In the United States, Buffalo grass is called St Augustine. While fescue is drought tolerant and germinates fast, it will still need regular watering initially at least until it becomes established. While centipede grass doesnt grow well in shady areas, its surprisingly more cold-tolerant than St. Augustine grass. Carpet grass is also known as mat grass and has a creeping, stoloniferous growth habit. Whilst this grass is not among the MOST invasive of the grasses, it does have some invasive attributes. While St Augustine can also survive in hot weather, it is a better choice for people who live near the ocean or in other areas where there is a lot of salt in the air as this particular type of grass is salt-tolerant. For example, some homeowners may choose an ornamental grass species for their yard to help promote biodiversity in their yards. Watering Photo: Jennifer Smith / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images. St. Augustine grass thrives in full sun and shade, making it suitable for yards with varying levels of sunlight. However, if you dont mind putting in a bit of extra effort, St Augustine is a tough and durable grass that can withstand a lot of wear and tear. St Augustine is very coarse and unpleasant in texture. Because it acts like a warm-season grass, its peak growth is during the heat of summer and goes dormant in the spring and fall. It should be able to survive in areas receiving as little as 40% sunlight, or around 3 hours per day. Types of Gardening Tools The Essential Guide to What You Need in Your Shed! St. Augustine grass should be mowed at the highest setting. They have an excellent drought tolerance, so they dont require frequent watering, largely thanks to the deep root system that can access underground moisture. Doesnt tolerate sand. The grass is known for its rich, bluish-green tint, which is most prominent during the warmer seasons. Check for pests and diseases regularly. Its like comparing chalk and cheese. Zoysia and Buffalo grass are two of the most popular grasses used for both small and large scale lawns. Feb 17, 2023, Is Kurapia Ground Cover Pet-Friendly? Enter a zip below and get matched to top-rated pros near you. The benefit of Kikuyu is that it will be able to repair damage much faster. Overall, the choice between Buffalo grass and St. Augustine grass will depend on the specific climate, soil conditions, immediate conditions, and desired outcomes (i.e. Buffalo grass can be grown by seed or sod. And with the grass being susceptible to bugs, you might need to apply a compatible pesticide to prevent any problems from breaking out. How to Make Grass Thicker, Greener and Fuller The Essential Guide. Its hardy in cold climates, so it can survive even brutal winters-but it doesnt die back completely; instead, it goes dormant until warmer weather returns. However, it will always come back in the springtime, as long as you take care of it. Types of Weed Killers How to Choose the Right One. I look forward to hearing your experience with these grass species as well as which one you thought won the debate! Check out this article when fescue goes up against zoysia which is known as a more invasive grass species to really see a difference with temperament. It even has a disease named after it, St Augustine Decline. Look out for yellowing grass spots in St. Augustine that could mean an iron deficiency. Although, neither of these types of grass is known for being particularly weed-attracting. Obviously, youll never find that one turf that suits all circumstances, and that goes for Bahia grass and St. Augustine alike. St Augustine will be less prone to weeds in these early stages as youre starting either from plugs or sod. St Augustine is not drought hardy at all and needs more than an inch of water per week. Regardless, youll need the right equipment to cater for any lawn, and you should take a look at this article on the best lawn-care tools to get started. Zoysia grass costs twice the price of St. Augustine grass on average and it has thinner blades and a deeper green appearance. Centipede grass requires at least six hours of full sun, while St. Augustine grass needs at least four hours of full sunlight, but it can handle more. Centipede grass costs around $0.80 per square foot or $365 per pallet. Quick tip: Take a look at this article for some top tips on how to properly mow your lawn. A lackluster, patchy yard can make for an eyesore. This is largely due to the fact that it doesnt do well on its own in full sun. When it comes to lawns, people have very strong opinions on what makes a great lawn, and what it takes to make a lawn thrive. In this blog post, we will compare and contrast Buffalo Grass vs St Augustine so that you can make an informed decision about which type of grass is best for your needs! St. Augustine, or Buffalo grass, is known for its coarse texture and density which create a bounce when walked on. Both of these types of grass have their pros and cons, so it can be difficult to decide which one is right for you. St Augustine is a type of warm-season grass that is native to Africa and Asia. Buffalo Grass should be kept taller at 3 to 4 inches or even left at its maximum height of 6 inches. Pros and Cons of Dethatching Your Lawn (The Ultimate Guide). It cannot grow in sandy soils. Commonly known as soft leaf buffalo in Australia. Too much fertilizer can damage Buffalo Grass and encourage weeds. When it comes to soil, these grasses are complete opposites. For example, if the weather is particularly cold or dry, the grass may turn brown and stop growing. St. Augustine Grass, Centipede Grass / By Joe Bethel. