and may chew on it as well. That said, some guidelines still suggest that children shouldnt be around the sawdust created during the construction process. - Lets Find Out. Place a bait near the repellent and turn it on. But pesticides are worrisome for parents, so there is often concern about using pressure-treated wood for playground structures. What he actually said was that porcupines almost completely ate his aluminum tree stand . Porcupines might be able to climb fences but a wire strip at top of the fence installed at a 65-degree angle will make it harder for them to climb over. Or, if you are looking for something that can stand the test of time, mold-resistant wood such as rice or natural stone is two options, but they are expensive. If a predator continues its pursuit, the porcupine will activate their quills, standing them up on end as a deterrent mechanism and if a predator gets close enough, the porcupine will make contact with the animal and dislodge its sharp quills. Until 2003, the most commonly used chemical to treat lumber was chromated copper . Aboveground wood is suitable for fence slats, railings, pressure-treated deck boards, framing lumber, and in other scenarios where the wood doesnt touch the ground. Then, as the wood dries, moisture leaches out, causing a few issues. Unlike other rodents that also remain active all winter, porcupines do not collect and store food in caches, instead gorging themselves on nuts, fruits, and greens in the summer and fall to such an extent that by winter about 60% of their body mass is fat. Rinse thoroughly with a garden hose or pressure washer . Creatures that will come close to it are the ones most susceptible to the worst outcomes. Treated wood is found in many places on a farm because over time it holds up to weather . Areas where the tree appears shredded. Antlers are rich in minerals and shed every spring. The repellent youll use can range from over-the-counter repellents, as well as homemade ones. Reading this brings back the thrill of driving down unpaved roads in Vermont in a VW bug with no brakes. Labor-intensive but effective. Boil 3 to 4 quarts of water. Here is what he said: Porcupines chew on all kinds of things either to sharpen their teeth or because of some attraction in the glue, paint, sweat or whatever is on what they decide to chew on. Pressure-treating wood saturates wood under pressure with a chemical preservative. Have tried all kinds of methods but the lowest branches are too close to the ground for metal trunk wrap to work. North American Porcupines have a winter diet that consists mainly. They eat trees, decks, anything. Native Habitat. Inhalation of wood dust which has been permeated with ACQ chemicals can result in extreme inflammation. This was based not just on its love of salt, but also its dietary staple of tree bark. Youd need to reapply this every time it rained, though. Branches being pruned of twigs. Moreover, consuming wood containing arsenic is riskier than utilizing it in the nursery. Tom Scalisi, How To: Choose the Right Materials for Your Outdoor Project, stains are more suitable for pressure-treated wood, 11 Ways to Make the Most of Your Towns Curbside Cleanup Day, The 10 Best Woods for Woodworking (According to a Pro), 6 Overlooked Ways to Warm Up a Chilly Room, Heres What Life Is Like in Some of NYCs Tiniest Apartments, 11 Things You Didnt Know You Can Clean in Your Washing Machine. After researching, we chose to go ahead and use treated wood for raised beds, and had/have no concerns. - Step-by-Step Guide. In the winter, they eat primarily evergreen needles and the . While theyre known to chew on creosote fence posts, they wont go for the copper-chromated arsenic salts used in pressure-treated lumber (thats the green stuff employed most often for docks and decks). It enters well into the wood, gives further security than numerous other covered additives, and is the reason for some wood stains. Lets Find Out. Articles may contain affiliate links which enable us to share in the revenue of any purchases made. You could try to deter porcupines by sprinkling cayenne pepper on the wood, or painting the wood with a pepper-water solution. How to Keep Mice Out of Furniture in Storage? Aug 3, 2013. Its a veritable feast. This is why non-pressure treated wood is still required for use indoors, and why builders recommended that you only use pressure treated lumber for the support structure of a deck and switch to untreated wood for the surface. Their strong tails are able to grasp objects and also help to stabilize their bodies as they climb up and down trees. One way to tell if a porcupine is in the area is to listen. For this, you simply need to place bait inside the trap, and then ensure that the traps enclosure will be kept closed even if the porcupine moves and tries to escape. The reintroduction of fishers, a major porcupine predator, keeps their populations in check. Weve had more than one person stranded up there after porcupines chewed on their vehicle. Never burn treated wood - indoors or outdoors. The list includes lynx, bobcats, coyotes, wolves, wolverines, and great horned owls. What Colors Make A Room Look Bigger and Brighter? However, untreated wood can be coated with flax oil. Purchase one that is at least 32 inches long and 10 inches wide with a spring-loaded door.. This solution has been the product of deep research and experiments done by various homeowners from all over the country. Interestingly, it allows using copper-based pesticides, including the Bordeaux mixture, which releases more copper into the environment than copper-treated wood. Provided the porcupine beats eager shed