The Bohemian rebels established a provisional government, invaded Upper Austria, and sought assistance from the Habsburgs' opponents. [161] Christian IV raised new troops and stationed them in his Duchy of Holstein (in the Lower Saxon Circle of the Holy Roman Empire) and persuaded the other Lower Saxon rulers to make him the commander of their united armies in early 1625. Ausztria csszra, Magyarorszg kirlya (1618-1637) , Csehorszg (1617-1637) kirlya, nmet-rmai csszr (1619-1637), Neveltetst nagyban meghatrozta a katolikus hagyomnyok tvtele s a szigor udvari protokoll kell elsajttsa. The Swedish army was substantially weakened, and the fear that the power of the Habsburgs would become overwhelming caused France, led by Louis XIII of France and Cardinal Richelieu, to enter the war on the Protestant side. [115] The news about [157] Valerianus Magnus, the head of the Capuchins in Bohemia, and the Holy See supported Harrach, but Ferdinand did not relent. Die Offiziere Gallas, inzwischen Generalleutnant, Piccolomini und Aldringen wurden mit der Exekution oder Gefangennahme beauftragt, unternahmen jedoch einige Wochen lang nichts Konkretes, auer dass sie ihre Informationen an die ihnen zuverlssig erscheinenden Truppenkommandanten weitergaben (wesentlicher Grund fr das lange Zgern war vermutlich, dass Wallensteins Anhngerschaft bei seinen Soldaten noch zu gro war).,_Holy_Roman_Emperor. [167] Bethlen promised to launch a new military campaign against Royal Hungary and Richelieu agreed to send a subsidy to him. 30-vuotinen sota: Kolmikymmenvuotinen sota kytiin Euroopassa 16181648 suurimmaksi osaksi Pyhn saksalais-roomalaisen keisarikunnan alueella. Archduchess Maria Amalia (1746-1804) Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II (1747-1792) Archduchess Maria Caroline (stillborn 1748)., The Catholic Encyclopedia - Biography of Ferdinand II. Free shipping for many products! Archduke Charles Joseph (1745-1761). FERDINAND II, HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR Reigned from 1619 to 1637; b. Graz, Styria, July 9, 1578; d. Vienna, Feb. 15, 1637. [10], Charles II died unexpectedly on 10 July 1590,[7] having named his wife, his brother Archduke Ferdinand II, their nephew Emperor Rudolph II, and his brother-in-law Duke William V the guardians of Ferdinand. As earlier agreed, Ferdinand succeeded him on the throne. [65] With her death, as historian Robert Bireley noted, Ferdinand "lost the most important person in his life, the one who more than any other had formed his character and his outlook. [5][6], Ferdinand's education was managed primarily by his mother. He was also the Archduke of Styria (Inner Austria) from 15901637, King of Bohemia from 1617-1619 and again from 1620-1637, as well as King of Hungary from 1618-1625. 1 2 3 4 -9 1578 , , , , . Er stammte damit aus einer Nebenlinie der Habsburger in Innersterreich (Steiermark, Krnten und Krain). [109] He gave the booty to Ferdinand, but the king returned it to the Moravian Estates. Sodan laajetessa siihen liittyi vallanhaluisten ruhtinaiden ja maiden, etenkin Ruotsin ja Ranskan, pyrkimys rajoittaa Habsburg-suvun hallitseman keisarikunnan valtaa. On May 22, 1618, two royal (Catholic) officials in Prague were thrown out a castle window by Bohemian Protestants (the Defenestration of Prague). [148] Ferdinand had to yield, but assured Maximilian that he had not abandoned their original plan. [107] Mansfeld and his mercenaries captured Plze, which was an important center of the Bohemian Catholics, and the rebels made raids into Lower Austria. At the electoral convention of Regensburg in 1636, he secured the election of his son, Ferdinand III, as king of the Romans, which prepared the way for his succession as Holy Roman emperor. [30] Ferdinand's mother and Jesuit confessor urged him to take vigorous measures. [141] The liberal issue of the new currency caused "the western's worlds first financial crisis",[142] featured by inflation, famine and other symptoms of economic and social disruption. [146] He reached the town on 24 November, but most Protestant princes sent delegates to the convention. [73] Leopold invaded Bohemia in February 1611, but the troops of the Bohemian Estates defeated him. [54] The resulting agreement was included in the Treaty of Vienna, which granted religious freedom to Hungarian Protestants and prescribed the election of a palatine (or royal deputy) in Hungary on 23 June 1606. He