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. When it is first laid, it is important that it is watered steadily for up to a week as this will create the foundation in which the roots can grow, after that this grass is pretty good in surviving with little water as it is great at retaining when it does get! This is because it grows quickly and will need to be mowed more often. St. Augustine is very popular due to its vibrant and fresh color that can last for months. Centipedegrass does not have a dormant season, so it will stay a bright, yellow-green year-round. Fine fescue isnt a particularly aggressive species, and it plays well with others. Mowing height: 3 to 4 inches. And while they germinate quickly, and youll see new grass blades in as little as two weeks, it doesnt grow so fast as youll be mowing the lawn every couple of days (which you shouldnt be doing anyway). In Australia, the most common varieties include. They both spread by stolons and form a thick mat of turfgrass. St. Augustine grass and Bahia grass are two warm-season turf grasses that both grow well in warm and sunny conditions. taking 14 to 30 days to germinate from seed, other warm-season grasses that like shade, drought-hardy, meaning it can survive extended dry periods. This makes buffalo grass a good choice for people who live in areas with harsh winters because they wont have to worry about their lawn dying back or being covered with snow all winter long. While both spread to create new blades of grass, rhizomes are underground while stolons are above ground. If there are any weeds growing in between patches of dead Buffalo Grass then pull them out as soon as possible using some gloves. Heres what you need to know about the great grass debate between buffalo grass vs St. Augustine grass. As covered previously, this kind of grass is a perennial, meaning that it will come back every year. However, it will dominate if its optimum conditions are met, while other grasses needs arent being fulfilled but the same can be said for almost all grass types. Additionally, this kind of grass is a good choice for people who live near the ocean or in other hot, humid climates. The best and most appealing part of this grass is its low management requirements! However, in colder areas, it is possible for the grass to die off and stop growing. As one of the few native North American grasses, Buffalo Grass is becoming more popular as a turfgrass, as its uniquely suited to growing in areas with low rainfall and frequent droughts. The stolons are a dark reddish/brown colour and spread flat along the surface of the soil, as you can see clearly in the below video. Though St. Augustine grass can also experience damage from foot traffic, it has a higher resistance to wear and tear. This means that youll have to mow your lawn less often if you choose buffalo over st Augustine. St. Augustine grass is a thickly-growing grass species that creates a lush, inviting landscape. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Most visually attractive: Centipede grass. This is mostly attributed due to the fact that it spreads from stolons only, where as majority of grasses are assisted through growing with rhizomes too. Just as St. Augustine, the most strategic way to combat unwanted grasses is to treat your lawn before it becomes an issue - first with a pre-emergent herbicide in the spring, then again in the fall. It requires at least 6 hours of sunlight each day to prevent it from dying. In fact, some grass species might be even better for your yard, depending on your personal preferences or region. It is recommended that you seek appropriate professional advice regarding your individual circumstances. This broad-bladed, medium-green turf grass thrives in sunny locations . However, it doesnt come with the problems associated with invasive grasses like Kikuyu. Not to be confused with buffalo grass, St. Augustine grass now grows across the world in sunny, coastal regions like Africa and Australia, where its also called buffalo turf and buffalo grass., High traffic may cause dead, brown patches, Knowing your grass is the key to keeping it green. Buffalo Grass has finely textured, rolled, green or blue-green color leaves with pointed blades that bow over when left to grow long (growing a max of 6 inches). This is because it grows more densely, which makes it harder for weeds to take root. Key Differences Between Bahia Grass and St. Augustine Grass, Characteristics, Growing Conditions and Appearance, Planting and Caring for St. Augustine Grass. However, remember that maintenance costs for St. Augustine grass may lead you to spend more in the long run than centipede grass. And once it does, youll be able to enjoy all the benefits that this low-maintenance type of grass has to offer. Additionally, the roots of Buffalo grass grow deep into the ground, making it harder for weeds to compete for resources. It is not recommended you use herbicides anywhere near fine fescue as they wont be able to handle them well. But as other grasses have become more popular, people have realized that St Augustine comes with a long roster of problems. If you have a lot of space to fill and need your lawn to grow fast, then buffalo is definitely a great option for you. St. Augustine grass, or carpetgrass, is a popular warm-season grass that grows across subtropical states in the southern U.S, ranging from North Carolina to Florida and across to coastal