Rul. NEVER input TC 767 with the OTN for any reason other than to correct a reject on the TC 766 reject listing. If the timeframes above have passed, and the case has not been worked and the open control base is assigned to a clerical specialized control number or there is an open control base not assigned to a specific CSR, and you have access to CIS, and are trained to work Injured Spouse cases, process the case according to, Processing of Form 8379 Injured Spouse Allocation. If taxpayer is requesting an explanation of the allocation see paragraph (7) below. If the Form 8379 is filed by itself, and there was no offset on the module or a corrected math error has created a balance due, you should not consider the Form 8379. The manual refund must also have a BPI applicable to the injured spouse to show ownership of the refund for TOP offset eligibility. The Ohio Department of Taxation is authorized to offset all or a portion of a taxpayer's income tax refund to be applied towards any unpaid tax. Advance Child Tax Credit (CTC) is an advanced payment of the Child Tax Credit for tax year 2021. (Holding back money from a payment is call "offsetting the payment" or "administrative offset.") For example, if you have a delinquent . See IRM, Manual Reversal of TOP Offset. Consider whether the case should be referred to the Taxpayer Advocate Service. The TC 898 or TC 971 AC 598 TOP offset is dated the same as the prior posted TC 840 from which it originated. Resolve Combat Zone cases, see IRM, Combat Zone Cases. Review the account to determine if the account was corrected during the recovery process. The 2021 Child Tax Credit is up to $3,600 for each qualifying child. The following example shows a posted TC 766, TOP offset reversal, for $550.00, resulting from an injured spouse allocation form filed by the secondary taxpayer. For tax years 2009 and 2010, the Making Work Pay Credit provides a refundable tax credit of up to $400 for working individuals and $800 for married taxpayers filing joint returns. A letter is not needed for Community Property allocations when joint credits are involved. The AM Function may receive copies of legal documents regarding support obligations. Upon the receipt of the listing, IRS Headquarters must review and reconcile the listing with other TOP reports for accuracy prior to sending the listing for resolution. See paragraphs (9) and (10) below for situations when the OBR can be issued after the 23C date. Follow the procedures below to reverse a tax offset when a clear determination is made that a portion of the injured spouse's refund has been applied to a tax liability for which he/she is not responsible. This will allow the reversals to post in one cycle and the overpayment will be systemically refunded in both taxpayers names. Allow the credit to refund if there are no other open issues. Research and consider the following transactions on the module before inputting any adjustment for a TOP offset on a taxpayer's account: If a TC 899 Type 2 (agency refund) is on the account, see IRM, Account Actions for Category D Erroneous Refunds. Refer taxpayer to TOP Call Center at 800-304-3107, TDD 8008778339, for agency address and phone number. If the jointly filed claim on Form 1040, U.S. Refer taxpayer to agency that notified him/her of the debt, or if unknown, refer taxpayer to TOP Call Center at 800-304-3107, TDD 800-8778339. When the original Form 1040, U.S. Continue to adjust the account using normal Mixed Entity procedures as outlined in IRM, Mixed Entity Procedures. The taxpayer was sent a refund of $586 ($1586 - $1000). Program Effectiveness: Program Effectiveness is determined by AM employees successfully using IRM guidance to perform necessary account actions. See IRM, -W Freeze, for instructions. Input the TOP offset reversal (TC 766) using HC 1 or HC 4 with the appropriate blocking series, SC 7 and the appropriate RC. Advise taxpayer to be prepared to send a copy of Form 8379 to the TAS Office where the Form 911 was submitted. 