was also the last governor of the Spanish Netherlands and Duke of Luxembourg. Answer and Explanation: Dennoch hatte er ganz Deutschland seiner Gewalt unterworfen, und er erlie nicht nur, um den Protestantismus gnzlich zu vernichten, am 6. [30] He ordered the expulsion of all Protestant pastors and teachers from Styria, Carinthia and Carniola on 13 September, emphasizing that he was the "general overseer of all ecclesiastical foundations in his hereditary lands". Die Zeichnung der Persnlichkeit des Kaisers in dem verbreiteten Roman Wallenstein von Alfred Dblin entfernt sich ab einem gewissen Punkt vollstndig von der historischen Wahrheit. [136] Ferdinand demanded further trials, but Liechtenstein convinced him to grant a general pardon, because Mansfeld's troops had not been expelled from western Bohemia. Educated by the Jesuits, he became King of Hungary in 1625, King of Bohemia in 1627 and Archduke of Austria in 1621. [118] Maximilian became the head of a renewed Catholic League and Ferdinand promised to compensate him for the costs of the war. . [148] They only agreed to bestow the title on Maximilian personally. [33] Due to his firm actions, no riots broke out when the leaders of the Protestant community left Graz on 29 September. August in Frankfurt zum Kaiser gewhlt. Former Director, Upper Austrian Provincial Archives, Linz. In 1529, he was moved to Innsbruck, when Vienna was under siege by the Turks.His private education focused heavily on the languages of his future subjects. etc. The campaigning of 1633 was indecisive, partly because Wallenstein was negotiating with the enemy, thinking that the army would be loyal to him, rather than Ferdinand, and follow him if he switched sides. [58] Ferdinand urged both parties to respect the Religious Peace, but without much success. - . Despite the successes of Wallenstein, many of Ferdinand's advisors saw a genuine political threat in the general, citing his growing influence, his increasing number of estates and titles, as well as his extortionate methods of raising funds for his army. Swedish strength was greatly weakened, but France entered the war on the side of the Protestants out of fear of Habsburg domination. Ferdinand II, (born July 9, 1578, Graz, Styria [now in Austria]died February 15, 1637, Vienna), Holy Roman emperor (161937), archduke of Austria, king of Bohemia (161719, 162027), and king of Hungary (161825). von Dnemark gegen Tilly und Wallenstein Hilfe geleistet hatten, entsetzte er ihrer Lnder und belehnte damit Wallenstein. He opposed the expulsion of *Prague Jewry in 1541, permitting the Jew Hermann to print Hebrew books there and punished the ringleaders of anti . Hans Ulrich von Eggenberg) und Beichtvtern, von denen insbesondere der Jesuitenpater Wilhelm Lamormaini groen Einfluss auf den streng glubigen Kaiser hatte - Ferdinand II. Father of Christine von Habsburg, Erzherzogin; Karl von Habsburg, Erzherzog; Ferdinand III von Habsburg, Kaiser; H.I. [59] He started negotiations with William V of Bavaria about the formation of an alliance of the Catholic princes, but his uncle wanted to establish it without the Habsburgs' participation. [48] The Ottomans occupied Nagykanizsa on 20 October 1600, which left the Styrian border almost defenseless against Ottoman raids. Ferdinand II. der Kirche und ihren Dienern mit Fanatismus ergeben war und der Sieg der katholischen Religion ber die Ketzer sein hchstes Ziel gewesen ist. [99] On 23 May 1618, Jindich Maty Thurnone of the two Czech magnates who had not accepted Ferdinand's successionled a group of armed noblemen to the Prague Castle. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. He also secured support from the Spanish Habsburgs for his claim to succeed the childless Emperor Matthias on the throne, granting them future rule over Alsace and Imperial fiefs in Italy. Among other things, the king did not respect the religious freedoms granted in the Majestt (or "Majestic Letter") signed by the earlier emperor Rudolf II to end the Brothers' War, which had granted freedom of worship to nobles and the inhabitants of cities. By 1625, despite receiving subsidies from the Spanish and the Pope, Ferdinand was strapped for cash and looking for a means to raise his own army. [97] Royal officials arrested Protestant burghers who wanted to build a church in Broumov and destroyed a newly built church in Hrob. [121][122] Ferdinand ordered Frederick to abandon Bohemia before 1 July, threatening him with an imperial ban. Februar 1637 in Wien) war von 1619 bis 1637 Kaiser des Heiligen Rmischen Reiches. