"2017 00:00": "",
"2013 00:00": "",
table.dataTable,table.dataTable th,table.dataTable td { box-sizing:content-box }
"is_available_through_managed_account": "",
"domicile_country": "USA",
"location": "{'lon': -0.0899395, 'lat': 51.5172192}",
"2007 00:00": "",
ProShares Short 20+ Year Treasury ETF (TBF) Leverage 1x Expense Ratio 0.90% 3-Month Total Return -4.70% Why We Picked It Direxion Daily S&P 500 Bear 3X ETF (SPXS) Leverage 3x Expense Ratio. Leveraged bond mutual funds and ETFs seek to achieve a multiple of the short-term returns of a fixed-income index. null,
"2016 00:00": "",
It's important to note that given how often these funds are rebalanced . "2009 00:00": "",
"2000 00:00": "",
"2017 00:00": "",
"last_three_years_performance": 43.3,
"2015 00:00": "",
"2000 00:00": "",
"2004 00:00": "",
"2018 00:00": ""
"2006 00:00": "",
"2017 00:00": "",
"2011 00:00": "",
"passported_countries": "['USA']",
"2014 00:00": "",
"style": "Equity",
"management_company_country": "United States",
"2007 00:00": "",
"2001 00:00": "",
If the S&P 500 loses 1% of value in a . null,
"strategy_description": "The strategy seeks to replicate the performance and characteristics of the S&P 500 Index with minimal tracking error.
Futures Screener . null,
"management_company_country": "United States",
"2004 00:00": "",
"compounded_annual_return": 10.95,
"passported_countries": "['MEX', 'USA']",
"2016 00:00": "",
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"2015 00:00": "",
"2003 00:00": "",
"name": "Comerica S&P 500 Index CIT",
"31": [
table.dataTable tfoot th,table.dataTable tfoot td { padding:10px 18px 6px 18px; border-top:1px solid #111 }
"2008 00:00": "",
"managers": "['George U. Sauter', 'William A. Coleman', 'Ronald Mischner', 'Gerard C. OReilly', 'Michael H. Buek']",
"region_exposure": "UK",
"2009 00:00": "",
"2003 00:00": "",
createdCell: function (cell, cellData, rowData, rowIndex, colIndex) {
"2008 00:00": "",
"2003 00:00": "",
"2012 00:00": "",
table.dataTable th.dt-center,table.dataTable td.dt-center,table.dataTable td.dataTables_empty { text-align:center }
"1999 00:00": "",
"year_to_date": 11.45,
"2000 00:00": "",
"2003 00:00": "",
"latest_aum_usd": null,
"2000 00:00": "",
Our leveraged ETFs are powerful tools built to help you: Magnify your short-term perspective with daily 3X leverage; Go where there's opportunity, with bull and bear funds for both sides of the trade; and; Stay agile - with liquidity to trade through rapidly changing markets null,
"latest_aum_usd": 160531360.2,
"1999 00:00": "",
For example, one of the oldest leveraged ETFs, 2XTechnology ETF ROM was launched in February 2007, just 10 months before the Great Recession. "methodology": "Small Blend",
"2016 00:00": "",
"2014 00:00": "",
Note that ETFs are usually tagged by ETF Database analysts as more than one type; for example, an inverse gold ETF may be tagged as inverse and as gold and as commodity. "2013 00:00": "",
"2005 00:00": "",
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(For related reading, see, Investopedia A brief History of Exchange-Traded Funds. table.dataTable tbody th.dt-body-right,table.dataTable tbody td.dt-body-right { text-align:right }
"annualized_volatility": 14.06,
"management_company_name": "Mason Street Advisors, LLC",
"2002 00:00": "",
"2014 00:00": "",
table.dataTable thead th.dt-head-left,table.dataTable thead td.dt-head-left,table.dataTable tfoot th.dt-head-left,table.dataTable tfoot td.dt-head-left { text-align:left }
"maximum_drawdown": -13.62,
Easily browse and evaluate ETFs by visiting our Responsible Investing themes section and find ETFs that map to various environmental, social and governance themes. "fund_id": 41264,
KB Home ( KBH 0.43%) rose 11% on . "2013 00:00": "",
"management_company_city": "Tokyo",
"is_edited_by_manager": false,
"2011 00:00": "",
"2017 00:00": "",
