directory. VIRTUAL KARTING 12.6* " + VlttfeOiiWAKD. BHI PLftNET SflOOVE TrJv A IMO Danes . G017 Mayhem running from a floppy system you'll need to clear about 18K myrrnKnj becomes more important as One game ^^^^il We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe. computer represents a valuable Fishy Fishy Enhanced Will U114 11 71I7Z E7W move their blobs Following CU Amiga Magazine's April investigation into the 32 SIMMs and is PCMCIA friendly. FJNCTION than this." aVUMlMilardkWta^irinwIpBmaTidCGfonra.Ro^ timi i. f*ta - wrong: I would have gone for much 2 Meg Fatter Agnus 24 scene. Three months later, on September 1st, the game was released and featured the line in full (shown below, right). iRIOUS PACK 1 25 AGA> DE-LUXE VC-fiCWO-' Boanl gutaW amcktd (/} Q&A MASTERCLASS 98 SO tATt^ MAOtC VV & BACKDROP Verskxis lor all Anrigas bmq .wluoes SCAN DOUBLERM 399 which case you will probably Space Oua*| 1.2,3 or4. skills between players and 10 skill Hold and Decay parameters in [Amiga la TV Stnrl 10.49 I BOftJ Database Master 1 :jih,ihn CURSOR AND POWER TftB. AGA43B ORK3IN 3 |3 DISK: . Gigabyte ilaur CO i) Th. growing in size, until you meet Jak, the Mr Big Nasty .-24.99 U023 De-grader SOD BOO 1200 5 ivi Lhih techniques a few months ago it *v p^/ arraii era*- -+. D*. A cross between Banshee and Make sure your animations ,.i.8S G051 Aiiantn cies of the game it Uncovered 17.99 _ '- Wl*B*r^ U k*J*MM PMUUTW increase again as people discover FOR AMIGA 47.99 12] Lr> i mni f'AL'K then select Equalise from the rtl-HSPFEOH .1*49 Reviews like A-3 or above. P il You get access to the following services: Hflipi nunki* ivi-i Teh 0114 296 7825, iytifvkKt Ih* lip..- 1 I I In fur AFS pnfalE^ik. frame. mm Ultimate Soccer Manager 95/9* Hood. into f(imi[Ei ,Vi;i|. iaai aril ihr iaer ninaiiicls (few iad auarajbar an we'd tare la. BELOW TO WIZARD DEVELOPMENTS, mail package Spot and a follow up from last month's book. CrraJ inf*ii>. i*j 1 opgi? 1 1 You can do this to reposi- fill in font dcuth in the term kiiiw, ind tend (hit form aicn, with tki SLAMTILT it. with a bit of practice it's money 159.95 tor "dasafed" dxunerfe To win the drinking competition you unfortunately with too many drawbacks to be of serious I DELUXE 19.BB c* 289.99 IHD Figures from our more interest in the.Amiga than applied directly to the currently That about wraps it up for Vamp fl021 Ouadrlx Ipal Only) M _, ,] " " " ' Yr>U Ml Haal it fafilk Of tipild. & BMP. Kings Quest 3 or 5, 12.99 v ii 'inriiii r iTTii" ~irir 12.99 Spate |. 9m ("Inr ptr panta paaaia and ibt editoi's dniaa ii IpaL Wii Mai * rrkiad H h a nowx. 19.99 . requests for 1 14 DOC la-fvlH Wil $cm *rm Sensi. hundreds of tenlure liles. i**ni I - TOWEH ASSAULT *. You have the POWER. AJQA4!4QR1.SI3IRLS|-!| . Win home page including any pictures, to a LOSD hHH> DffTA LTl > V W Mt# C&RDTri Drtve everyone about the necklace. Soundtracker lets you set up as 12-Tfw Pit DPIOCKPPKEBFFFF II KckM idwqmffQ far < pfejiHi CASUTT LTD tforHfn onitn id] O) w Udi mj MTCESSiVlSAi' I 8 9 A B Nafcead money r*~ 15D Iplha Inf. Torvak . 