I point to the sinkhole in south america that was perfectly round and people swore seeing something vcome out of the ground the moment it happend. We already use this technology to drill for oiljust seems fishy. thats cool. Some 100 nationalities were recorded. such as underground, and destroyed! MitoCopper- Bioavailable Copper destroys pathogens and gives you more energy. : Intelligent Aliens Are Likely Machines. This map was created by a user. report. Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for cartographers, geographers and GIS professionals. Ok I see everyone is up for the challenge yet no one is discussing the details involved in such an expeditionwhat i would like to see is not a pleathura of slightly interested joes but rather a formation of a team with highly specialized skill sets and availability to conduct such a time intensive excavation and then a contingency plan discussing the outlined plan to overcome the challenges; radiation, geology, permafrost excavation, and lets not forget the average obstacles you'll encounter like for instance siberia being the coldest place on the planet and the time frame in which to accomplish this plus government approval lets just leave it at that although there are many more issues to handle all that said and done and then you maymay get your sponsor. And how to capitalize on that? I mean just look at some of the HUGE STONES of the past,like the MASSIVE STONEs, squarely cut, at "Baalbek near Lebanon" weighing 1200 tons!!? Every legend has some basis in reality.This "Cauldron" thing totally freaks me out. The governament there blocks all international reasearch instead of working together all around the globe. But, as Stephen Hawkins has said, just by looking at humanity, we can see how intelligent life out in the verse is something we would not want to meet, equating it to Columbus and the Navitve Americans didn't work out so well for them. A beautiful yet mysterious land in Russia has it all. . But i've bored you all enough already. Put someone on the same pedestal as another, Dystopian Science Fiction story about virtual reality (called being hooked-up) from the 1960's-70's. Take a guided tour around the globe with some of the world's leading storytellers, scientists, and nonprofits. (See Video). Perhaps they never stopped in their evolution-like we did, in fits & starts, and kept on progressing over the eons continuously, and hence their much superior technological development. Why does Paul interchange the armour in Ephesians 6 and 1 Thessalonians 5? In 1989, the population of Yakutia was estimated at 1 000 000, including 50% of Russians, 33% of Yakuts, 7% of Ukrainians and 2,3% of autochtons. . G.L. A link with our banner is preferred: This weeks Ancient Aliens episode on Evil Places was highly interesting, particularly the feature on 'Cauldrons' in the Valley of Death, Yakutian Siberia. Breaking Ufo news, Genuine sightings, real reports. It's a very interesting idea, to explore and try to end the mystery of these reported domes, and discover what they actually are or were. I'm surprised it's not taken more seriously. Im here watch Siberia it has to do with this. They suggest that things along Ley Lines are refueling stations when they could have never got here in such short hops. There might be multiple crater holes in this area. Perhaps we now know why it was ordered to be dismantledscalar devices have the potential power to destroy an entire continent. Ortorten. From tales of lost civilizations, numerous strange explosions like the Tunguska, to countless UFO sightings and strange phenomenon, Siberia has it all. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts RealUFOS recommended links page is now here A discussion along the same lines as your comments,I think Yet, that is what is protected time and again, at the expense of actual sciencesuch a shame. The purpose and origin unknown. MU Podcasts. Feature images and videos on your map to add rich contextual information. Shure, alguidar comes from Arabian linguistic roots, but why they have to make offerings to Gods precisely on an alguidar ??? get a grip geeks its iron not plutonium(space metal for retards)pretty sure your aliens woulda had better tech than iron,geeks nowa days haha, You get me there and ill find it. . On foot would be out, too dangerous i think. . This estimated timeframe of multiple impacts at 13 - 14,000 years ago, also coincides with worldwide stories of major world flooding, including that of the Biblical flood, but supported by up to 400 different cultures around the world who all share the same epic flood and destruction histories. [emailprotected], If someone can get me there, I have the backpacking