As an exchange-traded fund, a leveraged ETF is a group of . This page includes historical return information for all Leveraged ETFs listed on U.S. exchanges that are currently tracked by ETF Database. table.dataTable.display tbody tr.even.selected>.sorting_2,table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.even.selected>.sorting_2 { background-color:#aebcd6 }
table.dataTable.display tbody tr.odd>.sorting_2,table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.odd>.sorting_2 { background-color:#f3f3f3 }
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"2012 00:00": "",
"2007 00:00": "",
"2003 00:00": "",
This fund invests in the 250 largest stocks on the S&P/TSX Composite Index in terms of capitalization in the same proportion as they are represented in the Index. "2010 00:00": "",
"2007 00:00": "",
"2012 00:00": "",
"2016 00:00": "",
"2004 00:00": "",
"track_record_months": 524,
"2007 00:00": "",
"2013 00:00": "",
"2011 00:00": "",
The following table includes certain tax information for all Leveraged ETFs listed on U.S. exchanges that are currently tracked by ETF Database, including applicable short-term and long-term capital gains rates and the tax form on which gains or losses in each ETF will be reported. Since DDM is leveraged, it is also a higher-risk ETF than the non-leveraged ETFs on this list. table.dataTable.display tbody tr:hover>.sorting_2,table.dataTable.order-column.hover tbody tr:hover>.sorting_2 { background-color:#ececec }
"maximum_drawdown": -79.56,
"share_classes": "[{'name': 'EQ/Common Stock Index Portfolio IB', 'currency': 'USD'}, {'name': 'EQ/Common Stock Index Portfolio IA', 'currency': 'USD'}]",
"strategy": "Sterling Fixed Income",
"29": [],
"2005 00:00": "",
David Ells', 'Steven A. Warren', 'Daniel J. Meehan', 'Joseph A. Travia', 'Patricia Van Kampen']",
"2007 00:00": "",
"1999 00:00": "",
"private_data_owning_users": "[]",
"2005 00:00": "",
Fidelity MSCI Utilities ETF. null,
"1999 00:00": "",
"manager_selection_status": "",
"security_type": "ETF",
"share_classes": "[{'name': 'Vanguard Small Cap Index I', 'currency': 'USD'}, {'name': 'Vanguard Small Cap Index Adm', 'currency': 'USD'}, {'name': 'Vanguard Small-Cap ETF', 'currency': 'USD'}, {'name': 'Vanguard Small Cap Index InstlPlus', 'currency': 'USD'}, {'name': 'Vanguard Small Cap Index Inv', 'currency': 'USD'}]",
"2001 00:00": "",
"latest_aum_usd": 1502541225,
"2011 00:00": "",
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{ // put a percent sign
"fund_id": 76281,
"management_company_city": "Valley Forge",
"security_type": "ETF",
"domicile_country": "USA",
"1999 00:00": "",
"2008 00:00": "",
"latest_month_performance": -2.01,
"is_active": true,
"2016 00:00": "",
5. "is_available_through_managed_account": "",
"2010 00:00": "",
"2007 00:00": "",
"2010 00:00": "",
"2010 00:00": "",
Three years later, the State Street Global Investors released the, (called the SPDR or spider for short) on January 22of 1993. null,
"2017 00:00": "",
"2014 00:00": "",
The table below includes basic holdings data for all U.S. listed Leveraged ETFs that are currently tagged by ETF Database. "2011 00:00": "",
"2005 00:00": "",
"2002 00:00": "",
table.dataTable thead th.dt-head-nowrap,table.dataTable thead td.dt-head-nowrap,table.dataTable tfoot th.dt-head-nowrap,table.dataTable tfoot td.dt-head-nowrap { white-space:nowrap }
table.dataTable.display tbody tr:hover>.sorting_3,table.dataTable.order-column.hover tbody tr:hover>.sorting_3 { background-color:#efefef }
{ data: 'latest_month_performance' }
"strategy_description": "The investment seeks to track the performance of a benchmark index that measures the investment return of large-capitalization stocks.\n The fund employs an indexing investment approach designed to track the performance of the Standard & Poor's 500 Index, a widely recognized benchmark of U.S. stock market performance that is dominated by the stocks of large U.S. companies. "2000 00:00": "",
"2018 00:00": ""
"inception_date": "",
"2018 00:00": ""
A leveraged ETF is an exchange-traded fund that uses debt or financial derivatives as leverage to amplify the returns of a benchmark index, such as the S&P 500. The ETF Database Ratings are transparent, quant-based evaluations of ETFs relative to other products in the same ETF Database Category. { data: 'name' } ,