7) Taxpayer's overpayment is being held by -Q Freeze. Before reversing any offset to Office of Child Support Enforcement (Agency Codes 1 and/or 2), see IRM, Child Support TOP Offsets. Bureau of the Fiscal Service matches the refund through TOP and offsets the amount to the agency debt(s). Learn More. If a TC 898 appears on the account after the manual reversal request (MRR) has been submitted. Inform the taxpayer of the actual amount offset from his/her refund and still outstanding. Treasury has now announced that its fee for federal tax refund offsets will be $21.61 per offset effective November 1, 2021. Insolvency will determine if the tax offset is in violation of the automatic stay. The non-debtor spouse may submit Form 8379, Injured Spouse Allocation, to request the return of his/her share of the joint overpayment. All Form 8379 revisions prior to 11-2014, issue the Injured Spouse's portion of the refund in "one name only" even if line 11, one name only box is not checked. Tax offsets appear on a tax module as: Transaction Code (TC) 820, manual credit transfer, TC 896, computer-generated tax offset from IMF to BMF, Individual Retirement Account File (IRAF) or Shared Responsibility Payment (MFT 35) without an Agency/Sub-Agency (AG/SA) Code. Include the taxpayer contact information and any details the taxpayer provides which may help resolve the case. Inquiries regarding offsets may originate from the non-receipt or reduction of a refund, from the receipt of an offset notice, or from other issues on an account that may cause an erroneous offset. For Form 8379, compare the injured spouse's refund allocation with the TC 898 on the module and reverse only the portion needed. The use of the shortcut methods is optional, see paragraphs (4), (5) and (6) below. A TC 766 TOP offset reversal may post to the taxpayer's account and still be denied by Bureau of the Fiscal Service in whole or in part when: The agency issued a refund of the TOP offset and IRS did not have a TC 899, type 2, posted yet. The following actions are necessary to resolve the account when this situation is present: Leave message on UPTIN to post the "valid" TC 898 in 2 cycles to allow the TC 767 with the invalid OTN to post first. IRS will not be reversing any RRC tax offset which occurred before March 18, 2021, unless an Injured Spouse Allocation, Form 8379 is filed requesting the injured spouses share of the offset. Therefore, discrepancies may arise from one cycle to the next and IRS may not be aware of a TOP debt. Inform the Bureau of the Fiscal Service CSR that you are an IRS employee processing a hardship manual refund and give your name, ID number, and the office from which you are calling. Follow these steps for tracking your 2021 federal income tax refund: Gather the following information and have it handy: Social security number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) Your filing status. Accept the taxpayer's allocation of income and other items on the Form 8379 and process Form 8379 without regard to community property laws. The First-Time Homebuyer Credit (FTHBC), IRC 36 (f)(5), provides that for the recapture tax, 50 percent of the amount of the credit claimed on a joint return is treated as having been allowed to each spouse. For all of the Community Property Shortcut methods listed below, all conditions must be met before the shortcut can be used. Process the Form 8379, Injured Spouse Allocation under the correct TIN. A refund offset is when an IRS refund is reduced or intercepted to pay off delinquent debt, such as past-due child support, outstanding student loans, or unpaid state income tax. The election to have the refund issued in one name only is only a procedure for issuing the injured spouses refund, if that is what the taxpayers chose on their Form 8379. Secure a copy of the return if necessary. He/she may contact the TOP Call Center at 800-304-3107, TDD 8008778339 to determine if a debt is owed and whether an offset will occur. For all Form 8379 revisions prior to 11-2014, issue the Injured Spouse's portion of the refund in "one name only" even if line 11, one name only box is not checked. BPI 6 is required if a manual refund will be issued to an injured spouse who is primary, from a module with a combat zone C Freeze. A reversal of a TOP offset cannot be input to: Solely satisfy an audit or under-reporter deficiency posted after the offset occurs unless the offset resulted from a TC 640/TC 670 payment intended specifically for the tax audit increase. Resolve bankruptcy cases originating from Insolvency in the territory offices. If the manual refund is issued in a name, address or TIN different from the name, address or TIN on the Master File, and a change is not required on the entity, input the TC 971 AC 037 using the date that the CC RFUNDR is input. In some instances, a TC 898 will unpost as UPC 151 RC 0 due to a name control mismatch when Bureau of the Fiscal Service returns the record to IRS. The amount of any refund that will be issued which may be subject to offset for TOP debts he/she owes. Upon completion of the return, work your case. Contact Insolvency at the Centralized Insolvency Operation (CIO) to determine if the Injured Spouse's refund can be issued. It generates on refunds (TC 846) issued after reference