Escalante Canyon to the south and Dominguez Canyon to the north, both parts of the Dominguez-Escalante National Conservation Area, made perfect hideouts for cattle rustlers and bank robbers. Where the schist has been carved by millions of years of water runoff from the Uncompahgre Plateau to the west, there are pour-offs and pools as smooth as a newborns bottom. The Gunnison River has carved an 800-foot-deep canyon within D-ENCA, providing boaters with a stunning experience. The area provides valuable wildlife habitat for desert bighorn sheep, deer, elk, mountain lion, black bear, wild turkey and chukar. Wilderness Dominguez Canyon Wilderness Platte River Wilderness Huston Park Wilderness Encampment River Wilderness Mount Zirkel Wilderness Rawah Wilderness Cache La Poudre Wilderness Sarvis Creek Wilderness Flat Tops . Unaweep Canyon on the northern boundary of the NCA contains globally significant geological resources. Created Date: 20140413123814Z . This loop trek, ranging between 35 and 50 miles (depending on how much side-exploring you do), is for experienced backpackers with route-finding skills. Hikers can see it in the Grand Canyon or you can hike into the Dominguez Canyon Wilderness along the Gunnison River between Delta and Grand Junction. Visitors interested in the geology of the area can stop at the Gunnison Gravels Area of Critical Environmental Concern, which contains geologic evidence of the ancestral route of the Gunnison River through Unaweep Canyon. Created Date: 20140413130415Z . The NCA is home to trophy mule deer, elk, black bear and desert bighorn sheep drawing sportsmen from around the globe. Escalante Canyon: Escalante Canyon includes the Potholes Recreation Area, popular with extreme kayakers in the spring and picnickers in the summer. Established in 2009, the Dominguez Canyon Wilderness contains 66,000 acres and is part of the larger Dominguez-Escalante Conservation Area. Four years later, Tom McCarty robbed the Delta Bank only to be shot by a hardware store owner with a buffalo gun so powerful that it lifted the robber out of his saddle, dead before he hit the ground. Then theres the famous canyon shootout of June 9, 1917, when Ben Lowe, who often brought destitute homesteader families sides of beef not his own, faced off with former Sheriff Cash Sampson, who had been a state stock and brand inspector. Choose just the GMU boundaries or add the elk concentration data as well. The feature service includes both wilderness polygons and non-wilderness . The NCA consists of 210,000 acres of protected land in Delta, Montrose and Mesa Counties. Then full use and control of the property would transfer to the BLM. HUNTING PRICES & DATES - 2024 GUIDED HUNTS . The captain called the canyon a hidden paradise. Dominguez Canyon is a popular stop along the way, with primitive camping, a hike up Big Dominguez Canyon, hidden rock art, and a breathtaking waterfall. The canyon is unique because it has drainages running east and west out of the canyon. We are 15 miles from the nearest trailhead, a three-hour drive beyond that from the nearest stoplight, and two days' drive beyond that from home. The 66,280 acres of Dominguez Canyon Wilderness are wholly contained within the boundaries of Dominguez-Escalante National Conservation Area. Plan your trek in spring and fall when the weather is generally pleasant, since summers are too hot. It joins the larger Big Dominguez Canyon a little over a mile before their confluence with the Gunnison River. Location(in western Colorado in Mesa and Delta counties. A ruby gem at the bottom of the world. Ranchers tried to make a living but the country was hard on horses and even harder on wives. The bottom of Dominguez Creek has hard, brittle, blue-gray rock, yet all around are red sandstone cliffs. There are the remains of many wikiups on the mesas and many panels of prehistoric rock art on the canyon walls. Elevations in the NCA are approximately 4,800 to 8,200 feet. Hunting and guiding have been a part of our families lifestyle for generations, and we are excited to share this experience with you! Note: Mountain bikes or high clearance vehicles are required on the Tabeguache Trail (see the Tabeguache Trail brochure for more information). LockA locked padlock A variety of wildlife call the area home, including desert bighorn sheep, mule deer, golden eagles, turkeys, elk, mountain lions, black bears, andcollared lizards. Traditional uses such as livestock grazing, hunting and fishing are important uses in the NCA and are specifically protected by the designating legislation and Resource Management Plan. It now provides private ranch access. Release Agent for Glass Bedding Cerakote??? We bring several years of experience and in-depth knowledge of the area to each fair chase hunt. If you really want to escape the world and revel in the wild, then hike the McCarty Trail to Historic Gunnison Pack Trail for a three-day trek. Owner/Operator of Canyon Adventures in Big Sky, Montana and former owner/operator of Sage Peak Outfitters' wilderness elk . Further up you cross into the Dominguez Canyon Wilderness. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Uncover Colorado | Sitemap | Advertise. The individual who sold the property was granted a life lease on it - meaning he was allowed to live out the remainder of his life on the property and continue to use it as he had for so many years before. Equal Opportunity Employer While Big Dominguez Creek runs year-round, water is scarce away from the creek. The Old Spanish National Historic Trail recognizes the land route traveled by traders from 19th-century Mexico - today's New Mexico - and California. National Conservation Area, Dominguez Canyon Wilderness, Old Spanish Trail National Historic Trail. Miles of trails wind within the NCA provide access to the Uncompahgre National Forest, which manages a successful multi-recreational trail system. East Creek is the eastern drainage that runs along Hwy141 which is designated by the state of Colorado as the Unaweep-Tabaguache Scenic Byway. There was a private property in Little Dominguez Canyon that was bought by the BLM in 1988. This wilderness, which is characterized by diverse ecosystems, features two major canyon systems which drain the northeastern corner of the Uncompahgre Plateau. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS This is a popular area for relatively unimproved exploration via hiking and horseback riding. Please call to speak directly with Josh about your elk hunt! The area provides valuable opportunities for many different forms of recreation, particularly OHV and horseback riding. I visited this place several times, and keep coming back. Nearly 30 miles of the Gunnison River flow through Dominguez-Escalante NCA, supporting fish, wildlife and recreational resources. Due to last minute changes, my normal hunting partner, Rita, was unable to go. The Ute Tribes today consider these pinyon-ju. Photos (702) Directions. This area is rich in history, providing the only access route for settlers in Escalante Creek to Delta in the 1800s and early 1900s. The Ute Tribes today consider these pinyon-junipercovered lands an important connection to their ancestral past. Elk Hunting Maps tab on the website. It's located southeast of Grand Junction and northwest of Montrose. Please call 970-882-5600 for assistance. The terrain is characterized by large mesas dissected by deep red slick-rock canyons and arroyos. The McCarty Trail is a landscape feature named after the McCarty family whose brothers rode with Butch Cassidy to rob the San Miguel Valley Bank in Telluride in 1889. L.O. The map below shows several points of access to the wilderness, including campgrounds and trailheads along most boundaries. Written by Stewart Green for RootsRated Media in partnership with Delta County Colorado. Welcome to Dominguez-Escalante National Conservation Area. D-E NCA offers outstanding opportunities to hunt for deer, elk, bear, mountain lion, waterfowl, turkey, and chukar. Official websites use .gov . The Uncompahgre band, Weminuche band and Grand River band of Utes may all have traversed this canyon at different times of year. River Access Points: Escalante Put-In Whitewater Put-In/Take-Out Redlands Dam Take-Out(outside the NCA Boundary). They do their push-ups and scamper across red rocks. In 2009 66,280 acres (26,820 ha) were also designated as the Dominguez Canyon Wilderness. Traces of the early miners and settlers who lived and worked there are also evident. Nearly 30 miles of the river flow through the NCA. The country we hunt rivals any of the . Grand Junction Field Office & Uncompahgre Field Office That's one heck of a bull. The Old Spanish National Historic Trail passes through the eastern part of Dominguez-Escalante National Conservation Area (NCA), which comprises 210,172 acres of protected public lands, and includes the 66,280-acre Dominguez Canyon Wilderness. Terms of Use Use would depend on peril, weather, or simple opportunistic stops. It provides shelter during summer rainstorms. The 142-mile Tabeguache Mountain Bike Trail, which connects Grand Junction to Montrose, goes from Cactus Park on its ascent from Grand Junction to the top of the Uncompahgre Plateau. Later, bands of Utes traversed the canyons and engraved shield figures and a bison hunt on sandstone cliffs. Generally considered an easy route, it takes an average of 4 h 40 min to complete. The large canyon in the 66,000-acre Dominguez Canyon Wilderness is accessible by canoe from the Gunnison River or by a metal bridge from the Bridgeport Road south of Grand Junction. Desert bighorn sheep were re-introduced in the 1990's and the growing herd can often be seen