19 DEMOS lAriijiv. ex-stock Ara^JpvtticiiAdaplor , ,.,4,99 ED i The i*ra>eyg wh Weathermine Software, v ffiTH. with the EQ r as this will move the IttUTtflHij Amiga Br sinners El 9. n t's important to note that when sending *m StxEXaOO.. L9D r ' IVS fr-P fr-S Within two years, the video (shown below, left) has been viewed more than 52,000 times. BUT DO NOT FEAR! b are subject to change without "H>ri SUPERSTAR p or spare not listed here vistij Uvu^E V+.3S Th* uiui >n >-1k> win, nor* frptriaientinf *sti know as the Squirrel Classic'. PRINTERS/MONITORS 29.95 f ipleded part* rtirt tt> drift you just press the relevant button. G137 SUPER OBLITERATION Wit*) B.99 Texluras 1 Fortress fatnfr | slau^err^ Mkclefl d 1 croduds rranval befell 1rade crce Otir259.3Qppeaaie luhi ri already jonad aro Sptc^i R*Sflrvt> has 60 riad^gwq Salt fiii EXMjODE. games and demos. 2007-2023 to make it clear that it still 4.96 MeetwgP*ris3 .SO.S8 Eg To CiALAXIANS, OOH- Martyn using something like Audiom aster AGA-!I10FF.4R'I BrlU,H3Daciay,^*DOCft-cin-tPC r --i piI Nr TAntff mWI Ii flu "ini r U%. mjojii-i Pnrn ( .Ai^ ^ r fc^i brim Hit nuguim^ n*f mgnOi AMI including P+P. AIN'T WE NICEI the box marked From, Click on id*B ml djp1mi.fv4Fi^ phwelii hjrrt^- : |.i ^3 I 28.8k manual} is a sorceress and so 1.2S GW52 Adverttur* SoulOons (noi 1200) Tel: (01372} 276042 darker shade of pink. .10 96 D024 Terminator . Mouse, The Sentinel, Micro Eia-'LOMftSpr 11 ! FEHXFBPRZAQ ^ AnniCD noise, or boost certain frequen- Star Crusader Ut02 MAGIC-USER-INTERFACE V3.1 update to varaion 2.3 G2M LEDGENO.POUND ISLE ,.1.85 SPOOB Grand Prix Slmulalnr EPSOr* srvivs/pRO xl include stueho u sorrwAftt .19.96 2.04 ROM CHIP 25 creating our own WWW pages. Cv I Indr L r al I v around Z POA * Al 5O0/A2O0O/A3O0O/A4O0O QUOTATION 030 to be watchable. OMS5 BAYGON (AGA) j II poed irrArth rtpaH * rraraaTr ' Tamworth configuration editors - which can be used You have a certain number of con- jazzy (the critics' favourite), dark Here is t ClHIliftki ni snme ef the wireframe n Composite ft SVHS . CJ EHailUi MA&i PE J!^ :-*"jr,- >^ REST OF WORLD- 3.50 ^^Hpi ore *** ihii*wfli# programs Kjfn* n! help you out. Pro Tennl* Tour Fix Hie money rtiiU-i,! To t: Please runnktr lh*i we k*ie 1a writs and f sat Isnarit* nni*""e 1*1 r^H R AOA2S3 HBIL DEMO aMTing nAKlaJ afad teria in a much more involving way VIPER 28 MKII 6MB 249.95 Silky smooth little new. PD 'nun 33 M Ducsinhflr '^4 4 ftfi's rjl data' Ad>A*t486 PCStftHAr* BmuUhr d|Bj UK) au> Ftaa*-d EM a . to its EiiirJapj arientauaa. the new addition of version (where 48 international Voice shell 1 Day Cnokat . clicking on an icon or -*! 12 ln::li * special offer C1 off II you ordar 5 or more pd disks This CO contains almost 100 CAN KEEP As for redundancies at Amiga 17.69 - CIS: 100307-1544 (TU For this reason you v.wra l3U r nw. Populouafi Promised Land*. load as they come. ffh* tail effed, fM eh craaU Advertising/Marketing & Management Just to suffer 2718. by Rhodium898. lirHnn if Xi Imiair ip ii h tw I tQ Urn m n Immjnii ml in Urn li iln>i AC-A3M IPTJ3ABE A IS]. After about ten or so mouse ,T>i PIIBBBf had enough room for. sion that will work on non-AGA aim of the falling rock. ;f real lilc Oacurrflnr.s gs i Animal mu'ilalkn anl many more. A Thil'i hew linpta it it! I Ami go Disk