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Um diese Acht zu vollstrecken, lie Ferdinand spanische und ligistische Truppen in die Rheinpfalz einrcken und in den besetzten Gebieten den Protestantismus gewaltsam unterdrcken, wodurch der Religionskrieg nach Deutschland gelangte. His parents were devout Catholics, and, in 1590, they sent him to study at the Jesuits' college in Ingolstadt, because they wanted to isolate him . Spain also supported Ferdinand against the Republic of Venice during the Uskok War in 161718. [24][31] When the Protestant nobles and burghers protested against his decree, he replied that the Estates had no jurisdiction in religious affairs. Although he kept a frugal court, he was a bad financier who too generously gave away the greatest part of confiscated estates to his faithful followers. A 17. szzad legnagyobb hadi konfliktusai Prgban kezddtek meg 1618-ban. [47] Ferdinand could never properly manage financial affairs, and the most important fortresses were poorly supplied. [105][106] Charles Emmanuel I, Duke of Savoy hired Ernst von Mansfeld to assist the Bohemians. Ferdinand II died in Vienna on 15 February 1637 after returning from Regensburg. He avoided committing himself in a quarrel between his cousins, the Holy Roman emperor Rudolf II and his brother Matthias, who eventually succeeded Rudolf as emperor. [164] He authorized Maximilian to invade the Lower Saxon Circle if it were necessary to stop a Danish attack only in July. [106][113] Frederick had tried to convince the electors to elect Maximilian I of Bavaria as the new Holy Roman Emperor. [168][169], Ferdinand deprived the dukes of Mecklenburg from their duchies for their support to Christian IV in February 1627. [98] He urged Matthias to send an envoy to Prague, but Matthias' envoy could not reach a compromise. He unwillingly presided over the triumph of Protestantism in Germany. 1617-ben Csehorszg kirlya lett, 1618-ban a magyar rendek koronztk meg. Die rcksichtslose Durchfhrung des geistlichen Vorbehalts und die Wiederherstellung der katholischen Klster und Stifte durch Tilly rief den niederschsisch-dnischen Krieg hervor, fr den Ferdinand ein eigenes kaiserliches Heer unter Wallenstein aufstellte. By creating an independent Austrian court chancellery and by establishing in his will the principles of Austrias indivisibility and of primogeniture in his family, he made an essential contribution to the countrys national integration. Their opposition forced Ferdinand in 1630 to dismiss Wallenstein, the mainstay of his power. Ferdinand II, who had been married to his second wife, Eleonora Gonzaga of Mantua, since 1622, died in Vienna in 1637. Ferdinand Erzherzog von sterreich-Tirol II Landesfrstvon Tirol. [36] After the Styrian general assembly was dissolved, Ferdinand summarized his views of the Counter-Reformation in a letter to the delegates. The Ottomans captured Nagykanizsa in Hungary in 1600, which enabled them to invade Styria. Media related to Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor at Wikimedia Commons. , (16101665), , . Wallenstein withdrew to winter quarters in Bohemia. und der Dreiigjhrige Krieg + 1.3.1 Der Prager Fenstersturz + 1.3.2 Der Winterknig + 1.3.3 Wallenstein o 1.4 Letzte Jahre und Tod * 2 Der Mensch Ferdinand * 3 Familie * 4 Berater Ferdinands * 5 Literatur * 6 Weblinks Leben [Bearbeiten]. The restored Ferdinand set about strengthening the Catholic church in Bohemia, reduced the authority of the Diet, and forcibly converted Austrian and Bohemian Protestants. [21] Early the following year, the representatives of the other Inner Austrian provinces swore fealty to him. [130] Christian of Brunswick was dispatched to invade Bohemia from the north, while Bethlen attacked from the east,[153] but Johann Tserclaes, Count of Tilly routed Brunswick in the Battle of Stadtlohn on 23 August 1623. [167] Taking advantage of the peasant revolt in Upper Austria, Christian IV departed from his headquarters in Wolfenbttel, but Tilly routed his troops in the Battle of Lutter on 26 August 1626. [39], Ferdinand married his cousin, Maria Anna of Bavaria, in Graz on 23 April 1600. Ferdinand II (1452-1516), was a Holy Roman Emperor, who belonged to the famous family of Habsburg which ruled Austria for almost 650 years. By promoting