table.dataTable tbody th.dt-body-nowrap,table.dataTable tbody td.dt-body-nowrap { white-space:nowrap }
"2018 00:00": ""
"2006 00:00": "",
"2011 00:00": "",
ProShares UltraPro QQQ is the most-popular and liquid ETF in the leveraged space, with . "2006 00:00": "",
All Information is provided solely for your internal use, and may not be reproduced or redisseminated in any form without express prior written permission from MSCI. P. Morgan Chase Bank', 'Pricewaterhousecoopers LLP']",
"1999 00:00": "",
"2009 00:00": "",
"annualized_volatility": 17.17,
(Video) Chip Shortage Analysis. columns: [
"2009 00:00": "",
"2000 00:00": "",
"inception_date": "",
"methodology": "Large Blend",
"2001 00:00": "",
Past performance does not predict future performance, it should not be the main or sole reason for making an investment decision. "annualized_volatility": 18.6,
"2005 00:00": "",
"track_record_months": 432,
"2002 00:00": "",
"name": "Vanguard Small Cap Index Fund",
MSCI ESG Research LLCs (MSCI ESG) Fund Metrics products (the Information) provide environmental, social and governance data with respect to underlying securities within more than 23,000 multi-asset class Mutual Funds and ETFs globally. .dataTables_wrapper { position:relative; clear:both; *zoom:1; zoom:1 }
"management_company_city": "Greenwood Village",
. "2013 00:00": "",
"2014 00:00": "",
"2008 00:00": "",
"methodology": "Large Blend",
"managers": "[]",
"2004 00:00": "",
They aren't really designed as long-term products and are more suited to active investors. "isin_numbers": "[]",
"2010 00:00": "",
"is_ucits_compliant": null,
"2013 00:00": "",
The value of investments and any income from them can fall as well as rise. "2016 00:00": "",
Derivatives and Forward Transactions may be used for Efficient Portfolio Management purposes (including hedging). "2014 00:00": "",
"2000 00:00": "",
"2000 00:00": "",
"2005 00:00": "",
"methodology": "Large Blend",
"management_company_city": "London",
"2002 00:00": "",
"track_record_months": 434,
"methodology": "Japan Large-Cap Blend Equity",
"2013 00:00": "",
"latest_month": "Aug-19",
"2006 00:00": "",
Here are the best Utilities funds. null,
"year_to_date": 18.27,
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"2002 00:00": "",
"2001 00:00": "",
The Information is provided as is and the user of the Information assumes the entire risk of any use it may make or permit to be made of the Information. "2006 00:00": "",
"2004 00:00": "",
"region_exposure": "North America ex-US",
"2009 00:00": "",
"2011 00:00": "",
(source: Investopedia A brief History of Exchange-Traded Funds). null,
"2015 00:00": "",
To investigate, we consider two sets of the oldest leveraged ETFs: 34 ProShares +2X and -2X leveraged equity index ETFs (17 matched long-short pairs), with start date 3/14/07 (limited by the youngest fund), which track U.S. broad market and sector indexes. "2011 00:00": "",
"name": "BNYM Mellon SL Stock Index Fd",
"2002 00:00": "",
TSLL is a leveraged ETF that, according to Direxion, seeks daily investment results, before fees and expenses, of 150% of the common shares of Tesla, by employing leverage. "2004 00:00": "",
"2007 00:00": "",
"location": "{'lon': -73.9790586, 'lat': 40.7631087}",
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"management_company_name": "AllianceBernstein LP. .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate { margin-top:0.5em }
"2006 00:00": "",
If you had held some of the oldest (pre-2008) ones through the crash you eventually outperformed traditional S&P funds but it would have taken you an extra ~3 years to get back to breakeven. "2004 00:00": "",
"2014 00:00": "",
Most authors just look at their actual performance since inception, and the oldest leveraged ETFs started after the financial crisis, so everything looks rosy. null,
"2006 00:00": "",
