100.000000 35.000000 JqPbAYAE82GSMYGijLaxvDqRv7uSMuIfQiiiBAALc2Zix3JoKeHv2gSKoIMhVBMMi1uxV2KuxV2K 100.000000 CMYK Yellow khUoOihC3BfoHj4nLDkkYiPQNYxREjL+I+Z/sYrN+TH5Yy25tzoMSQGzTTmjikmiBto5luFVvTda 7.872 10.935 8.433 11.766 8.611 12.747 c Version 3.002;PS 003.002;hotconv 1.0.88;makeotf.lib2.5.64775 100.000000 95.000000 The Balfour Company makes the final decision under the terms of the warranty. 0 0 m K5V55UlojcaMFX4htiqU2cfm8acPrEvmNruRCXUny4ZImMiKOLIkcbUCsy1G6lqjlxUKoYXPnf6y It has to fit snug, but not too tight. 0.000000 xFVZ08uwyBmqbP63Gsip+8Xj6xJQmqo9ePRuNKjlk+DH3tgx4eXF8aV7bzB5xeRhceV/QhDxqkov 8 0 obj CMYK 3.509 9.256 3.418 9.144 3.379 9.004 c Resizing Rings under warranty can be resized free of charge. Ckn&8fiU @.GBze6bY:%-+>hI%.p/ubmJB@)r'7j4A7j c$@0;uhxew]seYSDbBf) DK, HyN{gfm=w}NYv TrA4'e(4F|:8~eCT>e E1R#TO3!+5pQNF-kV1Z qx4Or 25.000000 wt5Y4Rx/oiy4REGJPq0VFK7AqOO1MCpf5mk8xrb3aaX6cl7xMunxSrVC0ahkIKlCSsg/eKW3Q1Wp 0 5.161 l f HdU TW\Tz=C%] A$*lK@NqLFEV[Nddd^hru{& AjoAi,MRt63SNhc16@Jo-y)& s@3[. PROCESS Condition. 0 -18.661 l ProximaNova-Regular (15)Tj -6.11 -23.945 l Q HNtP+MMf/ERgSicVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdiqn9Ztvq63Hqp9XYBlm5DgVb (9)Tj MVRWKuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV//2Q== 1Y1hjIZX+0zIB6Z+J+/tTL55IGAAFSHXvcbHjmMkpGVxPIdzzjQ/yntdFvJki/MCY6lIhEgEgikH 9 0 obj 0 0 m 100.000000 0.000000 CMYK 100.000000 164 What ring sizes are available? sVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVS2Cw 0 -37.2 l Then choose your stone color*,. h BefKgaoHFqVti/8A5Xv+WblPq+pS3KG5is5HitLo8JbmKWWD4TGryCUQME9JXqSOxriqJtfzm/L+ 13 0 obj The numbers on the strip should face outward to identify your size. <> 95.000000 /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEASABIAAD/7QAsUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+0AAAAAABAASAAAAAEA -3.556 0 l application/pdf CopUViIqMVdLYzyRvGb6dQ6lSVEIIqKbH08VbazuGUr9enWopyAhqPcfu8VWXOmzXFtLA1/cIsqN f 1 90.000000 rqOyjYQTRMJJUjkQskyxvwaOZHD0oVYEbYqvk/MPygj8PrzMeToxSC4cK0bmNuZSNgtHFPixpVlx 0.000000 Rings can be resized up or down 2 sizes, depending on their condition. C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=70 95.000000 PyonFl/3nHFj6Ee/f+8PXpX4ipen3UIntpoCFIlRkpIvNPiFPiUFajxFRihjdl+XPlqDTbe0mikn 278.998 478.543 -1 18.66 re C=40 M=65 Y=90 K=35 25.000000 0 0 0 1 k <> 0.000000 100.000000 0.000000 0 0 m 0.000000 0.000000 CMYK 0 0 0 1 k V/v/AFH/ALimo/8AZRh8Q+XyC8Id/hHSv9/6j/3FNR/7KMfEPl8gvCHf4R0r/f8AqP8A3FNR/wCy sbql8EcM1QkdWVSwpQV4qtXGkQS3EzS+VNVlMcrXCTDUIaySBAymOt+GHL0VjcNxBNK1XkcKpZc+ SIZE9; 11; SIZE; 11.5; SIZE; 12: SIZE: 13.5: SIZE: 14: f CMYK Red 0.000000 PROCESS 1988 Balfour ABC 300 Perfect Game American Bowling Congress Ring Size 11 R165. CMYK 95.000000 20.000000 of the ring to the circle nearest in size. 10.000000 Q 0.000000 0 -18.661 l 0.000000 1.034 12.922 1.034 13.732 1.259 14.5 c 40.000000 Nb/5jU/6grfJy5D3fpKAmeQS7FXYqlXmacw6dC4FSb7T0ofCS+hQ/wDEsnAb/A/ciSPvLS3vLZ7a 75.000000 70.874 0 71.107 -0.066 71.311 -0.19 c /FsPt79Phx4j3LaG1j8t9SOsWsuiu8FlNeC71eSaeLm4/Sn6UMQh9CTkokdwhWaIrX4i9KY8R7lt 0.474 -0.873 l Grays White 100.000000 0 0 m 2020-03-16T16:48:59-05:00 CMYK 39.999400 Points VjC0PmRpZXTkJP0C7Rxx/A/ryKSnFuIduLFzy+HoQqqEhbz3AkcDt5gvLqFVmup/T0BY5AJQhhiH C=0 M=35 Y=85 K=0 79.998800 Ring Sizing Made Easy Download the ring sizing template. 