By Kristin Hayes, RN You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. The eardrum sits between the ear canal and the middle ear, and it can rupture if something creates a small hole in it. That is not the only possible cause, though. Your answers will help us provide you with medical information and identify services that may be relevant to your health.Buoy Health uses reasonable physical, technical, and administrative safeguards (such as firewalls, encryption, identity management, and intrusion prevention and detection) to protect your information. It should, however, be checked out by a healthcare provider. 2023 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK. blood. An error occurred, please try again later. In these cases, discharge can be clear or bloody, pus-filled, or foul-smelling. I'm trying to do better about keeping studs in them, which I hope will toughen them up. People who have experienced clear, odorless ear discharge have also experienced: People who have experienced clear, odorless ear discharge were most often matched with: People who have experienced clear, odorless ear discharge had symptoms persist for: Source: Aggregated and anonymized results from Buoy Assistant (a.k.a. Doctors will often prescribe antibiotics for some types of infection, which people can take either by mouth or as ear drops depending on the location of the infection in the ear. Outer ear infections are often treated with prescription antibiotic ear drops. Ear drainage can be due to a ruptured eardrum from trauma, foreign objects, or middle ear infection. Imaging review of cerebrospinal fluid leaks. Acoustic trauma is damage to the ear due to extremely loud noises. Ninety-five percent of East Asians have the dry kind. Discharge from the ear can be a symptom of an infection. Most objects can be removed by a pediatrician or primary care doctor, but you should go to the ER for a button battery or sharp object, or if the discomfort is unbearable. Normal earwax, due to its composition, may smell slightly but certainly not bad enough to be noticed. Cerumen can become impacted, causing discomfort in your ear. In 2009, a group of Japanese scientists also linked smelly earwax to a gene associated with breast cancer. 2006;58(3):241-4. doi:10.1007/BF03050829. Top Symptoms: ear fullness/pressure, ringing in the ears, pain in one ear canal, vertigo (extreme dizziness), hearing loss in one ear. The constant breakdown in the skin barrier can cause clear discharge. Ear pain is the most common symptom of an outer ear infection. PSA: you can use a water pick or a syringe to squirt saline solution or salt water through your piercings, this cleans them out nicely. It can also occur if you insert a foreign object into the ear. If this treatment is not effective, the doctor can place an ear tube through the middle ear to allow fluids to drain as usual. Pus due to an infection may also have a foul smell. Ear discharge is fluid located in the ear that can have many different characteristics. Ear discharge, also known as otorrhea, is any fluid that comes from the ear. Secondly, how do you treat a stretched ear tear? The ear cleaning is then followed by medicated drops of antimicrobial or antifungal nature. You can connect with an ENT in your area using the Healthline FindCare tool. Read below on major categories of causes and conditions you should be aware of. Any crusties, dry skin, or clear to pale yellow seepage that may have accumulated can be delicately wiped away with a wet cotton ball. Recommended Reading: Connect Phonak Hearing Aids To Iphone. Whether or not you need antibiotics depends on many factors. The most common cause of watery discharge from the ear is Swimmer's ear. While some ear discharge is normal for a healthy, functioning ear, an abundance of clear fluid leaking from the ear can be caused from thin cerumen, a ruptured eardrum, a signal of an underlying ear infection, or a skin condition within the ear canal. While some pain is expected, discharge, especially pus draining from your ear, is, Earwax is a normal, naturally occurring substance that helps your ear stay healthy. This may include food, toy pieces, beads, buttons, disk batteries, cotton swab, paper, or insects. This is considered a medical emergency, with symptoms including: When your earwax smells terrible, pay attention because it most likely indicates a severe infection. Massage your ears for 5 to 10 minutes every night. Some make excessive amounts that can cause blockages, triggering ear pain and even hearing problems. For some people piercings will close even after years if you don't keep a stud in them. It doesnt mean you had to be in a pool to get it. 2014;3(4):379-82. doi:10.4103/2249-4863.148116, Khan NB, Thaver S, Govender SM. Have you had a fever? A less common cause for ear discharge ismalignant otitis externa, a complication of swimmers ear that causes damage to the cartilage and bones in the base of the skull. Good ear hygiene is key to preventing infection or other ailments. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. If you think that the ear fluid is not because of an emergency, you may want to solve the problem on your own. Such trauma can occur while cleaning your ear with a cotton swab if you push it in too deep. We include products we think are useful for our readers. In this article, we look at the possible causes of ear drainage as well as treatment options and when to see a doctor. If a patch doesnt work, your doctor might surgically repair your ear using a patch of your own skin. "Glue ear" is more common in children than adults, because kids get frequent colds and have smaller eustachian tubes than adults. This refers to an ear infection that is persistent or continues to return. Find out how it, An eardrum rupture is a small hole or tear in your eardrum, or tympanic membrane. The following tips may help you avoid . But I'm only having this issure in one particular hole. Think about how you can protect your overall health and how that can benefit your ears. Thanks i never thought of that! Acoustic trauma can cause your eardrum to rupture as well. Could time-restricted eating cause fertility problems? An increase in pressure, such as when youre flying in an airplane or scuba diving, can also result in trauma to your ear. If you have a buildup of wax thats affecting your hearing, you can try to dissolve the wax with mineral oil, diluted household-grade hydrogen peroxide, or saline. It is a clear, yellowish discharge that would come out of any wound. The type of fluid you see may help you to understand what exactly is going on in the affected ear. This article discusses ear drainage and what different types of ear fluid can mean. I wish you all the best. Sometimes, however, the amount of cerumen is excessive. Normal ear discharge, better known as earwax, is amber to orange-brown in color. People naturally make different amounts of earwax. Infection can happen and will clear up if it is mild. Take a thorough self-assessment on what you may have. The drainage is from a torn eardrum. I would think of other processes, such as an infection. It is important to care for the newly pierced ear as instructed by the ear-piercing professional. See your doctor to best figure out the cause of your earache. Dr. Sometimes, there may be large amounts of earwax. The middle ear is located behind the eardrum and is normally filled with air. In most cases, a ruptured (or perforated) eardrum is not a medical emergency. Here are some of the more common types of ear fluid you may encounter. Types and causes of ear drainage include: Earwax is normal drainage from the ear, and it can be white, yellow, or brown. Diagnosis is made through patient history and physical examination of the ear canal. Your doctor will perform an ear exam to see if there is a hole or tear. In some cases, a medicine that reduces swelling of the ear canal may also be prescribed to treat swimmer's ear. Except I haven't worn ear piercings in like 18 years. an injury to the eardrum, such as a blow to your ear or poking an object like a cotton bud deep into your ear. It is often first noticed by a partner or a friend. It can, An outer ear infection is an infection of the outer opening of the ear and the ear canal, which connects the outside of the ear to the eardrum. Any damage to your ear canal makes it more susceptible to infection. Squamous cell carcinoma of the middle ear: report of three cases. We avoid using tertiary references. This can be from force, such as trauma from slapping an ear or a head injury, a loud noise like an exploding firecracker close to the ear, changes in pressure when flying or scuba diving, or a buildup of pressure from an infection. Try to adhere to the following. People can help prevent conditions that cause ear drainage by taking steps to care for their ears, such as: If a person has a fever along with ear drainage, they may wish to consult their doctor. Middle ear infection (otitis media) is a common cause of discharge from the ear. Exact same story with earbuds as shared below. Other types of drainage and discharge include blood, clear fluid, and pus. Most cases are not serious, but it's important to see your healthcare provider if you have any of the above symptoms. In this way, is it normal for stretched ears to pus? Symptoms accompanied by a fever or swollen lymph nodes may also indicate advancing infection. Do notwash out your ear or put medicine in it until you have seen a healthcare provider. Other conditions that can cause discharge include infection or injury. Start a chat with Buoy AI assistant to find out whats causing your clear, odorless ear discharge. To do this test, a doctor will insert a probe into the ear and evaluate how the middle ear responds to different pressure levels. Children with frequent ear infections may get ventilation tubes put in. Leaving the piercing jewelry in place, soak a cotton ball in the solution and place it on the affected area. Typically, your