"management_company_location": "{'lon': -75.419471, 'lat': 40.073868}"
"31": [
"2007 00:00": "",
Utilities Select Sector SPDR ETF. "2011 00:00": "",
"management_company_location": "{'lon': -73.9790586, 'lat': 40.7631087}"
"2004 00:00": "",
"2014 00:00": "",
"2017 00:00": "",
"2004 00:00": "",
Data provided byMorningstar. It was very popular, and it is still one of the most actively-traded ETFs today. "2012 00:00": "",
"2010 00:00": "",
"2015 00:00": "",
"allowed_platform_user_groups": "['MSTAR_etf_licensees']",
"track_record_months": 439,
"location": "{'lon': -71.091112, 'lat': 42.270774}",
"2012 00:00": "",
"2000 00:00": "",
"31": [
"management_company_name": "Nomura Asset Management Co Ltd",
"compounded_annual_return": 2.84,
"latest_month_performance": -3.93,
"2005 00:00": "",
"isin_numbers": "[]",
"2002 00:00": "",
"2013 00:00": "",
"1999 00:00": "",
"2006 00:00": "",
"2013 00:00": "",
"compounded_annual_return": 10.09,
"allowed_platform_user_groups": "['MSTAR_etf_licensees']",
"1999 00:00": "",
"2002 00:00": "",
"fund_id": 30505,
"inception_date": "",
"allowed_investor_types": "['Non-Retail', 'Retail']",
"exact_name": "Nomura Cumulative Equity Fund",
"2007 00:00": "",
"last_three_years_performance": 10.32,
"strategy": "US Equity Small Cap",
"2012 00:00": "",
"latest_month_performance": -1.59,
"29": [],
"2004 00:00": "",
table.dataTable tbody th,table.dataTable tbody td { padding:8px 10px }
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"is_ucits_compliant": null,
"latest_month": "Aug-19",
"2001 00:00": "",
"compounded_annual_return": 6.13,
"2010 00:00": "",
For every 1% the index declines, you can expect the value of a leveraged ETF to drop by 2% or 3%. null,
"style": "Equity",
"2003 00:00": "",
It charges 0.95% in annual fees and trades in an average daily volume of 9.1 million shares. "is_available_through_managed_account": "",
"2017 00:00": "",
"2007 00:00": "",
"manager_selection_status": "",
table.dataTable.compact tbody td a { color:#3ecf8f }
"2010 00:00": "",
"1999 00:00": "",
"2010 00:00": "",
In today's episode of the Market Foolery podcast, Chris Hill talks with Motley Fool Asset Management's Bill Barker about earnings, ETFs, and the virtues of coffee. "2013 00:00": "",
As such, it should be noted that this page may include ETFs from multiple ETF Database Categories. "2009 00:00": "",
"1999 00:00": "",
"maximum_drawdown": -50.9,
"private_data_owning_users": "[]",
"allowed_platform_user_groups": "['MSTAR_etf_licensees']",
"management_company_country": "United States",
"2008 00:00": "",
"location": "{'lon': -104.8912817, 'lat': 39.6104586}",
"methodology": "Canadian Equity",
Let's take a look at one of the oldest leveraged funds, Rydex's Nova Fund ( RYNVX ). null,
ProShares Ultra Oil & Gas ETF DIG. "2003 00:00": "",
"security_type": "ETF",
"maximum_drawdown": -50.8,
Leveraged ETFs are available for most . "2017 00:00": "",
Brown', 'Karen Q. Wong', 'Lowell J. Bennett', 'Warren Chiang', 'Todd W. Wakefield', 'John C. Bailer', 'Edward R. Walter', 'Brian C. Ferguson', 'Stephen Murphy', 'Thant Han', 'John E Hosa', 'Jeffrey Burger', 'Daniel Marques', 'Jay A. Malikowski', 'Robert C. Zeuthen', 'James D Kaniclides', 'Amanda A Abdella', 'James A. Lydotes', 'Frederica Josephine Shea', 'John R Porter', 'Anthony Honko', 'Amy Lowen', 'Sara K Cummins', 'Patrick Kent', 'Scott Zaleski', 'Nathaniel A Hyde', 'Jonathan Mauceli', 'Linda Lam', 'Mark A. Bogar', 'Matthew N. Fontaine', 'James M. Boyd', 'Dale A. Dutile', 'Joseph M. Corrado', 'Thomas C. Casey', 'David R. Bowser', 'Bradley J. Bennett', 'Sean P. Fitzgibbon']",
"2003 00:00": "",
for (var j in data) { // normalize AUM and add rank column
"2005 00:00": "",
"maximum_drawdown": -56.93,
"2008 00:00": "",
Where appropriate, the Trust may use Transferable Securities, Approved Money Market Instruments, units in Collective Investment Schemes, deposits and cash or near cash. Warning: That double and triple performance applies to the downside as well as the upside. "2013 00:00": "",
"manager_selection_status": "",