hunters. Porcupines primarily feed in the tree canopy throughout the winter by chewing evergreen needles, bark, twigs, and buds off trees. Regardless of whether it is utilized to make raised beds, path edges, or even framing for pergolas, fruit cages, or even animal enclosures. Plus, there are many other options available. The amount of moisture that pressure-treated lumber can retain is truly remarkable. The newer treatments on wood should not be harmful to man nor beast, but there are those who see a potential pathogen in them. What types of wood do termites not eat? It is important to monitor these materials because they can physically damage the tree or girdle it if left on too long. Is that Moisture? Certification criteria for organic certification are stringent in most countries, so the average natural vegetable product is not expected to be obtained. I opened the door and about 18 inches from me was this glorious round ball of pure white quills! What Color Curtains For Yellow Walls? Porcupines in Utah will damage fruit trees, vegetable gardens, and some agronomic crops like alfalfa, and grain if they are present. But there are two drawbacks of pressure treated wood. Then again, you can produce your garden beds with pressure-treated wood (ACQ or CBA) and trust that the information provided to you by the manufacturer is correct. Completely enclose small trees with wire baskets or wrap the trunks of valuable larger trees with 30-inch bands of aluminum flashing at the base. How To Dispose Of Patio Furniture? Or are you willing to pay the higher price for redwood or recycled plastic wood to be as organic as possible? We have a cabin in PA and as a kid I learned quickly not to leave things outside that you didnt want to get gnawed by a porcupine. Porcupines have strong, short legs for gathering food, and long claws on both their front and hind legs for efficient climbing. This sturdy pressure-treated timber #2 southern yellow pine meets the highest grading standards for strength and appearance. However, fish and bugs are delicate, and copper-treated wood should never be utilized in lakes or streams. Roads are de-iced with salt in the winter. However, when an unwanted person gets too close to it, even if it is simply by curiosity, it will react strongly by raising its quills and lashing its tail in order to dissuade whoever approaches it. The idea of porcupines munching on wood always baffled me. With over 5 years of experience in Furniture Industry and Home Decors, she has immense knowledge & Expertise. North American porcupines, which are similar in size and shape to beavers, are quite common in the area and to see one climbing a tree is a much more plausible explanation to what my friend observed. Instead, copper is used, which helps in protecting the wood. Once arsenic is in the ground, it doesn't migrate much. Creosote continues to release fumes for some time after use and can seep into soil and groundwater, entering the food chain. Some of them rely on vegetable oil. Wash the pressure-treated wood with a deck cleaner, scrubbing the wood surface with a brush while wet. Since then, two other copper-containing products have been widely used in pressure-treated wood: alkaline copper (ACQ) and copper azole (CBA). Letti & Co is user supported. Be careful when mixing up a spray like this and when you are applying it. In any case, copper is considerably less poisonous than arsenic. You can do that from the right-hand sidebar. They have been known to feed on carcasses when food is scarce. O. Published on March 30, 2015 - Updated on October 2, 2018. Mince up a yellow onion purely, then add it to the water. If bark is stripped all the way in to the cambium then that part of the tree will die, though small wounds may eventually heal by new tissue growing from the edges of the wound. Follow these general safety tips to stay safe around treated wood: Wash children's hands after they have been in contact with treated wood. They dont wander very far from their dens or foraging areas to defecate, so places they frequent are easily identified by massive accumulations of peanut-shaped scat. They are actually very docile animals that will not attack passersby, but rather lumber away slowly to a comfortable distance then resume whatever it was they were doing. Once the porcupine has been acquired, it will be relocated into an area away from humans. Removing any attractants in your yard will help prevent nuisance porcupine occurrence. Complete Guide! Wood, whether treated or not, will absorb moisture. Simply because its natural, cheap, and I dont need to go outside my home to prepare it. Instead, copper is used, which helps in protecting the wood. If you go to a building material recycling center, youll have access to an endless supply of untreated wood at reasonable prices in search of a second life. Porcupines pose more of a danger to other animals, primarily pets that may not heed porcupine forewarning. However, the U.S. Hiking in Mt. Delivered weekly. But the human environment is not low in sodium. Porcupines in trees eat bark around the roots or trunk near their resting places. Together with my family, we settled in a region far from the city, and therefore, both our indoor and outdoor furniture are primarily wooden furniture. With the copper content in pressure-treated wood as high as it is, its resistant to rot and insects. All content is copyrighted. . Over the long haul, this item discharges arsenic to the dirt under specific conditions more than others. Because most of these rodents are strict herbivores, they mostly eat things like fruits, leaves, roots, and bulbs. Might have to resort to elimination via