gear, ill find it dig it up and experiment. I wonder if is some kind of secret Russian government project. site" Stones that were magnificently cut by, what looked to be done by, Power tools! As many villagers have done recently, Ms. Nogovitsina made an offering to the earth to keep the fires away: She tore up a few Russian-style pancakes and sprinkled the ground with fermented milk . Merry Christmas!maybe they worked for the Gov't!? And in China they cover up their pyramids with dirt and trees? every grain of sand uses that hole. CAULDRON:a large metal pot in which liquids are boild. That's my theory in a nutshellthe Siberian Cauldrons are not UFOs, but part of a 13,000 - 15,000 year old comet buster, using scalar waves to destroy or deflect (and hopefully not just break them in the atmosphere) comets and asteroids heading our way. We all go as a group; safety in numbers and media coverage (Internet blogging, e-mail contact, satellite phone, etc.). These peoples have carved out a way of life from these harsh steppes, where even a few exposed hours without shelter can lead to death. The clues for a clearer understanding of our past, can be staring us right in the face, but are we seeing them for what they really mean? This occurred many times, sometimes in quick succession, and sometimes only after a wait of more than a hundred years. Would take serious money and planning, but it may well provide serious discovery and kudos to the sponsor. Another dimension to this story could very well be one of active and ongoing supressionespecially if the Cauldrons did turn out to be highly controversial, belonging perhaps to an earlier and much more sophisticated society than our own contemporary one. if thats true! share. Russian and ex-Soviet governments have much more info about overall subject, in late 1980s during the Perestroika USSR did open more, then I talked about that and other subjects with one young science-journalist G. L. from C. that was part of mixed expedition in that area. Unfortunately, Ancient Aliens is buckling under the pressure of attempting to come up with enough material to crank out weekly documentaries, which is why their shows are increasingly outlandish. http://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/news/now-two-new-large-holes-appear-in-siberia/, The philosopher who believes in Web Assembly, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI. Open full screen to view more. The chinese and Mongolians used to bury huge drums in the ground and they were used as an early warning system against invaders and also were akin to being the first telephones as they could yell into one drum and you could clearly hear them a mile away. The human foot treads on this area very rarely. Trump Just ReTruthed George Soros' Execution Video! Harvard scientist wants to launch an investigation Anunnaki Are Here Now! Russia has never really had the money for such research and development and don't believe they could have done it. youtu.be/sm8FIH. Dr Borodovsky believes that the Siberian dragon image were dated to the end of the first millennium BC until the second century AD. Subscriptions. All your posts might warrant a read of Ezekiel. Analizing the consequences of the explosions that have taken place above the Siberian area in the past 100 years, you get a heart-wrenching sense of gratitude and awe towards the intellectual power of those who, thousands of years ago, built a complex to defend our beautiful blue planet and all her inhabitants. December 2003-January 2004. In ancient times people were complaining about them to the ancient powerful king Dhul-Qarnayn because they were so savage and corrupt. 18:91: Thus. "Cauldrons" are more recent! The India Literacy Project teamed up with Google Earth to take children around India on virtual field trips and learn about their world. In this instance, why don't they go research the place then, before releasing all sorts of fantastic speculations? unless Footage went viral on the internet showing the object over Chelyabinsk being shot out of the sky by an unknown force. Right under your nose,Mr.Geologist! I was watching Siberia and saw the cauldrons i looked them up and boom! Expert says Humans are Aliensand we were Brought to Earth Hundreds of Disclosure of classified X documents and archaeological Aztec origin objects found in NASA news: Apollo 11 astronaut sparks alien frenzy with tweet No Im a super soldier fighting in space war after being abducted by Russian scientists decipher extraterrestrial messages and discover a warning to humanity! However, Ancient Aliens has a lot more explaining to do before the cauldrons of the Valley of Death in Siberia holds any interest for me. But allmost no one knows of it. Both expeditons in the past and recent (see ancient aliens expedition below) have resulted in some form of strange radiation illness to people visiting the area. Since then, researchers have identified more of these craters across two regions, the Yamal and Gyda peninsulas. Further more how hard is it to believe that maybe governments dont wanna know. The same can be said of many such finds. 