Notes on traveling to the Coyote Buttes during surreal winter weather. This small clumping cactus features hair-like spines, cream-colored flowers and brilliant red fruits. Soil must remain moist, but not soggy. This tree cactus, which ranges from the Greater Antilles - Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Puerto Rico - as well as the Bahamas and Florida, can grow to 30 feet in length. This Chihuahuan desert cactus, grows in grasslands in northern Mexico and Texas. The Diamond Cholla, widely distributed in the Sonoran and Mojave deserts of the United States and Mexico, is a tree-like cactus with small brown or light-orange flowers, and mostly spineless branches. This rare cactus of the eastern Chihuahuan desert, in both Texas and northern Mexico, features yellowish-white flowers. It is native to the state of Florida. It features magenta flowers and multicolored spines. Planting different varieties of cacti outdoors is a great way to add exotic plants to your garden landscape. 2023 Erik Gauger. One of the most fascinating fuzzy cactus plants is the Eriosyce plant. Most types of cacti that you can buy in garden centers and stores are well-suited for growing indoors. This pricklypear forms deep purple coloration on its pads, bright yellow flowers and edible fruit. If you dont want to kill your Button Cactus plant, dont overwater it! Gymnocalycium baldianum is one of the varieties of chin cactus plants. Lace cactus (Echinocereus reichenbachii) The lace cactus (also known as lace hedgehog cactus) is a small cactus species native to the Chihuahuan desert of Texas, New Mexico, and northern Mexico. Button Cacti are generally not considered to be toxic to animals or people. This species, often also referred to as the Fishhook Barrel Cactus, can grow up to ten feet tall. Exploring the idea of travel and limitations during some of the amazing wildflower blooms in California history. These cacti are generally small and unbranched. This cactus, which often forms multiple clumping stems, features tiny flowers. Cactus Identification: The Queen of the Night is identified by its spectacular white flowers that bloom once a year at nighttime. This cactus is one of our most unusual, and is sometimes called the Living Rock Cactus. Some types of cacti have long sharp spikes that can cause pain if they prick your skin. It is known from southeastern Arizona, southern New Mexico, Texas and northern Mexico. The small round cactus also has the botanical name Rebutia minuscula. It features brilliant magenta flowers. They dont like wet feet, are extremely sensitive to root rot, and need well-draining soil. Because it is not as densely-packed with spines as the other chollas, its greenish skin is visible. Its large flowers are yellow to yellow-orange. It features bright yellow flowers, and edible fruits. These cactus trees can grow thirty-three feet tall, and often have beautiful shapes. This species, growing primarily in Arizona's Sonoran desert, is a clumping cactus which features brilliant magenta flowers, often blending toward white. Also known as the Walkingstick Cactus, this cholla features thin, snake-like stems and beautiful violet-magenta blooms. This tiny cactus is limited to a small range in southern New Mexico. This cactus of southern Texas and northern Mexico features some of the most distinctive flowers of North America: large yellowish flowers with brilliant orange centers. It can form large bushes and features medium-sized yellow flowers. This threatened cactus is known only only from a narrow corridor in Southwestern Colorado. Notes from a desert California outpost, and the weird rocky world of the Searles lakebed. Further reading: Moon Cactus Care and Growing Guide. Although not toxic, the spines of Button Cactus plants may be irritating to the skin. The Saguaro cactus has a tall long central body and arms that reach up to the sky. The Chin cactus originates in South America and is a small round type of indoor cactus. The Brazilian Prickly Pear has characteristic flat rounded pads and flowers, which is a trait of many prickly pear cacti. From above, the cactus has a star shape. Its spines attach to mammal fur, pulling the segment and allowing it to take root elsewhere. Cactus Identification: A Prickly Pear cactus is easy to identify due to its broad, flat pads covered in tufts of long white spines. My ongoing project to sketch every cactus in the Desert Southwest and the United States. Quantity. This Florida Prickly pear cactus, which grows to six feet, forms a single trunk and features yellowish flowers. The Fairy Castle Cactus is a tall, columnar cactus with long dark green angular spiny stems. Cacti vary greatly in size and general appearance, from buttonlike peyote ( Lophophora) and low clumps of prickly pear ( Opuntia) and hedgehog cactus ( Echinocereus) to the upright columns of barrel cacti ( Ferocactus and Echinocactus) and the imposing