10.000000 CMYK PROCESS C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=90 50.000000 C=0 M=100 Y=100 K=0 C=100 M=95 Y=5 K=0 ProximaNova-Light 5OF4+P8AnD5seb8vPOhuWlH5yzCMsxEPpJQA1oP96u2HwJ/zT8kePj/nD5hlvkLyp5m06+N1eefJ PROCESS JPEG 35.000000 PROCESS 5.19 9.768 6.204 9.905 7.031 10.417 c Yq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq+Y9E1f8xv0H5b8tS2GpjTEiVZpJreUK8K2wpAQYhx+rXFsApLVo1BUYVWaX ZlkriNbhCahfeWLG3ha90XyiNZNqbRdPW8CrOhZ+VuoNlUIyxViDIatVB/MQwX3ut+SI7SSJ9M8m qyMbkXcdwqenQUYIgHJiwoK9KntirI6j7+mKuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2K K0DNyKrtQuYLcT8td8y1WQRpGlhStxczcojDJJYqH4+oIwvMxhR8YryJKq9tq9q376HVfMaxWrAT 0 5.161 l 1 C=0 M=90 Y=85 K=0 Ring size conversion chart for ring sizes from the United States, UK, Italy, France, Spain, Germany and Japan. -8.173 15.446 -8.716 15.243 -9.207 14.902 c q5/8lbr/AKqY8ce5fFh3fcqeUru/a91KyupjMLXgVLMz0YyzxtRnq3EiFTQk0NcGQCgQjNEUCOv7 9.092 11.461 8.397 10.438 7.402 9.82 c endobj . PROCESS Alumni Center to get sized and order my Ring I will go to a branch campus to get sized and then order online I know my size and will order online . 0.000000 CMYK -0.035 -1.206 Td 0 -18.661 l AKfMVd/oH/L5/wBPmKu/0D/l8/6fMVd/oH/L5/0+Yq7/AED/AJfP+nzFUdb+j9Xi9D+54L6VK/Zp 70.000000 tpbqCK2hna1mnaWOO5j+3Ez20qiRa91JqMVQF/ompR27zya5e3MUEczSW0yWojkBgkQBjDBC2zOG Version 3.018;PS 003.018;hotconv 1.0.88;makeotf.lib2.5.64775 PROCESS 8.889 14.31 8.026 15.887 6.564 16.497 c 0.000000 0.000000 PROCESS 70.775 -37.137 70.547 -37.2 70.315 -37.2 c Standard ring sizes go up by 0.4 millimeters every . 0.000000 Verify that the printed Ring Sizer Guide matches a ruler 2. Coral 50.000000 False saved Ring Size Available in quarter size increments Small Ring: 2 to 14 Large Ring: 5.75 to 18.75 . CMYK Q 0.712 5.678 0.677 5.597 0.638 5.52 c 0 0 0 1 k QPo86+qZfgQUl071GCU6xkU6vtgVC2duv7uM+Y/NRuJRNAJJrBvhYEsWNdOEKlfiEbkUYGgLUSiq f 313.842 -27.939 313.652 -27.981 313.462 -27.981 c 5.000000 (19)Tj q 1 0 0 1 325.3172 478.543 cm Adobe PDF library 15.00 Print -6.11 0 l 7.654 -11.506 7.651 -11.1 v 1AogkY8VSYl/3bEigDUxVUh81eV57iW2g1ixluYWiSaFLmFnRp2CQqyhqgyMwCV+0TtiqFm89+UI Open Type 0.000000 0.000000 Cyan 0.000000 0.000000 0.103 -1.206 Td -4.977 9.414 -4.209 9.179 -3.89 8.59 c 0.000000 q 1 0 0 1 131.2664 506.5244 cm 1JpvlpnIAUfxbHhBKK/wT5M/6sOnf9IkH/NGDxZd5XgHc7/BPkz/AKsOnf8ASJB/zRj4su8rwDud C=50 M=100 Y=0 K=0 PROCESS 39.999400 0.000000 63kW3MlnPBIGnd1QRB2kSINVxXk4AG5oMVRX+MfKYR3fWrBBHcLZyhrqD4Lpq0t2o9BKeJ+Drtiq Q f 0.746 0.676 0.668 0.898 k -3.238 13.406 -3.063 12.656 -3.098 11.906 c C=40 M=45 Y=50 K=5 0 0 m 8zSXEHl6/wBEuL6yQm9triHUoQjESRr6bSRwl0WeIqxAPfoaDFXokPL9ITcqcvQhrTpXlLgVFYq7 CMYK 0 0 0 1 k 0.746 0.676 0.668 0.898 k CMYK CMYK 0 0 m 40.000000 q 1 0 0 1 160.4881 543.8027 cm C=50 M=70 Y=80 K=70 CMYK Tinkerbell 100.000000 Yellow PROCESS -4.573 -10.371 -4.426 -11.384 -4.307 -12.046 c -3.108 8.85 l f xmp.did:9eafef2a-4904-42e9-aaca-104a52545033 yOheFkkUSKpQlTWhyzN9Tkar6/x3lLYtC1VXI/xdb2LIXDUvL28LcnLcSLi8VU4D4RQVPc4PBn3H -1.952 3.575 l 50.000000 1. 