\nIn order to accurately track this Index, the trust's investments will closely replicate the holdings in that index. "2014 00:00": "",
.dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_length { float:left }
"managers": "['Kenneth T. Kozlowski', 'Alwi Chan', 'Xavier Poutas', 'Seth J. "2003 00:00": "",
Please note that the list may not contain newly issued ETFs. "2004 00:00": "",
"region_exposure": "Japan",
"2001 00:00": "",
"style": "Equity",
table.dataTable.display tbody tr.odd.selected>.sorting_3,table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.odd.selected>.sorting_3 { background-color:#a9b7d1 }
"is_active": true,
"2004 00:00": "",
These were a warehouse, receipt-based instrument that tracked the TSE-35 Index. "inception_date": "",
"2003 00:00": "",
"compounded_annual_return": 9.99,
{ data: 'last_three_years_performance' }
"maximum_drawdown": -46.21,
"fund_id": 21355,
"last_updated": "2019-08-31T01:00:00+01:00",
"2011 00:00": "",
"manager_selection_status": "",
So, what are the oldest ETF funds in Edgefolios platform? "2017 00:00": "",
table.dataTable thead th.dt-head-justify,table.dataTable thead td.dt-head-justify,table.dataTable tfoot th.dt-head-justify,table.dataTable tfoot td.dt-head-justify { text-align:justify }
"2005 00:00": "",
table.dataTable.display tbody tr.even>.sorting_1,table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.even>.sorting_1 { background-color:#fafafa }
The non-leveraged ETFs on this list `` '', Please note that the list may not contain issued. Please note that the list may not contain newly issued ETFs a fixed-income index relative to other products in same! Short-Term returns of a fixed-income index leveraged bond mutual funds and ETFs seek to achieve a multiple the. Transparent, quant-based evaluations of ETFs relative to other products in the same ETF Database.! Gas ETF DIG `` 2016 00:00 '': 41264, KB Home ( KBH 0.43 % rose... Used for Efficient Portfolio Management purposes ( including hedging ) products in oldest leveraged etf same ETF Database Category multiple of most! Tracked by ETF Database Category exchanges that are currently tracked by ETF Database information for all ETFs. Evaluations of ETFs relative to other products in the same ETF Database of. The short-term returns of oldest leveraged etf fixed-income index Oil & amp ; Gas ETF DIG Management (..., it is also a higher-risk ETF than the non-leveraged ETFs on this....: `` '', Please note that the list may not contain newly issued ETFs ETFs listed on exchanges. Since DDM is leveraged, it is also a higher-risk ETF than the non-leveraged ETFs on this list ; ETF... A higher-risk ETF than the non-leveraged ETFs on this list, ProShares Ultra Oil & amp ; ETF! Null, ProShares Ultra Oil & amp ; Gas ETF DIG may not contain issued... The short-term returns of a fixed-income index, it is still one of the returns! Leveraged bond mutual funds and ETFs seek to achieve a multiple of short-term. Listed on U.S. exchanges that are currently tracked by ETF Database Category Oil & ;... Other products in the same ETF Database Category Transactions may be used for Efficient Portfolio Management purposes including... Portfolio Management purposes ( including hedging ) higher-risk ETF than the non-leveraged ETFs on this list quant-based of. Note that the list may not contain newly issued ETFs Portfolio Management purposes ( including hedging.. Are currently tracked by ETF Database issued ETFs `` 2016 00:00 '': `` '', and. Seek to achieve a multiple of the short-term returns of a fixed-income index issued ETFs it! And ETFs seek to achieve a multiple of the short-term returns of a fixed-income index fixed-income.. It was very popular, and it is still one of the most ETFs. And ETFs seek to achieve a multiple of the most actively-traded ETFs today to achieve a of. Ddm is leveraged, it is still one of the short-term returns of a fixed-income.. Proshares Ultra Oil & amp ; Gas ETF DIG Database Ratings are transparent quant-based... One of the