50% Upvoted. Siberia is an almost unimaginely huge area..things can easily get lost there and never found againfinding these Cauldrons should they actually be there, would NOT be an easy task, but as the saying goes, nothing truely worthwhile is ever easy. From www.pictures-of-cats.org. Everything you love about Google Earth, plus new ways for you to explore, learn and share. I propose that these either are a weapon left here by something other than us, or are actually crafts, and or pieces left here and will soon come to light when the time comes. The 'Siberian Cauldrons' could very well be such a find, or could be simply nothingthe scientific method of actually researching the possibility of their existence, seems to be less preferable than rubbishing almost any given subject out of hand. That light shone for many nights, and finally dimmed, only to flare again. Incredible story. Out in the remote wastelands of the Siberian taiga of western Yakutia is a place virtually untouched by man and infused with. Thanks to the remoteness of the region, their existence was thought to be a myth for many years. Even a large blimp / airship would be able to carry as much as 150 tonnes right to the areas of interest and lower it and us down. "UFOs - the biggest story of the millennium!" Old folktales are one thing, but what about oral history? Whe ARE the ancient aliens. The massive crater appeared violently and explosively in the Siberian tundra last year - a powerful blowout of methane gas throwing ice and rock hundreds of feet away and leaving a . "The giant hole appeared close to a forest some 30 kilometers from Yamal's biggest gas field Bovanenkovo. Is there a way to use any communication without a CPU? An audience shouldnt be expected to place implicit trust in the words of a few strangers who fail to offer a shred of proof for what they claim to have seen in a remote area of the world that few people will ever be able to see. dress was discovered in the UK and dated to the Roman era- silk was cultivated then in western China, a long ways away from the British isles. NASA's confirmed 2012 prediction - Deterioration of Earth's Magnetosphere during Sun's Polar shift in 2012 : UFO Sighting: Toronto, Canada. This was handy in bringing to attention,interesting comments, that otherwise might be overlooked,such as on this page and But not one built during our current high tech epoch, but one built by a prior high tech culture. Ancient Aliens. Have you got the money to finance an organised expedition Pete? Its clear that theyre hoping that the majority of their audience will simply buy what theyre selling at face value, and for all I know, perhaps theyre right. To address some of the commentsmy belief is that these domes could well be part (emitters for a longitudinal or scalar instrument perhaps)of an ancient defensive device/weapon against asteroids and comets. For many people, Siberia is a dark and foreboding place, a place where governments have sent people to suffer, starve and die for hundreds of years. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. this makes me think that maybe the There's plenty. Order by Phone at 888-809-8385 oronlineathttps://mitocopper.comM - F9am to 5pm EST, Order by Phone at 866-388-7003or onlineathttps://www.herbanomic.comM-F9am to 5pmEST, Order by Phone at 866-388-7003or onlineat https://www.herbanomics.comM -F9am to 5pmEST. 18:94: They said, "O Dhul-Qarnayn, indeed Gog and Magog are [great] corrupters in the land. Lead scientist Michale Visok had this to say in an interview with a Russian newspaper on what they had found: They are each submerged in small pools of swamp like water that is anywhere from 2-3 feet deep. This Siberian device, may have been built as an asteroid / comet defense, but obviously failed, only serving to shatter one or two huge asteroids into planet wide peppering bodies instead, leading to the destruction that followed, only now are we at a similar level of technology, 13,000 years lateror put another way, exactly half way through a full processional cycle through our Glactic ecliptic, crossing the plane of strongest gravity, which is theorised to attract asteroids and comets towards our system, peppering all of the planets, including Earth. Given the fact that radioactive material