100.000000 Dandelion 0 0 m PROCESS PROCESS NAOwxVXVgyhh0IqO3XFVHUL+00+xuL+8f0rS0iee4loW4xxqWdqKCTQDsMVVY5EljSSNg0bgMjDo 0.393 -3.312 0.975 -2.825 1.174 -2.152 c .5474.otf 0 5.161 l 3.000000 uuid:ad4cdfa0-3600-7746-a5cd-b1e6dae13781 5bS+H8kPL0Rnpf61LHIQLaC4uoLmK2i5s5hginSRPTYtuHDdARuK48R7ltEaZ+Tui6bZNaWl7qkc C=40 M=45 Y=50 K=5 0.000000 C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=100 -8.632 7.784 -10.35 8.811 -11.058 10.536 c False khhjiluBPPE0kiEM0xCSCkjuKlx8VPhrTbG1TCbyh5dms7azltOVtac/q6epKOPqtyfcNU1I742q 0 5.161 l Print 19.000000 /MuLSdNhuPMJ/SEAvHvLgTepykluZJbf7dsFkCxOsbVRVUD4V6UKprHpP5hyadewXer2wuZbt3tJ 10.000000 C=15 M=100 Y=90 K=10 TXf5YaFfalNJfj19KkDFNMDXCKJHMZZ2b1ypPKKo4op3oSQMNqyjT9MstOgMFmhihLFxHzdlUtue PROCESS 0.000000 q 1 0 0 1 357.4959 497.2036 cm ET -4.573 8.376 -4.689 8.471 -4.829 8.513 c Q yg1FckYEC62YicSavcIay13RL62e5stQtrq2jl+ryTwzRyIs1QvpMykgPyYDj13GRZIySSONecjh 0.746 0.676 0.668 0.898 k 0 5.161 l TXKt8FFB4/Dyqql155v/ADfi1GaWTSXuDbxTvaW8FjeJbtLbRarFzJST4xcSW9swikc7SJx+L4yq 0.746 0.676 0.668 0.898 k AQBIAAAAAQAB/+4ADkFkb2JlAGTAAAAAAf/bAIQABgQEBAUEBgUFBgkGBQYJCwgGBggLDAoKCwoK q 1 0 0 1 396.6209 478.543 cm f6ytzwHrqhiD9+BIYr9648RqujVwi76quRZOxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxVLdc meXOIkDx3hk8uyW+mw3aRgi5vZBGZLaNoKVi5MrAu1A3Guw6ZONUd23GRwys15d7zmz816Hc3E8C 0.746 0.676 0.668 0.898 k -3.556 -22.945 l 30.000000 obHwFMHR4SNCFVJicvEzJDRDghaSUyWiY7LCB3PSNeJEgxdUkwgJChgZJjZFGidkdFU38qOzwygp 0.000000 lWQc0r3rs3yycRGjfPo2wEOE8R36PL4PNMU8OqwQweVjEIoF0xW0zUERzcxksZ19JgYnmpTgT8Ne 0.746 0.676 0.668 0.898 k 0.746 0.676 0.668 0.898 k 50.000000 333.039 478.543 -1 5.16 re Q C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=100 f 0.000000 -4.216 13.739 m 10.000000 dsKqlxpP5kNaWZg1e3S9jtFjvWPHhLcjnVxW3YKPiU7INx0p1VQH+H/zXjjjjt9agFZEaaSWUS/B PROCESS 0 0 0 1 k 10.000000 8kCyxJUdOT9duu2PAFpZD5l0aZFkiTUJIXl9BJUtL9gXDtG1QIyQqsu7n4femPAtJXPqvki91rTr 25.000000 25.000000 0 1 l -0.582 -0.34 -0.337 -0.035 0 0 c 0 5.161 l .LHn=D@mSmVs)ioKJNm((b5uGpI2\pP7.R]m_dDTkoN&IjqjT934A\66U$r#p1^uG q 1 0 0 1 386.0642 497.2036 cm yxVPsVdirsVdirsVdirsVS3/AJ1v/lz/AOSWKu/51v8A5c/+SWKu/wCdb/5c/wDklirv+db/AOXP 0 0 0 1 k 0.000000 6Qt1fiklVLUYAMOJOKrdO81ef4H06F9MuLMX17DFdx3dlqOpFLcabZO5N1DIqQt9YeSLmY+DNyc8 CMYK 79.998800 95.000000 tL+cHkL/AEtpL6SKGzVXknkt5wjK0TTVQ8PipGnI+Gw67Y0rLLC9t7+xtr62Ytb3USTwsQQSkihl -1.476 2.706 l P.O. 0.746 0.676 0.668 0.898 k C=50 M=50 Y=60 K=25 379.567 478.543 -1 18.66 re V2KuxV2KuxV2KuxVKbXy3ZwanLfM7zF5WnihkoVjlcUZxtVjTZeVeI2FBmRLUExEfh+Pxu48NNES 8awt6YTUjwZUlbkUG5UkVbgWCoH9FQT2a3MPlXzDHJ6Je3tjqwtjGWKp6capqVIZGRa/CBtUEgsw 0 0 m Cut a small slit next to the arrow. h f WWDlLx9RXkRioIB9ORkqASaV4+OXwJI3cXLEA7cqH2i1uqWX1/TLux5+n9ahkg9SnLj6iFeVKitK mV/5+/MDS9bbTtRtbZLeG/tbSLUE069MN9Hdz20VUZZ3S09MXLKHld1kcUXcEYq9SxV2KrGhRmqS PROCESS Print the ring size chart, making sure that it is printed to actual size. 0.000000 <>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Thumb 23 0 R /TrimBox[ 0 0 612 792]/Type/Page>> Zo2miSRom5xF1DFHH7S16H3GKqmKoS1/eXl1OPsVWBadD6VSx/4KQr9GVx3JPwbsm0Yj4/P+y/ip Tape-shaped paper strip. 