grazing at the foot of the cliffs in the wilderness. Privacy Policy, Weather data from The Durango Herald and, History, geology tell old tales in these Colorado desert canyons. The remote canyons also formed hideouts for outlaws and rustlers. Dominguez Pueblo and the half-mile accessible trail to Escalante Pueblo remain open. CAUTION:Crossing between Little Dominguez Creek and Big Dominguez Creek requires advanced route finding skills, as there is no defined trail and little to no reliable water sources. Gunnison River: The relatively flat stretch of river between Escalante Canyon and the mouth of the Dominguez Canyon is attracting increasing numbers of commercial and private boaters, with its unprecedented views of stunning red-rock canyons and wildlife viewing opportunities. This trail is 12.3 mi long with an elevation gain of 1,112 ft. The canyon is rich in remains of other days that, like place markers in a book, remind us where to turn for favorite stories, wrote Muriel Marshall in Red Hole in Time. Elevations in the NCA are approximately 4,800 to 8,200 feet. Multiple access points), The Escalante, Cottonwood, Little Dominguez and Big Dominguez Creeks cascade through sandstone canyon walls that drain the eastern Uncompahgre Plateau. These canyons and the sloping plateaus between them offer some of western Colorados prime scenery, diverse wildlife, including desert bighorns and golden eagles, and excellent opportunities for hiking and backpacking. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. It worked out well since Ben's an experienced hunter and many grades . She had to be hardworking, willing to do without luxuries, at peace with isolation and ready to set up housekeeping wherever the work was., Rancher Wes Massey argued, Them old gals got a car and a vote. A wagon axle recycled into a gatepost is proof that hardy Western Slope pioneers used everything they could find to establish themselves on the frontier. Mules were the highest-valued pack animals, as they had incredible strength and endurance, fared better than horses where water was scarce and forage poor, and recovered more rapidly after periods of hardship. The feature service is full-featured and is available at world-room scales. We are here to hunt elk. There are 115 miles of streams and rivers in the NCA, and there is habitat suitable for 52 protected species of animals and plants. Changes in the Elk Woods Elk are a part of who I am. Nearly 30 miles of the Gunnison River flow through Dominguez-Escalante NCA, supporting fish, wildlife and recreational resources. Canyons of the Ancients Visitor Center and Museum closed for renovations through mid-May. The BLM manages public lands for multiple uses and reminds visitors to be considerate of others enjoying their public lands. View the alert: Canyons of the Ancients Visitor Center and Museum closed for renovations through mid-May. Little Dominguez Creek flows year round, creating a long, narow riparian zone inhabited by many reptiles, birds and mammals. When Big Dominguez Creek is in full flow, waterfalls cascade off the ancient rocks into wading pools below. Ninemile Hill is easily identifiable by its communication towers along the crest. Nearly 30 miles of the Gunnison River flow through Dominguez-Escalante NCA, supporting fish, wildlife and recreational resources. Dominguez Outfitters is based in Whitewater, CO. We hunt in Colorado Game Management Units (GMU) 61 and 62. This is an area of rugged, water-carved mesas covered with dense stands of pinyon and juniper. Known for its breathtaking scenery, Dominguez-Escalante NCA is a fine example of the spectacular canyon country of the Uncompahgre Plateau. Rare plants and animals with prickly pear cactus and Indian rice grass grow within feet of narrow-leaf Fremont cottonwood trees. The canyon is a rare palimpsest of time with layer after layer of geology and human history. Joined. Adventurous travelers can make a large loop using Big and Little Dominguez Canyons. You will encounter picturesque views, fascinating historical artifacts, as well as unique plants and geologic features. Permits and instructions can be found on-site at the Escalante and Bridgeport boat launch. Please be respectful of and conserve the landscape for current and future generations to enjoy. Etched on the back are the printed words: M.A. An official website of the United States government. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. The Dominguez Canyon Wilderness is near Grand Junction, Colorado, near the the Uncompahgre National Forest. Opportunity exists for BLM to link into this system. Photo: camping near Naturita, Norwood, Nucla and Gateway. Uncover Colorado | Sitemap | Advertise. Funds for Delta County Social Media and PR provided from a Marketing Matching Grant from the Colorado Tourism Office. As you ride, please respect the landscape making sure you stay only on designated trails, yield to other visitors, and follow all other principles of Leave No Trace (LNT). Canyons of the Ancients Visitor Center & Museum is closed to the public through mid-May 2023 for major floor renovations. This is a popular trail for backpacking, camping, and hiking . They left the wilderness and all that hard work. The Dominguez Canyon Wilderness displays an array of ecosystems, ranging from upper Sonoran pion-juniper desert along the Gunnison River, to Douglas-fir and ponderosa pine to aspen at higher elevations. You should plan on finding and purifying water from trickling creeks and potholes filled with rainwater. Dominguez Canyon Wilderness consists of two major canyon systems, Big Dominguez and Little Dominguez. . email: Yet the visible cliffs are 300 million-year-old Chinle sandstone. Safety Considerations, Download the official NPS app before your next visit. It took a special kind of woman to make an Escalante Canyon ranchers wife, Marshall wrote. This trip can take several days to a week, depending on how much exploring you plan to do. At Whitewater, turn right onto Highway 141 and continue to the Tabeguache Trail turnoff. Sawmill Mesa Road and Dry Mesa Road provide Forest Service access to hunting in the fall and 4 wheel drive, ATV, and mountain bike access spring, summer, and fall. Each map displays Wilderness Boundaries as well as Unit (GMU) boundaries. Sawmill Mesa: Immediately adjacent to the town of Delta, this area provides critical motorized links to the Uncompahgre National Forest. This is what we have come so far to find: the solitude, the challenge, and the wildness. South end of Dominguez Canyon Wilderness, near Montrose, CO. Photo by: camping near Naturita, Norwood, Nucla and Gateway, Dominguez-Escalante National Conservation Area, The NCA was created by the 2009 Omnibus Public Lands Management Act and is managed as part of the Bureau of Land Managements National Conservation Lands. The Dominguez-Escalante National Conservation Area 2) National Conservation Area located in western Colorado southeast of Grand Junction and northwest of Montrose. It lies west of Cottonwood Road to Elk Ridge, west to the Dark Canyon Wilderness boundary, and from the north Forest boundary to the south Forest boundary. Unit 61 has a very limited number of licenses and requires preference points to draw. Almost 30 miles of the river meanders through a cliff-lined gorge accessible only by boat or foot. Ballantine Communications, Inc. Please check the current streamflow data and weather before your boat trip. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. The Delta-Nucla/25-Mesa Road borders the NCA on the southeast and connects Delta to Nucla and the Divide Road, which follows the spine of the Uncompahgre Plateau. McCarty was headed for a canyon hideout, but instead, he and his brother died in the dust of Deltas dirt streets. The Tabeguache trail, a long distance mixed use trail popular with mountain bikers, motorcycle riders and jeep enthusiasts, also runs through the Ninemile Hill area. Unit 62 within D-E NCA is famous for its huge elk and mule deer . The management plan for Dominguez-Escalante NCA specifically allows for hunting under state game laws. The easiest access is from SR-95. If possible, arrange a car shuttle for your hike, so you can start the trek at Big Dominguez Campground at the head of the canyon and hike downhill for 15 miles to the Bridgeport Trailhead on the river. The wilderness was designated by Congress in 2009 and is made up of most of what was previously the Dominguez Canyon Wilderness Study Area. Unit 52 includes the Cruces Basin Wilderness area and boarders Colorado to the North. Described as a guest star and like a path clothed in brightness adorned by countless gleaming lamps, people around the world saw it as a living, pulsing, fireworks display. The conservation area allows for a wide variety of activities including hiking, boating and wildlife viewing. Length 12.3 miElevation gain 1,112 ftRoute type Out & back. Some of that rock art is up to 2,000 years old and is fading in places due to the ravages if time and weather. CO. Access the east side of Dominguez-Escalante NCA via Bridgeport Bridge: from Grand Junction, travel south on US-50, past Whitewater and Bridgeport Road. Learn more about Hiking in the Dominguez Canyon Wilderness. | Peregrine falcons have nested nearby. The route takes three to five days. A ruby gem at the bottom of the world.. Where is the best place to hike in Dominguez Canyon Wilderness? | Ute-style rock art goes from 1600 to 1880, including shield figures and a bison hunting scene with Native Americans on horseback surrounding a bison dripping blood. 