saguaro ( Carnegiea gigantea ). Plant grows up to 12 (30.5 cm) tall When planted outdoors, you may have to wait for at least 10 years for the Old Man cactus to flower. Each button comes in multiple colors!Buttons:- 5 days of the week (x6 colors per button)- 10 subjects (x3 colors per button)- 37 resources (x4 colors per button)- 9 weeks (x2 colors per button)- 12 months (x2 colors per button . It's hative habitat is restricted to a single county in Texas. The Lake Mead pricklypear has a limited range. The round spherical cactus grows 2 to 20 (5 50 cm) tall and 4 (10 cm) wide. It is known for its beautiful magenta flowers, which produce fruit which tastes like strawberry. The Rats Tail Cactus is a flowering succulent plant with long, drooping cylindrical stems that grow up to 6.5 ft. (2 m) long. This small cactus, known mostly from the mountains of Northern Mexico, features small white or pink flowers. Button Cactus plants are really easy to grow and care for, and they make adorable green decorations in any indoor or outdoor environment. Avoid watering during the winter. The olive-green skin of Arizona barrel cactus is covered in yellow hooked spines that grow on the ribs. Its blooms are a lovely orange color. You should water them well but allow all the excess water to drain out. When blooming, the spiny pincushion cactus produces funnel-shaped pink flowers. The Duncan Pincushion Cactus is a tiny cactus, present in New Mexico, Texas and northern Mexico. It prefers shady areas on rocky slopes. It can reach lengths of nearly seven feet. This small, globe-shaped barrel cactus grows as a single unit. Tucson's spring is making this little hedgehog bloom It blooms late winter to early summer and is ideal for desert landscaping and drought-tolerant gardens. This tropical species, known from Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, as well as elsewhere in the Caribbean, has stems that uniquely lay flat, and creep along reef limestone. This golf-ball sized cactus is known only from Northern Mexico and the Big Bend region of Texas. Explore the American cactuses by genus: Cereus Coryphantha Cylindropuntia Echinocereus Ferocactus Mammillaria Opuntia Pediocactus Sclerocactus Other Cereus Cereus Cacti are the large, tree-like cactuses that we most identify with the southwest. Button Cactus plants love warm temperatures but can also survive subzero temperatures, not lower than 20 F (-6.7 C). The old lady is a ball-shaped type of cactus that can be grown indoors. Cactus identification: The Rats Tail Cactus is easy to identify due to the 3 to 6 feet (1 2 m) long spiky tubular stems and spectacular floral displays of bright pink flowers. The fragile yellow flowers on this small cactus from the far western deserts of Texas and the Chihuahan desert in Mexico last only a few hours each year. Its nocturnal blooms are whitish with a hint of green and yellow. The clump-forming cactus stems can grow up to 10 20 ft. (3 6 m) tall and up to 6 (15 cm) in diameter. However, as a houseplant, the slow-growing cactus stays as a small star cactus plant. Like the Teddy-bear Cholla, the large spines of this species break off easily, causing untold anguish for animals and humans. They often feature a larger hooked spine in their spine areoles, and they range in cooler, higher and harsher climates than other genuses. Explore my illustrations and descriptions of every cactus species in the United States. This small globe of a cactus, endemic to Texas, is endangered. Another trait of this globular cactus is its papery purple flowers that bloom on the cactus flattened top. It has a small range in Arizona. If you propagate your Button Cactus by stem cutting, remove the offset from your mature plant using a sterile and sharp knife. This pricklypear of limestone hills of the Rio Grande area grows to heights of five feet. How cute is that? The Star cactus has the shape of a puffed-up disc and its body is divided into sections. Just how easy is it to care for indoor cactus breeds? Other names for the Rats Tail Cactus are Whip Cactus and Rattail Cactus. Cactus Identification: The Strawberry cactus is a desert plant, identified by its ribbed columnar spiky stems, stunning magenta flowers, and reddish-purple edible fruit. Epithelantha (button cactus) is a genus of cactus that is native to north-eastern Mexico, and the south-western United States from western Texas to Arizona.There are eight species recognised in the genus Epithelantha.The name Epithelantha refers to the flower position near the apex of the tubercles.. It forms one single globe, which, at later stages becomes more of a columnar shape, and features an often yellow, but sometimes variable-colored flower. The Mammillaria family of cacti includes several cultivars: Mammillaria backebergiana ernestii (left) and Mammillaria boolii (right), Mammillaria mystax is a small type of cactus making it an ideal house plant. It is