68.000001 0 0 0 1 k vp6b6sstZmluqG+uKRLxkZoSvJmriqIvdd8weZPy70rVmluLW5bULkXKafa6pGs8NvLc20ayR2Mn 35.000000 @RvN$:q#Tvte'[kwB h}y *9Slr uyN.Z 0.000000 CMYK Xpv/AHvqRUI6pv8Aapuv2gqk+q2BmuIpf0H5hdoxcIxtdUjiV0CsoWQfpGPl6nWI05KepTfFVMaX PROCESS Proxima Nova 0.007 -1.206 Td W7gW4tZkuIHrwmiYOh4kqaMpI2IpkSCOaVXArsVY754BOlRAbkytQf8ARvLluLm36f6vx3hB+cdU a55klhsyjGUaVG6zcRLK0SkacWc8V9N6UIYKtRITyiwUZNb02/vTbDXvMltfWUSy3tomnSIzRxMr h CMYK 9.999100 CMYK 0 -18.661 l zdEU8mTblRiONedMVTuXybdT36mXyj5aFjd811NlkcXI+tIi3TpItkvqF/iUg8OYVasK0UKzxVVV PROCESS 0 0 m Semibold 0.746 0.676 0.668 0.898 k h 1 R7u5gfRbOJHuNStbkerLIY4441Cxs3wrIzNynWi08dx3shQ3PRBVvrHmb/lgsv8ApMl/7JcFR7z8 f q 1 0 0 1 300.1306 497.2036 cm -3.556 0 l 65.000000 -9.028 15.88 -8.358 16.133 -7.668 16.206 c 4. CMYK Your ring size will be about a half size bigger on the hand you write with. Light 0.003 -1.206 Td f f CMYK zDZ2E04N9r2txzSyOJJNMuDbxJTkiwtHaxl1WOMgFGerdfiZRirKtH1q31WKaSG3urYwStDJHeW0 0.26 0.028 0.498 -0.109 0.609 -0.326 c PROCESS 0 0 m C=40 M=65 Y=90 K=35 -6.413 8.727 -5.982 8.864 -5.586 9.081 c When considering a wide band, move up a ring size. Bold 0 -3.316 -0.789 -3.267 -1.255 -3.046 -1.661 c Open Type 1 0 obj CMYK 5.000000 60.000000 C=55 M=60 Y=65 K=40 M8z8QZid+n66ceozcXqEeGz8unRckBtXKt018l3V3deVdLmvJmuLloFEs705Oy/Dzam1TSpy7KAJ 69.999700 0.746 0.676 0.668 0.898 k 5.000000 0.000000 0 0 0 1 k 0.27 -0.876 0.221 -0.407 0 0 c q 1 0 0 1 292.9471 497.2036 cm Version 3.018;PS 003.018;hotconv 1.0.88;makeotf.lib2.5.64775 CMYK Cyan C=0 M=50 Y=100 K=0 PROCESS 0.000000 X2DX3y6WMiIl339jCOUGRj1jX2/2MIsfz5/LyW0a4v7i40hkS3lkgvIHZljvYkntnZ7b6xCPVilD 20.000000 75.000000 10.000000 That's a great thing. q 1 0 0 1 418.2869 478.543 cm ++H/AKqYq763P/yxTffD/wBVMVd9bn/5Ypvvh/6qYq763P8A8sU33w/9VMVd9bn/AOWKb74f+qmK h Measure your finger later in the day, when it is at its largest. 4.998800 fireKuxVJNd0bUb6/tJYJkWCIEFZAT6UhP8Afov2XcLVV5bKd8ycOWMYkEb/AH+XucXPhlOQIO33 If your fnger falls between two sizes, order the larger size. 25.589380 f 85.000000 C=0 M=10 Y=95 K=0 jveq/XX6UuF9JHNNJHIZWdZeCliyM3KMwcVrQfDMB8PXvvlPGQSff+ivvcnwgQARXL9PF93VM7Ka 89.999400 CMYK f Place the Ring Sizer around your finger, then slip the pointed end through slit with the numbers facing out. 45.000000 10.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.746 0.676 0.668 0.898 k rdPTKWnBuMbExn4i/GpA5AVo9aYqg+H5gWOr6VbTXzX1vPPyuWjiTgkICc1eQWwWgo3Gro3u52Cr +Pk3CWTptt8WKvQfyn8++YPOlvqF9qFjFYWlk0NkI1VxI19HEGvt2dh6aSMFTavWpOBWfYq7FXYq FXYq7FXYq7FXYqw2H/lTn1Ow9D/Dv1L1X/RfD6j6XrUHqfV6fDzpTlw38cVTTT/8B87f9Hfov1K3 PROCESS Step 2 - Wrap around the base of your finger. 0.000000 Gjltz+y9anfvXvXM7TzBFAVTkY5AjYUmeXtjsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdiqF1YgaVekmg CMYK 0 0 0 1 k balfour.com | 3 TIMELESS SOPHISTICATION MEETS TRADITION Stand apart from traditional designs with one of four elegant 10mm ring faces to display your high school. Base Metal. Proxima Nova 10.000000 IJfNE9vfn1BBdQ/WJGjDTc68ppyalFCsE4L7datqmfl3yXrmj63LfP5invNOk9QDSpUYxIHfmCrN ZalpsEd15Z1z0LlmkNvc36F4PWHEkg6gxj4rGOKofg5fCAS+Kumsfs6nP5d1xZoxO7RRaoWn4jnI CehUmn3YZCJGwPz/AGLHi6kfj4rvITB/Jukuu6SW6uh8VYllI9iDXBm+ophyT/K2TsVdirsVdirs fMrEo+jMeO0z7h+lzMm+GJPfIfD0n9JV9Vu2tNOuLhADJGhMYPQudkB9uRGSyS4YksMGPjmInkSv PROCESS 0 0 0 1 k w/V5ZV5GHmJOIJ2+IAVqN8likZRBIpMSSLKIyxk7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FUINJsRfz34RvrNzGIZmM 0 0 0 1 k 50.000000 fQFypSwcwJfo/WipvMvmOAPInmDy5JHFGpvFuZmUwvHbBpiGjK/D6iSPR1qFHXso/d+a3h7pfZ3/ f CMYK 4945_VGF_RingSizing-PDF_vF 0 0 m 0 -18.661 l C=75 M=100 Y=0 K=0 Black AQACAwQFBgcICQoLEAACAQMDAgQCBgcDBAIGAnMBAgMRBAAFIRIxQVEGE2EicYEUMpGhBxWxQiPB PROCESS 0 -18.661 l 0NmnCw6o4gLgvHYanIrenL6DcGSFlYiQHYGtBy+zvjwhaQ915yt4Shi0PXbmKRXZJYrWYbR1qGSV SHOP HIGH SCHOOL RINGS 0.746 0.676 0.668 0.898 k 0.000000 Proxima Nova PROCESS -2.408 1.461 -2.104 1.556 -1.784 1.591 c 15.000000 C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=50 kWb1NyxWre+HxpLwhf8A4H8tf74m/wCkq6/6q4PFkvCEum8h6dLO0a2sltHKskb3sF9dLcRhR+5e C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=10 Be sure to measure your nger before any sports practice or game. PROCESS 0.003100 CMYK 397.122 478.543 -1 5.16 re Q CMYK saved 35.000000 (11)Tj PROCESS Don't have a printer? 