Agregue ms hielo hasta que el recipiente quede, Introduzca el vstago del termmetro al menos 2, Si la lectura de temperatura es de 32F (0C), el, Copyright 2020 Inmar-OIQ, LLC All Rights Reserved. 01716 How to use Taylor 9840 ThermometerThis video shows you what it's like to open the package and remove this Taylor MRKT 9840 instant read thermometer. Fabriqu en Chine selon nos spcifications exactes. temprature est moins leve que 122F (50C). This is why Taylor has tools chefs trust. Guarde estas. Specifications Measurement Range: -40 to 450F/-40 to 230C Accuracy: +/- 1F (.06C) from 0 to 230F (-18 to 110C) +/- 3.6F (2C) above 230F (110C) and below 0F (-18C) Repeatability: 1F (.55C) from 0 to 200F (-18 to 93C) Battery: One (1) LR44, 1.5 volt alkaline (included) Resolution: 0.1F & C full range Temperature Display: There are no, express warranties except as listed above. al Anti-microbial sleeve Patented calibration wrench Temp range from 0F to 220F or -10C to 100C 9842 Anti-microbial Instant Read Pocket Thermometer On/off switch for long battery life, 1.5V batte . We promise to help you obtain the best possible performance from your test . Srvase empacar el artculo cuidadosamente y envelo, con el franqueo pagado, junto con el recibo de la tienda, en el que aparezca la fecha de compra y una nota, No existen garantas expresas excepto las enunciadas, anteriormente. EW-90000-66 Mfr # 9847N. processes as well as in a quality control lab. Remarque: Si la porte de, piles n'est pas ferme correctement, l'eau pourrait, pntrer dans le compartiment et l'appareil, seulement au besoin pour replacer la pile car ceci. De lo, contrario, la unidad cambiar automticamente a la pantalla de la. This pocket thermometer's purple exterior is designed to remind your chefs to be careful about food allergens and prevent cross-contamination, and its digital display is large and easy to read. No cubre, daos ni desgastes que sean consecuencia de accidentes, uso, inadecuado, abuso, uso comercial, ni ajustes y/o reparaciones, no autorizadas. Veuillez, l'emballer avec soin et le retourner frais prpays avec, la facture du magasin indiquant la date d'achat et une. $22.99. The Taylor 9878E thermometer has been designed to meet. Hold feature for easy reading. Then press "Max/ " and "Hold/ " at, the same time to enter Temperature Setting mode. L'ACL se stabilisera. La pantalla LCD dar vuelta. Battery powered by two 2 CR2032 batteries included. "HOLD"). No existen, garantas expresas excepto las enunciadas anteriormente. Appuyez sur Max/ ou Hold/ pour augmenter/rduire, 4. Calibrate your Taylor USA 9840N. laissez le tout stabiliser avant tout autre ajustement. 1-866-843-3905orE-mail Us Taylor Precision Products 2220 Entrada del Sol, Suite A Las Cruces, NM 88001 For Canadian inquires,please contact: Springfield Instruments Division of/de Accent Fairchild Group Inc. Montral, Qubec, H4R 2C8 1-800-661-6721 email: Warranty Returns Taylor Service Center Remarque: Si la porte de piles n'est pas ferme correctement, l'eau pourrait pntrer dans le compartiment et l'appareil, Si recalibrage est ncessaire, pour les meilleurs rsultats calibrera. 2007 Taylor Precision Products et ses socits affilies, tous droits, rservs. Telfono para Servicio a lost Clientes: 1-575-526-0944, Fax para Servicio a los Clientes: 1-575-526-4347. 7. Post navigation Previous post Next post Comments are closed. Le capteur se trouve sur le bout de la sonde pour une rponse, rapide et un relev exact. Oven Guide Thermometer. assis autour de l'ouverture pour maintenir la fonction tanche. It comes with a protective sleeve to keep it safe when it's not in use, and its . Open the battery compartment by turning the battery, compartment door cover on the back of the thermometer. Taylor Thermometer: List of Devices # Model Type of Document; 1: Taylor 1730: Taylor Thermometer 1730 Instruction manual (7 pages) 2: Taylor OMG 812: Appuyez et gardez enfonc sur le bouton SET (rgler) pendant, 5 secondes. Taylor Thermometer Manuals. Luego presione los, de definicin de la temperature. Aplicaciones para Servicios de Alimentos: programado con los ms altos niveles de precisin entre 20F y 150F, (7C y 66C) una gama que abarca las aplicaciones crticas de, almacenamiento, mantenimiento y preparaciones de alimentos. Taylor Thermometer User Manual. temperature will be held (the "HOLD" icon will appear). I broke my thermometer, will it be OK? 2. Temperature range -40F to 450F or -40C to 230C. Presione el botn "On/Off" (comenzar/detener) para encender la, unidad. If the unit does not turn on for first use, remove, and then reinstall the battery. 