Commercial cattlemen have noted substantial economic gains from using Beefmasters to provide an average increase of 27 kilograms, or more at weaning when compared with other breeds. The cattle are robust animals that pose few calving or health issues. Through centuries of exposure to inadequate food supplies, insect pests, parasites, diseases and the weather extremes of tropical India, the native cattle developed some remarkable adaptations for survival which cattle producers in the USA found useful and advantageous. Beefmaster cattle are known for their easy handling, although a cows mothering ability and protection of her calf should not be confused with bad temperament. The Zebu-influence breeds were developed in the Gulf Coast region of the United States. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Animals may be polled or horned. 8 Potential Methods. The MARC project was designed to evaluate as many of the more prominent breeds as possible. If your cattle are predominately one breed, your breed association may also have a feed-out program. Its hardiness also makes it an economical choice. Copyright 1997-2016 All Rights Reserved. The breeding program leading to their establishment was started by Ed C. Lasater in 1908, when he purchased Brahman bulls to use on his commercial herd of Hereford and Shorthorn cattle (Beefmaster cattle are 50% Brahman, 25% Hereford, and 25% Milking Shorthorn). Quick Facts about Beefmaster Cattle Breed, Beefmaster Cattle Breed Appearance & Varieties. However, these factors may be outweighed by the breed's advantages in heat tolerance, weight gain efficiency, adaptability, calving ease, and docility. The purebred cattle market often provides a higher return per cow unit, but at the expense of higher maintenance costs, higher breeding costs, more management inputs and greater risks. And the extra vigor from cross-breeding can increase weight gains, improve conception rates, and reduce production costs. Time and again Beefmasters have proven themselves a great crossbreeding partner with black-hided and Continental cattle both in the yard and on the rail. Uses. Its hardiness also makes it an economical choice. What is the best cattle to raise for profit? Because a terminal crossbreeding program creates offspring with a fixed breed ratio (i.e. The breed scores full marks on the six essential qualities that are desirable in these animals: disposition, hardiness, confirmation, weight, milking production, and fertility. Less than 50% Brahman, and meat quality does not suffer significantly in either quality grade or tenderness. Their steers have graded as high as 79% Choice. George and I flew out there and retagged them. The Beefmaster is Americas first composite cattle breed and is a beautiful combination of muscle and power. After reading this publication, you should understand why the only correct answer is, "It depends!". The Beefmaster breed is a relatively new breed, and its genetic purity can be a concern for some producers.PriceBeefmaster cattle can be more expensive than other breeds, which can be a disadvantage for producers who are looking to keep their production costs low.AvailabilityWhile the Beefmaster breed is popular in some regions of the United States, it may be less common in other parts of the world. ANOTHER WAY. (I get commissions for purchases made using Amazon links in my post.). Another variation is to re-bred the 50/50 mix to a third breed, which increases the range of environmental adaptations you introduce into your herd, but also adds yet another degree of complexity to your herd management. If you lose him, thats a death loss of 100%, Busby explains. Wagyu is the Fastest Growing Beef Breed in America. These cattle are very good at gaining weight and used as beef cattle breed but the disadvantage is still there. Brahman is composed of three Zebu breeds, while others such as Brangus, Santa Gertrudis, etc., are composites of the American Brahman and either British or European breeds. In 2017 the University of Bologna Animal Science Department evaluated potential benefits of Beefmasters for the Italian beef industry. For commercial production, it is important to recognize that the premium is paid for uniformity. Click to learn more about my Affiliates Policies. START; Blog; Cattle; Grazing; Fencing; Water; . The disadvantages include the maintenance of pure breed. He encourages producers to send at least five head. The Beefmaster is a gentle animal, both cows and bulls. 365. Fertility and generally good calving ease. The ABBA is working with Zoetis. The purebred operation requires more time, record keeping and initial input. There were times when there would only be a handful of people at the performance- and breed-improvement meetings. A herd of purebred cattle will generally be more uniform in coat color than a herd of crossbred cows. The cattle are heat, drought and insect resistant. Meteorological review has shown that Matheson has more extreme cold in winter, heat in summer, and coastal plains type conditions than the Republic of Poland. They are small boned, short legged, round barrelled, well-loined, thin-thighed . In the early 90s, the St. They excel post-weaning as well, with faster weight gains, excellent feed conversion and carcass yields around 64%. Beefmaster cattle, recognized as a breed by the United States Department of Agriculture in 1954, were selected following founder, Tom Lasaters, six essentials. The original intent was to selectively breed an animal that could handle the harsh Texas climate. Are Beefmaster Cattle Breed Good for Small-Scale Farming? Sign up to our regular newsletter and access news from across the Global AG Media network. Beefmasters were introduced to Europe in 2014 by way of Italy and since have grown in popularity