Collocations and examples. Alleviate & thousands of English and Urdu words Synonyms, definition and meaning. Get Word of the Day delivered to your inbox! Delivered to your inbox! Medical Dictionary: Definition of alleviate, Nglish: Translation of alleviate for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of alleviate for Arabic Speakers. Find English word Alleviate meaning in Urdu at UrduWire online English to Urdu dictionary. Make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe. 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? Theme music by Joshua Stamper ©2006 New Jerusalem Music/ASCAP. These antonyms of the word alleviate are provided for information only. alleviate something to make something less severe synonym ease. transitive verb. verb alleviate. The meanings of assuage and alleviate largely overlap; however, assuage implies softening or sweetening what is harsh or disagreeable. [1913 Webster] Those large bladders... conduce much to the alleviating of the body [of flying birds]. 1 ‘he couldn't prevent her pain, only alleviate it’ SYNONYMS reduce , ease, relieve, take the edge off, deaden, dull, diminish, lessen, weaken, lighten, attenuate, allay, assuage, palliate, damp, soothe, help, soften, temper, control, still, quell, tone down, blunt, dilute, moderate, mitigate, modify, abate, lull, pacify, placate, mollify, sweeten Synonyms for alleviate. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. 1. to make something less painful, severe, or serious. Meaning of alleviate. Where these words are applied to pain, etc., alleviate is to lighten somewhat, and especially in a soothing way; relieve and allay go further than alleviate, removing in large measure or altogether. The shortest, complete sentence in the English language is "Go." Definition (verb) provide physical relief, as from pain ... Synonyms: ease, facilitate. See more. 5 BETTER WAYS TO HELP YOUR EMPLOYEES MOURN AT THE OFFICE, HOW PARENTS CAN ADD PURPOSE AND STRUCTURE TO THEIR KIDS’ ONLINE LEARNING, POLITICS REPORT: EAST COUNTY GOP RIVALS COURT THE LIBS, HOW TO MAKE MEETINGS LESS TERRIBLE (EP. “Alleviate.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, 38 synonyms for alleviate: ease, reduce, relieve, moderate, smooth, dull, diminish, soften, check, blunt, soothe, subdue, lessen, lighten, quell, allay.... What are synonyms for alleviate? Some common synonyms of alleviate are allay, assuage, lighten, mitigate, and relieve. I don’t have all the answers, but part of the solution no doubt is alleviating pressure for parents while finding at-home learning methods that are actually effective for kids. MORE STATES ARE USING BALLOT DROP BOXES. 389 REBROADCAST), THE LADIES' BOOK OF ETIQUETTE, AND MANUAL OF POLITENESS. Some common synonyms of alleviate are allay, assuage, lighten, mitigate, and relieve. While all these words mean "to make something less grievous," alleviate implies temporary or partial lessening of pain or distress. See allay. What is alleviate? The Joker character is * but you can also press the "spacebar" for each unknown letter. assuage — If you assuage an unpleasant feeling that someone has, you make them feel it less strongly. to make easier to endure; lessen; mitigate: to alleviate sorrow; to alleviate pain. Search alleviate and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. While the synonyms allay and alleviate are close in meaning, allay implies an effective calming or soothing of fears or alarms. --Evelyn. Example Sentence. --Ray. Do You 'Pore Over' Something or 'Pour Over' It? Here you use the antonyms for alleviate. -- To Alleviate, Mitigate, Assuage, Allay. What made you want to look up alleviate? ates 1. [1913 Webster] 2. Alleviate derives from the past participle of Late Latin alleviare ("to lighten or relieve"), which in turn was formed by combining the prefix ad- and the adjective "levis," a Latin word meaning "light" or "having little weight." Old (But Not Entirely Forgotten) Office Terminology, The Word Of The Year For 2020 Is …. ease — freedom from labor, pain, or physical annoyance; tranquil rest; comfort: to enjoy one's ease. -- To lessen; diminish; soften; mitigate; assuage; abate; relieve; nullify; allay. 3 letter words AID - LAY - PAD 4 letter words Specifically, relieve implies a lifting of enough of a burden to make it tolerable. Synonyms Alleviate, Relieve, Mitigate, Assuage, Allay, diminish, soften, abate, qualify, reduce. Why Do “Left” And “Right” Mean Liberal And Conservative? 2021. The UN’s most important objective is to alleviate world poverty. alleviate. is more than 70,800 synonyms and 47,200 antonyms available. To make less intense or more bearable: a drug that alleviates cold symptoms. Definition: 1. to relieve or lessen; 2. to make easier Synonyms: mitigate, assuage, allay, lessen, lighten, relieve, ease Antonyms: aggravate, intensify, increase, augment Tips: Alleviate is derived from the Latin levis, "light." Post more words for alleviate to Facebook, Share more words for alleviate on Twitter. ates 1. More people than ever are paying attention to the county because of its role with public health and its vast reserves that many hoped could be deployed to, Steven Rogelberg has found some other small measures to, They require, and in many instances they merit, all that can be done to, I had no conception of sorrows she could not, Alas, it may be, she will impose on herself some rigid penance, in the hope that God may, There are compensating circumstances which should, reduce something, usually a pain or a problem, COVID-19 