is known to cause cancer and other ills, it both throws new light on the curse of the Valley of Death, but raises even more questions! Some people sicken and die over the course of a few months, and many of them report losing their hair and their their teeth along the way. Think, if we could develop so much in the last 2000 years- what would a civilization have done in 12,000 years or maybe 20,000 years - which is very much possible - on our own planet! Photographs still don't exist; metallurgists would . [emailprotected]. Subscribe to our mailing list and get interesting stuff and updates to your email inbox. Makes sense, Watch the Metallica video. More on the book here. haha i love the bored billionaire comment. Many assume that this is due to the surrounding state being a nuclear test site during the Soviet era. Ever think that maybe they themselves have tried with problems. 18:95: He said, "That in which my Lord has established me is better [than what you offer], but assist me with strength; I will make between you and them a dam. Curiously, the dome shapes described are a perfect match for Teslas dome 'energy emitter' atop of his tower at Wardenclyffe. Enormous solar super-storm could knock out the internet Electronic E.T. I'd love to join this expedition. Forget media a big group excurtion is definitly a must in the harsh elements,IM GAME saving my pennies. I am interested in taking a Google Earth aerial view of the mysterious hole recently discovered in Siberia and perhaps doing some hydrological analysis of the area in a GIS. For the sake of every human being. In North-western Siberia, in the basin of the Upper Viliuy River, there is a hard-to-reach region, in this area there are objects which are the most wonderful mystery of Alien Technology at work on Earth today. If employer doesn't have physical address, what is the minimum information I should have from them? You can see a lake just next to the place where the hole should be located, a creek running through the hole and passing by the lake, a series of smaller lakes on the opposite side of the creek. For starters, in 2013, a photograph isn't too much to ask for items supposedly seen by people who called themselves "researchers" and "scientists" in 1854, 1933, 1937 and 1947. I'm up for a trip, this needs to be explored further. I watched a lot of "ancient aliens" episodes and more from other sources. Very interesting, There could be real evidence there. Initial theories floated when the first crater was discovered near an oil and gas field in the Yamal Peninsula in northwest Siberia included a meteorite impact, a UFO landing and the collapse of a. What is the formula to convert geodetic coordinates to state plane? Much of the ice melted, caused massive tsunamis and sea level rises, volcanic eruptions and Earthquakes also devastated Human and animal populations. Summary of Final Web Bot prediction report 2009 into 2010 - dumping of the US dollar ? There are a bunch of locals and some Archeologists working there. What if it's true? Now available on Chrome and coming soon to more browsers. Pictures: Alexander Kuptsov, The Siberian Times To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Nature works pretty fast to cover everything up- Angkor Vat[Cambodia]temples were completely overgrown with forest in just about a 800-1000 years!! For a long time, the structure gave out unpleasant, ear-splitting noises and gradually diminished in height until it disappeared under the ground altogether. somewhat surprising! This in itself would cost bundles, so to the bored billionaires, there are less of us than you so by all means "speak up". And Naysaying is quite easy. The truth is down there! What are the coordinates of the mysterious hole in Siberia? Time traveller warns alien named the Champion will Kim Kardashian fans suggest shes behind UFO sightings Moons Major Secret Revealed by China Alien High-altitude object shot down off Alaska, US says. Some people are blocking world knowledge caused by religion or convincements. BTW, no living witness of a "cauldron" remains. Landsat is the best imagery available in GE of the area, so nothing too exciting. Modern man, whether from Bronze Age Greece, the Mississippi Mound builders, or Shang-era China, were as intelligent as we are. All Right Reserved. I recall seeing this episode of Anciant Aliens and almost crapping my pants because of the implications. I really hope this is true, about the cauldrons that is. We must learn from events in the past, to protect us in the future. The Cauldron ~ Then Arc Loud I would really like to get more information on these "Cauldrons".This is my first time at this blog and I have been very pleased to see that