number (RN) 808/810 is input to release a refund when an injured spouse is the primary. A TC 899 Type 3 is also used to correct an account due to a BFS or IRS processing error. Under these rights taxpayers have the right to receive prompt, courteous, and professional assistance in their dealings with the IRS, to be spoken to in a way they can easily understand, to receive clear and easily understandable communications from the IRS, and to speak to a supervisor about inadequate service. If there is no TC 150 in the correct tax period: Reprocess the return to the correct tax module. On occasion, you may have a TC 898 transaction that was deleted in error and a systemic reversal (TC 766) cannot be done. 17) Taxpayer says Form 8379, Injured Spouse Allocation was filed with or without original return. A TC 520, with closing code 60-67, 81, or 83- 89 on the account with a transaction date prior to 10/17/2005, generates a BPI 3 on refunds that are issued systemically. The Treasury Offset Program debt indicator (F) is set when Bureau of the Fiscal Service informs Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that at least one TOP debt exists and an offset may occur if a refund is authorized. If no other action is required and you are closing the case with a Letter 3179C or 285C, input a TC 290 .00, SC 7, RC 086. Forms such as Form 1099-INT, reported under both names should be allocated to the spouse as entered on Form 8379. The taxpayer may not receive any refund at all if the whole amount is offset. Primary Stakeholders: The primary stakeholders are Management Officials who rely on accurate data, reports and quality information to ensure there are no gaps in efficiencies. Include taxpayer contact information and any details that the taxpayer gives which may help resolve the case. All Form 5792, Request for IDRS Generated Refund (IGR), which relate to TOP forms, are batched separately from other IMF and BMF manual refunds. A Treasury Offset Program Bypass Indicator is assigned to all manual and systemic refunds certified to Bureau of the Fiscal Service by IRS. Letter 3179C, Refund Offset to Treasury Offset Program (TOP) and Injured Spouse Inquiries, see IRM, Injured Spouse Refund-TOP Offset, for the information to include in the letter. The IRS refund file transmitted to Bureau of the Fiscal Service contains both the primary and secondary Social Security Number (TIN) on a Filing Status 2 (FS2) joint refund. See IRM, Determining the Injured Spouse's Refund. Form 8379 is forwarded to the Accounts Management (AM) Function, A (TC) 971, Action Code (AC) 071, is input when the case is controlled. Timing must be considered when processing an OBR and releasing an IDRS freeze condition. A refund was not issued and the taxpayer may or may not be experiencing a financial hardship. To determine the date of offset, use the RFND-PYMT-DT associated with the TC 846/840. If the undelivered or canceled refund, TC 740/TC 841, is less than the TC 840/TC 846, and credit interest, TC 770/TC 776, was included, then Master File (MF) prorates the amount of interest reversed. Each spouse must take their own exemption and is entitled to his/her share of the joint RRC/ESP up to $600.00. However, if the taxpayer allocates any of these deductions differently, accept the taxpayers allocation as entered on Form 8379. A reversal of the offset cannot be input after six years have elapsed from the date of the TC 898. If a hardship exists, refer to IRM, Hardship Refund Request. DO NOT tell the taxpayer their payment was offset to a TOP Debt. The presence of this indicator does not guarantee a TOP offset will occur. Use a TC 570 on the credit side of the ADC 24 to hold the credit. Also, check for any OBL that may have occurred with a prior year-spouse. Prepare Manual Reversal Request supplied by the TOP Liaison. After you have determined a manual reversal is needed, see IRM, Manual Reversal of TOP Offset. ID Theft, Merge cases, Scramble cases etc.). 3 . Do not route a copy or your original injured spouse case to EXAM, Criminal Investigation (CI) or IVO. Refer to IRM 3.17.79, Accounting Refund Transactions, for additional information. Bureau of the Fiscal Service cannot regenerate another TC 898 or TC 899 transaction when it has been erroneously deleted. There is an IRS obligation on the primary taxpayer's account, The injured spouse is the secondary taxpayer. Only the TOP Liaisons are authorized to input the TC 767. Command Code (CC) INOLE contains debt liability indicators based on information received from the Bureau of the Fiscal Service. This will require a manual reversal. This allows TOP to offset the refund to any debt owed by the secondary spouse and it prevents TOP from offsetting the refund to any debt owed by the primary spouse. If a refund was issued and Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) or other refundable credits (e.g. After contacting Bureau of the Fiscal Service, select the option "If you are calling from a federal or state government agency please press 3 then press 6 for IRS employee processing a Form 8379.". 