This is so interesting this polarity when one side goes up the other side goes down the keep the balance. Perhaps most importantly, Pluto transiting our Sun puts us face to face with exactly what it is that has been holding us back from living life more fully and meaningfully. Pluto transiting the 7th is very intense because it is angular and subject to being projected as the other because its opposite the 1st. And it is disquieting, to say the least, to imagine that this deity is currently dining at your table. I am on repeated aggravation Shitty feel, ad nauseum I need courage to know those 10,000,000 Help wanted signs ,are real !!! Just started melting off a couple years ago. The scales can just as easily go the other way where the Pluto person controls the partner. I wish the best for you and left. I lost 30 pounds between late 2014 and spring 2015. This expansion can take many forms. David Beckham's Juno is square Victoria Bekham's North Node and Juno. Venus opposite Ascendant in the natal chart is also called Venus conjunct Descendant and Venus setting. ~Your perspective on what you want from life, what you are willing to do to get it and the values that you want to express undergoes a change. Pluto-Angles Aspects. +A time when you may feel very passionate, or during which your feelings, emotions, and basic life urges undergo change and possibly transformation. Underlying motives come to the surface and relationships become deeper and more meaningful. Our relationship is uncomfortably intense on a regular basis, but neither of us would have it any other way. You could receive some help in the form of a real drive towards realizing your inner self and your life ambitions. Natally, pluto touches EVERY planet and angle in my chart except for saturn & uranus (though it shares my 3rd house with uranus they are 15-degrees apart and in different signs). Exactly why do I act in this way? A critical point would then be reached where an intervention, dramatic event, or violent incident forces you to recognize and admit you have a psychological problem and seek help. This is my life assignment so I gladly read up on it. It aspects the seventh house too which is legal issues and enemies.A boon would be welcome indeed. The process of purging social conditioning, in favor of natural instincts. Interestingly, I dont know how this happened because I am a very sensitive, empathnever hurt a soul yet I am suffering deeply while hes flying high. Researching Pluto transit DC because my AC is on the first degrees of Leo and Im expecting this soon; I have to say what Ive read has scared me. *Discipline, concentration, and determination are the key issues now. Others might not be able to see any of your intensity. Pluto Transits Trine Saturn Greets to down under. one of the main themes with . These transits are generally not for keeps and Pluto is not interested in that uncertainty. Howd I miss this? You are learning to focus your energy and rid yourself of wasteful or unnecessary activities. So instead of us being together all the time, I moved for work to the States and he comes from France for 2 weeks a month. I understand better who he is, who I am, and why I always chose the relationships I chose both personally and professionally. You are learning that in so doing, you will eventually learn what is really yours, who truly loves you, and which habits and patterns serve your own growth. Pluto opposite Ascendant transit is sometimes called Pluto conjunct Descendant transit. You might renew a commitment or bring new, deeper, and more intimate energy into a relationship under the influence of Pluto trine or sextile natal Venus. The aim should be to weed out problematic areas, ego attachments, and bad habits that have been holding you back from living in the best possible way. ~During this time, you will have to face up to the real, inner you the person you were meant to be and not the person you were taught to be. I really had to fight for it and I am proud of myself now that I did it. The fear itself may lead you to compulsive, suspicious, or difficult behavior; and this behavior might cost you the very thing(s) that you hold dear. You might discover possessive, jealous, and controlling aspects of your personality that surprise you. *New obstacles arise and increasing responsibilities make it difficult for you to expand and grow. First, try to discover how you can realistically handle the new duties; some new method of working may be called for. My life is now much more quiet and simply better without a partner. If you abuse your power by manipulation or intimidation, you can count on being taught a painful lesson before too long. Greets! Pluto Conjunct Ascendant Transit When transiting Pluto forms a conjunction with your natal ascendant, you will enter a powerful period of time. You certainly need to spread your wings now, but be wary of taking major risks and gambling on a venture that promises you prosperity, freedom, and adventure. The urge to go to the core in your studies or communications, to excavate, to dig deep. *Your career and overall direction in life reach a critical turning point now. Be suspicious and be hopeful. Required fields are marked *. New relationships formed now seem fateful and, at the very least, timely. Sometimes, the relationship with the father or other important male figures come into focus. Resisting this process can cause us to externalize or project these parts of ourselves. Its also pulling in my 26-degree cancer mercury and my 26-degree capricorn north node. Things shouldn't be forced, even though the desire to sway, coerce, and manipulate others may be present. 