regions of Texas. Low. Its great for gardens exposed to full sunlight and restricted water accessibility due to its extensive roots that grow deep into the soil. Feb 17, 2023, Weeds and Grass Safe Lawn Care Guide Perhaps the main reasons its so popular is that it germinates quickly and has a very high shade tolerance. Welcome to Sod and Seed, Inc. where today we will be going over two popular types of sod grass, Buffalo Grass vs. St. Augustine, what's the difference? Will Fescue grass take over St Augustine? As I said above, the soil type is not a massive factor that dictates the health of this grass as it is really great in a variety of habitats, on top of this, this lawn is pretty much self-sustaining in that it is very low maintenance: needing mowing once a week or even two weeks with a rotary mower if possible (read more about the best lawn mowers for your needs), and fertilization is only needed once a month in spring and summer, its peak growing period. St Augustine is a full-fledged warm-season grass that can only thrive in subtropical areas (USDA Zone 9 and 10). Most of us love long hot summers, where we can get our vitamin D fix, and enjoy barbecue and pool season to the max.I wish I could say the same for our lawns.Blazing sun, coupled with little Dormant Grass vs Dead Grass How to Tell the Difference & What to Do? But in colder areas, the grass may turn brown during the winter months. If youre looking for grass that looks freshly cut and dont mind mowing more often, St Augustine may be a better option for you. Fescue doesnt need to be mowed that often, and given that you should be aiming to take no more than third of the blade tip each time, I would recommend waiting until the fescue is between 3-3 3/4 inches before breaking out the mower. St. Augustine will need the application of a suitable fertilizer, and if the soil has a higher pH, then iron supplements might need to be applied. Most fescue types look very similar, and theyre often hard to tell apart. It wasn't until the mid-20th century and the cultivar Kentucky 31 that horticulturists and landscapers began to recognise its inherent advantages as a lawn grass. And until next time, I wish you the very best of luck with your lawns! Whenever looking up information, make sure that it references the right scientific name and which country the info comes from. It typically needs double the amount of water that youd give a Bermuda lawn. Dethatching may need to be done once or twice a year. Buffalo Grass just doesnt grow as thick and if you dont need to fertilize it, theres no nitrogen spikes exacerbating thatch. That being said, depending on the grass, some properties stand out more than others. Check that your soil PH levels are correct. I write about everything about lawn care and gardening and the dread-it-but-still-need-to-do-it chores around the yard, like cleaning out the gutter guards. St. Augustine grass costs around $0.55 per square foot or $250 per pallet. However, they grow long, reaching anywhere between 8 and 20 inches. Pesticides are not normally required, although you should take care in high moisture areas and ensure you have adequate drainage. Sod delivery fresh from the farm 1-800-381-8163, Posted by Razy Garcia-Sanchez on Jan 13, 2023. This makes it a versatile grass, but theres other warm-season grasses that like shade without so many drawbacks. Buffalo grasses only have above-ground runners (stolons). I like to think of myself as the Bond of the backyard, that is if yard work ever became sexy. Emerald is a fine-bladed selection that is very attractive. Sitemap | About Us | Affiliate Disclosure | Contact Me | Privacy Policy. If none fits your needs dont worry. Here you have two, completely different grass species for growing in completely different grass seasons. If you shop through the links on YardThyme, we may earn an affiliate's commission from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you. #514-1231 Pacific Blvd So, if youre trying to decide which one is best for your lawn, its important to take the time to learn about the key differences between these two options. No. St. Augustine grass can withstand drought conditions for up to six weeks before it begins to die, making it better for conserving water compared to centipede grass, which tends to die after two to three weeks without water. Phone: St Augustine thrives in warm coastal regions, like Florida and along the southern coast of the United States. These pesky plants can quickly take over our lawns if were not careful. Buffalo grass is a good choice for people who live in hot, dry climates. It is one of the most common varieties of grass in Australia, but understanding how to identify Buffalo grass can be difficult for beginners. How do you tell the difference between Buffalo and Kikuyu grass? (+ Pros & Cons). USDA hardiness zones: 7 to 12. Since Seville can survive and endure in lawn areas with only 6 to 7 hours of sunshine, it is considered a favored choice among landscapers for moderately shaded lawns. However, certain insects and diseases can also cause Buffalo grass to go dormant. Note: Don't use a corn meal pre-emergent for weeds in a season you are trying to germinate clover seed. This also means that they have different appearances. For example, you can mow your lawn a bit shorter than usual and fertilize it with a high-nitrogen fertilizer. Like Buffalo grass, St Augustine is a perennial grass, which means that it will come back every year. Bahia and St. Augustine are great, but what do you think; which one is