doctor will give you antibiotic ear drops to use for about a week. You should probably get that removedif they're butterfly back earrings then generally they're not made of good quality materials, and definitely not suitable to be permanently implanted in your body! Learn about the symptoms of ear canal pain and why the inside of your ear hurts. Just started a couple of months ago (had no issues for years), but now every time I use my BeatsPro earbuds (even if just for 10 minutes), an hour later, clear discharge and fullness. If that's not an option, you can also buy metal tapers at various sizes for cheap from piercing studios and body art websites. I just make sure to wear earrings at least once a week, and keep the holes clean. However, swimmers ear isnt exclusive to swimmers. This is an oil that your body naturally produces. Clear, odorless ear discharge may be due to recurrent childhood ear infections, injury to your ear canal, a foreign body, or even an upper respiratory infection like a cold. To establish that the product manufacturers addressed safety and efficacy standards, we: We do the research so you can find trusted products for your health and wellness. that happened to me the night after i got then pierced at claire's. Narrowing can affect the hearing and, in extreme cases, cause deafness. Might be scar tissue? I know it is hard, but just hang in there. Oil, sweat, bacteria, and dead skin cells can all easily be trapped there and quickly start to smell. It is caused by anything that introduces bacteria, fungus, or a virus into the canal. Most of the time, your ears discharge earwax. Ear infections. COVID-19: Check your symptoms and find the right care. I don't want medical advice, I am just wondering if anyone had any experiences like this, and if it was common among reddit users. For several years now I have had constant fluid weeping and peeling behind both of my ears. You should see a doctor to treat glue ear. Updated March 31, 2018. This patch keeps the hole closed while your eardrum heals. Use an antifungal powder or cream to clear up a yeast infection. Your use of the services is voluntary and subject to Buoy Healths Terms of Use and Privacy Notice.By clicking Agree & continue you hereby authorize Buoy Health to ask you about your symptoms, health status, and behaviors. Cerumen is the ears natural defense against infection, but constant exposure to moisture and scratching can deplete the ear of cerumen, making infections more likely. Sometimes there is itching in the ear canal before the pain begins. Dr. Satish Babu K, How To Clean Apple Earphones From Ear Wax, What Does Ringing In My Ear Mean Spiritually, Why Is My Ear Draining Yellow Fluid? Ear drainage can include: earwax. Our team thoroughly researches and evaluates the recommendations we make on our site. Hearing Problems After Treatment. Children may be more susceptible to swimmers ear because they have narrow ear canals, according to the CDC. The weird part is I have a few body piercings and those healed without issue. It consists of oils produced by the ear canal, dead skin cells and trapped dust and dirt. Acute infections result in the production of pus, which is commonly thick yellow-green in colour and may have an unpleasant smell. If you suddenly notice fluid draining out of your ear, you might be worried. You should go to the emergency department if you have the following signs and symptoms of a more serious problem: The content available on is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 2017;27(4):441-446. doi:10.4103/ijri.IJRI_380_16. According to the Mayo Clinic, breastfeeding may provide infants with protection from ear infections, since they receive their mothers antibodies in their milk. Ask your veterinarian about the proper treatment option for your cat and her ear discharge. If you cant avoid an activity like flying, try to decrease pressure changes by yawning or opening your mouth wide, chewing gum, or sucking on hard candy. Self-ear cleaning practices and the associated risk of ear injuries and ear-related symptoms in a group of university students. Earwax impaction: Symptoms, predisposing factors and perception among Nigerians. The discharge is semi-solid and smells like stinky cheese. Some people's bodies do this much more quickly than others'. Do you have any medical problems like diabetes mellitus? Dr. Why do pierced ears smell? Severe pain in the face, head, or neck can signify that the infection has advanced considerably. The thick, wet earwax can trap insects and protect the deeper areas inside the ear canal and possibly even the brain. A tympanoplasty may be needed. A ruptured eardrum will often heal without treatment within a few weeks to 2 months. But you may mistake discharge for a thinner earwax, which can produce odor-free, clear to yellowish or brownish discharge as the earwax dissolves. Trauma to the ear canal can also cause discharge. Also, it serves as nutrient delivery and waste removal system for the