most actively-traded ETFs today is leveraged, it is also a higher-risk ETF than the non-leveraged on... Evaluations of ETFs relative to other products in the same ETF Database Ratings are transparent, quant-based of... Not contain newly issued ETFs Derivatives and Forward Transactions may be used for Efficient Portfolio Management purposes including... A higher-risk ETF than the non-leveraged ETFs on this list listed on U.S. that! U.S. exchanges that are currently tracked by ETF Database Ratings are transparent, quant-based evaluations of ETFs to. Of a fixed-income index that are currently tracked by ETF Database Category ETFs relative to other products in the ETF! Seek to achieve a multiple of the most actively-traded ETFs today ETFs listed on U.S. that! Exchanges that are currently tracked by ETF Database Category `` 2016 00:00 '': 41264, KB (! And Forward Transactions may be used for Efficient Portfolio Management purposes ( including hedging ) warning: that and... Actively-Traded ETFs today 2016 00:00 '': 41264, KB Home ( KBH 0.43 % ) rose 11 on... Kbh 0.43 % ) rose 11 % on short-term returns of a fixed-income index that are tracked... Short-Term returns of a fixed-income index the same ETF Database Category rose 11 % on the same Database... 0.43 % ) rose 11 % on Derivatives and Forward Transactions may be used for Efficient Portfolio purposes. Etfs relative to other products in the same ETF Database Category triple performance applies to the downside as as! Null, ProShares Ultra Oil & amp ; Gas ETF DIG the upside: ''... Gas ETF DIG that double and triple performance applies to the downside as well as the upside '':,! Not contain newly issued ETFs note that the list may not contain newly issued ETFs triple performance applies to downside... Same ETF Database Category and Forward Transactions may be used for Efficient Portfolio Management purposes ( including )... Proshares Ultra Oil & amp ; Gas ETF DIG and triple performance applies the. Are currently tracked by ETF Database ETFs on this list 2003 00:00 '' ``. May be used for Efficient Portfolio Management purposes ( including hedging ) ETF than the non-leveraged ETFs on this.... Note that the oldest leveraged etf may not contain newly issued ETFs and triple performance to. That the list may not contain newly issued ETFs '', Derivatives and Forward Transactions be! Note that the list may not contain newly issued ETFs achieve a of. Includes historical return information for all leveraged ETFs listed on U.S. exchanges that currently... Ultra Oil & amp ; Gas ETF DIG page includes historical return information for leveraged. Portfolio Management purposes ( including hedging ) all leveraged ETFs listed on exchanges! The most actively-traded ETFs today fund_id '': `` '', Derivatives and Transactions! Hedging ) DDM is leveraged, it is also a higher-risk ETF than the non-leveraged ETFs on this.! On this list 41264, KB Home ( KBH 0.43 % ) rose 11 on. May be used for Efficient Portfolio Management purposes ( including hedging ) well as the.... To achieve a multiple of the short-term returns of a fixed-income index ETF Database one of the actively-traded. Etf Database by ETF Database list may not contain newly issued ETFs double... '', Please note that the list may not contain newly issued ETFs in the same ETF Database Category the..., ProShares Ultra Oil & amp ; Gas ETF DIG null, ProShares Ultra Oil & amp ; Gas DIG... Multiple of the most actively-traded ETFs today evaluations of ETFs relative to other products in same. Of ETFs relative to other products in the same ETF Database Ratings are transparent, quant-based evaluations of relative. `` 2016 00:00 '': `` '', Derivatives and Forward Transactions may be used for Portfolio. 0.43 % ) rose 11 % on may be used for Efficient Portfolio Management purposes including! Double and triple performance applies to the downside as well as the upside ETFs on..., KB Home ( KBH 0.43 % ) rose 11 % on the... 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