I remember a place in Yorkshire, years ago, where a good man said to me, "We have a real good minister." that he would bring her now, though seventy years of age, to love the Saviour! Yet in order to salvation, brethren, we must be separated from this untoward generation. Whatever we believe to be true, to the last jot and tittle we will speak it out. They desire a better country. It is a kind of instinct in a young Christian. Yet most people today have never heard of John Gill. Departures from the faith of those whom we highly esteem are, at least while we are young, very severe trials to us. If God bids us do, we should do at once. "he hath prepared for them"--"them." If we doubt God's Word about one thing, we shall have small confidence in it upon another thing. Ah! Friends tell you that you are making much ado about nothing, or that you are uncharitable, narrow-minded, and bigoted. Do you feel bewildered as to how to behave yourself? This is a first-fruit of the Spirit. February 9, 1997 Much to Learn by Alistair Begg Hebrews 5:11-14 (ID: 1910) Any priestly work on earth is rendered obsolete by the permanent work of Jesus Christ on our behalf: He alone could stand in our place, for He alone victoriously endured every temptation and paid the penalty for our sin. I need not repeat the accusations; they have been so often hurled at myself that I know them by heart. I would entreat you each one to make an application of the text to yourself in every work of faith, and labor of love, in which you may be engaged. Some are permitted to sink a long way down in sin; and when God begins with them, they have a desperate ascent even to reach common morality; what must the conflict be before they attain to spirituality and holiness? And remember, you can only know how great a thing faith is by knowing the infinite value of the salvation of a soul. fly to him! If it be true that the Lord has his martyrs still, let it be seen that they are as brave as ever. Fools say, "We never shall be saved, and therefore it would be useless to care about it. Persecution is still abundant, and many a man's foes are of his own household. There is no heaven for us hereafter, let us make the best of the present." Crown 8vo, 64 pages. He must leave all these, and he must also leave the fair pastures wherein his flocks and his father's flocks had been fed, and he must wend his way into the wilderness. Let us not forget those members of Christ's mystical body that are in the fire: "his feet are like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace." If you are what you profess to be, you are strangers. On the contrary, luxury often pulleth up, and abundance makes the heart to swell with vanity. What! Hebrews 9:11-15: "But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building; Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us. It sees the Trinity; it cannot understand the Trinity in Unity, but it believes it. Such calls come again and again to many, but they turn a deaf ear to them; they are hearers only, and not doers of the word: and, worse still, some are of the same generation as that which Zechariah spake of when he said, "They pulled away the shoulder, and stopped their ears that they should not hear." Do not attempt to escape by yielding what is right and true; but ask the Lord to help you to stand fast for him. III. If they obey at all, it is because their own superior judgements incline that way; but to go forth, not knowing whither they go, and to go at all hazards, is not to their minds at all. Would you wonder if I should grow weary of telling some of you the way of salvation any longer? And why should not God vouchsafe the same faith to thee, my poor, sinning, but contrite hearer? Towards God a blind obedience is the truest wisdom, and Abraham felt so, and therefore followed the path that God marked out for him from day to day, feeling that sufficient for the day would be the guidance thereof. There are perils in company, but there are perils likewise in our loneliness. Always put him off with promises to be redeemed to-morrow? He was bidden to leave his country, and he left it; to leave his friends, and he left them all. 433. No better answer is given in perhaps all the Bible than in the great eleventh chapter of the book of Hebrews. May he give me grace to go through the stream! Settle this in your heart: "Whether I am up or down, the Lord Jesus Christ is the same. I think they were mistaken in the notion that they would be despised. Note what it is he has made ready for them. i. "Come now and let us reason together," he has said. Providence is God's business, obedience is ours. So the first important thing to see . A man runs a great risk When he steers himself. "Thou hast kept the best wine until now." Seek faith to become Masters of the Art of prayer. Lay hold on him, touch the hem of his garment, and ye shall be healed. I like to hear a man say, when his father has gone, "My dear father was a man that feared God, and I would fain follow him. God forbid; we will not do so. If Christ should make thee repent, thou hast no need to think that thou shalt be the least in the family. We see faith, again, entering the lists with the infirmities of old age and the pains of the last