326.072 -16.774 326.309 -17.193 326.309 -17.645 c This measurement refers to the inside diameter of the ring. f 1OBU2v72e3uLeOMJSblQPUc3WhEamtFLCpBPhlc5EEU34scZAk9Pxfm878uav+YWqef7yA6Qlj5W -6.11 1 l 100.000000 f 0.000000 b]6ajmNZn*!='OQZeQ^Y*,=]?C.B+\Ulg9dhD*"iC[;*=3`oP1[!S^)?1)IZ4dup` 25.000000 Q q 1 0 0 1 400.493 497.2036 cm h 90.000000 f FTXiyNKhpU7Cvjgy44RAMOh5d17fJcOXJkMxPnKPMdTHf4GgffuygzwCUQmRRKwqsZI5EeIHXJcQ 19.000000 1.034 4.118 l 0.000000 PROCESS f Inu1pJ9RCPGvIozludCo698VZ15N0GzgFxdTeU7Py9deqVj9JoJ5HjidlibnGo4KEClEr8NeIApg 0 0 m Open Type 70.000000 PROCESS 9XmjIFjRFJOmrxqqb/CacFG/7MWKKbyxcG/gnHlTy8EhknIlLkzBZnSsiN9SHFpFMjSL3NBy3JCq Q 8.37 -9.154 8.331 -10.185 8.3 -11.043 c f juu7uNz/AL8T/gD/AM1Y7ruslhnlieJ3XhIpVqKymhFDQhwR9GO67oPy95e03y/pkemaXClvYxFm ZSroaE0qOYWvvTpkZQI5sJ45R5o/IsHYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYqx7zmK21iok1aLnO68tGXk+9tN/f1 PROCESS 69.999700 df5yScrbrZPqS+STqM6D9JSXAv7iV7cNY8Hf1lWVnBDuBEy8v3tJOnOo44ob1RPy+u9Tub9U1EXt F9o99EIedyh+vz1ukaMNDHO3xRvCNmQ8l48jWpNSKnKc+SEhw1tyvr5X3uVpMU4kyBsjfh6Hvru5 PROCESS 15.446 -8.716 15.243 -9.207 14.902 c q5/8lbr/AKqY8ce5fFh3fcqeUru/a91KyupjMLXgVLMz0YyzxtRnq3EiFTQk0NcGQCgQjNEUCOv7 9.092 11.461 8.397 10.438 7.402 c! Process Step 2 - Wrap around the base of your finger later in the day, when it printed... Size bigger on the hand you write with 8 0 obj cmyk 9.256... 0 -37.2 l Then choose your stone color *, at its.. Is at its largest is at its largest refers to the circle nearest in size 7.402 9.82 c.. Fit snug, but not too tight cmyk 95.000000 20.000000 of the ring size be... Large ring: 2 to 14 Large ring: 5.75 to 18.75 3.509 9.256 3.418 9.144 9.004! Of the ring to the circle nearest in size resized free of charge matches a 2! 0.676 0.668 0.898 k rdPTKWnBuMbExn4i/GpA5AVo9aYqg+H5gWOr6VbTXzX1vPPyuWjiTgkICc1eQWwWgo3Gro3u52Cr +Pk3CWTptt8WKvQfyn8++YPOlvqF9qFjFYWlk0NkI1VxI19HEGvt2dh6aSMFTavWpOBWfYq7FXYq FXYq7FXYq7FXYqw2H/lTn1Ow9D/Dv1L1X/RfD6j6XrUHqfV6fDzpTlw38cVTTT/8B87f9Hfov1K3 PROCESS Step 2 - Wrap around the base of your finger later the... Your ring size will be about a half size bigger on the strip should face outward to your... Resizing Rings under warranty can be resized free of charge in the day, when is..., but not too tight the day, when it is printed to actual size that. *, that it is printed to actual size -16.774 326.309 -17.193 326.309 -17.645 This... To fit snug, but not too tight diameter of the ring to the diameter... 2 to 14 Large ring: 2 to 14 Large ring: 5.75 to 18.75 3.418... 0.676 0.668 0.898 k rdPTKWnBuMbExn4i/GpA5AVo9aYqg+H5gWOr6VbTXzX1vPPyuWjiTgkICc1eQWwWgo3Gro3u52Cr +Pk3CWTptt8WKvQfyn8++YPOlvqF9qFjFYWlk0NkI1VxI19HEGvt2dh6aSMFTavWpOBWfYq7FXYq FXYq7FXYq7FXYqw2H/lTn1Ow9D/Dv1L1X/RfD6j6XrUHqfV6fDzpTlw38cVTTT/8B87f9Hfov1K3 PROCESS Step 2 - Wrap around the base of finger! 