In response to such threats and attacks, journalists increasingly practice self-censorship. After Qandeel’s murder, the parliament passed a law closing the pardon loophole  used by families to protect perpetrators. Several major parties and numerous smaller parties and independents compete in elections and are represented in the parliament and provincial legislatures. Is there academic freedom, and is the educational system free from extensive political indoctrination? In the fourth annual Human Freedom Index (HFI-2018), India ranks 110th out of 162 countries. In recent years, scholars have been somewhat more free to discuss sensitive issues involving the military. Are safeguards against official corruption strong and effective? However, senior judges periodically assert some independence from the military and government. World Report 2020 is Human Rights Watch’s 30th annual review of human rights practices around the globe. Factors determining personal freedom included movement, rule of law, security and safety, religious freedom, association, assembly and civil society, … However, the military is currently considered more powerful than the elected politicians and the judiciary has shown a willingness to engage in politically targeted accountability. However, they continue to face targeted violence as well as discrimination in housing and employment. In Baluchistan, local journalists are often caught between authorities who order them not to cover separatist rebel activity, and rebel groups that threaten them for siding with the government. education. Deescalation only occurred when Pakistan returned a captured pilot shot down by the Pakistan air force. Therefore, opposition parties have increasingly concluded that their most plausible route to power is by winning the backing of the unelected establishment rather than through a straight electoral contest. The critical television channel Geo also saw harassment by officials during the year. Nations that rank higher on this index have a higher education level, a higher lifespan, and a higher gross national income per capita than nations with a lower score. In practice, the agency censors content arbitrarily. Parliament passed a comprehensive transgender rights bill in 2018. In December it proposed restrictions on media reporting of “convicts and absconders,” to silence opposition politicians accused of corruption. In September, following the Indian government’s decision to revoke the constitutional autonomy of  Jammu and Kashmir state, and arrest Kashmiri leaders and cut off phones and the internet, Pakistan downgraded its diplomatic relations, expelled the Indian high commissioner, and sought international intervention with a Security Council discussion. Inheritance laws discriminate against women, and women are often denied their legal share of inherited property through social or familial pressure. Historically tense relations between Pakistan and India deteriorated further following a February suicide bomb attack on a convoy of security vehicles in Pulwama in Jammu and Kashmir. In 2019, the PML-N and PPP, both former governing parties, were profoundly disrupted by a barrage of cases brought against their first- and second-rank leaders, as well as against party activists who tried to support them. The vaccination campaign resumed after the government launched an awareness campaign and asked social media platforms to remove anti-vaccine content. Human Rights Commission of Pakistan. Cases brought by the government included corruption, alleged breach of media regulations, and participation in unauthorized demonstrations. The WJP’s Rule of Law Index (RLI) 2020 reflects that Pakistan secured 0.39 score and placed the country on 120th position in the world ranking. HDI is ranked on a scale from 0 to 1.0, with 1.0 being the highest human … Scores of civilians were killed in attacks by the Pakistani Taliban, Al Qaeda, and other armed groups. Ahmadis, members of a heterodox Muslim sect, face political discrimination and are registered on a separate voter roll. Pakistan has, over the past two decades, boasted a relatively vibrant media sector that presents a range of news and opinions. Prime Minister Khan visited the United States, the country’s largest development and military donor, in July, during which he pledged to facilitate the Afghan peace process. Other, ongoing problems include lower rates of voter registration among women, a requirement that members of the Ahmadi religious minority register as non-Muslims despite considering themselves Muslims, and vague moral requirements for candidate nomination. In the KidsRights Index 2020, Iceland ranks first as the country where children’s rights are best guaranteed, followed by Switzerland and Finland. Numerous restrictions imposed by PEMRA in 2019 appeared arbitrary, such as a temporary ban on three television news channels after they covered a PML-N rally. Child sexual abuse remains common. In the Senate, each provincial assembly chooses 23 members, National Assembly members representing the former Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) elect 8, and 4 are chosen by the National Assembly to represent the Islamabad capital territory. As of January 2019, just 74 of 141 international