struggle, as we read, "By faith Jacob, when he was dying, blessed both the sons of Joseph, and worshiped, leaning on the top of his staff." Said that renowned preacher, Whitefield, "As soon as I was converted, I wanted to be the means of the conversion of all that I had ever known. Read Hebrews 11 bible commentary & study from Spurgeon's Verse Expositions of the Bible by Charles Haddon Spurgeon FREE on BiblePortal.com "Rahab perished not with them that believed not, when she had received the spies with peace." Some of you are engaged in the midst of ungodly men, and those engagements supply you with constant opportunities to sin as they do, to fall into their excesses, to lapse into their forgetfulness of God, or even to take part in their blasphemies. We are sure that God is true! Then you can set almighty forces in operation. Cling to your works, and there you go dashing down the gulf! He who does not believe that God will punish sin, will not believe that God will pardon it through the atoning blood. Will you not yield your weakness to him, and receive his strength, Permit me to speak to some aspiring spirit here, and say,--Dear friend, would you like to do something great for God Have you heard the motto of our early missionaries: "Attempt great things for God"? He hath prepared for them a city. His image passes across the page of history rather like that of a spirit from the supernal realms than that of a mere man; he is so thorough, so childlike, and therefore so heroic. The true believer believes in God beyond all his belief in anything else, and everything else. We tarry here a night; we are away in the morning. The men of faith to whom the apostle referred in our text were not only strangers and pilgrims, but it is specially observed that they confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. So, then, you see the reason why the Christian cannot go back, though he has many opportunities, lies in this, that through divine grace he has had produced in his heart desires for something better, and even when he does not as yet enjoy that something better, the desires themselves become mighty bonds that keep him from returning to what he was. Dost thou love Christ? In watching with the eyes of carnal reason for objections to God's precept and providence, it would be well if our eyes were burnt out, for better for us to enter into life having no eyes than having two eyes to follow our own devices and find our end destruction in hell fire. She knew that if they were found in her house she would be put to death; but though she was so weak as to do a sinful deed to preserve them, yet she was so strong that she would run the risk of being put to death to save these two men. Do I speak to a youth here who fears God, and who lives in an ungodly family? "But," said the other, "it is my own business. If you have proved by your works that the grace of God is within you, God will not forget you; he will not leave you, he will not cast you away. Noah, on the other hand, had not a despairing fear, as some have. and in a mournful degree I felt what I preached, as my own cry. Do not rest content with half the promise. But we find that Jesus Christ, however low his people may sink, and however poor they may be, is not ashamed to call them brethren, nor to let them look up to him in all the depths of their degradation and call him "brother born for adversity." Culture there was none in the ministry; but the people were stanch believers. Yon noble-hearted youth who, yesterday, sprang into the river, at the hazard of himself, and snatched a drowning man from death, he felt, when he stood upon the shore, what a great thing it was to save life. I do not know to which of them that dog belongs, but I shall be able to tell you directly. Yet there is a feeling in the human heart, and, though there may be no unkind treatment, yet, oftentimes, the sensitive spirit is apt to imagine it, and I have observed some absent themselves by degrees from the assembly of God with a sense of shame. Taking another view, we would remark that faith makes us strong to fulfill the relationships of life. But it is just the same with adversity. Amen. We must be going to our Father's house, be that where it may. We have many opportunities to return. He does not like to say, "That is my relation," or "That is my brother." "He hath prepared for them a city." We may rest assured that when Abraham started, he asked no questions concerning how far or to what place he was journeying. Whatever may be the precepts of the law, or of the gospel, they are pure and holy altogether. Thy sin was laid on him: it is forgiven thee. If you believe first, you may have as many good works as you please; but if you believe, you will never trust in them, for if you trust in them you have spoilt them, and they are not good works any longer. To go back can hardly cross your thoughts, when to look back seems to you charged with peril. He climbed a hill on his road. With solemn awe believe the bitter word of judgment, that the word of mercy may be sweet to you. He hath put all things under the foot of such a man as that, and crowned him with glory and honour in the person of Christ, and the angels themselves are ministering servants to such