the amount of time it requires for recalcified citrated plasma to clot after partial thromboplastin is added to it. The INR standardizes the PT ratio and is calculated in the laboratory setting by raising the observed PT ratio to the power of the international sensitivity index specific to the thromboplastin reagent used. The nursing Jeopardy game uses simple trivia questions to test the nursing students' knowledge. ALT was formerly known as serum pyretic transaminase (SGPT). huge respect and appreciation to all who contributed to developing this masterpiece!! Note that results are invalidated if the client has received a radioactive scan within 24 hours before the test. 4.6-6.0 B. Stage 2. April 14, 2023. Patients are tested for serum sodium levels in cases of dehydration, edema, abnormal blood pressure levels, and changes in motor functions. Conditions that usually produce high amounts of protein in the urine include preeclampsia, multiple myeloma, inflammation, urinary tract injuries, malignancies and other disorders that destroy red blood cells. Thanks, Iam a lab technician , thisarticle is very helpful to me Thanks. Assess the venipuncture site for bleeding in clients with known thrombocytopenia. You have exceeded the maximum number of activities that can be shared in Microsoft Teams for your account type. Very very special contain on this platform. Content Increased LDL and VLDL levels may indicate: Decreased LDL and VLDL Levels may indicate: Serum enzymes and cardiac markers are released into the circulation normally following a myocardial injury as seen in acute myocardial infarction (MI) or other conditions such as heart failure. Therefore, consumption of acidic or basic foods,as well as the occurrence of any condition in the body that produces acids or bases, will directly affect the pH of the urine. Increased albumin levels (Hyperalbuminemia) may indicate: Decreased albumin levels (Hypoalbuminemia) may indicate: Ammonia is a by-product of protein catabolism; most of it is created by bacteria acting on proteins present in the gut. 4. name and discuss at least 3 components of the urinalysis lab test and describe the nursing implications. Phosphorus (Phosphate) is important in bone formation, energy storage and release, urinary acid-base buffering, and carbohydrate metabolism. Lab values: pH 7.50, paCo2 32, HCO3 24 * 5. The Pros and Cons of The Fun Facts & Quotes For The National Nurses Week, 26 Prayers for the Departed and Dearly Missed, 26 Powerful Healing Prayers for Cancer Patients, 50 Mnemonics & Tricks Every Nurse Should Know. Nursing Flashcards DescriptionDateStars Fluid and Electrolytes (96 cards) 2023-02-25 198 Hints from Exam Cram NCLEX (133 cards) 2023-03-23 163 Commonly used Abbreviations (113 cards) 2023-03-08 107 Reference values for Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c): Increased Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels may indicate: Decreased Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels may indicate: Used to evaluate insulin resistance and to identify type 1 diabetes and clients with a suspected allergy to insulin. A shift to the left indicates an increased number of immature neutrophils is found in the blood. Severe immune system problems occur when the CD4+ T-cell count is lower than 200 cells/L. Thank you! Tricks to understand complete blood count, basic metabolic panel, liver function tests, arterial blood gas, and others Learning Nurse has hundreds of nursing games and thousands of questions for you to practice on. The sediments observed under the microscope are measured in terms of per lower power field (LPF) or per high power field (HPF). Normal Electrolyte Lab Values. Specific gravity reflects how concentrated the urine is. Hi Ella, glad to be of help! The game board represents a hospital with areas or wards in which a student nurse must spend time. September 10, 2020 Modified date: July 3, 2021. The activities are divided into different categories so you can conveniently choose the game that can help you enhance specific skills. Take care of the equipment second. You can download a summary or cheat sheet of this normal laboratory values guide below. There are free nursing games you can download on your devices to liven up your shift. An arterial blood gas test allows nurses and healthcare providers to measure oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in a patient's blood. Normal values for thyroid function tests: Increased triiodothyronine levels may indicate: Decreased triiodothyronine levels may indicate: Increased Thyroxine, free (FT) levels may indicate: Thyroid-stimulating hormone (thyrotropin). It is excreted in the urine in small amounts. Resources for further learning are even provided so you can continue enriching your knowledge about nursing. BUN can also reflect protein tolerance, hydration status, degree of catabolism, and risk of uremic syndrome. It measures the acidity (pH) and the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in arterial blood. Be the first to stay in the ranking! We have other quizzes matching your interest. Nhina Sandeep de Rosas. I cant thank you enough for this cheat sheet. Lab values: pH 7.56, paCo2 20, HCO3 20 * 2. WBC count assesses the total number of WBC in a cubic millimeter of blood. There are hundreds of lessons included so you have lots of options. Evaluates cardiac function, renal function, gastrointestinal function, and the need for IV replacement therapy. Learning new words can be painful and hard. In the pretest, the main focus is on preparing the client for the diagnostic procedure. CK-MM is found mainly in skeletal muscle. The NCLEX-RN exam tests your ability to use critical thinking skills to make nursing judgments. 