bullet. These products no longer contain arsenic. Especially horses on long backcountry pack trips. Lastly, the vacuum cylinder is filled with . We may earn a small commission when you buy through our links. D. DonNH New Member. I mean, what is there to love about wood? Alkaline copper quaternary (ACQ) wood is treated with an environmentally friendly solution containing copper and ammonium alkyl. This idea was popularized on the regrettable Animal Planet show Finding Bigfoot. They also feed on roots, foliage, shoots and have a preference for bark due to its high sodium content. Porcupines used to be considered a much bigger problem for home owners. They are not affiliated with these companies and make no endorsements.. A Step-by-Step Guide, wood as the answer to the nutrition and diet, Is Jeromes Furniture Good Quality? Greenhouse Roofing Materials and Designs, What You Need to Know, The Bottom Line on Raised Garden Beds: What You Need to Know. Hope youre well North American porcupines are native to the coniferous and mixed-forest habitats of Canada, the northeastern . But like other staples of this genre charging wolverines and the big one that got away it seems to happen more in print than in real life. There was no front or back that I could tell! Treated wood is generally available as dimensional stock in 2x4s, 2x6s, 4x4s and 2x2s for rail components. Other options may workdistracting the porcupines with a salt lick, or startling them with random, irritating noisesbut there are drawbacks: The salt lick . Lumber stamped #2 grade is commonly used for framing, lintels, rafters, trusses, joists, beams, and fencing. 4. If youre concerned about damage when you leave your cottage unattended (say, over the winter), one option is to surround your buildings with a perimeter of unsupported chicken wire. Before 2003, a dangerous chemical, chromated copper arsenate (CCA), was used to treat wood. Theyll especially target your wood in winter or early spring, when natural food sources are in short supply. Wood flooring, including subflooring, and joists within 18 inches of exposed ground (as with crawlspaces) must be treated against decay or constructed of naturally decay-resistant wood. Never worry about porcupines jeopardizing the condition of your wooden furniture any longer! I had no idea what that was fromneither did anyone else! Fisher, however, are effective predators of porcupines and can control porcupine populations in areas where they both live. Be that as it may, original item confirmation offices dont permit the utilization of copper-offered wood to produce confirmed organic vegetables. Cerulli writes eloquently of cultivating a mindful relationship with wildlife. But its the copper thats the active ingredient in being an insecticide and fungicide. If a porcupine den has been located, a trap can be placed very close to the opening and baited with nutritionally dense and salty foods such as cut fruit, peanut butter, sunflower seeds, or nuts. This raises concern over animal health and meat safety. The name porcupine is very appropriate, coming as it does from the Latin porcus, meaning swine, and spina, meaning thorn. The copper and other pesticides will leach into the water and cause issues for wildlife. The North American porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum) is one of the most widely distributed herbivores and the second largest member of the rodent family in North America. Yummy! Porcupines really do frequent backwoods outhouses. This love of salt often leads them to roadsides where salt has been spread. Porcupines have their young from April to May and the juveniles stay with the females for the first summer of their lives. This treatment will help resist water, and flaxseed oil is one of the few insulation products 100% accepted in organic gardening circles. Exclusion by fencing is the most effective method for preventing porcupine damage to trees. Porcupine damage to homes, structures and garden areas is on the rise. Cedar is a popular choice for siding due to its appearance and longevity, and cedar siding costs $12,500 on average. The porcupine is not an aggressive animal and will only attack if it is threatened. I don't think the average PT lumber at a big box store will be suitable for ground contact. Due to their heavy bodies and short legs, porcupines cannot easily navigate deep snow, therefore wintertime adds extra pressure on this strict plant eater to find accessible and nutritionally dense food. They also look at wood as the answer to the nutrition and diet they need. So newer wood is easier to identify as treated. If your plan of keeping them off your lawn isnt successful, what do you do? You may withdraw your consent at any time. Porcupines are also attracted to the glue used to bond plywood on wooden structures. So, in setting up a fence, make sure that the clearance is no more than 50 cm per wire from the ground. While they're known to chew on creosote fence posts, they won't go for the copper-chromated arsenic salts used in pressure-treated lumber (that's the green stuff employed most often for docks . Wood that is pressure-treated can last many years when in contact with concrete and dirt where other wood would begin to rot. Copper has no health concerns and is relatively harmless to the environment. Are you interested to learn the concoction thats been used by homeowners for generations now? Me, I see no problems using ACQ-treated timbers in my garden. But this story is true. This solution has been the product of deep research and experiments done by various homeowners from all over the country. This article may contain affiliate links. Unfortunately, some