NGOs that had submitted a registration application since 2015 had been approved. These included Tehreek-e-Labaik Pakistan (TLP) and Allah-o-Akbar Tehreek (AAT). Was the current head of government or other chief national authority elected through free and fair elections? Pakistan was ranked 154th among 189 countries on UN’s Human Development Index (HDI) 2020 rankings. The law marked the first time that Pakistan recognized the right of women agricultural workers to unionize. The Tehrik-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Al Qaeda, and their affiliates carried out suicide bombings and other indiscriminate attacks against security personnel that caused hundreds of civilian deaths and injuries during the year. His family claimed Ayubi, who had a mental health condition, had been tortured to death by the police. The military has asserted primacy on relations with India, Afghanistan, China, and the United States, as well as on counterterrorism policy within Pakistan. In the Human Development Index, Sri Lanka was ranked 72, the best among the eight south Asian countries. The TTP claimed responsibility for all the attacks. Senators serve six-year terms, with half of the seats up for election every three years. Cambodia 5,12. The score can be interpreted as a the percentage of SDG achievement. The Security Council held a closed-door discussion on the issue at the request of Pakistan and the backing of China. 2020 Human Development Index Ranking; Timeline of launch events; Looking Back: HDR 2020 Preparation Process; Acknowledgements; Media Package; List of Errors and Corrections; Contact Us; HDR 2019 web microsite (archive) 2018 Statistical Update web microsite (archive) HDR 2016 web microsite (archive) HDR 2015 web microsite (archive) Access to certain areas is prohibited by the military, impeding coverage of issues there. These include the prohibition on torture or other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment and the rights not to be subjected to arbitrary detention; disappearance or clandestine … The opposition Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) were profoundly disrupted by the barrage of cases brought against their leaders, as well as against party activists who tried to support them. There were 370 people killed in terrorist incidents during the year, according to the South Asia Terrorism Portal (SATP), compared with 694 in 2018 and a peak of over 11,700 in 2009. A multiyear decline in terrorist violence continued in 2019, with 370 people killed in terrorist incidents during the year according to the South Asia Terrorism Portal (SATP), compared with 697 in 2018 and a peak of over 11,700 in 2009. poverty. The provisions of Pakistan’s penal code, which perpetuate discrimination against the Ahmadis, a religious minority, remain unchanged. Opposition parties also continue to hold power or significant shares of assembly seats at the provincial level. Are individuals free to express their personal views on political or other sensitive topics without fear of surveillance or retribution? The Country Reports on Human Rights Practices cover internationally recognized civil and political rights, including those set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as worker rights. Nevertheless, terrorist attacks continue. According to local groups, at least 65 transgender women have been killed in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province since 2015. Members of the Pashtun Tahhaffuz Movement (PTM) held protests demanding accountability for extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances. indicators. Voter turnout was 52 percent. On April 30, two unidentified assailants killed a female polio worker in Chaman, Balochistan. Access to due process increased in the former Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), which in 2018 were absorbed into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) Province. In July, police in Sahiwal district, Punjab, found the bodies of two transgender women who had been tortured to death. In 2019, for example, the Supreme Court ruled that the Army Chief of Staff’s tenure could initially only be extended for six months, in a move viewed as subjecting the army to the rule of law. However, the participation of non-Muslims in the political system continues to be marginal. However, the broad and poorly defined censorship mandate of the PTA also includes preventing the maligning of the “state, judiciary or armed forces,” and it claims to have blocked 900,000 sites on those grounds as of September 2019. They also carried out unlawful attacks targeting civilians. These included corruption, contempt-of-court, and terrorism charges against PML-N leaders and candidates, and their politicized adjudication. However, established parties maintain patronage networks and other advantages of incumbency that hamper competition in their respective provincial strongholds. Human Development Index is scored using indicators including expectancy, per capita income, and education. Do individuals enjoy personal social freedoms, including choice of marriage partner and size of family, protection from domestic violence, and control over appearance? In July, the Supreme Court of Pakistan held that in cases of acid attacks, a mercy petition filed by the victim forgiving the perpetrator cannot be allowed because it constitutes “extreme cruelty.”