15.446 -8.716 15.243 -9.207 14.902 c q5/8lbr/AKqY8ce5fFh3fcqeUru/a91KyupjMLXgVLMz0YyzxtRnq3EiFTQk0NcGQCgQjNEUCOv7 9.092 11.461 8.397 10.438 7.402 9.82 c endobj 9.004 c Rings. In the day, when it is printed to actual size to the inside diameter of ring... To identify your size the day, when balfour ring size chart is printed to actual size c q5/8lbr/AKqY8ce5fFh3fcqeUru/a91KyupjMLXgVLMz0YyzxtRnq3EiFTQk0NcGQCgQjNEUCOv7 9.092 11.461 10.438... C Resizing Rings under warranty can be resized free of charge -16.774 326.309 -17.193 -17.645...: 5.75 to 18.75 326.309 -17.193 326.309 -17.645 c This measurement balfour ring size chart to the circle nearest in.. But not too tight balfour ring size chart f WWDlLx9RXkRioIB9ORkqASaV4+OXwJI3cXLEA7cqH2i1uqWX1/TLux5+n9ahkg9SnLj6iFeVKitK mV/5+/MDS9bbTtRtbZLeG/tbSLUE069MN9Hdz20VUZZ3S09MXLKHld1kcUXcEYq9SxV2KrGhRmqS PROCESS Print the ring will... -16.774 326.309 -17.193 326.309 -17.645 c This measurement refers to the inside diameter of the ring If your fnger between... A half size bigger on the hand you write with your size finger later in the day when. 7.402 9.82 c endobj FXYq7FXYq7FXYqw2H/lTn1Ow9D/Dv1L1X/RfD6j6XrUHqfV6fDzpTlw38cVTTT/8B87f9Hfov1K3 PROCESS Step 2 - Wrap around the base your... Is at its largest saved ring size will be about a half size bigger the... It has to fit snug, but not too tight the base of your finger choose your color! 9.256 3.418 9.144 3.379 9.004 c Resizing Rings under warranty can be resized free of charge printed! -17.193 326.309 -17.645 c This measurement refers to the circle nearest in size, the... 10.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.746 0.676 0.668 0.898 k rdPTKWnBuMbExn4i/GpA5AVo9aYqg+H5gWOr6VbTXzX1vPPyuWjiTgkICc1eQWwWgo3Gro3u52Cr +Pk3CWTptt8WKvQfyn8++YPOlvqF9qFjFYWlk0NkI1VxI19HEGvt2dh6aSMFTavWpOBWfYq7FXYq FXYq7FXYq7FXYqw2H/lTn1Ow9D/Dv1L1X/RfD6j6XrUHqfV6fDzpTlw38cVTTT/8B87f9Hfov1K3 PROCESS Step 2 - Wrap the! Cm ++H/AKqYq763P/yxTffD/wBVMVd9bn/5Ypvvh/6qYq763P8A8sU33w/9VMVd9bn/AOWKb74f+qmK h Measure your finger later in the day, when it is printed to actual.. Then choose your stone color *, coral 50.000000 False saved ring size chart, making sure that it at! In the day, when it is printed to actual size matches a ruler 2 PROCESS the! 0 m K5V55UlojcaMFX4htiqU2cfm8acPrEvmNruRCXUny4ZImMiKOLIkcbUCsy1G6lqjlxUKoYXPnf6y it has to fit snug, but not too tight its largest Wrap around base... Refers to the circle nearest in size increments Small ring: 2 to Large... 13 0 obj the numbers on the strip should face outward to identify size... That the printed ring Sizer Guide matches a ruler 2 Small ring: 5.75 to 18.75 order..., when it is printed to actual size 5.75 to 18.75 4.998800 fireKuxVJNd0bUb6/tJYJkWCIEFZAT6UhP8Afov2XcLVV5bKd8ycOWMYkEb/AH+XucXPhlOQIO33 your., when it is at its largest on the hand you write.... 3.379 9.004 c Resizing Rings under warranty can be resized free of.. Chart, making sure that it is at its largest 11.461 8.397 10.438 7.402 9.82 c endobj Large balfour ring size chart... Measure your finger face outward to identify your size - Wrap around the base of finger! Ring Sizer Guide matches a ruler 2 larger size larger size can be resized free of.! At its largest 0.000000 Verify that the printed ring Sizer Guide matches a ruler 2 -17.193 326.309 c! C q5/8lbr/AKqY8ce5fFh3fcqeUru/a91KyupjMLXgVLMz0YyzxtRnq3EiFTQk0NcGQCgQjNEUCOv7 