3) The state of conscious awareness of/in the individual will reflect how it perceives Pluto to be working. Im also having a conjunction to the ascendant within 2-3 degrees. As Pluto transits a point in our chart, retrogrades back over it, and then hits it again in direct motion, it imparts its own special wisdom upon the point in questionthe areas of lives and parts of our psyches ruled by that point. Stayed there for 8 weeks until release. Hello Jaime, how long is this transit? Look to planets in Taurus and Libra in your chart to see other parts of your personality that Pluto is now infusing with intensity. His reputation has been damaged via the relationship with the woman. Whatever the case, intense power struggles or painful separations will bring positive change and transformation in how you relate at the intimate level. Someone or a particular experience can motivate you to make big changes. You want to feel your love to the very core of your being, and you want to play an important part in someone elses life. These are not Saturn truths where we see things for what they are in a mundane or material sense. Your relationships will be transformed but so will how you relate to close friends and family members. You are acting on impulse more than you are listening to reason, and you should keep a close eye on this. Concentrating and getting down to really essential ideas are facilitated during this time period. The transits of Mars to planets and points in the natal chart are relatively brief influences, lasting approximately 2-3 days. *This time period is excellent for any kind of research or in-depth study. 1. I only add links to products that I have personally used and recommended. Particularly with the conjunction, you might enter into a new relationship that is pleasingly intense, eye-opening, and fulfilling; or you might uncover new depths of passion and understanding in an existing relationship. Manipulative and controlling behaviors may be displayed or experienced through partners. Pluto Transits Sextile Saturn the years before I left him waiting for me . Pluto Transits Sextile Jupiter Pluto is currently stationing at 28 degrees. Conditions you have tolerated in the past, even though they may have caused you pain or unhappiness, are now swept aside. Saturn in his 7th house with his Pluto opposing my Venus in Aries Its now some kind of extended double-whammy death grip, with t. Pluto squaring my 10H Venus and his Pluto. Habits that spring from deeply ingrained fears are brought to the fore, and Pluto challenges you to face them, as well as to examine your deepest attachmentsto people, things, conditions, and attitudes. Also, a special relationship with an authority figure or teacher. I feel for you. Then you can understand your natal Pluto. How can two grown up people make such a mess in order to attract a world wide attention? I am a participant in the Amazon Services Associates Programan affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and products on that site. A new spirit of self-respect, personal empowerment, and deeper honesty arises. Sample from the Heaven Knows What report. Jul 9, 2012. On the other hand, your positive influence on a partner could help make them successful, powerful or rich. +Career opportunities and choices go dead against what you feel in your gut to be right. There is also a need to get to root causes. There is a tendency with Pluto setting to enter into codependent relationships. Pluto transits trine Mars. There is an average minimum of 2 years for every Pluto transit. In my world, a planet crossing an angle will affect the entire structure of a persons life. This thus becomes a time when your past faith and hard work are rewarded, bolstering your confidence and helping you to make even bigger plans for your future plans that are based on a realistic and solid foundation. Downright stupid. The ALS misdiagnosis also made him decide to take his own life. Any stagnant patterns within your relationships will demand to be reformed or released. I think hes got a lot of company, waking up in a bit of shock over how it all turned out. Projection of ones shadow takes on mammoth proportion of destruction in the most incidious manner in relationships. Am a sun Virgo. You may act in a more selfish or ambitious manner, and this intensity might even surprise you. On one level, you may try to gain more control over other people, or they may try to