The shrubs grow as far north as El Paso, San Antonio, and Dallas. ), you can crush the leaves as amosquito repellant. This vigorous vining plant has masses of funnel-shaped flowers that are 3 (7.5 cm) long and bloom throughout the summer. It has attractive foliage that has a long bloom time. This small landscaping shrub only grows 3 to 5 ft. (1 1.5 m) tall. Ideal for a herb garden, rosemary is a wonderful shrub to create a low-growing barrier or hedge. Height and Width: 15 to 25 ft. (4.5 7.5 m) tall and 8 to 10 ft. (2.4 3 m) wide. . The guide features high-quality color illustrations and photographs of more than 200 mammal species found in North America, including land mammals, whales, dolphins, and seals. Overall, the National Geographic Pocket Guide to Trees and Shrubs of North America is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to learn more about the natural world around them. Depending on how you maintain them, these shrubs can grow up to12 feet tallwith a10 feet crown width, making them an excellent choice for adding privacy, shade, and beauty to your East Texas landscape. However, you can also plant prickly pears in a xeriscape garden, rock garden, or as a specimen plant. This hardy and versatile plant is a great addition to any garden in Central and Southern Texas to add a pop of color from spring until fall. Nurseries are filled with shrubs from other parts of the world, but I want to encourage you to go native instead! Dwarf Yaupon Holly (Ilex vomitoria Nana). They have yellow or orange flowers with grass-like foliage. In addition, some cold-hardy flowering shrubs are perfect for growing in the Panhandle and south toward Dallas-Fort Worth, San Antonio, Midland, and Austin. Each plant species is described in detail, with information on its physical characteristics, habitat, range, and uses. Copyright 2020 Grassperson Lawn Care & Landscape. Here is a short guide to Texas hardiness zones to help you pick suitable shrubs for planting: USDA Zone 6: Northern Texas, where the Texas Panhandle is located. Its also extremely tough and easily tolerates drought and wide temperature ranges. The Yaupon Holly can work well as a formal hedge or a foundational planting, depending upon what look youre trying to achieve. In addition, it has long-lasting cut flowers. It is drought tolerant, a long time bloomer, and a good pollinator plant. Texas lantana is an eye-catching heat-loving shrub for landscaping Texas gardens. It can perform in full sun to partial shade and is tolerant of most soil types, too. It adds a pretty pop of pink to your yard! Cleyera shrubs are dense and rounded, making them a good choice for privacy screening or hedges. Primarily for sunnier areas, the classic varieties known as bridal wreath are durable shrubs and can be successful in areas with day of sun. The guide also includes detailed maps, illustrations, and photographs to help readers identify different species of trees and shrubs. The Turk's cap shrub is native to Texas and prized as one of the top flowering ornamentals for DFW. Oakleaf hydrangeas are native to the southern states and are one of the best species for North Texas. Needs welldrained soil. Also called the lilac of the south, crape myrtle blooms in spectacular shades of pink, red, purple, and white. Plant crape myrtle shrubs as flowering screens or hedges, foundation plantings, or specimen plants. The Spartan Juniper is a low-maintenance, drought-tolerant option that can work well as a privacy screen or a foundational planting. Butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees will visit your flower garden in droves! Pin this to help spread the word about Texas shrubs! AS A NOTE: there really isnt a Japanese maple thats good for full sun in our area theyll tolerate dappled sunshine or morning sun at first, and a bit more when mature. These blossoms contrast nicely with the dense green foliage. This hardy shrub is excellent for filling in ground-level areas of your landscape with stunning little white and light pink flowers. We've collected 30 of the best native plants for Texas landscapes, divided by which region they thrive in: Central Texas. The stunning American wisteria is a woody climbing plant with conical clusters of showy purple flowers. You have many options to choose from but you ultimately want to find something that is going to work best for your property.If you are looking for some of the best evergreen shrubs for North Texas, were here to help. Whatever the climate in Texas, there are many beautiful shrubs you can grow. - including black-eyed Susan, corn poppy, baby snapdragon, candytuft, clasping coneflower, lemon mint, sweet alyssum, and white yarrow seeds. In summary, when looking for shrubs for North Texas, consider their drought-tolerance, cold-hardiness, size, sunlight requirements, and whether they are native to the region. A wide variety of hybrids with dark, glossy foliage and noteworthy clusters of flowers, followed by dark blue to black berries midsummer. In addition to its evergreen silvery sharp spines, it is covered with yellow flowers in the spring that attract bees and red berries in the summer that are enjoyed by birds. Japanese Yew: A slow-growing evergreen shrub with dark green foliage, the Japanese yew is a good choice for adding texture and structure to landscaping. Want vibrant colors in your Texas garden? Glossy abelia is a perfect choice to decorate a Texan front or backyard. The illustrations and photographs are accompanied by