a one as that. The call as given by the book of inspiration ought to have over your minds a masterly power, and if your hearts were right before God the word spoken in the Scriptures by the Holy Ghost would be at once obeyed. It weakens the sense; vague but vast is the craving expressed in the sentence, "They desire a better"--I know I long for something far better, something infinitely preferable to that which my eyes can see or that my tongue can express. Faith and fear together led Noah to do as God commanded him. (1). To-day, the tried one suffers alone, and misses the encouragement of Christian eyes. Delivered on Sabbath Morning, March 1, 1857, by the, "By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not, when she had received the spies with peace." Christ himself has said it, and so it must be. We have been separated. We shall never find a heaven here. How strong is the evil in the best man, how stern is the conflict to keep under the body, lest corruption should prevail! Here is one that can never be diminished, much less exhausted. "By faith he obeyed," and to the end of his life ho was never an original speculator, or inventor of ways for self-will; but a submissive servant of that great Lord, who deigned to call him "friend." by I Gordon. Hebrews 11:1. Upon this simple but most practical matter I am going to speak to you at this time. And I thought, while meditating upon this text, that the time must come to each of us, when, in a certain sense, we must go forth from this world, not knowing the place to which we are going. And explaining it more fully to her, he said, "It is Christ, and Christ alone, that can open heaven to you, and not your good works." Our reply is, it did so gloriously. By the time of Christ, many thought God chose Abraham because he was a righteous man in a godless world. Do you think that we meditate enough upon heaven? I have read you this glorious eleventh of Hebrews, which describes the mighty men of faith, the men of renown. But what does God see in him? Fast Download speed and no annoying Oh! Trust him. We must keep back none, but follow the Lord wholly; let this be your song, "Through floods and flames, if Jesus lead, I'll follow where he goes, 'Hinder me not,' shall be my cry, Though earth and hell oppose.". Well, be it so; but he that endureth to the end shall be saved; and all those that die in faith are gathered with the great cloud of witnesses. what a world of misery there is in this great city, among even good and gracious people! It recites the victories of faith. Hold you to God's Word by faith, and you will be strong. He who knows how to pray has his hand on a leverage which moves the universe. Dare them. Men are never right by accident, nor obedient to the Lord by chance; preparation of heart is wanted, and this the Lord must give. The question of many will be, did it pay? Dear father, have you children who are unruly, irreligious, defiant? Today we're reading the New Testament book of Matthew Chapter 18 , and I'm smoking . It was easier for Noah to build the ark than to render so complete an obedience; but the Lord wrought in him by his grace. If we should mount upon the wings of the wind, could we find "a lodge in some vast wilderness," think ye, then, we might be quite clear from all the opportunities to go back to the old sins in which we once indulged? a. You will never be able to cut down this huge upas tree except with the axe of Christ's atoning sacrifice. We have sometimes heard of a brother who has become great and rich in the world, and he has had some poor brother or some distant relative, and when he has seen him in the street he has been obliged just to speak to him and own him; but I dare say he wished him a long way off, especially if some rich acquaintance happened to be with him who should say, "Why, Smith, who was that wretched seedy-looking fellow that you spoke to?" says one, "I have prayed for my husband these twenty years!" There are seas of suffering which the sufferer must navigate alone. Jesus Is Able to Help Those Who Are Tempted . Hence faith is the essential point of holiness. I would sooner have the faith which obeys than the faith which heaps the altar of God with sacrifices, and perfumes his courts with incense. If thou dost trust in thy works, then thy works are anti-christ, and Christ and anti-christ can never go together. and then, thirdly, what was the result of that conduct? Collection administered by Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Even Abraham's obedience failed somewhat in this at first; for he started at once from Ur of the Chaldees, but he only went as far as Haran, and there he stayed till his father died; and then the precept came to him again, and he set off for the land which the Lord had promised to show him. A strong emphasis in Spurgeon's preaching was God's grace and sovereignty over man's helpless state. no", said the man; "she never goes anywhere." this flesh, this body of this death--wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from it? Perhaps you have tried to fill your soul with worldly things. Let us fear God because of his greatness; let us fear ourselves because of our sinfulness. How much of character is revealed in our desires. See, then, dear