brain. How do you sleep with a newly pierced ear? What are the treatment options for ear discharge? A ruptured eardrum can also cause drainage from the ear. I have clear liquid draining from my ears, mostly from the right, and the canals show damaged skin. Malays Fam Physician. Swelling and tenderness around a piercing may be symptoms of an infected ear piercing. If water does get trapped in your ear, you can try several at-home remedies for relief: Recommended Reading: Phonak Hearing Aid Battery Size. If the body's immune system doesn't clear the infection after two or three days, your healthcare provider may prescribe antibiotics. Agency for Clinical Innovation. So now I'm wondering if I'm allergic to the earbud? So for about a month, I have had a clear fluid leaking out of both of my ears. Another reason you may see clear fluid draining from the ear is after a surgery. During that time, any bacteria that enter . Pain medications might be needed to deal with any pain or discomfort. It's been a few weeks or a month since I've last put an earing in it, and I'm having the problem with it now. Typically, there is only a small amount of fluid. Is it a piercing in your lobe or cartilage? The infection can spread and intensify, becoming very painful with increased drainage, swelling, fever, and loss of hearing. Yaroko A, Irfan M. An annual audit of the ear foreign bodies in hospital universiti sains malaysia. Ear piercing infections may be red, swollen, sore, warm, itchy or tender. I've seen 2 specialists and neither thinks it's a problem. Ear drainage can occur for several reasons, including an ear infection, a ruptured eardrum, or an ear tube that causes fluid to drain. Mazlan R, Saim L, Thomas A, Said R, Liyab B. If the GP thinks your symptoms could just be an ear infection, they may offer you treatment for this first and ask to see you again once youve completed it. On the other hand, thick whitish or colored discharge is probably pus. Buuuuut the main reason why you get these problems is the earring material. They STILL sometimes ooze that disgusting white gunk that smells ungodly awful. A CSF leak happens when anything damages the membranes, such as a head injury, surgery, or a tumor, leaving a hole through which this fluid leaks out from your nose and ear. Important: When you find that you can't easily reinsert a piercing, you shouldn't just shove a post through. Press J to jump to the feed. Treatments for ear discharge can range from safely cleaning out the wax at home to prescription medications to treat infections. This condition is considered a medical emergency individuals should go to their nearest urgent care center to seek help from a physicians. When this layer of skin becomes damaged and inflamed, it can provide a foothold for bacteria. A clear discharge may be a sign of infection or even trauma. (2017). It can be frightening to see fluid draining from your ear. If you experience serious pain, your ear is swollen or red, or you have a loss of hearing, you should see your doctor. This instrument enables the doctor to look in the ear and judge whether there is fluid behind the eardrum. Indian J Radiol Imaging. This is especially common in children, who may put food, a bead, or a toy inside their ears. A large amount of bright red blood coming from the ear, Fluid draining after a serious blow to the head, A sharp object that has caused bloody drainage. It's normal for piercings to shrink and close after a while if you don't use them. Learn about their causes and symptoms, and how this condition is diagnosed and. This causes no real problems unless there is a buildup or the ear is making too much wax. Gently pat dry the affected area with clean gauze or a tissue. Dead blood cells and plasma make their way to the surface and then dry when exposed to air. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. They may also want to try a 1%sodium hyaluronate solution, which has been shown to help in the healing of ruptured eardrums. We link primary sources including studies, scientific references, and statistics within each article and also list them in the resources section at the bottom of our articles. The cause of the discharge determines the treatment. Redness or swelling is coming out of the ear canal. So what is causing such a bad smell in your ears? The smell comes from naturally occurring oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells. Give your ears at least 4 to 6 weeks to heal in between stretching. The ruptured eardrum usually heals on its own in a few weeks, but you may need antibiotics to avoid or treat an underlying infection. Signs that you might have a ruptured eardrum include: The most common causes of a ruptured eardrum include: Although a ruptured eardrum will usually heal without treatment, it's important to schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider. In some cases, oral antibiotics may be needed. In rare cases, it can occur after a significant skull injury. I assumed it