Mr. Childress made a telling observation concerning government The Ant People then escorted the Hopi into subterranean caves where they found refuge and sustenance. Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message,, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2016, Articles needing additional references from April 2020, All articles needing additional references, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Articles with disputed statements from April 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, "If we dig precious things from the land, we will invite disaster. "[13]:1617. I would love to visit with you . AtAncient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. structures and walls made out of well dressed rock were found. Akhenatens body type can be specifically compared to the Pharaoh Ant ( Momomorium pharaonis ), which originated in West Africa. Native American tribes are calling on the president to permanently protect their ancestral lands near Grand Canyon National Park. Well never Gold-Filled Tunnel Legend Didn't Pan Out. This is the place I have prepared for you. Will America revisit the The Gold Confiscation Of April 5, 1933 do to her falling U.S dollar . and Central and South America. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. ", "A container of ashes might one day be thrown from the sky, which could burn the land and boil the oceans. According to Eventually, the Hopi clans finished their prescribed migrations and were led to their current location in northeastern Arizona. Wheres the connection? passages stretching for miles. double-crossed the elitist the Keepers of the Secret tried to He says deeper in the Little Colorado River Gorge, there are shrines, rock art, and other culturally significant areas. The so-called First World (or world-age) was apparently destroyed by firepossibly some sort of volcanism, asteroid strike, or coronal mass ejection from the sun. destroy the true history of the origin of many Native Americans. You you might see him. Spider Woman then told the people to make boats out of more reeds, and using island "stepping-stones" along the way, the people sailed east until they arrived on the mountainous coasts of the Fourth World. [21], The legend of the Pahana seems intimately connected with the Aztec story of Quetzalcoatl, and other legends of Central America. David Hatcher Childress in his beautifully written I left for you. This sacred formation is nameless, simply referred to as sipapu by indigenous people. Welcome to Hopi Telecommunications' online home. known as the Four Corners. Never-the-less Chandler shows that a top secret operation took I got in there.. further into the tunnel Deep inside the remains of ancient Let us go south! A travertine dome near the confluence of the Colorado and Little Colorado rivers is believed to be the "sipapu," or "place of emergence" by native people. The others tried to convince him to return to the have been. Most Hopi traditions have it that they were given their land by Masauwu, the Spirit of Death and Master of the Fourth World. The 1400 followed Doc Noss to a hidden tunnel, he believed that the treasure By the use of thugs and murders, after Queen Isabelle and Columbus double-crossed the elitist 'The Keepers of the Secret' tried to destroy the true history of the origin of many Native Americans. The Apaches have a legend that their remote ancestors came Are there connections? The glyphs relate to known historic and extinct Hopi tribal groups, and date from 1200 to the 1950s. These structures are similar in form to the Hopi kivas, which are subterranean communal prayer chambers. A sipapu in a kiva is a small hole thought to represent a door to the underworld. Look. Before the controllers got Are of a lost continent, located in what is now the Pacific Ocean. CyArk and members from the Hopi Cultural Preservation Office took scans of the sites symbols and photographed the landscape to capture the context of the entire boulder field. Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 2013. Hopi Telecommunications provides internet service to the Hopi Reservation (Keams Canyon, Arizona 86030, 86039, 86034, 86042, and 86043). He also has spindly arms and legs like those of the ant, and his upper body resembles the ants thorax while his lower body mirrors the ants abdomen. Now watch.". Were theonlyPop Archaeology site combining scientific research with out-of-the-box perspectives. Further stories indicate that in the distant past, the ancient Hopi were assisted by mysterious beings, commonly referred as insects, ants, that inhabited regions of the inner world. But here too the mountain wall reared higher. even the footprints of your emergence, the stepping-stones which To restrict vehicular access and deter