11-2016 MeF) and Rev. BPI 9 generates on the first refund (TC 846), issued after the reversal of a TOP offset to a secondary TIN's debt. 4) Taxpayer is requesting a refund due to hardship and. Advise taxpayer to wait 45 days from transaction date (TC 971 posting date) for a response. Individual Retirement Account (additional tax reported on Form 5329, Additional Taxes on Qualified Plans (Including IRAs) and Other Tax-Favored Accounts). Bypass TOP offset for all primary TIN debts. Research Command Code INOLES or IAT Results IS tool under both the primary and secondary Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), for the debt indicator: "B" - Both Federal tax debt and Treasury Offset Program debt. If the taxpayer claimed the TETR refund on their 2006 original return and allocated the TETR refund on Form 8379, Injured Spouse Allocation, follow the instructions on Line 11, of Form 8379. Identify the missing information on the original return, if available, and write the taxpayer requesting it or if the issue can be resolved by having the taxpayer fax in missing information, you may attempt to contact the taxpayer/authorized representative by telephone and request the missing information be faxed to you, explain that the injured spouse Form 8379 cannot be processed until the information is received. If an erroneous refund occurs, follow erroneous refund procedures in IRM 21.4.5, Erroneous Refunds. If you receive a Form 8379 for both the regular refund on 2018 or 2019 and EIP, work the non-EIP portion on the 2018 or 2019 account and work the EIP portion on the 2020 account. A taxpayer claims additional PTC on Form 8962, line 26, if the taxpayer's allowable PTC exceeds the amount of advance PTC, payments paid on the taxpayers behalf. 16) Taxpayer says Form 8379 was filed after offset and no refund was received. Advise the taxpayer to allow 30 days to process. For example: If Bureau of the Fiscal Service receives a payment on 09/10/2013 with a payment date of 09/13/2013 the notice will go out before or by the payment date for both paper check and direct deposit. Input the appropriate credit transfer using CC ADD24/CC ADC24 to reverse the portion of the offset applicable to the injured spouse's share of the refund. A TC 840/TC 846 posted after receipt of Form 8379; and IRS processed Form 8379 and issued a refund. BPI 8 generates on the first refund, TC 846, issued after the reversal of a TOP offset to a primary TIN's debt. See IRM, Netting TOP Offsets and Reversals. If the interest payment was not offset with TC 898, then the TC 766 amount is simply the spouses share of the joint overpayment.Example: Using the above example and omitting the interest computations associated with TC 898, results in a TC 766 amount of $4,200. Therefore, discrepancies may arise from one cycle to the next and IRS may not be aware of a TOP debt. See IRM Advance CTC. Satisfy a balance due that resulted from an amended return received after the due date on the module where the offset occurred. Do not input a TOP offset reversal. Do not change the address on CC ENMOD. Compare the Injured Spouse's refund allocation with the TC 898 on the module and reverse only the net amount needed for the injured spouse's refund. The Bureau of the Fiscal Service generates a notice on the day they process the payment. Director, Accounts Management If the "wrong" taxpayer was offset, the offset must be reversed after determining that there has not been an agency refund (TC 899 or TC 971 AC 599). This section discusses procedures for refund offsets. Research to resolve the discrepancy (processing error, math errors, or other tax offset). For offsets involving child support, see IRM, Child Support TOP Offsets. A TC 898 may consist of two or more offsets to different agencies. Information regarding the input for the new command code can be found in IRM, Command Code CSO58 - Request Formatted Input Screen. Use Hold Code (HC) 1 or 4 unless specifically instructed to use another HC. 3) There is a posted TC 740 or TC 841 and the account shows TC 899 type 1 with the same OTN of the posted TC 898. Update the entity, if necessary, and use CC ACTON to establish a "dummy account" for IDRS generated refunds. Do not make an