throughout Poland, Ireland, United Kingdom, Portugal, Spain, Austria, Germany and most recently Turkey. |, An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, Veteran, Disability Institution, County and Club Meetings, Environmental Education, Livestock Programs, Project Achievement, Summer Camp, Aquaculture, Beef, Bees, Dairy, Equine, Small Ruminants, Poultry & Eggs, Swine, Invasive Species, Pollution Prevention, Forestry, Water & Drought, Weather & Climate, Wildlife, Adult & Family Development, Infant, Child and Teen Development, Money, Housing & Home Environment, Corn, Cotton, Forages, Hemp, Peanuts, Small Grains, Soybeans, Tobacco, Turfgrass, Food Preservation, Commercial & Home Food Safety, Food Science & Manufacturing, Nutrition and Health, Blueberries, Grapes, Ornamental Horticulture, Onions, Peaches, Pecans, Small Fruits, Vegetables, Home Gardens, Lawn Care, Ornamentals, Landscaping, Animal Diseases and Parasites, Ants, Termites, Lice, and Other Pests, Nuisance Animals, Plant Pest and Disease Management, Weeds. That makes it a popular choice for range managers. This breed has very good resistance against tick. The most obvious example of a crossbreeding program is a terminal cross in which both parents are purebred cattle, but from two distinct breeds, and the calves are always a 50/50 mix of the two breeds. We cant get performance without Brahman blood, he stresses. In my articles I recommend some of my favorite cattle farming books and products. As Lasater developed the breed, he also formed a unique selection philosophy known today as The Lasater Philosophy. Field Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Production, Master Gardener Extension Volunteer Program, Estrus Synchronization Programs for Natural Service, Maintaining a Clean Water Trough for Cattle, Using Cotton Byproducts in Beef Cattle Diets, UGA College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, UGA College of Family & Consumer Sciences, Adaptability to adapt to adverse environments, Faster growth rates = larger birth weights, Larger birth weights = increased potential for calving difficulty, More milk production and large frame size = higher feed requirements for equal reproductive performance. Even subtle changes to a existing breeds are often accomplished using carefully controlled crossbreeding programs. Cloud, Fla., have been retaining ownership on their familys Brahman-sired steers since 1993. While we provide information resources and canine education, the content here is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. The uniformity of purebred cattle can also be a huge asset to your cattle finishing and marketing program. Your location may also make a big difference. Tick is an insect which usually causes itching in the fur. The first generation in a terminal crossbreeding program will be very uniform, displaying the perfect 50/50 combination of genetics from the two source breeds. One of the best examples is the Beefmaster Breed, developed in the 1930's using a mix of approximately 25% Hereford, 25% . When selecting a breed or individuals within a breed, be aware also of a phenomenon called genetic-environmental interaction. The term simply means that cattle developed under certain conditions will perform best under those same or similar conditions. , BEEFMASTER BREED OF CATTLE QUICK PROFILE OVERVIEW. And with all the calves reaching their target slaughter weight at roughly the same time, it is much easier to plan your grazing and schedule your slaughter dates. like workshops, classes, consultation, certifications, camps, and educator Global Ag Media provides a knowledge sharing platform offering premium news, analysis and information resources for the global agriculture industry. The Beefmaster is a well-adapted animal that can make an excellent economical choice for small-scale farming. Original herd was culled on The Six Essentials: Weight, Conformation, Milking Ability, Fertility, Hardiness and Disposition. This question brings cold chills to many knowledgeable cattle producers and excitement to just as many enthusiastic breeders. UGA Extension offers a wealth of personalized services The calf of an Angus cow and a Charolais or Brahman bull will have far more hybrid vigor than a calf produced by breeding an Angus cow to a Galloway bull. They are a large breed with a deep rich red coat that has on occasion some white markings. They are fast-growing for beef cattle, with outstanding meat quality and marbling. Herefords can't tolerate extreme temperatures, so they aren't ideal for dairy farms. When choosing a breed for either a commercial or purebred operation, base your decision on profitability. Along with Floridas heat, humidity, insects and parasites, he says their soils and forages are weaker. One-half of the herds were kept at the original location. The cows make excellent mothers. Hes seen definite improvement in critical areas during that time. It is a multi-purpose breed but primarily used as a beef cattle breed. The breed has excelled across most regions of the United States and is the leading breed of choice for commercial cattlemen in Mexico, South Africa, Thailand, Panama, Columbia and several other Latin American regions. I dont know if it was genetics or the weather, but their feed conversions were about a pound higher than average. In conclusion, heterosis has an impact on many traits but it is most beneficial in improving performance in the lowly heritable traits like reproduction. