Besides simply not launching an unprovoked assault on a neighboring state, Russia could have opted to pursue narrow war aims. [CDATA[ */ [CDATA[ After suffering staggering lossesthousands of vehicles, tens of thousand of dead and woundedthe Russian army retreated from the Kyiv suburbs back to Belarus and Russia. Downtown the city bristles with fortifications, the famous beaches have been mined and troops and volunteers are trying to keep up morale and spirits for an attack they believe has been delayed, but not deterred. Showing that truth is often stranger than fiction, Russells documentary feature balances interviews with ex-DEA agents as well as Fainberg and his associates. Although Russia has ships in the Black Sea, as part of its Black Sea fleet, its navy has taken a largely supporting role in the conflict, outside of an amphibious landing along the coastline near Mariupol in the first few days of the invasion. Were just kind of watching this day by day as you guys are.. } Russia still retains the capability to attempt an amphibious landing, the ministry added, but such an operation is likely to be increasingly high risk due to the time Ukrainian forces have had to prepare.. Which, of course, is exactly what theyre doing. var dataLayer_content = {"visitorLoginState":"logged-out","visitorType":"visitor-logged-out","pageTitle":"U.S. Officials: Russian Forces Keeping Forces Ashore For Now, Odesa Amphibious Assault Still Possible - USNI News","pagePostType":"post","pagePostType2":"single-post","pageCategory":["foreign-forces","news-analysis","russia","surface-forces"],"pageAttributes":["black-sea","hetman-sahaidachny","odesa","russia","russian-navy","ukraine","ukrainian-navy"],"pagePostAuthor":"Heather Mongilio","pagePostDate":"March 4, 2022","pagePostDateYear":"2022","pagePostDateMonth":"03","pagePostDateDay":"04","browserName":"Chrome","browserVersion":"103.0.5060.114","browserEngineName":"Blink","browserEngineVersion":"","osName":"Windows","osVersion":"10.0","deviceType":"desktop","deviceManufacturer":"","deviceModel":"","google_tag_params":window.google_tag_params}; This is drug traffickers, criminals getting access to a submarine base to look and see and shop for a boat in the Russian base. Artyem, a national guard battalion commander, stands on the central street of Odesa his troops used to patrol before the war. //
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