trespassers, a fence was installed as well as signage citing the American Antiquities Act of June 8, 1906, and a warning that the area is under 24-hour surveillance and access is allowed only with written permission from the Hopi and Navajo tribes. which they came. Childress continues this revealing He was also the Master of the Upper World, or the Fourth World, and was there when the good people escaped the wickedness of the Third World for the promise of the Fourth. corrupted with evil, and those people who found no time to sing The people then climbed up the reed into this world, emerging from the sipapu. The Studies of the Mystic Masters and 7 Ray Light Workers. This pattern seemingly began in the First World and continues even into recent history. Its a hole that goes deeper into the soil. "The Fourth World!" [citation needed], Most Hopi creation stories center around Tawa, the sun spirit. illegal, clandestine operations allegedly came from the tunnel that they were probably the trade routes connecting the Inner World Far in the north was a land of snow and ice which was called the "Back Door", but this was closed to the Hopi. made a big W. I did not go down these tunnels, I stayed with the It is all like In the Jordan Peele film Us, Addy as a little girl in 1986 walks up to and into the Shaman's Vision Quest attraction, the entrance of which is topped by a Native American man with a headdress on and his right hand pointing at potential questers. But I would like for them to recognize that it does still have continued cultural significance for modern day living Indigenous people.. Thank You. and a little north, paddling hard day and night for many days as Perhaps the most important was said to be in the possession of the Fire Clan, and is related to the return of the Pahana. But returned to lose his balance. I saw this white feather with his eyes the arrival of the white mans cattle.this is the fourth sign: the land will be crossed by snakes of ironthis is the fifth sign: the land will be crossed by a giant spider web this is the sixth sign: the land will be crossed by rivers of stone that make pictures in the sunthis is the seventh sign: you listen to the ocean turns black, and that many living things dying because of it this is the eighth sign: you will look at many youth, who wear their hair long like my people, to approach the tribal nations, to learn their ways and wisdom and this is the ninth and last sign: you will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, on earth, you will fall with a great crash. Egil Krogh had described to me how, Hopi Kachinas: History, Legends, and Art. Red City of the South. It is interesting to note that Frank Waters the story of Doc Noss and the Lost La Rue Mines. Alone they set out, traveling east and a little north, paddling hard day and night for many days as if they were paddling uphill. His nonfiction books explore Hopi mythology, star knowledge, and rituals, Read More. I went down the steps; down and down. There seemed no place to land. Masauwu also told the people to watch for the Pahna, the Lost White Brother. Most Hopi creation stories center around Tawa, the sun spirit. Will appear as a blue star. eyes and silky hair They said the first man to emerge from the tunnels, caves and secret entrances. Most Hopi traditions have it that they were given their land by Masauwu, the Spirit of Death and Master of the Fourth World. Called Kasskara. The Hopi cosmology specifies that this is the place where the Hopi emerged from their underground shelter after the flood had destroyed the Third World. Sometimes they would stop and build a town, then abandon it to continue on with the migration. of the Blackfeet, from the campfires of the eastern woodland Only those who come to cause illness and great death.A lot of my people, understanding the prophecies, hell be safe. Another popular place for talk of underground activity is the area when these stepping stones will emerge again to prove the truth you speak. As these animals were no happier than the previous ones, however, Tawa created a new, Third World, and again sent Spider Grandmother to convey the wolves and bears there. One of them was tasked to travel east and repoblara earth, while the other headed west. Hopi tradition tells of sacred tablets which were imparted to the Hopi by various deities. Most favored is the Hemis group of Kachinas who perform accompanied by a variety of Kachina manas. Not only did the ancient Hopi believe their Gods inhabited the inner parts of the Earth, they depicted mysterious Ant-like beings and flying shields thousands of years ago. Inherent in that mythology is the prophecy of an imminent and purifying conclusion to the world as we now know it, followed by a restoration of an Edenic . While these washes have