4.3 (90) $449 ($2.25/Count) FREE delivery Wed, Mar 1 on $25 of items shipped by Amazon. Monitor for signs of bleeding if the aPTT value is longer than 90 seconds in a patient receiving heparin therapy. Results are invalidated if the specimen was obtained less than 72 hours after cholecystography with radiopaque dyes. The conditions that can cause glucosuria are pregnancy, diabetes mellitus, liver diseases and hormonal disorders. A shift to the right which is usually seen in liver disease, megaloblastic and pernicious anemia, and. If the test is to evaluate skeletal muscle, instruct the client to avoid strenuous physical activity for 24 hours before the test. Games can help the nursing professionals to apply the acquired knowledge in different clinical situations. Common laboratory blood tests such as thyroxine, TSH, T4, and T3 are done to evaluate thyroid function. What's abnormal? Presence of detectable albumin, or protein, in the urine is indicative of abnormal renal function. -. You can accept all cookies by clicking the "Accept" button or configure or reject their use by clicking the "Set up" button. The result is dependent on the size, structure, and total number of red blood cells. Chloride: 97 to 107 mmol/L Maintains blood pressure, blood volume, and pH balance (2004). Casts are cylindrically shaped particles formed from the coagulated protein secreted by renal cells. 3.5 5.5 milliequivalents per liter (mEq/L), High Level: Infection, dehydration, Addisons disease, injury to tissue, diabetes, acute or chronic kidney failure, hypoaldosteronism, Low Level: Anorexia nervosa, malnutrition, diarrhea, vomiting, poorly managed diabetes, hyperaldosteronism, Drugs that may increase potassium: ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, NSAIDs, potassium-sparing diuretics, Drugs that may decrease potassium: Amphotericin B, gentamicin, carbenicillin, corticosteroids, beta-adrenergic agonists, potassium-wasting diuretics. Good luck! Recent intake of a meal containing high iron content may affect the results. PURPOSE AND SCOPE: Supports FMCNA's mission, vision, core values and customer service philosophy. Normal and critical values chart for hemoglobin count: Increased hemoglobin levels may indicate: Decreased hemoglobin levels may indicate: Hematocrit or packed cell volume (Hct, PCV, or crit) represents the percentage of the total blood volume that is made up of the red blood cell (RBC). The best plan of care is formulated when you combine the history, physical exam, labs/imaging, and patient preferences. But, guess what? Other conditions that may induce hematuria include cigarette smoking, strenuous exercise, kidney problems, and trauma. Hyperglycemia in clients with diabetes is usually a cause of an increase in the HbA1c. Youll need to start from systemic entry to systemic outlet. There are games that encourage nurses to practice assessment, prevention and treatment of patient health conditions related to patient skin integrity and pressure ulcers. It reflects the volume percentage of red blood cells in the whole blood. Chloride is a hydrochloric acid salt that is the most abundant body anion in the extracellular fluid. Then have the entire class play a round of bingo to review the concept. Its actually a good tool to practice your time management and critical thinking skills. Duties: Responsible for managing, facilitating and teaching activities for the Simulation Center/Skills Lab and coordinating nursing clinicals for the department with local and regional hospitals; activities involve both internal learners (medical residents, student . Total bilirubin levels can be broken into direct bilirubin, which is excreted primarily via the intestinal tract, and indirect bilirubin, which circulates primarily in the bloodstream. Its considered a waste product produced by the liver. Which of the following might show deviations (abnormalities) from normal lab reference ranges? Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) may increase lipase activity. Lab Values: 137 Values You Must Know to Easily Pass the NCLEX! Functions to counterbalance cations, such as sodium, and acts as a buffer during oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange in red blood cells (RBCs). There are hundreds of lessons included so you have lots of options. Which results are abnormal? Its the chemical compound that supplies energy to the cell. Add to Cart. Knee Operation is a game on Crazy Games. Its a good game if you want to memorize how an actual appendectomy is done in the operating room. Testing is repeated in 12 hours or as prescribed, followed by daily testing for 3 to 5 days. In normal circumstances, these casts are clear and called hyaline casts. specic procedures. Questions involving laboratory tests and procedures are included in most nursing examinations, especially the NCLEX-RN. Note that many medications may cause false-positive or false-negative results. Hemoglobin is the protein component of red blood cells that serves as a vehicle for oxygen and carbon dioxide transport. Acid-Base Balance Remember ROME (respiratory opposite/metabolic equal) to remember that in respiratory acid/base disorders the pH is opposite to the other components. Whenever there is an elevation in serum creatinine levels, renal dysfunction is usually suspected since the kidneys are responsible for the excretion of creatinine in the body. Drugs that may increase BUN: Allopurinol, furosemide, indomethacin, cisplatin, methyldopa, propanolol, tetracyclines, rifampin, vancomycin, thiazide diuretics, gentamycin, carbamazepine, aminoglycosides, amphotericin B. Laboratory reference values. Drawing blood samples from an extremity in which an