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. What is the difference between Beefmaster and Bonsmara? Beefmasters are intelligent, gentle cattle that are truly a pleasure to work with. Circular The factors that influence returns to a commercial operation are calf crop percentage, weaning weight, market price and annual cow costs. As they track their cattle, the Kempfers want more than feedlot or carcass data; they want to know where their cattle stand when it comes to tenderness. Bill Pendergrass, executive vice president of Beefmaster Breeders United (BBU), says Texas A&M did a multiyear carcass study in the 1990s, and of the 300 head of Beefmaster-sired cattle, 72% graded Choice. You can do well making terminal calves with a Angus, Limo or Charolais bull. They are a unique combination of Bos Indicus and Bos Taurus breeding that allows them to excel in any environment. For more information, visit the Language Translation page. Its population is primarily in the United States. The breed is recognised as a Dual Purpose breed, meaning Beefmasters blend strong maternal traits with excellent growth and carcass abilities. Beefmaster cattle are a combination of Zebu, Hereford and Shorthorn that has been in existence since the early 1950s. Ask George and Henry Kempfer. So, if your cow herd has lost its ability to adapt to changing times or challenging environments, maybe it is time to rebuild with proven, Beefmaster females. A hereford bull over the SG cows make some very good replacements that will bring top dollar. Johnson and fellow UF researcher Mauricio Elzo reached these conclusions after feeding out and harvesting 1,367 head of Brahman, Angus and Brahman/Angus crosses from 1989 to 2009. The two fundamental categories of beef cattle operations are purebred and commercial. If a producer is only interested in marbling, I understand Brahmans are not going to grade like Angus. The resulting offspring are typically called an F 1. Once they got the ratios where they wanted, they "closed the breed" to additional crossbreeding to lock in the ratio. Santa gertrudis cattle are known to be the calf stealers. Click to learn more about myAffiliates Policies. The Six Essentials are weight, conformation, milk production, fertility, hardiness and disposition. Dressing percentage is high. Diamonds of the Flint Hills Spring Female Sale, Paxico, KS, document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Beefmaster Breeders United | 118 W. Bandera Road, Boerne, TX 78006 | You may decide to select a breed that is amply available, so replenishing the herd is easier. Brahman genetics add a lot of positives to a herd, but tenderness has not always been one of them. Do you really know cattle? Texas A&M Extension animal scientist Joe Paschal says Santa Gertrudis already have genomic-enhanced EPDs, and Brangus should have them soon. The cows are extremely fertile have calves with good birthweights and weaning weights. Excellent for beef grazing systems along with dairy heifers and dry cows. The actual percentage is in parenthesis for the percent of cows pregnant after the first breeding season and percent calf crop weaned. The Noble Research Institute is also working with Beefmaster Breeders United to conduct economic research on grass-fed, and grain fed carcass merit. It is the only breed in history to be selected only using pressure for productive traits, as opposed to aesthetics. The breeds adherence to the six essential qualities is unique among these animals. Crossbreeding is still a very important part of the beef industry. Other such composite breeds have been successful for short term results, but the retained heterosis produced through crossbreeding with Beefmasters is strong and will generate long term benefits. This cattle breed is higher in weight and have very good fertility. The project was designed to evaluate the recently imported breeds from Europe and provides the most complete, comprehensive data available. This makes calculating feed and supplement requirements much simpler. An example would be Angus cows bred . What are the characteristics of a Beefmaster? We hope to have a genetic test next year. But only a first generation 50/50 mix creates a truly consistent mix. This mating would allow the producer to optimize Bos Taurus percentage in an excellent replacement female or a fast growing, efficient, high quality feeder calf. The Beefmaster is a hardy range animal that can live in most climates. Van Zandt County, TX. Beefmaster cattle are the first American composite breed (combination of three or more breeds). Bill Pendergrass, executive vice president of Beefmaster Breeders United (BBU), says Texas A&M did a multiyear carcass study in the 1990s, and of the 300 head of Beefmaster-sired cattle, 72% graded Choice. The Beefmaster cattle are a mixed Brahman-genetics with Shorthorn and Hereford, developed by Tom Lasater in the 1930's. This hardy breed is ideal for the harsh climate extremes of Texas. Producers should carefully consider their individual needs and goals when choosing a breed of cattle to work with. They have a lot of positive traits. Thus, when genetic potential for milk is high a cows re-breeding percentage will be reduced. Extension Specialist, 4-H Animal Science Programs, It is a fertile animal that will calve once a year. He adds the meat from these cattle is statistically less tender, and there is more variability in that tenderness. The MARC study, however, did provide useful information about relative differences among many of the European and Brahman cattle. #COWS #BULLS #DAIRYCOWSPower by: Fender Stiv Palencia WBS values from 3.6 to 4.9 kilograms are acceptable; over 5.0 are considered tough. They can sure use Brahman genetics in that cow for environmental adaptability, maternal ability, maternal calving ease and longevity.. The Santa Gertrudis cattle breed are a tropical beef cattle breed that is well known for the good quality of beef and pleasant temperaments. Cloud, Fla., men had half-brother sire groups. Illawarra cattle have taken their name from the Australian aboriginal word for a piece of land 50 miles south of Sydney, land locked between the Pacific Ocean and what was once a near impenetrable escarpment which rears abruptly to the west. Beefmaster cattle are the first American composite breed (combination of three or more breeds). Crossbreeding combines multiple breeds in very tightly controlled ratios. ON THE GRID. They scare easy., Henry says theres still room for improvement. In selecting a beef breed, use the MARC information to select breeds that have higher genetic potential for meat and milk. Thus, the resulting crossbred progeny should combine quality grade and cost of production attributes to maximize value in a retained ownership management system. The Beefmaster is a gentle animal, both cows and bulls. We translate science of everyday living for farmers, families and communities to foster a healthy #4. 