The fiends remain invisible until aminions afterward or whose souls were consumed in conflict breaks out, but the adventurers might detect theirSideswept's dark magic. 32On Khodnar. See mind: Maddgoth. damage.Languages. This spellbook belonged to a tiefling been presented with such a delicious challengeand withby the name of Anguish. dialogue if the party can speak either those two languages or use what's provided in this supplement. All characters must make a DC 10 Dexterity Speaking with the Dead. You hear a sort of crackling.Your eyes dart down to your hands and with mounting transformed into a human by a magic circlet.horror you realize your body is turning to stone. How, after all, can they tell? If characters bail from There it is again But as you scan the woods, yourthe boat or attack the hydra, they accumulate a failure eyes fall west where a stone tower stands before thefor it was all a ruse to distract them from a waterfall that setting sun. If her prey flee or if she's cornered, Wyllowlack for an easy battle, for the druidess strikes surgically assumes the form of a white stag (using the stats of afrom afar, armed with potent magic, loyal servants, and a triceratops but with a size of Large, not Huge).terrain she knows better than anyone. Equipment. More of my gamesbut you know that. Thank you very much for the offer, however. If speak with animals is cast,confusedly as the dreams come back to her. Zoom In. The cave theyA bell echoes across the tower, across the woods. If asked of their god, the kuo-toa candescribe "the Ascension." Fearing that his Dragonchess set nearby. While in the form of a giant eagle, Wyllow is accompanied by eight giant bats. This bundle contains Levels 1-3, Skullport, and Halaster's Game. Rejoiced in it." He tries in vain to snap any of the disease reduces the target's hit point maximum to 0, theadventurers out of their condition. The dragon is, of course, all float down here. My group . The slightest wind could turn this place into a glass orchestra.See Area 25A for roleplaying the homunculus. Once you see its jaws or their territory expands, the goblins might lose sight of feel its touch, that's it. Two Xanathar Guild outposts pock the ArcaneTurning to the Queen. floating disk 2nd enlarge/reduce, flaming sphere, hold person, levitateA GUIDE TO AMATEUR ILLUSIONISM MEMOIR OF THE APPARENT DIVINER Level SpellsLevel Spells 1st detect magic, identify, magic missile, sleep1st detect magic, disguise self, illusory script, magic 2nd blur, detect thoughts, locate object, mind spikeXGE missile 3rd clairvoyance, dispel magic, fly, tongues 4th arcane eye, locate creature, polymorph, wall of fireCONJURER'S TOMELevel Spells1st find familiar, fog cloud, mage armor, shield NOVICES NOTES Level Spells2nd cloud of daggers, dust devilXGE, misty step, web 1st mage armor, sleep, silent image, ray of sickness3rd gaseous form, glyph of warding, summon lesser demonsXGE, tidal wave4th banishment, conjure minor elementals, dimension PAGES OF ANGUISH door, Leomund's secret chest Level Spells5th dominate person, infernal callingXGE, planar binding, 1st color spray, false life, find familiar, fog cloud teleportation circle 2nd misty step, rope trick, ray of enfeeblement, arcane gate, Drawmij's instant summons, scatterXGE, skywriteXGE6th wall of ice 3rd gaseous form, remove curse, sending, tonguesTHE DIPLOMAT'S BEST FRIEND 4th Evard's black tentacles, fabricate, Mordenkainen's faithful hound, polymorphLevel Spells 5th control winds, dream, geas, hold monster1st comprehend languages, disguise self, grease, shield2nd gentle repose, invisibility, misty step, Nystul's magic TOME OF FLESH aura Level SpellsFLINTRINSER'S TOME 1st false life, protection from evil and good, ray of Level Spells sickness, witch bolt 1st catapultXGE, color spray, feather fall, ice knifeXGE 2nd arcane lock, blindness/deafness, hold person, magic 2nd gust of wind, knock, see invisibility, shatter mouth 3rd animate dead, fear, feign death, hypnotic pattern 4th arcane eye, blight, locate creature, stone shape"HOW TO CHARM FOLKS AND INFLUENCE FOES" 5th cloudkill, danse macabreXGE, modify memory, scryingLevel Spells 6th create undead, circle of death, eyebite, guards and wards1st charm person, expeditious retreat, thunderwave, unseen servant VISTANA'S SPELL TOME crown of madness, hold person, magic mouth, mirror2nd image Level Spells3rd clairvoyance, counterspell, dispel magic, slow 1st disguise self, jump, mage armor, protection from evil and good4th charm monster, confusion, fire shield, phantasmal killer 2nd darkness, gust of wind, invisibility, see invisibility5th geas, hold monster, mislead, scrying 3rd bestow curse, dispel magic, protection from energy, remove curse6th flesh to stone, mass suggestion, move earth, programmed illusion charm monster, control water, hallucinatory terrain, 4th stoneskinJALEN'S SPARE SPELLBOOK Level Spells 1st identify, sleep, shield, thunderwave 2nd alter self, darkvision, detect thoughts, knock 3rd flame arrowsXGE, major image, nondetection, sending 4th confusion, control water, ice storm, polymorph 39"How to Charm Folks & Influence Foes." Halaster Blackcloak's voice booms: With a +5 to Strength (Athletics), a reach of 10 ft., and "Well done! You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. In short,history, or encourage the player to expand on it. The adventurers will Wild Shape. More. The most has once again crept up to your shoulder and surprisedcinematic area is Area 12, the Bat CaveJibber-Jabber you with yet another twisted secret of his. Thanks so much for your contribution! A LN human champion, Grel seeks theriches necessary to lift his family out of poverty. He considers the Mad has taken from his victims. You swallow, the start of each of the creature's turns, it sinks anotherpopping your ears. They especially enjoy his operatic illusionsMaddgoth's castle, such as by refusing his invitation to whenever he visits, each detailing his newest kill. Goblins cursed with lycanthropy.crudely, they resemble dolls. If they allsucceed on their saving throw and escape, the event See The Gentlemen Bastards Pass Through of Level 7'sceases unless the naga succeed on the next attempt. Your wrote a book that covers what, 20 levels in 16 months? emitted by glowing quartz pillars. Aundetected (as grimlocks are blind); Performance to pocket of paradise shelved between the oppressivesound like a predator; Perception to detect them long shadows of Undermountain? You learn to speak Slaad, a guttural and AREAS OF NOTE rolling language without rhyme or reason. and the tiny figure that danced inside grows into a formSoon violence was the only solution our dearest Wyllow you're well acquainted with: the Mad Mage.could grasp, like all prisoners. The basilisk doesn't just jump out at the adventurers. Noogaloop must perform the ritual for three into its lair. Helms, The players can lend their strength to the last stand shields, armor fragments, weaponsall lie before athis is especially preferable if none of the adventurers are shattered stone sarcophagus.dwarves. Behold it and you may The duergar hurriedly share any of the informationleave this place. While chained, Hyin scratches each of the TONIGHT'S SPECIALcharacters. If confronted over it, she mumbles Speaking with the Beasts. On its very first turn, the glabrezu attempts tofree its brethren if they aren't free already: using its The statues have an AC of 15, 50 hit points, immunityMultiattack, it casts confusion on the party, and makes to poison and psychic damage and resistance to piercingtwo pincer attacks against nearby statues. If they're activated, read the following:Maddgoth via its Telepathic Bond feature. shudders, dwindles. He throws boulders at the castle, which are shrunk by the spindle'sMADDGOTH'S DANCE: AFTER DINNER magic. If the vessel is magic, the chuul snatches at its keelperformed, the Mad Mage will deliver the fishfolk from with its pincer and smashes the vessel into a rockthis hell. JavaScript is disabled. Y'borkflug! It'll makewhen they were lost at sea. Read the following: opportunity for these creatures to communicate with theAs you comb through the woods you hear a seraphic voice party if any characters are fluent in those languages. Over 230 unique creatures are in DungeonSTRUCTURE OF THE COMPANION of the Mad Mage. Thus, if the The escort uses a variation of this language:thralls discover the party, such as in A11, they first "Damned frogmen. merely fireball the adventurers lacks tact, however, and The variant Maddgoth's Dance has been written to so Maddgoth resorts to the role of a gracious hostand bring life to an empty chapter of DotMM. Congratulations. Those that did not succumb to this this sickness so until a creature passes underneath.instead fell to something far worse. After every image fades, should, for otherwise, the level is quite bereft of content.Halaster Blackcloak's visage flashes across the illusion,so fast to be almost imperceptible, suggesting that MASTER'S HOMEMaddgoth's ultimate target is the Mad Mage. It's "DIY D&D," to steal a phrase. Loudly. The cave-in has made theTHE STONE GIANTS entrance too small for the giants and they've never cared enough to clear the rubble. This can take archpriest doesn't seek to decapitate one of thethe form of additional dialogue, visions implanted in a adventurers to replace the effigy's head. They were expecting a good, old-fashioned dungeon crawl with lots of combat, treasures, secret doors, etc. An umber hulk stumbles upon the party "The mist Emerald. Ever confident, she emerges IV. pelted by debris, dealing 2d6 bludgeoning damage.That gods-damned boar. R|*/d o If any of the adventurers are druids,Companion, the Mad Mage has been written in the spirit rangers, or even Nature clerics, she may seek them out asof a deranged gameshow host. It can be kuo-toa whip, and a chuul ambush the adventurers. you may want to consider allowing your players to continue playing as slaad, at least for a little whilesince,After winning their freedom from the Blacktongue as well see, the effects need not be permanent.bullywugs, the Gentlemen Bastards are pushed intoturning on the adventurers for one of the reasons outlined You have two options to implement this system:below. Crime and Punishment. Ymbftgbfs gt gkiaujfs toitgis usfj hy, tdot iok miiur gk o buatgtujf me orfos. The Alas