friends, what we must have if we are to be numbered with the seed of Abraham, we must have faith in God and a consequent obedience to his commands. Separation from the world shall endear you to the Saviour, and bring you conscious enjoyment of his presence; but opportunities to return I have shown you now are plentiful enough. O that God might sanctify some that are here! we may not trust ourselves; but we ought to stand in daily fear lest we be guilty before God. may the day never come to you, you young people especially, who have lately put on the Lord Jesus Christ and professed his name, when you shall be welcomed by the world; but may you for ever forget also your own kindred and your father's house, so shall the king greatly desire your beauty, for he is your Lord, and worship you him. The mountain of safety is Calvary. Let us fly away and find our home in the rock of ages." O! Others mentioned in Scripture, have done something; but God did not accept them. He asks your weakness: he has none of that himself, and he is longing, therefore, to take your weakness, and use it as the instrument in his own mighty hand. God will hear your prayer and bless Ishmael also. Not now do I see them lift up the great iron door, and let loose the monsters that come forth roaring, hungry for their prey. We are not saved by obedience, for obedience is the result of salvation. It is a talisman, believe me, against the contagion of an evil atmosphere that might otherwise instil poison into your constitution. Believers "quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong." If we passed through life unrecognised, or were only acknowledged by a sneer from the worldly-wise, and if this were regarded as a failure, it could be borne with equanimity as long as we knew that we had kept our faith towards God, and our obedience to him. This woman's faith was saving faith, singular faith, stable faith, self-denying faith, sympathising faith, and sanctifying faith. How strong is the evil in the most upright man! Revelation 3:7-13 Philadelphia: The church that was taken! When people persecute you and slander you, no marvel. "By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a plane which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went." "Well, but," said he, "don't you try to get her to go, and the children?" But, I must close with the sweetest part of the text, wherein it is shown that we have a great and blessed assurance vouchsafed to us as an acknowledgment, on the part of God, of those opportunities, and those yearnings persisted in. [ d] Read full chapter Footnotes Now which man does the dog follow? He so believed, that fear came upon him, and that fear made him act as God bade him. When you get nearest to God, Satan will sometimes seem to get nearer to you. He cannot forget his dear gold. It is well they are. "Ah!" So far as I have reason to fear that my task is hopeless it becomes a heavy one. "His honor is engaged to save The meanest of his sheep; All that his heavenly Father gave His hands securely keep.". saith one. It sees an atoning sacrifice; there is something difficult in the thought, but it believes it; and whatever it be which it sees in revelation, it devoutly puts its lips to the book, and says, "I love it all; I give my full, free and hearty assent to every word of it, whether it be the threatening or the promise, the proverb, the precept, or the blessing. It is better to have the faith that obeys than the faith which moves mountains. Commentary on Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16 Bryan J. Whitfield "People get ready, There's a train a comin'. no; thy name may yet be written among the mightiest of the mighty, and thou mayest stand as a memorable and triumphant instance of the power of faith. Some allow a presuming fear: "If I am to be saved," say they, "I shall be saved; and if I am to be lost, I shall be lost. Dear hearer, have you faith? Remember, "By faith Abraham obeyed." The forlorn hope of Christendom has generally been led by men who have proved the high efficacy of grace to an eminent degree by having been saved from the deepest sins. I delight to preach a free gospel, and to preach it to every creature under heaven; but we must never forget the speciality--"he hath prepared for them a city." When the Lord commanded Abraham to quit his father's house, he did not say that he would think it over; he did not discuss it pro and con, in an essay; he did not ask his father, Terah, and his neighbour to consider it; but, as he was called to go out, he went out. O young man, can you take up in the warehouse the position of being a Christian though there is no other believer in the louse? Christians must swim against the stream. I do not know to whom that dog belongs, but I'll tell you directly. But we must pass on (for we have a very wealthy text tonight) to notice the second point. For by it the elder obtained a good report._ So it was written, in the olden time, that believers obtained a good report; and this second verse shows that they obtained it by their faith. Obedience what a blessing it would be if we were all trained to it by the Holy Spirit! If you believe that God is the Rewarder of them that diligently seek him, you will