concise and informative descriptions of each species' physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, and range. Small, dark green oval shaped leaves hold their color well in winter. My Southeast Appalachian homestead has heaps of these plants, and I will never tire of processing the berries into the best-tasting cold and flu syrup ever. Finally, we recommend the Holly because it has . "name": "North Haven Gardens" Here are the best plants to grow in North Texas: 1. Height, width, and flower colors vary with variety. each week Ill send you helpful tips to make your native plant garden a reality! I created a handyone-page PDFfor you to print and take with you to the plant nursery. When you shop through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Can be easily pruned and shaped. Growing in full sun and dry, well-draining soils, damianita is a beautiful border plant, yellow-flowering ground cover, desert plant, or native plant for growing on slopes. Good in partial shade. It grows six to eight feet tall, and has an equally large width. Requires moist, very well-drained soil. Example: If you are planting a line of dwarf yaupon holly, and its width is listed as 3', then you would space the plants with 3' from the center of one plant to the center of the adjacent plants (and at least half of its mature width, or 1.5' in this example, from any wall or fence). Phlox paniculata 'John Fanick'. Slow grower to 23 tall and wide. Bright, multicolored fall leaves best with some sun. In addition, this bushy, low-growing vigorous shrub has leaves with serrated edges. Assorted types and varieties are available with varied growth habits. Drought-tolerant Blackfoot Daisy (Melampodium leucanthum) is a must for any Collin County garden. Also called Laredo Oregon-grape, this sun-loving evergreen shrub is identified by its clusters of yellow cup-shaped flowers, sharp-tipped stiff, gray-green leaves, and edible red berries. Oakleaf hydrangeas are generally taller, with white spikes of bloom. Junipers (many types) Very good for full sun plantings in low irrigation areas, junipers come in a vast array of sizes, but of particular note are the carpeting junipers, like Blue Pacific and Green Mound ground hugging junipers that drape over walls and edges with interesting textures. Up to 30 feet high and wide. Evergreen shrubs in Texas are appreciated for their year-round beauty. Its tubular red flowers will attract hummingbirds to your yard. The Crape Myrtle Guy offers the best price for multiple bundles of these trees, but they cannot ship to western states such as California, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, or Washington. Make sure to buy it by its scientific name Lantana urticoides. This deciduous shrub typically grows abouttwo to five feet high. This drought-tolerant flowering plant comes in vibrant pinks, oranges, reds, and yellows to brighten up any garden. You can plant Japanese spirea as a foundation planting, flowering border, or on slopes and banks for soil erosion control. Blooming in late spring, this native Texas vining plant thrives in the Central and Southern regions of the state. So, did any of these flowering beauties catch your eye? It loves full sun and . Will flourish is a dry raised bed. Lastly, it's important to choose shrubs that are native to the region, as they are better adapted to the local climate and soil conditions. The main city is Amarillo. Apache plume has great ornamental value in a xeric landscape. Pittosporum tobira Evergreen. Let us know in the comments! This defining characteristic resembles a Turkish fez or turban! The trumpet vine is a climbing or scrambling plant with brightly-colored orange or red tubular flowers. The firecracker bush is a low-maintenance flowering landscaping plant for Central, Northern, and Southern Texas. White honeysuckle is a scrambling vine with creamy-white flowers and oval grayish-green leaves. Ranging in size from 1.5 tall all the way to 6+. You should also be able to find it easily at most nurseries. Yellow bells is an attractive ornamental bush for Southern Texas landscapes. We may earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you. This is actually a hybrid evergreen that produces small pink leaves that resemble a button. The Texas shrubs attractive features include oval leaves with serrated margins, clusters of small, white fuzzy flowers, and an open, upright growing habit. Wax Myrtle: This shrub can thrive in both dry and wet soils, making it a versatile choice for North Texas. While many of the shrubs in the list above work well across the state, below are some more customized lists for each major region including some other ideas for shrubs and small trees to incorporate into your landscaping: "image": { Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Yarrow is a plant that produces very tinny blooms that are red, pink, yellow, or white. The dense evergreen foliage of this Texas shrub creates an excellent privacy screen, windbreak, noise barrier, or hedge. Rose Creek Abelia. [Kidding, Lactation, and Recovery], Why Is My Chicken Losing Feathers? This shrub is relatively short, growing anywhere from 2 to 5 feet high. However, northern Texas experiences cold winters where temperatures can drop below freezing. Considering plaving shrubs in your backyard? Look no further than the buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis). Still, others may not perform well in the harsh winter temperatures of North Texas. Lantana. Phlox is one of the showiest perennials for the North Texas garden. Height and Width: 3 to 10 ft. (1 3 m) tall and 3 to 8 ft. (1 2.4 m) wide. 4-5Tx4-5W, the plant will bloom beautiful lavender/pink blooms after natural rainfalls in the late spring and through the summertime. 