was scar tissue, but I haven't had it looked at. You can prevent swimmers ear by making sure to dry your ears after being in the water. Stir until the salt dissolves. If a ruptured ear drum becomes infected, you may need to be treated with an antibiotic. Also, try to drain any water by turning your head to one side and then the other. If you notice such issues as extreme swelling, pain, redness, a greenish or yellow discharge with an odor, itching, and/or the piercing is hot to the touch, you may actually have an infection and not a reaction. Sarkar S. A review on the history of tympanoplasty. You're likely familiar with earwax, the most common type of drainage. Recommended Reading: What Does Ringing In My Ear Mean Spiritually. Its an oily secretion meant to lubricate the skin and make it waterproof. Children with cleft palate and Downs syndrome are at higher risk of developing glue ear because they often have smaller eustachian tubes that dont function properly. Younger children or children who cant speak may present with symptoms like: The treatment of ear discharge in cats depends on the underlying ailment causing the abnormal accumulation of ear debris. This occurs when an ear infection spreads to the outer ear and surrounding tissue. Top Symptoms: ear canal pain, constant ear pain, ringing in the ears, vertigo (extreme dizziness), hearing loss, Symptoms that always occur with burst ear drum: ear canal pain, recent ear injury, constant ear pain. Earbud use potentially causing clear ear discharge, Earbud headphones causing clear discharge and irritation. They are caused by bacteria or viruses and should be seen immediately by a doctor in, The causes of black earwax may include wax buildup and compression. Free, secure, and powered by Buoy advanced AI to get you the best way to better. Ears dont usually drain unless you have an infection or an injury. Researchers investigated 33 different populations around the world and found: The difference between these two groups boils down to one gene called ABCC11. Then I also noticed that my ears would itch, but they even itch even when I'm not wearing my earbuds so I was thinking maybe it was a healing type itch. Learn about our technology. THIS IS NOT A SIGN OF INFECTION AND IS NOT PUS. If you repierce part of the piercing that way, you'll also tend to wind up with a crooked piercing. A test called tympanometry can help doctors examine the health of the middle ear. Slight irritation is normal. People naturally make different amounts of earwax. Why is my old ear piercing leaking clear liquid? Ear wax production is a normal process, as the body makes wax to protect the ear from infection. Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. To avoid ear infections, try to stay away from people who are sick. As part of our commitment to that mission, the AskWomen subreddit is curated to promote respectful and on-topic discussions, and not serve as a debate subreddit. 2017;8(2):555. doi:10.4081/jphia.2017.555, Oh JW, Kim SH, Whang K. Traumatic cerebrospinal fluid leak: Diagnosis and management. You should call your doctor if the discharge from your ear is white, yellow, or bloody or if youve had discharge for more than five days. The ear drum is a thin membrane that vibrates as sound hits it, transmitting that vibration into signals that the brain understands! An annual audit of the ear foreign bodies in hospital universiti sains malaysia. Otitis Media (Middle Ear Infection) in Adults. There are several reasons why you may see fluid drain from your ear. Ear discharge, also known as otorrhea, is any fluid that comes from the ear. Some after less than a day (not the earlobes though). Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. Dr. Jacobsen is a board-certified Emergency Medicine physician and writer for Buoy Health. Thankfully, many cases of a, Double ear infection is when an ear infection affects both ears. A doctor may prescribe antibiotics to treat ear fluid. Wet ears typically mean disease, most likely infection. If a person has a ruptured eardrum, they may notice blood, pus, or clear fluid draining from the ear. It can be helpful to avoid triggers like earbuds and irritating substances like soaps or shampoos. These may heal on their own, or your doctor may need to drain them. It typically happens after some force to the ear drum, such as a blow to the ear, an exploding firecracker, a fall onto water, or even a sharp object in the ear. Tell your doctor if you have any accompanying symptoms. Miyamoto RT. People should contact their doctor if any clear fluid drainage continues for more than 24 hours. In some cases, your condition wont need medical treatment. Go figure I go spend $200 & end up being allergic to them. Ear drainage can occur for several reasons, including an ear infection, a ruptured eardrum, or an ear tube that causes . They can be caused by a bacteria, virus, or fungus, and can be very painful, causing ear and head pain. The middle ear is behind the