HAS LED TO A WORRISOME UPTICK IN THE USE OF ELECTRONIC ANKLE MONITORS. a : to make (something, such as pain or suffering) more bearable a drug that alleviates the symptoms using relaxation techniques to alleviate stress To draw customers, [Richard G.] Rosenberg became certified in pedorthics—an area that involves the design, make and modification of … Information and translations of alleviate in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on … [Obs.] ALLEVIATE - ATTENUATE - CONSTRAIN - DISBURDEN - EXTENUATE - MAKE LIGHT - POUR OIL ON - SOBER DOWN - UNBALLAST - UNDERPLAY - WATER DOWN 10 letter words AMELIORATE - ASSORTMENT - GIVE RELIEF 11 letter words Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. Where these words are applied to pain, etc., alleviate is to lighten somewhat, and especially in a soothing way; relieve and allay go further than alleviate, removing in large measure or altogether. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for ALLEVIATE We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word Alleviate will help you to finish your crossword today. To make less intense or more bearable: a drug that alleviates cold symptoms. The word "lol," short for laugh out loud, was added to in 2015. While all these words mean "to make something less grievous," alleviate implies temporary or partial lessening of pain or distress. Alleviate definition, to make easier to endure; lessen; mitigate: to alleviate sorrow; to alleviate pain. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! 1. Think of making a burden lighter. Synonyms, Antonyms, Derived Terms, Anagrams and senses of alleviate. These words have in common the idea of relief from some painful state; and being all figurative, they differ in their application, according to the image under which this idea is presented. WHY ARE THEY SO CONTROVERSIAL? Meaning and Definition of alleviate. The words relieve and alleviate are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Antonyms for alleviate. 'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'. past participle. alleviate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word alleviate. alleviate meaning. SYNONYMS FOR alleviate lighten , diminish , abate , relieve , assuage . Accessed 24 May. None of these alleged fixes simultaneously, By contrast, states that regularly conduct elections by mail have much more specific guidelines to, Below, Kessler and other grief experts, human resources executives, mental-health professionals, and physicians explain how employers can help their workers—and their companies—. ☑️ Synonyms of the word ALLEVIATE - 9 letters - Arrow words and crosswords The list of existing synonyms for the definition ALLEVIATE of arrow words and crosswords. Synonyms for alleviate in Free Thesaurus. the lotion alleviated the itching When would allay be a good substitute for alleviate? Syn. DEFINITIONS 1. Another word for alleviate: ease, reduce, relieve, moderate, smooth | Collins English Thesaurus Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? What does alleviate mean? While in some cases nearly identical to alleviate, lighten implies reducing a burdensome or depressing weight. to alleviate suffering; A number of measures were taken to alleviate the problem. Synonyms for alleviate include soothe, allay, assuage, diminish, dull, ease, mitigate, moderate, mollify and reduce. ("Levis" comes from the same ancient … alleviate | definition: provide physical relief, as from pain | synonyms: relieve, soothe, palliate, comfort, ease, better, improve, meliorate, ameliorate, amend, assuage| antonyms: irritate, worsen, enforce, regulate, restrict Definition German verb entschärfen (alleviate, …): die Vorrichtung zum Zünden bei Sprengkör… with definitions, prepositions, case, descriptions, explanations, synonyms … Find more similar words at! ‘Far from alleviating the problem, the farming of carnivorous fish, such as salmon, adds to the pressure on wild fish populations.’. However, mitigate suggests a moderating or countering of the effect of something violent or painful. alleviated. While "E" is the most commonly used English letter, more English words begin with the letter "S" than any other letter of the alphabet. To lighten or lessen the force or weight of. Synonyms for alleviates include soothes, allays, assuages, diminishes, dulls, eases, mitigates, moderates, mollifies and reduces. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. Synonyms: mitigate, ease , relieve , soothe , soften, lessen, reduce , diminish , mollify, help , subdue , assuage, allay, calm , lighten, cushion , attenuate, make sth lighter. ' Find 23 ways to say ALLEVIATE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. [1913 Webster] Should no others join capable to alleviate the expense. Definition of alleviate in the dictionary. Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). Synonyms for 'alleviate': relieve, ease, deaden, numb, soothe, palliate, kill, assuage In some situations, the words mitigate and alleviate are roughly equivalent. abate, allay, assuage, blunt, check, diminish, dull, ease, lessen, lighten, mitigate, moderate, mollify, palliate, quell, quench, quiet, reduce, relieve, slacken, slake, smooth, soften, soothe, subdue English Collins Dictionary - English synonyms & Thesaurus alleviated. The doctor has prescribed some drugs to alleviate the pain. Learn a new word every day. alleviate ' also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms …
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