intravenous (IV) solution of sodium chloride is infusing increases the level, producing inaccurate results. Lab value chart for nursing, NCLEX, USMLE, and students. With the right tips, youll be able to overcome those fears and complete your tasks easily. I am from india. Nurseslabs help us a lot with learning more about nursing practice. Lab Skeletons/ "fishbone". An elevated number of epithelial cells can also signify an improper collection of the urine specimen, especially if it is not collected using the midstream-catch technique. brings his wealth of experience from five years as a medical-surgical nurse to his role as a nursing instructor and writer for Nurseslabs, where he shares his expertise in nursing management, emergency care, critical care, infection control, and public health to help students and nurses become the best version of themselves and elevate the nursing profession. Our mission is to Empower, Unite, and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. Simply click on the images above to get the full resolution format that you can use for printing or sharing. For a creative end-of-the-year review idea, have each of your students develop their own bingo cards and questions surrounding a specific nursing concept. Learn Lab Values (all) - Nursing Basics - Fundamentals of Nursing - Picmonic for Nursing RN faster and easier with Picmonic's unforgettable videos, stories, and quizzes! On the other hand, low hemoglobin levels may be present in a variety of blood diseases, like sickle cell disease and thalassemia. Preparation of a consent form, if required. $2.00 (36 used & new offers) Other formats: Kindle , Audible Audiobook. Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) test is used to identify hepatocellular injury and inflammation of the liver and to monitor improvement or worsening of the disease. As a nurse, one must remember basic lab values to deal with day-to-day tasks. Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC): The proportion of each cell occupied by the Hgb. Phosphorus plays an important role in the acid-base balance of the body and in glycolysis. Troponin T returns to normal values after 10 days. In fact, theyre boring and can easily make you feel sleepy. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Paul Martin R.N. In over 20years of Nursing Practice, I found Nurseslabs an incredibly rich Nursing information site that is free! Increased serum iron levels may indicate: Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is a measurement of the rate at which erythrocytes settle in a blood sample within one hour. The game allows you to play as an ER attending who is in charge of a really busy ER. A single reactive ELISA test by itself cannot be used to diagnose. In the NCLEX, some questions supply laboratory results with no indication of the normal lab levels so youll have to familiarize yourself with them. Sodium 110 mEq/L C. BUN 10 D. Magnesium 2.3 mg/dL E. Phosphorus 1 mg/dL F. Glucose 96 mg/dL Nearly every single shift you'll have to note, record, and assess a whole lot of data generated by your patients. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Determining serum calcium levels is important if the patient is suffering from existing nerve and motor dysfunctions. Less than 1:4 titer with no antibody detected, Type I diabetes mellitus/ Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, Hepatocellular disease (e.g., cirrhosis or hepatitis), Glycogen storage disease (e.g., von Gierkes disease), Hypoproteinemia (e.g., severe burns, malnutrition, or malabsorption). Nursing Skills Laboratory Values and Interpretation - A Nurse's Ultimate Guide January 11, 2018 213198 Getting familiar with and interpreting laboratory values can be intimidating, particularly to new nurses. Trying to get a game plan together for CF, SL, and SM. Bilirubin, a part of bile, is the yellow fluid secreted into the intestines to aid in digestion. allnurses is a Nursing Career & Support site for Nurses and Students. It will test your knowledge about medical conditions and diseases as well as your clinical knowledge. This quiz is filed in the following categories. 20-25.5 g/dl B. 1. Blood for an ABG test is taken from an artery whereas most other blood tests are done on a sample of blood taken from a vein. When a bacterial infection is present in the urinary tract, the bacterial flora converts the urines nitrate compound to nitrite. You can obtain more information and reconfigure your preferences at any time in the Cookies policy. Any condition accompanied by prolonged vomiting, Ingestion of magnesium-containing antacids or salt. If the BNP level is elevated, dyspnea is due to heart failure; if it is normal, the dyspnea is due to a pulmonary problem. Drugs that may cause decreased iron levels include adrenocorticotropic hormone, cholestyramine, colchicine, deferoxamine, and, Drugs that may cause increased iron levels include dextrans, ethanol, estrogens, iron preparations, methyldopa, and, Assist in the diagnosis of conditions related to acute and chronic, Severe anemias such as vitamin B12 deficiency or iron deficiency, Fatty meal prior extraction may cause plasma alterations, Inherited thrombocytopenia disorders such as Bernard-Soulier, Wiskott-Aldrich, or Zieve syndromes, Leukemia and other myelofibrosis disorders. ) to remember that in respiratory acid/base disorders the pH is opposite to the indicates! Critical thinking skills to make nursing judgments class play a round of bingo to the... Life quiz: who was I in My past Life quiz: who was I in My Life! In nerve and muscle function because it communicates impulses tolerance test ( GTT ) abnormal... 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