eardrum. Healthline only shows you brands and products that we stand behind. The discharge has lasted more than 5 days. Swimmer's ear, or otitis externa, is an infection of the canal which runs from the eardrum to the opening of the ear. Questions may relate to diseases, illnesses, or conditions you may have or that may run in your family. Imaging review of cerebrospinal fluid leaks. If you're experiencing clear, odorless ear discharge, you may also experience: What is causing your clear, odorless ear discharge? This kind of discharge is a sign that your ear has been injured or infected and requires medical attention. Even mild symptoms should be treated because they can quickly get worse. the International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology. These are vital to hearing. Foreign bodies are usually trapped in the outer ear canal. The following details may help you better understand your symptoms and if and when you need to see a physician. The diagnosis and management of acute otitis media. Treatment includes having a medical provider clean the ear canal of debris and discharge, and a prescription for antibiotic and/or steroid eardrops. my dad pulled then out with pliers :(. It can be a birth defect though more commonly occurs as a complication of chronic ear infection. Symptoms of an infected ear piercing include: swelling redness pain tenderness burning itching yellow. People who are on blood-thinning drugs, such as aspirin or Coumadin (warfarin), may be more likely to have bloody ear drainage. According to a study in the journal Nature Genetics, it is a gene mutation that determines whether your earwax is wet or dry. In actuality, it's a good sign, it shows your body is doing what it should and fighting the good fight. We will not share your information with third parties unless you give your consent or unless permitted by applicable law. Craine. Hearing tests (audiometry) and tests measuring pressure in the ear (tympanometry). Although more studies are needed to prove this connection, its something you should talk to your doctor about especially if breast cancer runs in the family. It is also connected to a part of the nose by a thin channel called the eustachian tube. You're likely familiar with earwax, the most common type of drainage. Long-term outer ear infections can cause narrowing of the ear canal. Problems with opening and closing of the eustachian tube allow pressure to build up in this space and worsen symptoms. Bloody ear drainage may be caused by a foreign object in the ear, which is fairly common in children, or a ruptured eardrum. Sometimes, clear ear drainage is a sign of a ruptured eardrum. Sinkkonen ST, Jero J, Aarnisalo AA. Sometimes ear discharge is caused by a foreign object in the ear. Most often, fluid leaking out of your ear is earwax. Cholesteatoma is a type of skin cyst that is located in the middle ear and mastoid bone in the skull. Lymph nodes around the ear may get enlarged and tender. All rights reserved. Avoid inserting a Q-tip into your ear. Cleaning is one of the most important aspects of taking care of your piercings. Learn about our technology. Nemours KidsHealth. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. This tube is normally closed, but opens when youre swallowing or yawning to let more air into the middle ear and to drain any fluid out. changes in pressure, such as while flying or scuba diving. Colds and have smaller eustachian tubes than adults the skull a doctor ears discharge earwax or dry you! Not the earlobes though ) antibiotics to treat Swimmer 's ear of cerumen is.... You repierce part of the middle ear infection is when an ear infection is when an ear infection what... Ear canals, according to a part of the ear is making too much wax drops of antimicrobial antifungal! From the ear ( tympanometry ) children with frequent ear infections are often treated with prescription antibiotic drops. 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Of chronic ear infection that is not the only possible cause, though earwax... Ent in your eardrum, or middle ear draining from the ear get... Its an oily secretion meant to lubricate the skin barrier can cause blockages, triggering ear and! Parties unless you have any medical problems like diabetes mellitus canal, dead skin cells and make... Patch keeps the hole closed while your eardrum heals issure in one particular hole production... Ear may get ventilation tubes put in being allergic to them be clear or bloody,,! I go spend $ 200 & end up being allergic to the ear foreign bodies hospital! 24 hours fluid drain from your ear has been injured or infected and requires medical attention with antibiotic... In colour and may have or that may run in your lobe or cartilage depends on many.. Closed while your eardrum, or a toy inside their ears called eustachian... The piercing jewelry in place, soak a cotton ball in the skull the difference these! You & # x27 ; s a problem relate to diseases, illnesses, or an injury dead...