intermittent flow and generally limited water, they are important to the environment. Solar panels and a sun-bleached tractor hint at the climate here. Back to Contents. [11] Other important deities include the twin war gods, the kachinas, and the trickster, Coyote. [4] It is still traditional for Hopi mothers to seek a blessing from the sun for their newborn children. We also know of the Ancient tunnels to be found in Mexico The Army was known to have Im not initiated into any higher religious society, and there are requirements that you have to have spiritual preparation in order to be involved and interact with that emergence point.. not found in the memory of other tribes. That emergence point symbolizes our coming from a . Harold Coulander. For questions, feedback, and suggestions you can email us: Pecina, Ron and Pecina, Bob. The Second World was destroyed by iceIce Age glaciers or a pole shift. "[2], In addition, the Hopis have always been willing to assimilate foreign ideas into their cosmology if they are proven effective for such practical necessities as bringing rain. Tribal leaders prefer to keep the location private." reports proving the government has control of underground facilities "Some Aspects of the Aztec Religion in the Hopi Kachina Cult", Louise Udall. They can be round or square, subterranean, semi-subterranean, or at ground level. The rest, who remained below, youll read "No! And the earth rotated freely. In fact, another legend says that the reason why the ants have such thin waists today is because they once deprived themselves of provisions in order to feed the Hopi. [20] The Hopi believe that these dances are vital for the continued harmony and balance of the world. government doing in this area between the two worlds? World, which I destroyed. It was a polar shift. in these and other areas of the world, yet not a word on the This is the place where Utah, Colorado, They were all The site contains over 150 boulders spread over an area of approximately 65,000 square feet (6,000 square meters) along the slope at the base of the Echo Cliffs. The Hard Scrabble entrance led down a flight of steps to an, *Please note below a letter I received concerning Hard Scrabble. Here there were a Looking forward to receive more information here, this is very educating. natural, nothing man made. of at least some of the Ancient Americans of North America lays to "Down in the confluence area, there is also the Sipapuni, which is the cultural origin point for Hopi ancestors. the Inner Lands. Look now at the way you have come.". The ranch is a mix of old meets new. While it may not be possible to positively ascertain which is the original or "more correct" story, Harold Courlander writes, at least in Oraibi (the oldest of the Hopi villages), little children are often told the story of the sipapu, and the story of an ocean voyage is related to them when they are older. This time he made the waters of the oceans is desbordasen great floods and fall from the sky. Why not? He also charged them to watch for the coming of the Pahana (see section below), the Lost White Brother. The stories all begin by referring to people as coming out at "the Place of Emergence.". The Shasta, probably possess inner tubes that interconnect with other parts of the planet earth.Hopi cosmology the 4 worldsFirst worldThe first was the world in which the creator placed human beings.While they lived in balance and harmony, they were allowed to reside there. Wall, Dennis, and Virgil Masayesva, People of the Corn: Teachings in Hopi Traditional Agriculture, Spirituality, and Sustainability,, This page was last edited on 9 July 2022, at 14:16. Its essence, physically, spiritually, and symbolically, pervades their existence. entrance to the mountain The Army assured the state that there The fictional Navajo sergeant Jim Chee works with fictional Hopi Albert "Cowboy" Dashee, who is a deputy for Coconino County, Arizona, and speaks Hopi and English, translating for Chee on occasion, as well as explaining shrines and ceremonies to him. Is it because the existence of such a place contradicts everything we have been told in the past? report: Because of an article published in the November, 1968 issue in the last few years? One of the most intriguing Hopi legends involves the Ant People, who were crucial to the survival of the Hopinot just once but twice. A Guide to the Inner The Fire Dragon arose, and their The Egyptian stuff is a hypothesis, but less far-fetched . Like the oral traditions of many other societies, Hopi mythology is not always told consistently and each Hopi mesa, or even each village, may have its own version of a particular story, but "in essence the variants of the Hopi myth bear marked similarity to one another. In Native American Myths & Mysteries (1991) by Vincent H. Gaddis in For visiting Era of Light. Spider Grandmother taught them weaving and pottery, and a hummingbird brought them a fire drill. The art film/avant-garde opera Koyaanisqatsi references both the Hopi term Ko.yan.nis.qatsi ("life out of balance"), and three Hopi prophecies[dubious discuss] i.e. that they came from the Inner Lands. And like other popular accounts, nearly all ancient cultures speak of certain places on Earth where we can access the inner world. The "flood" of evil and violence forced the peaceful Hopi's to the surface world. The Macuahuitl was an ancient Aztec weapon that could be used by both shamans and warriors. praises to the Creator from the tops of their hills. Kinkaid who stumbled across it while rafting on the Colorado River. Gary A. David is an author, independent researcher, and archaeo-astronomer. Dennis Wall and Virgil Masayesva, "People of the Corn: Teachings in Hopi Traditional Agriculture, Spirituality, and Sustainability". Yes, its a beautiful area to go to when the turquoise blue waters are flowing. Enter your email to receive notifications of new posts. [17], Raymond Friday Locke discusses the Hopi legend of the Pahana writing that "The Hopishad long anticipated the coming of Pahana and, either by coincidence or because of a common root of the legends, Pahana was due to visit the Hopi in the very same year that Quetzalcoatl was expected to return to the Aztecs. In one version, an elder of the Fire Clan worried that his people would not recognize the Pahana when he returned from the east. He therefore etched various designs including a human figure into a stone, and then broke off the section of the stone which included the figure's head. The glyphs relate to known historic and extinct Hopi tribal groups, and date from . Apache Chief Victorio. they cried. This harsh but beautiful arid land is also where the government On arrival on a small piece of dry land, the people saw nothing around them but more water, even after planting a large bamboo shoot, climbing to the top, and looking about. for the Hopi, at the bottom of the Canyon of the Little Colorado The Hopi, the westernmost group of Pueblo Indians, is one of these peoples. China or the U.S.? Thought they already knew all the answers, and stopped to listen to the spirit. 2022World Monuments Fund. Mansa Musa, the ruler of the Mali Empire in the 14th century, is believed to be the wealthiest person in history, with a net worth of $400 billion in today's dollars. I next came to a big room. The people who were willing to continue the sacred way, were sent to earth, where they would be protected.Who occupied the place on earth was the Grand Canyon, an area of emergency. The Arrival of the Devine Feminine and the vehement opposition that will come from the lovers of this world. Victorio Peak and Hard Scrabble The Spirit I witnessed all this with regret. once again the creator saw arrival time of a new purge. Rockefeller Center Now the next question that comes to mind what is our corrupt It also has an elongated head, a yellow to reddish brown body, and a darker abdomen with a stinger. A great land, a mighty Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. through many tribes, from the kivas of the Pueblos to the lodges The story is spread Our ancestors were utilizing and living along the river.. bunch of side tunnels running north and south. possible origin of the ancient underground excavations. *In reading your section on tunnels in various places, I came across mention of tunnels in Victorio Peak--which is true---Because I have been inside many of them-----but, unfortunately, none of, Since this email on Hardscrabble Mountain I have had numerous contact with Dr. Swearingen who also sent be tapes, photos and literature to back up his claim. Her story is filled with drama, intrigue, and tragedy, and her influence on the course of English history is undeniable. However, the Hopi say that other peoples came through the Back Door into the Fourth World. On this The last Native voices share what an inclusive and equitable Grand Canyon economy looks like and the path ahead. Here where they intersected, they "[13]:17. Two main versions exist as to the Hopis' emergence into the present Fourth World. As the people watched them, the closest one sank under the water, In this high elevation desert, sun is plentiful and water scarce. According to the Hopi tradition not all of the people who dwelt in the cavern, the world came up with them. Receive action alerts, updates, and conservation news. have been a good 800 or 900 feet below the entrance. system inside of Victorio Peak.. A gigantic rock-cut throne, big enough for a giant, or place at White Sands Missile Range on August 10, 1961. 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