known mostly in the state of Sonora and on the baja peninsula, but is also found in Arizona. This species is sometimes referred to as the Bush Cholla or Branched Pencil Cholla. Only about 6,000 individual plants remain. The Arizona Barrel cactus flowers in the middle of June and these blooms are a delightful reddish-orange color. Other names for this interesting bunny ears cactus include Bunny cactus, Angels Wings, or Polka-Dot cactus. Taxa manually added by project curators and taxa represented by research-grade observations added to the project are listed on project lists. So, we recommend you to find the sunniest spot in your home or garden and keep your tiny cacti there. Due to the unkempt appearance of the shaggy white hair covering the tubular cactus plant, it is called the Old Man cactus. Potent compounds in the plant, such as mescaline, cause it to have a hallucinogenic effect in humans. However, the slow-growing cactus has minimal growth in small pots indoors. One of the unique features of cacti plants is the way they photosynthesize. It has stunning pink and yellow flowers, large relative to the smallish size of this cactus. The slow-growing cactus has long, stiff red spines that poke out the fine white hair. This feature gives the cactus the appearance of a castles turrets. It is capable of growing over and through other plants so you must allow space when growing it in the garden with other plants. Read more here about handling Epithelantha micromeris safely. Yellow, orange, white, and burgundy flowers are also common in various types of cactus. This rare cactus, is known only to a portion of Duchesne County in Utah. This fuzzy, soft looking cactus may look cute, but it is an evil menace! The Wolf's Cholla is found almost entirely in the Colorado Desert portion of the Sonoran Desert, in places such as Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. The cactus create a stunning display throughout the year. Kayaking the Salton Sea to the tiny seaside town. The Fairy Castle cactus is a common indoor cactus with columnar erect stems and new buds that look like castles turrets. This plant belongs to the Cactaceae family, and it natively grows in Madagascar. If you live in a cold area, it is better to plant Epithelantha Micromeris or the 'Button Cactus' in an indoor environment. The Star Rock cactus has pink flowers and triangular stems in a disc shape. This species produces large mats of low-lying cactus. Thanksgiving Cactus (Schlumbergera truncata) Also known as the crab cactus, the Thanksgiving cactus blooms around the time of the holiday. It is mainly known from Sonoran Arizona and northern Mexico, and features attractive pink and magenta midstripe blooms. It's best to use the "soak and dry" method, and allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings. The Rats Tail cactus is a great plant for hanging baskets due to its drooping cylindrical stems. Many botanists consider this a morph of Escobaria Vivipara, but others argue this is its own species. It is among the most endangered of any species in the United States. The San Pedro cactus is a fast-growing columnar pale green cactus with vertical ridges along its length dotted with white areoles. Cactus identification: The San Pedro cactus is identified by ribbed columnar stems, tufts of jaggy spikes, and large aromatic white flowers. The Crown Cactus is a small flowering cactus with ball-shaped stems measuring 3 (7.5 cm) in diameter. This cactus of Texas and, to a lesser degree, northern Mexico, features a bright Indian Yellow flower. It features yellow and lavenderish flowers. The twistspine pricklypear, sometimes referred to as the Plains Pricklypear, is a common cactus of the midwest, known to thrive in my home state of Minnesota. Some, such as golden barrel cactus, can be just laid on top of the soil. The ribbed, upward pointed fleshy pale-green columns grow up to 12 (30 cm) tall. It features warm yellow flowers. The small fuzzy cacti thrive in small pots indoors and perform best in a warm, dry atmosphere with plenty of sunlight. Need help with your order? Its white blooms appear at night. The stems can grow in clusters and reach a height of between 16 and 52 ft. (5 15 m). These small flowers grow in a circle around the top of the cactus. All text, photographs, illustrations, sketches and design created by the author. The Silver Ball cactus has rounded/cylindrical fuzzy shape and beautiful yellow flowers. No more than a light soil covering is needed for others. Cactus Fertilizer. The density of its white spines give it the illusion of being completely grey, making it very difficult to see the green color beneath. The flowers are also tiny, growing from the tip of the stem. The slender tube-like round tails are covered in tufts of tan spikes and fuzzy white hairs. The Walkingstick cactus grows up to 4 ft. (1.2 m) tall. The cylindrical green stems have a yellow or white