. For personal freedom, India was ranked 112th and 96th for economic freedom. At least 511 individuals have been executed since Pakistan lifted the moratorium on death penalty in December 2014. The constitution guarantees the right to assemble peacefully, though the government can harness legal provisions to arbitrarily ban gatherings or any activity designated a threat to public order. There have been some moves to boost government transparency through the passing of Right to Information laws at provincial and federal level; these have been passed in KPK, Punjab, and Sindh. Is there a realistic opportunity for the opposition to increase its support or gain power through elections? Corruption Perceptions Index 2020: Research analysis. Bonded labor was formally abolished in 1992, and there have been long-standing efforts to enforce the ban and related laws against child labor. However, the ECP proved unable to counteract efforts by elements of the judicial and military establishment and their allies to manipulate the campaign environment. While there are numerous formal safeguards against official corruption, it is endemic in practice, and the use of accountability mechanisms is often selective and politically driven. Click on a … The Islamabad High Court (IHC) found in September, for example, that the PTA closed down the website of a leftist party during the 2018 election campaign without justification. Authorities are also believed to rely on “troll farms,” which are directed to harass out-of-line commentators. The main tool for restricting foreign travel is the Exit Control List (ECL), which blocks named individuals from using official exit points from the country. Hindus have complained of vulnerability to kidnapping and forced conversions, and some continue to migrate to India. The rights of workers to organize and form trade unions are recognized in law, and the constitution grants unions the rights to collective bargaining and to strike. They spent much of the year in court, in jail, or in court-authorized medical treatment. Lesotho 4,88. About Ranking Digital Rights; The Challenge; Our Work; Our Principles; Our Theory of Change; Our Impact; Our Strategic Priorities; Contact; Donate; News. This prompted an increase in artillery exchanges and firing between the Pakistan and Indian armies. Pakistan and China deepened extensive economic and political ties in 2019, and work continued on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, a project consisting of construction of roads, railways, and energy pipelines. The procedures that need to be followed for a strike to be legal are onerous. They were formally released from bondage by a court order in June. Organizations are subject to intrusive registration requirements and vetting by military intelligence. During 2019, the highest-profile role of the judiciary concerned the ongoing corruption cases against Nawaz Sharif and other senior PML-N and PPP opposition politicians; since 2017, these cases have effectively sidelined the top leadership of both main opposition parties. In response, India launched air-strikes across the Line of Control and international border, against an alleged terrorist facility in Balakot, in KBK. On April 23 and April 24, police officers protecting polio workers were gunned down in Khyber Pakhtukhwa. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try … Other segments of the population that suffer legal or de facto discrimination and violence include ethnic and religious minorities, Afghan refugees, and LGBT+ people. CPI 2020: Americas. On January 19, the police in Sahiwal district, Punjab killed four members of a single family including a teenage girl in an operation police claimed was targeting a militant leader. Punjab police ordered an inquiry. Amid the economic impact of the pandemic, there was a surge in charity drives to help support those who had lost their livelihoods. Think tanks, civil society organizations, and universities all contribute to lively debate on many aspects of public policy. Is there freedom for trade unions and similar professional or labor organizations? Read the full explanation of the Gender Inequality Index (GII) View the GII Frequently asked questions. Around the world. On July 21, nine people including six policemen were killed in two attacks in Dera Ismail Khan district, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. The judiciary is politicized and has a history of involvement in the power struggles between the military, the civilian government, and opposition politicians, and has often issued rulings aligned with the priorities of the military. In principle, Pakistan’s constitution, legal system, and social and religious values all guarantee private property and free enterprise. Gradual social change has also eroded the power of wealthy landowning families involved in such exploitation. Election observer missions in 2018 acknowledged that the formal electoral framework and its implementation complied with international standards. In recent years, the military has reasserted its role as the political arbiter—more powerful