2. No existen, garantas expresas excepto las enunciadas anteriormente. Sponsored Listings. Asegrese de desinfectar el vstago antes de introducirlo en otro, 9848EFDA = 140F a 180F = .5F (54C a 82C = 0.3C), 9848E/806E = 140F a 180F = 1F (54C a 82C = 0.5C), Resolucin: 0.1F o C hasta 199.9 (por encima de 1F y C), Apaga automticamente: despus de 5 minutos si no presiona, ningn botn y la temperatura es menor que 122F (50C), Sonda reductora: 9848EFDA = 1.5mm / los otros = 2.5mm, If the unit does not turn on during first use, try. Un motif . The antimicrobial, housing and pocket tube incorporate a non-toxic chemical. galement tre utilis en laboratoire et/ou des fins scientifiques. counterclockwise, using a coin in the slot. Esta garanta le otorga derechos legales, especficos y es posible que usted tenga otros derechos, Fabricado en China segn nuestras especificaciones. Asegrese de que el anillo en O est, apoyado alrededor de la abertura para mantener la caracterstica, a prueba de agua. Srvase empacar el artculo cuidadosamente y envelo, con el franqueo pagado, junto con el recibo de la tienda en el, que aparezca la fecha de compra y una nota explicando el, motivo de la devolucin a la direccin abajo. This item: TAYLOR 9840 PROFESSIONAL DIGITAL MEAT POCKET LCD THERMOMETER WITH BATTERY, NEW, $12.42. (o cambio a nuestro entender), no la devuelva al vendedor minorista. Press and hold the "SET" button for 5 seconds. A "----". Si ce. range, Fahrenheit/Celsius switchability, minimum/maximum, memory feature and stainless steel stem are essential for, The thermometer operates on 1 CR2032 lithium battery, (included). It is important to thoroughly clean and. batera nicamente cuando sea necesario para volver a, colocar la batera ya que esto ayudar a mantener una, La funda y la carcasa Safe-T-Guard de Taylor, incorporan un compuesto qumico no txico que inhibe, el crecimiento de agentes patgenos nocivos, lo cual, minimiza la contaminacin cruzada. (incluse). Nota: para ahorrar vida til de la batera, esta unidad, cuenta con una caracterstica de apagado automtico que la unidad, se apage automticamente despus de 5 minutos si no presiona. This thermometer's advanced probe registers between -40 F to 450 F and -40 C to 230 C, giving you the most accurate readings to ensure your food is both delicious and safe by recommended standards. Fabricado en China segn nuestras especificaciones exactas. 6. 4 pages. N'exposez pas le bout de la tige des, tempratures de plus ou de moins de 10 C (50 F). around the opening to maintain waterproof feature. Thermometers Thermometers The real secret to great cooking is a Taylor thermometer. The LCD will turn green. Assurez-vous que le joint torique est. Conmutador +52 (55) 8526 4922 This state-of-the art measurement, instrument is engineered and designed to meet the, highest quality standardsto assure you uncompromising, accuracy and consistently dependable, convenient, performance. Services. adecuada, tal como agua hirviendo, durante varios minutos. There are no express warranties except as, listed above. This website uses cookies to ensure the most secure and effective website possible. Si una, temperature verificada no puede ser obtenida en el rango de, mayor uso, entonces calibre en un bao de hielo segn lo descrito, 1. El termmetro funciona con una batera LR44 (1,5v) (instalada). Keep the probe from, 2. (installe). Si la unidad, no encender para usarla por primera vez, retirez y reinserte la, batera. $14.99. Fill a glass with crushed ice. Should this product require service (or replacement at our, option) while under warranty, do not return to retailer. approprie, comme de l'eau bouillante, pendant plusieurs minutes. 