appearance due to the sharp spikes. She is the proud owner of an outdoor rose garden and an indoor collection of tiny succulents. This species is pollinated by both hummingbirds and bees. It grows in primarily in Baja California and Sonora, where it is often the primary element in desert landscapes. The majority of indoor cactus plants need to be in a small pot on a sunny window sill and get watered occasionally. When in bloom, bright pink flowers emerge from the fuzzy top. This pricklypear, common in many regions of North America, from Chihuahua to western Canada, is sometimes known as the Starvation Pricklypear, for its ability to aid those in need of emergency hydration. That fuzz means razor-thin spines that will detach from the plant in clusters. Notes on the rich desert tapestry of Anza-Borrego in Southern California. In this case, possibly Coryphantha nickelsiae. This cactus, which grows in clusters of tightly packed individuals, has a very limited distribution along the Arizona-Mexico border. This broadly distributed, high-elevation cactus is found above elevations of 4,500 feet and can be seen up to elevations of 11,500 feet. The sharp spines on the Strawberry cactus can also add a bit of color to your garden. In some parts of the world, including Australia, Hudson Pear has become an invasive. North America has a lot of other plants that look like cactuses - yuccas, joshua trees and ocotillo are some of the most commonly misinterpreted as cacti. This cactus of the Mexican, Arizonan and New Mexican Sonoran desert is known to grow on limestone. Last edited on 17 February 2023, at 05:29,, Texas in the United States and Coahuila in Mexico, United States in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, and in Mexico in the states of Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango, Nuevo Len, San Luis Potos and Zacatecas, This page was last edited on 17 February 2023, at 05:29. An average dried button about 2cm in diameter . It is found in northwestern Mexico, as well as diverse desert environments in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and northern Mexico. Large fragrant white flowers, 9 (23 cm) long bloom during the night. A prickly pear of the chapparal regions of southern California and Baja, this species can grow to six feet in height, and features yellowish-orangish flowers. The Queen of the Night cactus has identifiable flattened long trailing stems with wavy margins. We are currently writing the descriptions of these recently added cacti species. This species, found in dry soils of Arizona, New Mexico and Southwestern Colorado is also known as Fendler's Hedgehog Cactus, named after a naturalist of the 1800's. This sharp-spined spreading cactus, known only to New Mexico, features brilliant yellow flowers. It grows in an elongated structure; as it ages it begins to resemble the structure of a corn cob, and thus its name. With its distinctive woolly look and brilliant yellow flowers, it is a truly beautiful and unique cactus. This small, spineless cactus from northern Mexico and southwestern Texas is known for its psychoactive properties, and its usage by indigenous populations for millenia. How to make sure you dont overwater your plant? These cacti live in rugged terrain, in places where other cactus species are unusual. As mentioned above, Button Cacti love full, direct sunlight. This cactus is native, but rare throughout the Chihuahan desert in Texas, New Mexico and northern Mexico. Many are best known by such nonscientific names as blind pear, cow-tongue cactus, night-blooming cereus, Texas rainbow, tree cactus, early bloomer, and devil's head, so-called because its rigid spines are dangerous to the hoofs of horses and cattle. It is common on the hillsides, cliffs and bluffs of the Pacific Ocean, particularly on the Channel Islands, where it grows alongside the native chapparal and scrub. It does well in full to partial sun. To prepare well-draining soil for your Button Cactus, you can use potting soil, turface, and crushed granite. It is widespread across the Midwest, and also occurs in the Desert Southwest. The species list for Cacti of Texas. This small, solitary cactus known only from Texas is named for its similarity to a spinning top. It is designated as critically imperiled, meaning it is in imminent threat of extinction. Other cacti varieties have softer spines to protect the plant. It exists only within the vicinity of Lake Mead. The String of Buttons succulent can form small colonies since it spreads and grows fast. After the cutting has developed the callus, you can place it in fresh soil, leave it dry for a week, and then start caring for it as you do for your mature Button Cactus plant. This small cactus, broadly distributed in Mexico and the American southwest, branches out profusely, creating mats of sharp spines - thus the species' name. 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