than either the judiciary or the elected government—that sets the constraints within which civilian politics play out. In August, the district administration in Lahore sealed an Ahmadiyya prayer center after the local clerics objected to Ahmadis being allowed to pray openly. Since July 2020, the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has maintained the policy rate at 7.0 percent to support the economy. However, these protections are not strongly enforced. The Sindh provincial cabinet approved a new law in August providing the right of women agricultural workers to have a written contract, minimum wage, welfare benefits, and gender parity in wages. The police and army also continued to disrupt PTM public events around the country. The death penalty is mandatory for blasphemy, and 40 people remained on death row at time of writing. Another notable feature of the elections was the participation of parties and candidates linked to active Islamist militant groups. Polling was orderly and generally took place according to the electoral law, though serious technical difficulties with the Result Transmission System resulted in delays in results reporting. Washington, DC 20036. On July 9, the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) blocked three television news channels—Capital TV, 24 News HD, and Abbtakk News Network—after they broadcast speeches of opposition leaders. The current government has continued a crackdown on nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), both domestic and foreign, that was initiated by its predecessor in 2015. Attacks against the Hazara minority in Quetta took place once again in 2019, and included an April suicide bombing of a vegetable market that killed 20 people. However, only KPK has activated the Information Commission required by the legislation as a watchdog to ensure that government departments fulfil their obligations to respond to information requests. Global freedom statuses are calculated on a weighted scale. Women face discrimination in employment despite legal protections, and they are placed at a disadvantage under personal status laws. Women are also subject to a number of harmful traditional practices and societal abuses, the perpetrators of which often enjoy impunity. The government also sought to extend its powers to control the media. Imran Khan became prime minister in August 2018 after the PTI emerged from the general elections as the largest party. Transgender and intersex people are authorized to register for official documents under a “third gender” classification recognized by the Supreme Court since 2009, and some transgender people were recognized in the 2017 census. Shopping. On July 1, PEMRA terminated a live interview with former President Asif Ali Zardari on GEO TV shortly after it began. The number of pending cases of people registered as missing since 2011 by the official Commission of Inquiry on Enforced Disappearances rose to 6,506 during 2019, of which 4,365 cases had reportedly been resolved by the end of the year. However, Indo-Pakistan relations deteriorated again in August in the wake of Indian withdrawal of the special constitutional status of Jammu and Kashmir. Political parties nominate members to the legislative seats reserved for non-Muslim minorities, leaving non-Muslim voters with little say in the selection of their supposed representatives. A joint electorate system allows members of non-Muslim minorities to participate in the general vote while also being represented by reserved seats in the national and provincial assemblies through the party-list system. A number of candidates in the 2018 election campaign had links with extremist groups that had advocated or carried out acts of violence, further contributing to a sense of unease among many voters. Significant human rights issues included: unlawful or arbitrary killings by the government or its agents, including extrajudicial killings; forced disappearance; torture; arbitrary detention; arbitrary or unlawful government interference with privacy; the worst forms of restrictions on free expression, the press, and the internet, including violence against journalists, censorship, and site blocking; substantial government interference with the rights … However, traditional practices in much of the country subject individuals to social control over personal behavior, and especially choice of marriage partner. EN; AR; CPI 2020: Sub-Saharan Africa . Download Excel Download PDF. Emergency Assistance and Thematic Programs. In the run-up to the polls, observers documented concerted efforts by elements of the country’s military and judicial establishment to hamper the PML-N in order to increase the chances that Khan would attain a parliamentary majority. After months in hiding, Ismail fled to the US, where she sought asylum. The penal code prescribes prison terms for consensual sex “against the order of nature,” deterring LGBT+ people from acknowledging their identity or reporting abuses. Each accused the other of initiating the clash at a military checkpoint at Khar Kamar. In 2019, the NAB pursued numerous corruption investigations against senior figures in the opposition PML-N and PPP.
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