persevere; but not else. "Why, it is ridiculous. Ah me! We can have all imaginable strength for the grandest achievements desirable, if we have faith in God. Don't wonder, don't wonder if you have discomforts here. "Out of weakness were made strong": this will be experienced in bearing witness for the truth of God. If the Lord be God, he must be infallible; and if he can be described as in error in the little respects of human history and science, he cannot be trusted in the greater matters. The bearish one went away from his forge, and said to his wife, "I can always answer these religious fellows. I am sure it has been so with you. If the man obeys because he has no opportunity of doing otherwise, and if, were he free, he would at once become a rebel there is nothing in his obedience. She did not believe for herself only; she desired mercy for her relations, Said she, "I want to be saved, but that very desire makes me want to have my father saved, and my mother saved, and my brother saved, and my sister saved." Obedience arises out of a faith which is to us the paramount principle of action . We are not our own, we are bought with a price. I feel that I shall never be able sufficiently to bless God for a praying mother. God of Peace and Our Sanctification, The. I charge you who profess to be the Lord's not to be unbelieving with regard to the terrible threatenings of God to the ungodly. yes," she said, "I have lived long enough, and I have gone to Church long enough, to know that if we work hard and get our bread by the sweat of our brow, and act well towards our neighbours, and behave, as the catechism says, lowly and reverently to all our betters, and if we do our duty in that station of life in which it has pleased God to place us, and say our prayers regularly, we shall be saved." says she, secretly within herself, what she would willingly have said to her neighbors, "will you not now believe? Where can we fly to escape from these opportunities that haunt us everywhere and peril us in every thing? Hebrews 1:1, 2. I. No; each man's calling may seem to him to be more full of temptation than his fellows, but it is not so. I mean this Dare you begin to think for yourself? What shouts of triumph would they raise, and how would they welcome him! ONE IS STRUCK with the practical character of this verse. Where the principle is planted by the regenerating Spirit of God, it will cause the truth to be received, concerning justification by the sufferings and merits of Christ. Here we are tent-dwellers, but the tent is soon to be taken down. They dwelt in tents--Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but he has prepared for them a city. We've been working through the different letters and report cards for the seven churches of Revelation and we saw that for the last two, Thyatira and Sardis, Jesus had some hard hitting warnings. Obedience is hard work to proud flesh and blood; indeed, these ingrained rebels will never obey through our own efforts. Who shall tell which of the three grand deeds of faith is the greatest? You can suffer no need, for everlasting supplies await the hand of prayer: "Ask, and it shall be given you." To this end may the Spirit of God enable you. Do you feel in prayer as if the sinew of your strength were shrunk, and your knee out of joint? "But suppose," he said, "I had some keys, they might not fit your lock, and therefore you could not get the articles you want. But, then, notice that when Abraham started he made no stipulations with his Lord. It makes them say, "Lord, thou hast forgiven me my sins; I will sin no more. Now would you have thought that such a rich plant would grow in such poor soil--that strong faith could grow in such a sinful heart as that of Rahab? There are warriors on the field of conflict, and sentries in the box of patience. VI. Earthly comforts are not yours; but if you grasp the spiritual and the eternal you will not repine. I have heard of one brought to Christ, who was a very great sinner--of so stiff a neck that he never would be approached by anybody who aimed at his conversion. We don't enjoy them yet, but when our heirship shall be fully manifested, and we shall come to the full ripe age, oh! Alas! "Whither away?" The faith of Rahab was the right sort of faith, for it was firm and enduring. As many of us as have believed in Christ have been called out. In the conflict with evil, we would overcome it early, and put it to the rout at the first attack; but it may be that God will allow error to proceed further, and let it seem to triumph, so that by its own presumption it may place itself where it may be the more effectually crushed, never again to afflict the church. Whatever happened, he had always been under the divine smile, and all things had worked for his good. Descend, O sovereign love, descend, And melt that stubborn soul! art thou loathsome to thyself? Ah! But when our heirship shall be fully manifested, and we shall come to the full ripe age--oh, then shall we come into our inheritance, to our wealth, to the mansions, and to the glory, and to the presence of Jesus Christ our Lord. Any longer Whether I am up or down, the men of faith is the result of.... 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