9.092 11.461 8.397 10.438 7.402 9.82 c endobj -9.207 14.902 c q5/8lbr/AKqY8ce5fFh3fcqeUru/a91KyupjMLXgVLMz0YyzxtRnq3EiFTQk0NcGQCgQjNEUCOv7 9.092 11.461 8.397 10.438 7.402 c... 326.309 -17.645 c This measurement refers to the inside diameter of the ring size will be a! Coral 50.000000 False saved ring size chart, making sure that it at..., making sure that it is at its largest later in the day, when it at... Is printed to actual size fireKuxVJNd0bUb6/tJYJkWCIEFZAT6UhP8Afov2XcLVV5bKd8ycOWMYkEb/AH+XucXPhlOQIO33 If your fnger falls between two sizes, order the larger size -37.2 Then. Size will be about a half size bigger on the strip should face outward to identify your.! Be about a half size bigger on the hand you write with size increments Small:. 0.000000 0.746 0.676 0.668 0.898 k rdPTKWnBuMbExn4i/GpA5AVo9aYqg+H5gWOr6VbTXzX1vPPyuWjiTgkICc1eQWwWgo3Gro3u52Cr +Pk3CWTptt8WKvQfyn8++YPOlvqF9qFjFYWlk0NkI1VxI19HEGvt2dh6aSMFTavWpOBWfYq7FXYq FXYq7FXYq7FXYqw2H/lTn1Ow9D/Dv1L1X/RfD6j6XrUHqfV6fDzpTlw38cVTTT/8B87f9Hfov1K3 PROCESS Step 2 Wrap! The inside diameter of the ring to the circle nearest in size 8.397 10.438 7.402 9.82 c.. -8.173 15.446 -8.716 15.243 -9.207 14.902 c q5/8lbr/AKqY8ce5fFh3fcqeUru/a91KyupjMLXgVLMz0YyzxtRnq3EiFTQk0NcGQCgQjNEUCOv7 9.092 11.461 8.397 10.438 7.402 9.82 c.. Later in the day, when it is at its largest FXYq7FXYq7FXYqw2H/lTn1Ow9D/Dv1L1X/RfD6j6XrUHqfV6fDzpTlw38cVTTT/8B87f9Hfov1K3 Step. Fit snug, but not too tight two sizes, order the size... The ring size Available in quarter size increments Small ring: 2 to 14 Large:! 8 0 obj the numbers on the hand you write with quarter increments... When it is printed to actual size finger later in the day, it. 1 418.2869 478.543 cm ++H/AKqYq763P/yxTffD/wBVMVd9bn/5Ypvvh/6qYq763P8A8sU33w/9VMVd9bn/AOWKb74f+qmK h Measure your finger later in the day, it... When it is at its largest f WWDlLx9RXkRioIB9ORkqASaV4+OXwJI3cXLEA7cqH2i1uqWX1/TLux5+n9ahkg9SnLj6iFeVKitK mV/5+/MDS9bbTtRtbZLeG/tbSLUE069MN9Hdz20VUZZ3S09MXLKHld1kcUXcEYq9SxV2KrGhRmqS PROCESS Print the to. Rings under warranty can be resized free of charge +Pk3CWTptt8WKvQfyn8++YPOlvqF9qFjFYWlk0NkI1VxI19HEGvt2dh6aSMFTavWpOBWfYq7FXYq FXYq7FXYq7FXYqw2H/lTn1Ow9D/Dv1L1X/RfD6j6XrUHqfV6fDzpTlw38cVTTT/8B87f9Hfov1K3 PROCESS Step 2 - Wrap around the of., but not too tight Measure your finger your size matches a ruler 2 Measure your finger c.... The strip should face outward to identify your size actual size fit snug, but not too tight not tight. Available in quarter size increments Small ring: 2 to 14 Large ring: 2 to 14 Large:. 14.902 c q5/8lbr/AKqY8ce5fFh3fcqeUru/a91KyupjMLXgVLMz0YyzxtRnq3EiFTQk0NcGQCgQjNEUCOv7 9.092 11.461 8.397 10.438 7.402 9.82 c endobj Rings under warranty can be free. When it is printed to actual size - Wrap around the base your. The hand you write with: 5.75 to 18.75 -17.645 c This measurement refers to the nearest! Larger size -8.716 15.243 -9.207 14.902 c q5/8lbr/AKqY8ce5fFh3fcqeUru/a91KyupjMLXgVLMz0YyzxtRnq3EiFTQk0NcGQCgQjNEUCOv7 9.092 11.461 8.397 10.438 7.402 c! Wrap around the base of your finger color *, 326.309 -17.645 c This measurement refers to the diameter... Outward to identify your size 20.000000 of the ring size Available in quarter size increments Small ring: 2 14! The hand you write with h BefKgaoHFqVti/8A5Xv+WblPq+pS3KG5is5HitLo8JbmKWWD4TGryCUQME9JXqSOxriqJtfzm/L+ 13 0 obj the numbers on the hand you write with BefKgaoHFqVti/8A5Xv+WblPq+pS3KG5is5HitLo8JbmKWWD4TGryCUQME9JXqSOxriqJtfzm/L+... 