35 tall x 46 wide and spreading. A wide range of cultivars display different traits and habits, and heights 2 8. The large multi-stemmed shrub has a slow growth rate and produces drooping clusters of fragrant purple-blue flowers followed by whitish-gray seed pods, contrasting with lustrous dark green leaves. It generally reaches a height of three to six feet and a width of three to four feet, which makes it highly versatile in any space. 12 Best Flowering Shrubs for Texas [Grasslands, Wetlands, and Deserts!]. Finally, consider water availability and select shrubs that can handle your specific watering schedule. Carissa: 3-4 T x 3-4 W, low rounded shape. Some of the most popular ones are Texas sage (Leucophyllum frutescens), yaupon holly (Ilex vomitoria), flame acanthus (Anisacanthus quadrifidus), and agarita (Mahonia trifoliolata). The prickly pear is an iconic cactus in the Chihuahuan Desert. However, that needs full sun. Descriptions and pictures of shrubs and evergreen bushes will help you know which garden plants are best for growing in the Lone Star State. Also called the great desert spoon, Texas sotol is an evergreen succulent with ornamental features. Podocarpus macrophyllus Evergreen. Broad, upright form is densely branched and covered with dark green, finely toothed foliage. Height and Width: 8 to 12 ft. (2.4 3.6 m) tall and 6 to 10 ft. (1.8 3 m) wide. I hope this guide has helped you pick the perfect plant(s) for your Texas garden. Texas is home to a wide variety of evergreen shrubs that can add year-round color and texture to your landscape. "url": "" In addition, the hardyTexas shrub is ideal for use as a hedge, desert plant, or planting in coastal gardens. USDB Zone 8: Central and Eastern Texas, including cities like Dallas-Fort Worth, Austin, and Houston. Ferns add foliage interest that works well in the shadier areas of the yard. As its name suggests, the woolly butterfly bush (Buddleja marrubiifolia) is a hot ticket item among southwest butterflies. Native. Compact, tightly branched shrub with creamywhite flowers and fragrant foliage when crushed. Loropetalum chinensis (many hybrids and varieties) SemiEvergreen. Youll want to ensure you dont supply black Dalea with much water. New growth is a yellowish green. Redbud Many types exist, heights from 6 to 25 tall at maturity, blooms before the leaves emerge in spring, many types have interesting foliage colors or weeping forms. License numbers: Irrigation # LI0024535 | Commercial Pesticide Applicator, TDA #0776506 | Turf & Ornamental Weed Control, TDA #0776506, 5 Fall Landscaping Projects For North Texas Homeowners, 6 Best Flowers to Plant in The Fall in North Texas , 6 Native Plants for Rock Gardens in North Texas, How to Choose Flowers for Your Landscape: 5 Helpful Tips, How to Identify and Treat Leaf Spot Disease on Your Shrubs. Not only can the Holly can survive freezing temperatures, they also tolerate both full shade as well as full sun. drummondii). Not all Indian hawthorns are equal plant the most disease resistant varieties for our area only, such as Olivia, Eleanor Taber, and Georgia Petite. From summer to fall, this shade shrub produces striking vermillion blooms twisted into whorls with protruding red stamens. Height and Width: 5 to 8 ft. (1.5 2.4 m) tall and 4 to 6 ft. (1.2 1.8 m) wide. They attract many pollinators, including hummingbirds and butterflies. Abelia. 6. Texas' Very Best Landscape Plants. It includes a thumbnail photo of each plant along with its common and scientific names, size, sun needs and more! Top 6 Benefits of Native Plants in Your Yard,, 5 Reasons to Plant Four Nerve Daisy (Tetraneuris scaposa), 5 Reasons to Grow Lemon Mint (Monarda citriodora), 5 Reasons to Grow Zexmenia (Wedelia texana). 'John Fanick' is fragrant, heat-tolerant, and drought tolerant. Average minimum temperatures are -10F to +0F. Yaupon holly has many ornamental features for landscaping a Texan garden. The Texas Lilac Vitex Trees are sold in bundles of 1, 4, 9, 12, or 16 and are shipped in their original containers to ensure they arrive in the best condition possible. ], 14 Best Vegetable Gardening Books for Beginners and Experts, Vegetable, Fruit Tree, and Edible Gardens, How Soon Can a Goat Get Pregnant After Giving Birth? Large Shade Trees Live oak Shumard red oak Chinquapin oak Bur oak Cedar elm Pecan Chinese pistachio Prickly pear is a shrubby cactus plant that produces attractive red or yellow flowers on the tips of its paddle-like stems. Excellent examples include dwarf Burford, dwarf Yaupon, and needlepoint hollies. Dwarf and miniature crape myrtles are a good substitute for the loss of color associated with the lose of roses from Rose Rosette disease. This shrub with unique prickly foliage will be a standout in your garden. As well as a formal hedge or a foundational planting, depending upon what look trying... Types and varieties are available with varied growth habits drought-tolerant option that can add year-round color and to! Turkish fez or turban blue to black berries midsummer the plant nursery American wisteria a! Ticket item among southwest butterflies Northern, and yellows to brighten up any garden the as! 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