3. Max Feature: Press the "Max/ " button once to read the, maximum temperature that the probe has reached (the, word "Max" will appear). Abra el compartimiento de la batera girando hacia la izquierda la, tapa de la puerta del compartimiento de la batera en la parte. lost instruction manual. thoroughly clean and disinfect your thermometer after each use. On/Off switch and auto shut off to conserve battery life. It. Changez la pile lorsque l'affichage faiblit. Sterilize the metal probe by inserting it into an, When ready to test the temperature, insert stem at, To avoid burns near heat, use the pocket sleeve as a, Open battery door by sliding a screwdriver under the, Tap the unit against your hand with the battery, Insert battery with positive side up (square end of, Push rubber door in firmly so that the battery is all, It is recommended to only remove the battery door. If response time is not important for you, this might be a good choice. La funcin de recalibracin permite ajuste para, tener mxima precisin y para verificar temperaturas especficas. La raison. del mal olor, lo cual minimiza la contaminacin cruzada. cerrada, puede entrar agua en el mismo haciendo. LCD se estabilizar cuando la lectura est completa, 4. WhatsApp +52 (55) 4969 4922. $19.99. Aparecer un patrn de rayitas ("----"), luego "OK". Appuyez nouveau sur le, bouton Max/ pour revenir l'affichage de temprature, actuelle. It does not cover. Cambie la batera cuando la. Este termmetro Taylor 9847 es usado con frecuencia en ambientes hmedos de cocina, laboratorios de industria farmacutica e industria del fro. Si l'appareil n'allumera pour la premire utilisation, retirez et rinsrer la pile. counterclockwise, using a coin in the slot. With the 1.25" LCD display, at-a-glance readings from almost any angle are possible. SKU: 9840 in stock $17.99 The Taylor Digital Instant Read Pocket Thermometer provides superior results to professional and amateur chefs alike. Keep these, The Taylor 9878E thermometer has been designed to meet, specific needs in the food service, industrial and HVAC, environments. Add more ice until it is packed tightly to the bottom of. Not for use as an oven thermometer. Add water slowly until it overflows. la lvre de la porte de pile de caoutchouc. have other rights which vary from state to state. le produit ou sur la garantie au Canada ou ailleurs l'extrieur des .-U. El motivo de esto es la, estabilidad a largo plazo del sensor termistor. industriales y de calefaccin, ventilacin y aire acondicionado. Si este producto requiere mantenimiento (o cambio a. nuestro entender), no la devuelva al vendedor minorista. stabilize before making any additional adjustments. 2. Les limites d'exposition, de temprature du botier ACL sont de - 12 60 C, (10 140 F). It does not. Pour revenir la temprature recalibrera par dfaut, retirez la, pile pour 1 minute et rinsrer la pile. le sens antihoraire l'aide d'une pice de monnaie dans la fente. Si l'appareil. Funcin HOLD (mantener): Presione el botn "HOLD" (mantener), y la temperatura se mantendr en pantalla (aparecer el cona. Suspend probe at least 1" into a 'slush' of crushed ice and water (32F / 0C) for at least 30 seconds. The LCD will stabilize when reading is complete, 4. battery compartment causing the unit to malfunction. du service clientle aux .-U. Elle ne couvre pas les dommages ou l'usure suite, un accident, une mauvaise utilisation, tout abus, utilisation, commerciale ou rglage interdit et/ou rparation interdite. n'allumera pour la premire utilisation, retirez et rinsrer la pile. Item #981966. Lo invitamos a ver nuestro video oficial en YouTube, para que conozca el termmetro con mayor detalle: -En proceso de produccin-, Manuel Avila Camacho #3130 Piso 4 Tambin est diseado para uso en laboratorio y/o cientfico. Taylor garantiza este producto contra defectos en los, 1 (un) ao a partir de la fecha de compra original. Looking for Taylor USA 9840N Repair? This pen-style thermometer measures temperatures from -40- to 450-degrees Fahrenheit. Pour, optimiser cette fonction, veuillez lire attentivement ce, manuel d'instructions avant d'utiliser votre produit et. Elle, ne couvre pas les dommages ou l'usure suite un, accident, une mauvaise utilisation, tout abus, utilisation, commerciale ou rglage interdit et/ou rparation, Si ce produit doit tre rpar (ou remplacement notre, discrtion), ne le retournez pas au dtaillant. aidera maintenir l'intgrit de l'tanchit. Note: To save battery life, this unit has an AUTO-OFF feature that turns the instrument off after 5 Despus de 2 segundos, la unidad volvern a modo normal. apparatra). Elle ne couvre pas les dommages ou, l'usure suite un accident, une mauvaise utilisation, tout abus, utilisation, commerciale ou rglage interdit et/ou rparation interdite. 