543 Main Street #4Grand Junction, CO 81501email: info@canyonsassociation.orgphone: 970-263-7902, Learn more about Hiking in the Dominguez Canyon Wilderness, Click for a Guide to Recreation in Dominguez Canyon Wilderness. No permit is required for backpacking. From 1829 to 1848, this trail was the shortest-known route from Santa Fe to Los Angeles, through red-rock mesas, below snow-capped peaks, and fording untamed rivers, following a loose network of Native American footpaths across the Colorado Plateau and Mojave Desert. With only about 500 in Colorado, they are a delight to see. A large boulder with stacked stone walls created a rough shelter in Dominguez Canyon. A lock ( Congressionally designated in 2009 for its distinctive canyon country, the Dominquez-Escalante National Conservation Area includes the remote Dominguez Canyon Wilderness, recreation along the Gunnison River, and a network of off-highway vehicle trails. 970-244-3000. Our hunting area is located in the north end of Unit 61 (Trophy Unit) and 62 in the Uncompahgre National Forest of Western Colorado. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. All Rights Reserved. Human habitation in the Dominguez-Escalante National Conservation Area goes back 10,000 years. Grand Junction Field Office & Uncompahgre Field Office, Collaborative Action and Dispute Resolution, Dominguez-Escalante National Conservation Area. Becky Wolfe was kind enough to write a piece about us which was published in Huntin Fool Magazine. The Dominguez Canyon Wilderness is a U.S. Wilderness Area located southeast of Grand Junction in western Colorado.The 66,280-acre (268.2 km 2) wilderness area established in 2009, the largest BLM roadless area in the state of Colorado, includes two major canyon systems that drain the northeastern corner of the Uncompahgre Plateau.The Wilderness Area is a portion of the larger Dominguez . Wilderness Zone 2 (Horse Mesa, Triangle Mesa, Star Mesa and upper Big and Little Dominguez canyons) will be managed with an emphasis on opportunities for solitude. The wilderness was designated by Congress in 2009 and is made up of most of what was previously the Dominguez Canyon Wilderness Study Area. An outstanding historic Ute Indian petroglyph is this bison-hunting scene with the vanquished bison spurting blood. Instead, its just you in a red-rock wilderness among canyons lined with salmon-colored cliffs, boulders shaped like giant Hersheys Kisses, and monumental mesas that scrape against the dazzling blue sky. The canyons drain the northeastern corner of the Uncompahgre Plateau. If you are lucky enough to draw one of the 4-5 desert bighorn sheep tags issued each year, youre in for an amazing experience! The 39-mile trip takes 11 to 16 hours and offers ample opportunities for hiking,wildlife viewing and exploring, but can also be done in smaller sections. Known for its breathtaking scenery, Dominguez-Escalante NCA is a fine example of the spectacular canyon country of the Uncompahgre Plateau. Canoe/Kayak/Small Boat Launch, Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits, Restroom, Trailhead. According to users from, the best place to hike in Dominguez Canyon Wilderness is Big Dominguez Canyon , which has a 4.6 star rating from 488 reviews. Hikers enter the wilderness where a gate post is an upturned wagon axle installed by pioneers, who lived by the adage of use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without., Walking up the canyon, visitors see a corral from the Herbert Bert Ennors homestead, though the house has burned and no traces of it remain. 1600 Reeder Mesa RoadWhitewater, CO 81527, License # 2681 Ed Hake. The Old Spanish National Historic Trail is composed of three main routes: the Main Route, the Armijo Route, and the North Branch. Official websites use .gov The road provides easy vehicle and viewing access to historic cabins and trails, rock walls with early settler and Native American inscriptions, and spectacular geologic formations. Arches and Canyonlands 4X4 Adventure from Moab 55 Recommended Full-day Tours from $324.37 per adult Canyonlands & Arches National Parks Airplane Tour 52 Recommended Air Tours from $329.00 per adult LIKELY TO SELL OUT* Moab Rappeling Adventure: Medieval Chamber Slot Canyon 38 Recommended from $110.00 per adult SPECIAL OFFER Elk Hunting Maps page on A public wilderness feature service can be added in ArcGIS online or to other online maps. Hunting Information HUNT AREA INFO WILDERNESS AREA HUNT AREA HARVEST REPORT HUNTER SAFETY But of all the prehistory, history and tales told in the canyons, I am most interested in a specific petroglyph. Red-rock canyons and sandstone bluffs hold geological and paleontological resources spanning 600 million years, as well as many cultural and historic sites. By its communication towers along the crest by Stewart Green for RootsRated Media in partnership with Delta County Colorado bands! 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