others have the same ideas and views as i do! Humans have been in the current state of evolution for about 100,000 years- and we have recorded history of just about 8-10,000 years at max. Although the cauldrons were reported to have projected from the ground high enough for a "man on a reindeer" to ride beneath within the past century, Mackerle and his team decided that they'd found a cauldron submerged in a small pool of water, and therefore could not be seen, and offered further proof by stating that they had heard a metallic sound upon hitting the bottom of the knee-deep pool with a stick, and they felt a smooth metal surface with their hands at the unseen bottom of the pool. Although temperatures in this region are some of the coldest in the world, hunters who seek shelter within the copper domes find it pleasantly warm. post comments:)go to be reinstated? My guess is that these are something leftover from the time of Atlantis. Did alien beings intend the cauldrons to protect us or to keep us from discovering the truth about our origins? thay're ceiled off, and watertight! Lovely. There where no "aliens". Thinking about the radiation issues, perhaps the mystery of the origin of these domes is even more startlingmaybe the radiation is their funcionafter all we all know radiation is mutagenic, and alters or mutates lifeperhaps, during the early times of our Earth, these were placed here, by life unknown, to actually cause life to form via specific frequencies of radiation designed to result in specific organisms at some point in time. What kind of asteroid will occasionally spit out fireballs that are big enough to obliterate villages? Come to Yakutia! Ancient Humans would never have invented such technology and then forget about it, the only way we dont know about them is because they have been here longer than the conscious Human mind. They tell you what to do, when to do it and how. An explosion of such extraordinary mass and such extraordinary impact that it wiped out almost an entire area of Siberia, It was some type of an explosion that happened in mid-air above the ground at Tunguska, had it happened over New York or London they would be totally devastated. It only takes a minute to sign up. Very interesting. Those people are trying to dig the dam to get out. Some partly stuck out of the ground, and those who spent a night under them woke up feeling ill, weak and with an aching head. Either someone with a lot of money needs to fund a team to go out there and dig (if they haven't yet), or someone should go ask "Billy" Edward A. Meier (youtube or google him if unsure who he is)(if you like the video on here, the biography on Billy Meier on youtube is way more interesting. !BUT!it IS an exciting challenge!.? This is not normal Gama radiation there. The people of the area remember a legend that tells of a mighty crash from the heavens that unleashed a pillar of light. Unfortunately google maps can't show closer satellite images of the region. The Valley of Death is on one of the trade routes in the area, and most traders give it a wide berth. Add placemarks to highlight key locations in your project, or draw lines and shapes directly on the map. Billions Worldwide to Be Blindsided! Unusual ufo craft over brooklyn 26/09/2011. I'm not aware intelligent reptiles exist, so please prove that extraterrestrial life exists, and intelligent ETs are here, or at least, were. Waaaay to go!!! These mysterious metal cauldrons are hidden from view deep underground in the permafrost. What if these are alien ships underground shooting at "war heads" being aimed at them? Humic & FulvicTrace Minerals Complex- Nature's most important supplement! enthuiasts!? Interestingly is the name for such "cauldrons", olguis. The Cauldron ~ Then Arc Loud . Vladivostok separates the two areas of the range of the Siberian tiger split by an industrialised lower ground and roads. And how often are they updated? The cauldrons of creation maybe. Multiple Cities! The evidence for advanced Human societies, even worldwide societies, is all over the world and continues to be discovered, as you say, under the oceans and around now sunken ancient coastlines. It is really HUGE. rev2023.4.17.43393. Discover our four plan options. [17] Hours Left! The Celts of Baltic coasts had nor writing system that I know of, but they made some amazing raised wooden road systems anyway. At one point, 5000 years ago was being taught in schools and Universities as the maximum age of Human 'civilisation', this has now been pushed back to at least 13,000 years officially, and as far back as 200,000 years unofficially. you'll find this a great listen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvNEVvHgOOY. I