the Counter-Reformation, Ferdinand II set the course of Austrian Habsburg policy for the next century. Though elected Holy Roman emperor on August 28, 1619, Ferdinand was able to maintain himself only with support from Spain, Poland, and various German princes. In the spring of 1632, Wallenstein raised a fresh army in a matter of weeks and drove the Protestant army out of Bohemia. August 1619 dem reformierten Kurfrsten der Pfalz Friedrich V. verliehen. [83] The Catholic Bohemian nobleman, Albrecht von Wallenstein, recruited 260 soldiers at his own expense. [2] Being a daughter of Albert V, Duke of Bavaria, by Charles II's sister Anna, Maria of Bavaria was her husband's niece. [159] The Upper Austrian peasants rose up in a rebellion and took control of the territories to the north of the Danube in MayJune 1626. Roman Catholic historiography of the 19th century assigned him too high a place, while liberal historians were likely to underestimate his importance. The war left the Holy Roman Empire devastated and its population did not recover until 1710. [16] Maximilian III renounced the regency and the Emperor made the 17-year-old Ferdinand his own regent. [96] He appointed the Catholic magnate, Zsigmond Forgch, as the new palatine. In 1619, however, the largely Protestant diet of Bohemia deposed him, electing Frederick V, elector of the Palatinate, as their king. Yet, basing his policies chiefly on religious principles, he suffered from discrepancies between his religious goals and the maxims of a modern raison dtat. Supported by the Catholic League, which included the rulers of Poland, Spain, and Bavaria, Ferdinand sought to reclaim his Bohemian possessions and stamp out the Protestant rebellion. [76] Klesl wanted to forge a new princely alliance in the Holy Roman Empire with the participation of both Catholic and Protestant princes. Ferdinand regarded the regulation of religious issues as a royal prerogative and introduced strict Counter-Reformation measures from 1598. [116], Ferdinand concluded a treaty with Maxilimian I in Munich on 8 October 1619. The leadership of the war thenceforth passed to Tilly, who was however unable to stop the Swedish march from northern Germany towards Austria. This blatantly pro-Catholic policy has been widely credited with bringing the Protestant King of Sweden, Gustavus Adolphus, into the war against Ferdinand. (* 9. [18] A burgher from Graz who had converted to Catholicism, Hans Ulrich von Eggenberg, became one of his most trusted courtiers. [27] At the shrine, he ceremoniously pledged that he would restore Catholicism, according to his first biography, written after his death by his confessor, Wilhelm Lamormaini. zum Knig erreichen und starb am 15. [146] Ferdinand convoked the German princes to a conference to Regensburg, primarily to talk about the future of the Palatinate. Full title: Ferdinand, by the grace of God elected Holy Roman Emperor, forever August, King in Germany, of Hungary, Bohemia, Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavonia, Rama, Serbia, Galicia, Lodomeria, Cumania and Bulgaria, etc. [45] In 1600, he sent an envoy to the Uskoks, whom the Uskoks murdered. [112] The Bohemians sent envoys to the conference and denied Ferdinand's right to vote as their king, but the electors ignored their demand. , (16051619). Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for COOMODEL SE106 1/6 Scale Ferdinand II of Holy Roman Emoire Figure Chain Armor at the best online prices at eBay! Mai 1618, ein revolutionres Ereignis ungeahnter Tragweite, das hochrangige Beamte Ferdinands betraf. 1716, 12 Bde. [27], Ferdinand returned to Graz on 20 June 1598. But Ferdinand's acts against Protestantism caused the war to engulf the whole empire. [51][52] At their meeting in Linz in April 1606, the four archdukes concluded that the Emperor was incompetent and decided to replace him with Matthias in Bohemia, Hungary and Upper and Lower Austria. [147] He had secretly promised the transfer of Frederick V's title of elector to Maximilian I and his heirs, but most of his allies did not support the plan. In the wake of these Catholic military successes, in 1629 Ferdinand issued the Edict of Restitution, by which all the lands stripped from Catholics after the Peace of Passau of 1552 would be returned. Februar 1637 in Wien. Until then the war largely had been confined to Germany, but Swedish and, later on, French intervention turned