859, The University of Georgia 2022 | All rights reserved. The Beefmaster was developed in Texas and Colorado by crossbreeding and careful selection, with the cattle carrying about one-half Brahman blood and about one-fourth each of Hereford and Shorthorn breeding. Less known about them. Animal & Dairy Science. Cowboys are often used as bait against a Texas Longhorn-this is . Beefmasters are a composite breed made up of roughly one-half Bos Taurus (Hereford and Shorthorn) and one-half Bos Indicus (Nelore from Brasil, Gir Guzerat from India). Drought master cattle are a tropical cattle breed which is mainly used for meat production. Straightbred Angus steers were introduced in the postweaning portion of the study. Cattle generally perform at a higher level in northern climates. The Beefmaster is one of the new kids on the block compared to other well-established cattle breeds. 35 Best Cattle Breeds for Milk Dairy Cattle, 47 Best Cattle Breeds for Meat Beef Cattle, Western States Beefmaster Breeders Association. The cows make excellent mothers. The hybrid vigor expressed by these "black baldy" heifers means that they will have higher fertility rates and be more efficient (cheaper to feed) throughout their lives, which is a significant advantage for commercial beef producers. For more than a century, we've provided research and education through a Scotch Highland As one of the hardiest breeds, they survive in poor conditions where other cattle perish. This seems to hold true even in a market where buyers are all but fighting over calves. They tend not to have birthing problems thus they have easy calving. Beefmaster ranks fifth in the U.S. in terms of membership and is the largest of the American breeds. Lack of color uniformity is considered a disadvantage to some people. Users agree that automated translations may not effectively convert the intended design, meaning, and/or context of the website, may not translate images or PDF content, and may not take into account regional language differences. The cows are low-maintenance with a long productive life. He says crossbreeds with Brahman blood are a good choice for producers who want to use a tropically adapted animal, or who have a low number of cattle and want to increase their output. Identify your cattle with a traditional numbered ear tag or an electronic tag, and tell the feedlot manager you want carcass data when they are harvested. It can significantly improve average daily gain, survival, and the calving rate. There is no additional cost to you. Original publication prepared by Rick Hardin, former Extension Animal Scientist. The tradeoff of terminal crossbreeding is that in order to maintain perfect breed ratios in your herd you cannot simply rebreed the offspring of these crossbred cattle - you always have to source your replacement breeding stock from purebred cattle herds in order to maintain consistent breed ratios. We arent ashamed to admit there is more work to be done. A recent study at the U.S. Department of Agriculture Meat Animal Research Center (MARC) demonstrated Beefmasters dominance when compared to 18 of the most widely used beef breeds in the United States. Toughness- they can thrive in cold winters. If your program has been designed to provide limited winter feeding, the calving season should be in the spring and the breed should be moderate in both growth and milk production. He estimates hes fed between 75 and 100 loads of Brahman-cross cattle at the Oberlin, Kan., facility. Learn more. There really is no set colour pattern like what youd get with Hereford cattle. But here are some disadvantages of Hereford cattle. A ratio of 105 indicates a value of 5 percent above the standard of 100; a ratio of 95 indicates a value 5 percent below the standard. ing, and boating as much as she can. When used in a crossbreeding program, Beefmasters will add growth and efficiency in all phases of the production chain. The Kempfers are all about getting the best use they can from Brahman genetics, but they believe its important to cull hard. Coloration: Beefmasters can be any color, and may have white mottled colouration on their head, and even have a little white over their shoulders, in front of their hips, but mainly on their bellies. The following generalities hold true within and across breeds: Whether your choice is purebred or commercial, or red, black, white or spotted, keep production and profitability high on your priority list. Imported breeds from Europe and provides the most complete, comprehensive data available the resulting offspring are called... Tropical cattle breed Appearance & Varieties genetics, but they believe its important to that... A huge asset to your cattle are known to be the calf stealers are weight, market and! Project was designed to evaluate as many enthusiastic Breeders Grazing systems along with Floridas heat,,... 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