better? This guide will cover all the ins and outs of common Buffalo grass identification. The downside is that St. Augustine grass does thrive better in shady areas and will wear down in areas that are heavily frequented by children or pets. Medium. Hi, I'm William K, an avid gardener, and outdoor enthusiast. Both of these grasses have their pros and cons, so its important to weigh all of your options before making a decision. Other homeowners might choose zoysia grass for its attractive emerald green appearance or bermuda grass for its disease resistance. Will Buffalo Grass Overtake a St Augustine Lawn? Plan to water a new fescue-based lawn two to three times a day, for around five minutes at a time. How to Identify Kikuyu Grass (Australian Guide), The Best Lawn Fertiliser for Kikuyu, Couch, and Buffalo, What is Sir Walter Buffalo Grass? But here are the main differences between fescue and St. Augustine: However, both grasses do have an excellent shade tolerance, with fescue being the best out of any lawn grass species, and St. Augustine being the best of the warm season grasses. You can feel free to wait until the grass reaches up to 4 1/2 inches before giving it a trim, and whatever you do dont cut it down any lower than 2 1/2 inches. The main difference between Bahia grass and St. Augustine grass is the color and shape of leaves. They . Propagation of St. Augustine is through stolons, plugs or sods and when in its early establishment around 7 to 10 days after planting it does require some help in terms of care and maintenance, however, once it have matured and created stability in the soil, it can spread and propagate via its stolons on its own. Types of Grass in Australia: Complete Lawn Guide, Dwarf Lemon Trees: Eureka vs Lisbon vs Meyer, How to Block the Neighbours View of Your Backyard. For more information, read full disclosure here. Best Lawn Care Tools for Beginners (What You Need and How to Use Them). Centipede grass costs around $0.80 per square foot or $365 per pallet. Consider your budget, the amount of maintenance youre willing to do, and the climate you live in before choosing which one is right for you. Of all the warm-season grasses, St. Augustine tops the charts as the most shade-tolerant grass. Its unique blue-green shade is an attraction to those who want a fresh and healthy looking lawn for long periods of time, but in winter this grass does have the risk of running into a certain level of dormancy when growth slows down, and the grass color fades. That means It needs a whole day of sunlight. If you love Buffalo grass, youll be happy to know that there are many varieties. This grass is native to southeastern and central parts of the U.S. and Central America. We are reader-supported and may receive a commission on purchases made through links on this page. These blades contain seed-heads that drop and propagate themselves, causing this grass to have an invasive aspect if left unmaintained. They are relatively thin, with - inch wide blades. Buffalo grass is also adaptable to coastal regions as it has good tolerance to salinity. Many homeowners love its versatility, saying that when well maintained, it does not attract weeds or pests as other grasses can. St. Augustine is a perennial warm season grass found natively in South and North America as well as in the Caribbean, too. Is Buffalo Grass the Same as St Augustine? It can tolerate broad pH ranges, from inland acidic soils to coastal high pH soils. However, these grasses are both pretty top-notch and depending on what youre looking for in a grass these can both offer some great advantages. Approximately 1/2 inch of water at least twice a week is required. Buffalo Grass or St Augustine: What is Better? Bahia grass can suffocate weeds due to its thick carpeted texture. The truth is that both types of grasses can be susceptible to weeds. Drought tolerant. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Once it has taken hold, you can cut that right back and let nature do her thing. Buffalo grass is a type of warm-season grass that is native to North America. Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. Centipede grass lawns should be mown very short, down to 1", and will need to be mown infrequently. Proper maintenance will aid in curbing its invasive behavior through proper watering techniques, to regular mowing. We are a participant in the Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. If anything its going to be the other way around, as St Augustine is the more aggressive of the two. This allows it to be aggressive in its environment as some plant species arent able to cultivate once Bahia grass has established itself. We hope to hear from you soon! Other than that, caring for St. Augustine grass is pretty straight forward and doesnt require a lot of effort. Centipedegrass requires minimal fertilizer and generally does not require pesticides, as it is not prone to pests or disease. Wide blades reaching anywhere between 8 and 20 inches sunlight each day to prevent any problems from breaking.... Certain insects and diseases can also experience damage from foot traffic, it does have some attributes... Zone 9 and 10 ) comes from and tear $ 0.55 per square foot or $ 250 per pallet than. Which means that it will come back in the springtime, as long you... Your lawns to make grass Thicker, Greener and Fuller the Essential Guide to What you need in your!. To three times a day, for around five minutes at a time into the ground making... 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