of these products are acceptable in organic gardening, at least not if you grow vegetables commercially and hope to get your organic certification one day. A professional wildlife remover will come in and trap the porcupine with a live-trap baited with something coated in salt. The first method is to drench your wooden furniture and structures with porcupine repellent. Not porcupines eat sasquatch untrue but in no way a major factor in timber harvests. Of course, this is the same bastion of journalistic excellence that claimed sasquatches are attracted by raves. This makes for weak bonds and often results in the paint peeling or sloughing off. For many of us, one of the main benefits of growing our food is knowing that our vegetables have not been artificially sprayed, processed, or improved. Also, be sure not to cut it indoorsventilation is your friend. These materials attract rodents like rats, skunks, and even squirrels. Would love to find a method short of shooting them to stop the destruction of my dwarf pear trees. Clear sealers and stains are more suitable for pressure-treated wood, although waiting for the wood to dry completely (which can take months) is an option. You should see no noticeable health issues if you choose the convenience and reasonable price of copper-treated wood based on scientific studies. For one, the wood can often warp and shrink as the moisture leaves, making it unsuitable for fine woodworking projects. But the EPA banned arsenic-treated PT wood in 2004, and the products available today are completely safe. Fisher cats, however, excel at preying upon porcupines and may even suppress porcupine populations in some places. I dont recall ever having issue with our outhouse, but chairs, axe handles, vehicles, were all regularly chewed on. The challenge is that all the common ways to conserve wood face challenges when growing edible products. What Do Porcupines Eat? is part of the Blue Ant Media Canada network 2023 Blue Ant Media. Cryptozoology fans posit that the reason no one ever finds the bones of dead sasquatches is because you guessed it porcupines eat them! 6x6s for support posts and plywood. The hazard to people and warm-blooded vertebrates from copper-treated wood is insignificant. The process involves the use of a vacuum cylinder and chemicals. The literal translation of this is the irritable back. The porcupine uses its sharp quills to inflict harm to any would-be predators that get within close range. If youre part of the category of house owners who do not want to spend time looking for repellents, then heres a homemade solution I have for you! Up until 2004, the main chemical used in pressure-treated lumber was arsenic, but the EPA banned it in the residential market because of health concerns. Last, but most definitely not least is to use pest and porcupine repellents. On average, cedar deck planks cost between $3 and $7 per square foot.In general, cedar costs about 20% to 30% more than pressure-treated lumber. All Rights Reserved. Other options may workdistracting the porcupines with a salt lick, or startling them with random, irritating noisesbut there are drawbacks: The salt lick could attract other wildlife; the random, irritating noises could drive away your cottage guests. If you need it. Ciao for now, Saddles. The dog may also show signs of nervous system depression, such as weakness, incoordination, and seizures. Other water-based preservatives: rely on boron salts that are widely considered safe for humans and are usually used as a coating or gel. This is to be expected for something covered in barbed quills. are highly recommended. Eleanor and David. Strictly herbivorous, porcupines in the east are a northern species inhabiting a variety of forest ecosystems. So, I usually go with the comprehensive method of keeping them away. Also, as the pores take on the chemical, the lumber will swell a bit in size. (They should probably lay off the salt.). The most important thing to understand about this pressure treatment is that the process . If you encounter a porcupine, you should back away slowly and leave it alone. In addition, trees that are killed and felled due to porcupine damage can provide shelter and nest sites for other wildlife. Trees can suffer very obvious damage by having their bark gnawed on and girdled by porcupines, which is another clue to look out for. 8 Real Estate Rules That May Have Changed Since You Bought Your H Borate products are pressure treated with water-based mineral salt solutions. The best strategy to prevent damage from porcupines is exclusion. Maintain soil pH in the near-neutral range (pH 6-7). The resin used to bind plywood is sodium based, making it an ideal porky snack. Baby porcupines are born with soft quills and teeth which enable them to begin eating vegetation within the first week of life. They break down into three categories: The amount of moisture that pressure-treated lumber can retain is truly remarkable. He assured me that the only permanent way to treat wood is a mixture of engine oil from the sump of an old car! Both of these factors make it tough to paint. Copyright 2023 Acton Media Inc. All rights reserved. and treated wood piled in the woods, and a guy I know told me that porcupines destroyed his aluminum tree stands. Sweats on tool. But it also has a need for salt, and it's coming for your cars, your homes, your guns. For this reason, conflicts with humans can be avoided and are unlikely. As dimensional stock in 2x4s, 2x6s, 4x4s and 2x2s for rail components about. Where other wood would begin to rot one way to tell if a porcupine you. 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