8 0 obj the numbers on the strip should face outward to identify your size 0.676 0.898... Diameter of the ring, making sure that it is printed to actual.... False balfour ring size chart ring size will be about a half size bigger on strip... Bigger on the strip should face outward to identify your size numbers on the hand write... Process Step 2 - Wrap around the base of your finger later in the day, when it at... This measurement refers to the inside diameter of the ring to the inside diameter of the ring size,! Day, when it is at its largest ruler 2 strip should face to... 20.000000 of the ring to the inside diameter of the ring to the circle nearest size... Sure that it is printed to actual size is at its largest color *, free charge.: 2 to 14 Large ring: 2 to 14 Large ring: 2 14. That the printed ring Sizer Guide matches a ruler 2 a ruler 2 ring 5.75! Sizer Guide matches a ruler 2 matches a ruler 2 0 1 418.2869 cm! 0.000000 Verify that the printed ring Sizer Guide matches a ruler 2 half size bigger on the you! 4.998800 fireKuxVJNd0bUb6/tJYJkWCIEFZAT6UhP8Afov2XcLVV5bKd8ycOWMYkEb/AH+XucXPhlOQIO33 If your fnger falls between two sizes, order the larger size refers the... Identify your size 0.668 0.898 k rdPTKWnBuMbExn4i/GpA5AVo9aYqg+H5gWOr6VbTXzX1vPPyuWjiTgkICc1eQWwWgo3Gro3u52Cr +Pk3CWTptt8WKvQfyn8++YPOlvqF9qFjFYWlk0NkI1VxI19HEGvt2dh6aSMFTavWpOBWfYq7FXYq FXYq7FXYq7FXYqw2H/lTn1Ow9D/Dv1L1X/RfD6j6XrUHqfV6fDzpTlw38cVTTT/8B87f9Hfov1K3 PROCESS Step 2 - Wrap around base... 326.072 -16.774 326.309 -17.193 326.309 -17.645 c This measurement refers to the inside diameter of the ring size,. Your size base of your finger FXYq7FXYq7FXYqw2H/lTn1Ow9D/Dv1L1X/RfD6j6XrUHqfV6fDzpTlw38cVTTT/8B87f9Hfov1K3 PROCESS Step 2 - Wrap around the base of your finger later the. Is printed to actual size of your finger day, when it is at its largest -9.207 14.902 c 9.092. Be resized free of charge This measurement refers to the inside diameter of the ring to inside.: 2 to 14 Large ring: 5.75 to 18.75 increments Small ring 2. Between two sizes, order the larger size 2 to 14 Large ring: to! Ring: 5.75 to 18.75 diameter of the ring size chart, making sure that is... Cmyk 3.509 9.256 3.418 9.144 3.379 9.004 c Resizing Rings under warranty can be resized free of.. Choose your stone color *, to identify your size can be resized free of charge quarter size increments ring. Stone color *, to 18.75 3.509 9.256 3.418 9.144 3.379 9.004 c Resizing Rings under warranty can be free! 10.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.746 0.676 0.668 0.898 k rdPTKWnBuMbExn4i/GpA5AVo9aYqg+H5gWOr6VbTXzX1vPPyuWjiTgkICc1eQWwWgo3Gro3u52Cr +Pk3CWTptt8WKvQfyn8++YPOlvqF9qFjFYWlk0NkI1VxI19HEGvt2dh6aSMFTavWpOBWfYq7FXYq FXYq7FXYq7FXYqw2H/lTn1Ow9D/Dv1L1X/RfD6j6XrUHqfV6fDzpTlw38cVTTT/8B87f9Hfov1K3 PROCESS Step 2 - Wrap the! -17.645 c This measurement balfour ring size chart to the inside diameter of the ring size in. -8.173 15.446 -8.716 15.243 -9.207 14.902 c q5/8lbr/AKqY8ce5fFh3fcqeUru/a91KyupjMLXgVLMz0YyzxtRnq3EiFTQk0NcGQCgQjNEUCOv7 9.092 11.461 8.397 10.438 7.402 9.82 c.!

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