entry in the Amended Claims Date (AMD-CLMS-DT) field. The other spouses manual refund must include a BPI 0, no Blocking Series 9, and should be issued in the joint nameline. Refer to IRM, Tax Year 2007 Offset Reversal Issues: Injured Spouse/Innocent Spouse/EITC. Allow the additional credit (TC 806) Input the TC 806 first with HC 1, then input your TC 808/809/810/811 with a PDC for 1 cycle. However, Bureau of the Fiscal Service will deduct from the original refund any portion of the offset previously reversed by IRS (TC 76X with OTN), and/or previously refunded by the agency (TC 899 type 2 and 3, less TC 899 type 4), with the same OTN(s) as the TC 898(s) offset. This causes an UPC 134 RC 03. If the date of offset is over 6 years, a manual reversal request is required. We are responsible for correcting the taxpayer's account to reflect the correct information. Some of these codes may also occur when you attempt to post other transactions not explained in this section. If the freeze ends on May 1, 2022, the IRS will be able to apply tax refunds to student loans, child support, and other delinquent debts owed to state and federal agencies. Before reversing any offset to Office of Child Support Enforcement (Agency Codes 1 and/or 2), see IRM, Child Support TOP Offsets. If you intend to honor a hardship and a tax debt exists, See IRM, Offset Bypass Refund (OBR), before taking any action. The "FROM" date is determined via normal interest computation procedures. A manual refund is required when three or more TC 898s needs reversing. See IRM, Processing of Form 8379 Injured Spouse Allocation, for conditions when the remaining overpayment may not offset. If Married Filing Joint Federal tax debt is the only tax debt owed (by the same two spouses) and the debt is more than the existing overpayment. Input TC 807 first with HC 1, then input TC 808/809/810/811 with a PDC for 1 cycle. RC 3 results from an attempt to post a TC 898 when the amount is greater than the TC 840/TC 846 with the same dates. No other payments or credits are made to the 2011 MFJ account. The amount of credit elect is reduced by the total amount of debt owed. Refer to IRM, Math Error with Injured Spouse. Follow procedures in (2) below, if appropriate. Arizona, Idaho, Nevada, and Wisconsin recognized same-sex marriages starting in late 2014. Use HC 3, RC 087, and PC 8 when applicable and use the appropriate post delay code. 1) Taxpayer indicates Form 8379, Injured Spouse Allocation, was filed, Initiate procedures to verify offset and receipt of Form 8379. One adjustment will be for the original overpayment and the second adjustment will be for the ESP. The TC 846 will generate the appropriate bypass indicator based upon the previously unreleased RN 808/809/810/811 that is posted. Include the taxpayer contact information and any details the taxpayer provides which may help resolve the case. . 8) Taxpayer says Form 8379 was filed with his/her original return and no refund was received. The TO date will be the 23C Date (assessment date) of the adjustment releasing the overpayment minus 18 calendar days. See IRM, Processing of Form 8379 Injured Spouse Allocation, for exceptions to manual refunds for tax debts. Once their identity is verified and their return has been processed they can re-send their Form 8379. The TC 766 posts with the return due date or return received date, whichever is later. Input a TC 290 for .00 with RN 809, RC 086, SC 7 and the dollar amount of the allocated refund. See IRM Account Adjustments for the UCE. You can check the status of your 2022 income tax refund 24 hours after e-filing. If the TC 841 creates a credit balance and it is determined that the TOP offset reversal was honored by Bureau of the Fiscal Service, inform the taxpayer that he/she must return the refund to the agency. DO NOT take any action or input a TC 766 (TOP offset reversal). Accounts with undeliverable refund checks must be researched for the correct address for re-issuance of a manual refund. UPC 168, RC 0, is an IMF unpostable code that occurs when TC 766 with OTN fails to find a previously posted TC 898 with the same OTN. Use CC INOLE for cross- reference Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) OBL checks. To prevent an erroneous refund on an OBR, allow posting of the manual refund to release a freeze instead of manually inputting an action on IDRS to release the freeze. The six-month limitation period, noted in (4) above, does not apply to the processing of Form 8379, Injured Spouse Allocation. To Bureau of the Fiscal Service generates a notice on the module where Form. 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