want to ride an antlered beast too. The Qura'an mentioned this in chapter 18 (surat al kahf)verses 90-100. As we know the flooding after the last ice age buried almost all evidence of life and culture from those times under the oceans. Explore a collection of the most striking and enigmatic landscapes available in Google Earth. NASA satellite imagery and astronaut photography reveal where an English alphabet can be found in the landforms of the Earth. Giant Cauldrons in Siberia Protecting the Earth for Thousands of Years. Could humans be the dominant species in the Universe, and we just Is an unknown space object a message in a bottle? How will you overcome this??? In the strange words of the legends,it consisted of three tiers of laughing chasms. Since the 1800s, explorers and hunters in the Siberian taiga have reported encountering strange copper "cauldrons", half buried in the ground. :/ Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Even the first blow, struck when a meteorite is still many miles above the Earth causes enough of a deflection in its flight path to shift all that subsequently occurs, and all the consequences of the explosions that destroy that meteorite take place away from densely populated places to a less dangerous area! Getting interesting by the dayremember? Danger will Robinson Danger radiation over flow only a robot can get into that turret, Hello, I allso have done a lot of looking at the reports of strange things that happened in the far past. There are new discoveries all the time, and with every new discovery (that is talked about) we push our timelines 'for civilisation' backwards in time. . Nothing to do with aliens protecting Earth. The truth is out there Tob knows. and others, never mind the tickets! Immerse yourself in new cultures and test your knowledge of the world. I am not a big man with a lot of fundings. If there is really a returning cataclysm and the pyramids etc. - AMTV Video, New David Rodriguez & Juan O Savin: The Nuclear Biscuit and State of Affairs, New Juan O Savin and Spaceshot76: "Let There Be Light! So, Gog and Magog will get out from that place and eat everything they find and will fill the world with bad odour and famine. Below is an image taken as a screenshot from the Russian Federal Space Agency portal that provides data from Russian Kanopus-V1 satellite that has a 2.1 meter resolution panchromatic camera. I don't want to end up like the hikers from Dyatlov Pass incident in the slopes of Kholat Syakhl (Mountain of the Dead) by Mt. It's about the tungsten blast. To be added to our top UFO sites email me. CNN . Zechariah 4:6. A few bits of evidence like the Antikythera Mechanism show up from time to time though. Zoom to your house or anywhere else, then dive in for a 360 perspective with Street View. Explore the latest news & podcasts. Wait a minute the article starts out in Siberias frozen tundra then later transitions into swamps. But a lot of people are looking from the wrong angle. The oral legends bear that out, with something falling from the sky and burning as it did so. I'll translate it: or Ancient Aliens! If you really want to disable all recommended stories, click on OK button. The coordinates mentioned in the article are Maybe it is our destiny. Trans-Siberian Railway Map. I hope i'm wrongbut something had to have wiped out these great civilisations, that we now only find whispers and ruined relics ofand there is rock solid proof that the Earth was battered severely with space rocks 13,000 years agonot too much of a stretch to think the events are certainly related. Could a torque converter be used to couple a prop to a higher RPM piston engine? Here! 18:100: And We will present Hell that Day to the Disbelievers, on display. What does it mean, then, when people that tough and that skilled at handling this particular environment spend long centuries avoiding a certain haunted place? So it is entirely possible the cauldrons are responsible. - Truth & Art TV, Insider Alert! Mysterious metallic Cauldrons have been spotted in this part of Siberia for some time now, eye witness accounts report seeing these huge objects popping up from the ground and re-submerging after they were activated. the ancients,do this in their time? Questions then became very apparent as to what is happening in that particular region, it was the 4th explosion above the ground by a space object in 100 years or so. Learn how to create your own. others whom have already been there,have become very ill, possible from radiation sickness!? Many, many times. All these Russian "Dr.s" who comment on UFO cases and such seem to be totally gullible. 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