gain control over your actions. *This is a positive time when you express your deepest feelings openly and intensely. Happy Thanksgiving! i would look at a Gauquelin sector chart. Transiting Moon through Seventh House. Emotionally and sexually rewarding relationships, intimacy. Plutonians or Pluto-type people are transformational, transcendent, regenerative, deep, mysterious, psychologists, and healers on good days. If you have been working in a direction that is compatible with your standards and your philosophical or religious views, you are likely to be effective. I dont really know if it is appropiate to write thank you, but anyway, thank you for your nice comment. By transits end, she recognized that her conviction to not settle down was actually based on her own fear that she would never find a deep and meaningful relationship. A conflict during this transit will force you to be ruthless and more powerful. This can be the time for a lifestyle change. Pluto transits bring about rebirths of sorts in the areas of life affected. On another, deeper level, you can use this time to gain control over your own actions. We face the need to be more independent, assertive, and autonomous. You are driven by a compulsive need to be successful in the things that you really enjoy and feel drawn to, even if these areas are not in high demand or provide marketable products or services. Other times, the attitude towards partnership undergoes a major transformation. Pluto Transits Trine Ascendant Pluto Transits Conjunct Jupiter You are likely to receive some benefits, raises, promotions, or increased stature and recognition in your work. Instead of retreating into yourself, try to broaden your understanding of your need for other people and of their need for you. Here are some examples: As well, you can be very single-minded under the influence of this transit, and possibly very persistent about getting your way. *Very important people come into your life now. I only add links to products that I have personally used and recommended. A social, outspoken person. See Also: Pluto transiting the houses. Pluto probes much deeper, shining light on our darkness. I am on my own now and hes flying high. I looked way back to see when Pluto crossed my descendant/sun, and it was around my 18th birthday. We confront our dark sidethose parts of us that are raw, primal, and instinctive. This very positive aspect makes you sociable and popular. You feel a surge of ambition and drive to achieve and if you've been reluctant to charge ahead into life, you'll feel compelled to do it now. You may be surprised just how strong you can be when you stand up for yourself. It means that one-to-one relationships will become more intense and have a far greater impact on your life. I expect a hell of a ride but with what kind of flavour? I wonder if Pluto sextile and trine Ascendant lets both partners make more money. In fact, their pursuit can be an all-consuming one at this time! Fear-sometimes intense fear-can reveal itself at the beginning of a challenging Pluto transit. If your self-worth or relationship is destroyed, you can transcend the pain and transform yourself. Pursue those dreams and ideas you have put on the back burner. If you are in a position of authority, dont expect others to keep up with your fast pace. Covered here are conjunctions and squares of Pluto to the angles. This transit marks a major growth period in your life in which you struggle with the buried elements of your personality and ego as you learn to accept, transform, or face them. Its very hard to listen to reason during this period of your lifeeven your own! The transits of Pluto: three general comments. You are likely to travel more now and have more exposure to other cultures, lifestyles, and ethnic groups than usual. Your email address will not be published. *During this time period your thinking is intense and penetrating. At times, a nerve would go off and I would be frozen in my tracks; pain too excruciating to even consider moving so much as a hair. May I ask the time frame for weight loss? Or, you may become privy to other peoples secrets and hidden lives. Your romantic life, social life, and value system are undergoing a complete transformation with Pluto transiting conjunct natal Venus. +Intense focus on your career can find you mercilessly cutting back and getting down to the bare essentials regarding the path or direction you are taking with your life. Is it a lyric? Its an excellent time during which to refine artistic skills or to work on creative projects with new or renewed focus and commitment. I think long-term. You may have a love relationship with this person, or he/she could be someone who plays the role of teacher or guru. You almost transfix those who meet you with your fixedness and sense of power. When Pluto transits a house, it intensifies the issues the house represents. It hurt, but not as much as I wouldve expected, and definitely not as bad as the first time. Tr. Pluto transits to Mercury directly affect your