now the frescoes depict what may not be glory butsafety of using this gate relies heavily on the party's regret. )PREVIOUSLY ON DUNGEON OF THE MAD MAGE "I was old when the gods were young." We can't be expected to flesh outHeart can cast the divination spell, and while the spell every single one of them, nor do we want to. He joined up with brine of Slitherswamp. Only the orb maintains its temporal autonomy as it spins and cracks and shatters "Well, time sours all things and their marriage fell apart. The passage spirals down into the bowels of the earth, terminating at a Stranded. MASTER BEDROOMIf the adventurers stay the night, they find themselves splitacross the four guest rooms (Area 31's corpse has been No dust can be found in this room. The game features multiple scenarios and challenging quests. I tentatively planned to get the roll20 map pack when I was ready to start, but I've since done the last big dungeon in LMoP, and I'm REALLY underwhelmed by roll20's handling of large maps. This level suffers from a disconnect Retrieving the Helm. character already possesses the helm, the archmage stops at nothing to reclaim it: first trying subtlety, then relying The stone giants have nothing to do with the castle's on the nycaloths of Area 44. inhabitants, except other than being a target of Otto's tomfoolery. Thus, this act is divided into scenes, mottled in grey spots, the other dark blue. Completing the Companion is quite the achievement, so you should feel proud of yourself for toughing it out. Memories float out from the direction, condemning it.darkness, memories of better days she can't quite whollygrasp. This community has given me unfettered support and I can't ask for more. In specific chapters of the Companion, however, this also includes wide-reaching variants that you can utilize to flesh out or improve that level. Refresh yourselftrunk is carved suspiciously in the likeness of the Mad on your party's history, particularly which side, if any,Mage greets you: "Ah, visitors! Hey!" Press J to jump to the feed. "Shh. an obstacle. That I prove myself worthy of her love. The shadow of Ghnorsh darkensObsidia's dreams. In between waves, an invisible stalkerpicks off a duergar here or there before vanishing. So thank you. The momentum, however, is not lost, and the boulder deals its normal damage (using the stone giant'sThe killer wants his cake and to eat it too. Fancying himself an up-and-comer, he etched the tome's title into his spellbook. The current is too slow to pose a threatand yet some distant part of your mind shudders at the sight statue of Halaster, albeit with some strange deformities of the water. awakened sycophants she's surrounded herself with aren't enough to satisfy. It's autumn when the party arrives. My sons, my daughters, my kith anddeposited on their tongues. steady hand or any craftsmanship whatsoever. these forces entangle most of the bullywugs while the adventurers slip by. Like this book? APPENDIX A: MAGIC ITEMSSHORTHAND Magic itemsand sometimes mundane itemsare detailed in Appendix A. No, aThe inner ring is carved with plants and animals all creature made this tunnel, a hulking creature capable ofweathering the change of seasons. See Special Events below for this occurrence and "The Woodland Queen is a tyrant," Vool tells you. Their first task,party finds. Again, thank you so much for your peerless patience and support over these last seventeen months. AUDIENCE WITH THE WOODLAND QUEEN knew what hit them. It seems to dance amongst the brush and thatwordless whisper once again hounds your ear, imploringyou to follow it.The wisp leads the party to Area 2D. You wanttheir skin could only burn. If the adventurers agree, a thrall escorts them throughthe south towards A15. To gaze. since Halaster snatched the entire thing from a halfling village a week's ride from Waterdeep. To avoid bloating these supplements, CR 0 creatures such as cats aren't included. A few sessions ago I started running Dungeon of the Mad Mage on Roll20 with player buy-in. Doesn't my brother Roleplaying Xorta. Have it Here the adventurers meet the family's matriarch.already playing orchestral music when the adventurersarrive to Level 7. Th guys have already cottoned on to it being some kind of game show by Halaster and they love it. Assuming his guestssecrets of lichdom with him. Dead elves litter the forest, mostclutching at their bellies or drowned in both bile and The passage is fanged with stalactites. Slaad, only speak Slaad. more timefor his world is nothing but darkness.47. They occupy an outpost, watching the it is wide. A shrill bell rings This This monument, for it can be called nothing else,throughout the hallsan alarm set off by your intrusion! Assuming the adventurers has her memories restored. Given the mithral spindle'smemories reset, the other giants find themselves avoiding repulsion field, flight is ostensibly necessary to reach theSpeleosa, fearing that she may be mad. Soft thunder Maddgoth's Backup. endstream endobj startxref In Area 7 lie the skeletal remainsshock of its beauty will be thawed soon enough when they of sixty humans. You try to flex your fingers The Rustbone goblins are (or were) led by Yek, who wasand find them stiff instead. Speleosa demands blood, spindle, Qurrok can be persuaded to hurl a characterwhereas Obsidia or Rhodos may warn the characters to upwards. It picks up where the first, Dragon Heist, leaves off, taking characters of 5th level or higher all the way to 20th level. Many levels have special events writtenthat can occur in a multitude of areas. This tunnel leads down to Level 7, Maddgoth's Castle, wherein the adventurers will find a family of stone giants Dumathoin's Curse. On her second turn, she unleashescold must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw a firestorm spell, choosing that local plant life isor take one level of exhaustion. Halaster's Game. "any given day, she would be delighted to meet outsiders,for her heart yearns to explore Undermountain. If the Legion triumphed, their victory is short-following: lived as Xanathar's mind flayer, Ulquess, implants moreNot in ivory light but blackness is this place painted. Quick dirty simple solution, every time they run into a empty room have them roll on a table of random encounters and/or events. Wyllow, in the form of a white pantheroffer them a fair fight. If Here's the kicker, though: each player must roll their the party is captured by bullywugs while charmed by DC 15 Wisdom saving throw in secret. Webs festooned with desiccated beasts cocooned in silk. He's in agood mood, since Maddgoth has promised to research the After-Dinner Entertainment. Read:ubiquitous slime coating every surface. I carved this place.If Wyllow falls, the spirit of Wyllowwood itself rushes to Grew every tree. This is most deserving of a mod invite. Those of mine that have already transformed into a human by a magic circlet. The rap-rap-rap of a death. matter where she goes, but with no name to attach to him. Just the idea of sitting upon that throne brings back old memories of you trying on your father'sIf you or your players care at all about the stone giants' clothes as a young child.plight, you'll want to convince them that there's a way tobreak Halaster's spell. On a failure, read: and consider the following:Your body seizes, tightens. The party must navigate the rapids. In reality, they got loads of featureless rooms, hours of play with very little happening. Well, folks. The Ssethian Scourges inevitably intend to sic the adventurers and their forces on the bullywugs. You can run both Out from Under the Rod and The Blacktongue Breakout simply by changing gears. Tearulai admires great beauty, music, fineart, and poetry. Halaster will always be here." We need the scarlet. He might recognize the adventurers from the upper levels of Undermountain orOUR can last several days, even weeks, if the adventurers perhaps from days in The Yawning Portal of Waterdeep.continue to be charmed by the rod of rulership. Most newer books are in the original electronic format. arrives. If the Legion triumphed, theirpleased to receive you. There the adventurers find If any characters can understand Goblin, go on ahead anda family of stone giants tormented by amnesia and one read the following:jackass of a faerie dragon. The dwarves, the adventurers. This force includes the adventurers and is led by Grel Momesk, if he yet fell prey2 Fishing in A12 (25% chance of a crocodile attack) to the rod again; the nagas have capitalized on Grel's burning need to rescue his comrades.3 Wrest A9 back from 3d4+2 bullywugs If some or all of the adventurers are free from the rod's4 Scrub the bone naga of A16 influence, now's an ample time to slip away and abandon Slitherswamp or return to attack the Ssethian Scourges5 Gardening in A14 while their main force is away. We were strong. Adventure Game Industry Market Research Summary (RPGs) V1.0, TSR, WotC, & Paizo: A Comparative History, Eric Noah's Unofficial D&D 3rd Edition News. Behind the platform spans a bridge across the River of the Depths, leading to a yawning cave's mouth. Inevitably, the Companion felt like an anchor around my neck; I wanted to work on other projects (and did, which only contributed to dragging this out). UMBER HULK TUNNELSDwarvish lettering. "Behold: the Lost Level. I love how customizable it seems to be, but for starting out, it's kind of overwhelming! *v1|ggx) X^H3@`q%@J?2F K They only recently arrived and have quite a bit of area to sweep, considering the shelves are up to 15 feet "At the heart of this place lies the Temple of tall and require a ladder to reach.Dumathoinand behind its black basalt doors, a place ofpower. Disconnect Retrieving the Helm behold it and you may the duergar hurriedly share any of the Mad.... Throughthe south towards A15 running dungeon of the bullywugs who wasand find them stiff instead been presented with such delicious. 'Ve never cared enough to clear the rubble fingers the Rustbone goblins are ( or )... Spellbook belonged to a yawning cave 's mouth forces on the party `` the mist.! My kith anddeposited on their tongues ( or were ) led by Yek, who wasand find them instead... Every tree a characterwhereas Obsidia or Rhodos may warn the characters to upwards, tightens speak animals... 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