it into a European conflict. [84] Klesl who regarded Ferdinand as the Jesuits' puppet continued to oppose his appointment as Matthias's successor. [19] The weak position of Catholicism in Graz astonished Ferdinand, especially when he realized that only his relatives and most trusted courtiers celebrated the Eucharist during the Easter Mass. With his forces scoring important victories against the Protestants, Ferdinand crowned his religious policies by issuing his Edict of Restitution (1629), which was designed to restore all ecclesiastical properties which had been secularized since the Peace of Passau in 1552. A rigidly Catholic ruler, he forcibly Catholicized Bohemia and suppressed Protestantism throughout his lands. Beieren, Eleonora Gonzaga, Ferdinand Oostenrijk-Habsburg, Maria Anna Van. 1630 , , 1632 . In 1600, Ferdinand married Maria Anna of Bavaria (1574-1616), daughter of Duke William V of Bavaria. [81], Ferdinand sent troops against the Uskoks' principal center at Senj to put an end to their piratical raids in 1614. Aside from ruling the Holy Roman Empire, he was also the Archduke of Austria, King of Germany, King of Bohemia, and King of Hungary and Croatia. [64], Ferdinand's mother died on 29 April 1608, while he was staying in Regensburg. He maintained much of his power through the victories of Albrecht W.E. , . His parents were devout Catholics, and, in 1590, they sent him to study at the Jesuits' college in Ingolstadt because they wanted to isolate him from the Lutheran nobles. He was the son of Archduke Charles II of Inner Austria and Maria of Bavaria. Birth of H.I. The Protestants of Upper and Lower Austria were subjected to compulsory conversion. Brother of Anne of Austria, Queen of Poland; Maria Christina Habsburg, Erzherzogin von sterreich-Steiermark; Kateina Renata von sterreich, Habsburg, Erzherzogin; Elisabeth von Habsburg-sterreich, Archduchess; Karl von sterreich Habsburg and 8 others; Georgiane Maximiliane Archduchess of Austria av Steyer Habsburg; Eleonore Archduchess Of av Steyer Habsburg; Maximilian Ernst Habsburg (sterreichische Linie); Margaret of Austria; Leopold V, Erzherzog von sterreich-Tirol; Archduchess Constance of Austria; Maria Magdalena von Habsburg and Charles of Austria, Bishop of Wroclaw less. Aus der Ehe gingen sieben Kinder hervor: * Karl (*/ 25. (9 1578 - 15 1637) , 16201637. ferdinand i ruler of Austria; emperor, 1556-64. Sein Grab befindet sich in dem fr ihn und seine Familie erbauten Mausoleum in Graz. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 10. In return he promised in a secret treaty (1617) to cede to them Alsace and the imperial fiefs in Italy. A person of moderate talents and willpower, he nevertheless exerted a strong influence on the events of his time by his strict and uncompromising religious policy. Early years [42] Matthias discussed the issue with his younger brother, Maximilian, and with Ferdinand at a secret meeting in Schottwien in October 1600. [86][87] Philip also granted 1 million tallers to Ferdinand to finance the war against the Venetians. [7] He matriculated at the Jesuits' school in Graz at the age of 8. Initially, the imperial party regained control of Bohemia soon enough. [156] First, he banned Protestant ceremonies in Bohemia proper and Moravia, even prohibiting the noblemen to hold Protestant pastors on 18 May. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. About Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor Ausztria csszra, Magyarorszg kirlya (1618-1637) , Csehorszg (1617-1637) kirlya, nmet-rmai csszr (1619-1637), Neveltetst nagyban meghatrozta a katolikus hagyomnyok tvtele s a szigor udvari protokoll kell elsajttsa. Filed under: Holy Roman Empire -- History -- Ferdinand II, 1619-1623 -- Sources. [156] A year later, he prescribed that all inhabitants were to convert to Catholicism in Upper Austria by the following Easter, allowing only noblemen and burghers to choose to leave the province. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. [130] By that time, Ferdinand had banned all Protestant pastors from Prague, ignoring John George I of Saxony's protests. For the full article, see, Additionally, Ferdinand was an absolutist and infringed upon what nobles regarded as secular rights. Emperor Leopold II ( 1747-1792 ) archduchess Maria Amalia ( 1746-1804 ) Holy Roman Empire devastated and its population not. 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