5. Es importante, limpiar y desinfectar totalmente su termmetro despus, Los termmetros digitales que tienen un sensor termistor, como el modelo 9842 muy pocas veces requieren una, recalibracin o pruebas. It is also designed for laboratory and/or. gardez-le porte de la main titre de rfrence. 2. C.P. Strilisez la sonde mtallique en l'insrant dans une solution. scientific use. 1 / 1. the product for an accurate temperature measurement. the container, allowing excess to overflow. This warranty gives you, specific legal rights, and you may have other rights which vary from, state to state. Nota: si la puerta del compartimiento, no est correctamente cerrada, puede entrar agua en el. the container, allowing excess to overflow. With 1 second temperature updates reads temperature ranging from -40 to 230 deg C. Pen style design easily fits in the palm of your hand for comfortable use. The sensor is located in the probe tip for a quick response, and accurate reading. download how to calibrate a taylor 9847n thermometer File name: manual_id264169.pdf Downloads today: 234 Total downloads: 5197 File rating: 8.79 of 10 File size: ~1 MB >>> DOWNLOAD Share this: Loading. Ink & Toner Recycling. Seleccione Fahrenheit o, para ahorrar vida til de la batera, esta unidad, automtico que apaga el instrumento despus de 10. minutos si no hay ningn cambio de temperatura. Ne laissez pas dans le four. If the unit is set at that known temperature, it will be accurate throughout the range. de la plage de mesure (lire spcifications). $11.24. us to get it back to you as soon as possible so that you can get your lab running at full speed. Press MAX/ or HOLD/ to set the calibration back to 32F/0C. Add a little clean water until the glass is full and stir. Change the battery when the, compartment door cover on the back of the thermometer. To avoid burns near heat, snap the pocket sleeve onto the. 6. Note: If battery, door is not closed properly, water can get into the. Taylor garantiza este producto contra defectos en los materiales y en, la mano de obra durante 1 (un) ao a partir de la fecha de compra, original. will turn red. embargo, si desea calibrar a una temperatura especfica, gire hacia la izquierda el tornillo de calibracin que se, encuentra en el cuadrante para disminuir la lectura de. I need a manual for a bowflex bodyfat scale model 5749bow. Il est, important de bien nettoyer et dsinfecter votre thermomtre aprs, This product is warranted against defects in materials or workmanship, for one (1) year for the original purchaser from date of original. English. Make sure the o-ring is seated, : If batterydoor is not closed properly, water can get, La funcin de memoria permite la presentacin, Ouvrez le compartiment de pile en tournant le couvercle de la, Retirez la vieille pile et insrez-en une nouvelle, avec le signe, Fermez le compartiment. Gracias por comprar un Termmetro digital a prueba de, agua Taylor. 6. Then press MAX/ and HOLD/ at the same time. Col. Valle Dorado Il n'y a aucune, garantie expresse sauf celle indique prcdemment. 9306N Instruction Manual. Aplicaciones Industriales y para Calefaccin, Ventilacin y Aire, retardada de los datos de temperatura mx/min. Youll be glad you chose Trescals One-Stop
dsinfecter votre thermomtre aprs chaque utilisation. Pour remplacer la pile: 1. Asegrese de que el anillo en O, si la puerta del compartimiento no est correctamente, Copyright 2020 Inmar-OIQ, LLC All Rights Reserved. Note: It is important that the tip of the thermometer not, accurately calibrated. Presione nuevamente el botn "Max/ " para leer, la temperatura mnima que la sonda ha alcanzado (aparecer la, palabra "Min"). +/- 1F (.06C) from 0 to 230F (-18 to 110C), +/- 3.6F (2C) above 230F (110C) and below 0F (-18C), 1F (.55C) from 0 to 200F (-18 to 93C), One (1) LR44, 1.5 volt alkaline (included). Le thermomtre fonctionne avec 1 pile CR2032 au lithium. Botier ACL sont de - 12 60 C, ( 10 140 F ) ( 50 F.. Appuyez nouveau sur le bout de la plage de mesure ( lire spcifications ) located in the probe tip a... Retardada de los datos de temperatura mx/min 1 ( un ) ao a partir de la de! Retardada de los datos de temperatura mx/min la fecha de compra original to.! 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