curiosity, learning, communication skills, self-promotion, the formulation of ideas, and your ability to rationalize and think logically. . What isnt going on? Pluto opposition Ascendant is also known as Pluto conjunct Descendant or Pluto setting. He came to my house and coldly asked for his key. Does it have to be a negative aspect? Whatever part of our lives and of our psyches that Pluto touches, especially by hard transit, is an area that Pluto compels us to explore more deeply. Struggling now to get it back. After being widowed at a realively young age, I never went into a relationship again. Either way, you are learning to detach yourself or let go of something, someone, or attitudes that are no longer serving you well. Pluto Conjunct: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Midheaven, Ascendant. You feel more personal and direct and find that you waste less time with hurt feelings than before. +A very emotional time during which you can find your basic drive and energy ramming up against questions of security, power, and deep insecurity. You are able to cut through a lot that is unessential and get on with the real work. I am more aware of whats happening in those businesses and am more involved so they know they cant manipulate me anymore. A deepening of all your relationships, an alchemical relationship in which both parties are transformed by the blending and sharing of there energies, old habits and attitudes shed more readily which opens you to new life and more aliveness. That fact that your natal nodes are conjunct the AC/DC axis in your SR chart could mean that a significant relationship could factor prominently in the upcoming solar year. In other situations its the opposite. These are unhealthy partnerships where one person has all the power and control. You mentioned that you look for a savior or may . Birthday Report Package Deluxe Transit Report 1 Year Get A Natal Chart ReportProgressed Chart Report Deluxe Asteroids Report Get A Solar Return Report Get A Lunar Return Report Child Natal Report 1 Year Transit Report Outer Planets, Find Your Soulmate Saturn Transit the 12th House Using Astrology To Get What You Want. Even more true if the sun sign natally falls in the 7th house, Living for and through others.all relationship s will carry a most toxic and incidious aroma. Your fears now have to do with the feeling of helplessness in the face of changes in the people and circumstances around you. It is also possible that you may choose to target someone you feel threatened by or because of revenge. Pluto Conjunct Sun Transit Pluto Sextile Sun Transit My step mom died last year as Pluto hit my DC. Pluto destroys to renew, and you have remarkable recuperative powers. I thank jupiter in Pisces for the compassion to self and others. You said it did for that person you wrote about. The same if Pluto is in the 4th house conjunct the IC, in the 7th house conjunct the Descendant, or in the 1st house conjunct the Ascendant. I was young when this happened. This is an excellent resource for outer planet transits: Jupiter through Pluto. Although transiting Pluto is often associated with such things as separation and deaths, it is important to note that Plutos action is to revolutionize parts of ourselves, and events that take place at this time can just as easily be new relationships, births, and new beginnings in general. Its like a death (Pluto) grip (Capricorn). I read a few articles, I had enough. You might meet the love of your life during this cycle. However, you do attract alluring, Plutonic mates. Transiting Pluto offers us the chance to evolve and to rebirth. More positive manifestations of Pluto conjunct Descendant include forming profound connections with people that are too deep for words to explain. You have a questioning, almost cynical attitude now, that probes beneath the surface of any issue. +A time when your inner and personal thoughts and experiences cannot be put into words or had best not be. Pluto Conjunct Venus Synastry is a powerful and intense aspect in relationship astrology. In fact, you can seem a bit stagnant. Sooo, i have Aldebaran Ascendant , which means that i have Antares Descendant, both Square to Venus, Also i have Venus Square Pluto (017), I read your post about Venus Square Pluto, that i need to learn to love myself, which i successfully achieved and my life turned upside down for the better, but still i am curious what can i expect from relationships, Jamie, I have Also Sun Conjunct Spica (103) & Arcturus(039) Alongside Mars Trine Jupiter (036). Conjunction with your fast pace intimidation, you can use this time gain. Excellent time during which to refine artistic skills or to work on creative projects with new or focus! Controls the partner, assertive, and you should keep a close eye on this stagnant! Manipulation or intimidation, you can use this time and am more involved so know! Of 2 years for every Pluto transit also possible that you may have caused you pain or unhappiness are. 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