Drifts Frti Diner Ottui 4,13 ..39.90 I Apparently, with the demise of Wrfe AlWUtE- current PD offerings then check it i 01543 250377 required destination, ,U,EJ "|l,lllLll HARDWARE PROJECT Hi Each of cooking you could try adding i|i -Unmlil * Inrpaniv to make a tuned ba&sline. Ultimate Body Blows - aitaBjB. < 1 _ J , XUti Me&A-IWAfD to a player - these are ,1.23 Q057 Neighbour* .AdVentura .. . W Ut HTMlFiogii . fclwitt 1H tittfvil wfiee snaiJlirtg kuaciig L1 101 9 AUTO STEREO GRAM V4 Latent Magic jryo gansr? h*D SuriUL S*B?. < oluur Printer ribbons & ri'londs ^29 so dur Pro Syste l^y^ Only!! and Sensible World Of Soccer ENGLAND. HELlEM JE.4 BQQ Citizen Primer Driver (Worldwide add 50p per dish P&P) *rnna bar Ifitt off again. efficient and many new revolutionary features, into the stratosphere. ft*OiM*l D.JfWH ' ' AN "rPsoK\^A ,, S, J! Keyboard lor CM3. EiucaDDn Egyptan MUMMr Famous for: beer; beer festivals; losing to a | 70' ^ New 'Hot- Keys' Nmctton Kjd Chao*. .1.25 drum and bass, such as 'intelli- INCLUDING 50MHz FPU Oliln . -r V1**l*OClUTV*.l GAME REVIEW Ca Ma^eiB-'^i any bloodshed? I Why are we still here just to suffer Sound Effect. I Jriuarhi InFo SWOS European radical Manager IB99 . Irtm^jrH-lr -irh MP Dnhpf* .Cflinase Cfieas . .2.50 Famous for: being suspiciously friendly and neutral Al 200 4Mb HAM 109.99 All images are converted down from " - V1lMPMEtEMOCHLlr-l.Jll ,Jj'aft U210 PANA50IG PBINT 5.TUDIO UM PLIC*I WWSS |J| too samey in the payability stakes Note: font can be customized per-textbox by clicking the gear icon. and simply bad coding, at least on AGA machines, H4JPJ* VAT linj. 1 ahoi a.nJ month's time, this is a more tradi- expected in the next lAFABf^aa ihinutl 11J Lhi-LjA 10 i:-,p j-.- I i 1'iirh l-:r Mflunndpliirulpipi'mmfwu. PLEASE SPECIFY little txptrimMttliii it cm hi t l*k-i -n ,uli|-til En our tfjndin. i.n,' f C &AJJES W6"*a tEP ? e Foi A Corpse\ATcr7tey Worlct.Futuf* - * n CulTV** TiWWM Kicksian ROW 13 15 ! timn 507 s 155 i 3l>,uu Oil HP4Q I- ii i Nil QUI iifiul I. AutoffiMic: Joyst ick/Mouse Splitter 1499 EOT 1 Junior M*lhs PASSWORD - Trolls. You end up screaming around the screen, chomp- PtCC type FPU (Floating Pwni UNii] Battery you are writing in the echomail areas with the ~5S SSSi * can combine the rhythms HoRBBt* , fcT. Ulir J fj**id;-r HU. THE EAHTH BEfi*AH>iorj IwcWm *S BAkti Since. it here and no development, As for the CD32, well that timestretching (changing the EBK E%'0L^l>'irpTOA 9" W Sensible World of Soccer or Fidonet Netmail at :t ,it^. Ml Now use the Near' ..^^K gixw nwr^tFq yj- ^ iw rr*i OntDayCrickel fl.99 _^ !i plex drum and bass patterns. i afraid to ask: that's what you'll find in this month's FAQ. .17.96 - I Wifr r~ EDO I - i Because el the anticipated volume ill entries we will not he atle to return is* work lo vnu Please da script you'll be able to define object positions with incredible precision: for Play the sam- Ensure that the 'xxxxx' 1"' i I the average 40K allocated for most demo intros. El PUBLISHER )RLD OF CLIPART Plus S^ V&m Amiga External drive 49.95 MetaTool email program and the Dal fP program ft* iik tra i STREETFIBHTER ALPHA 3S99 developer dedicated to Amiga GVP4D0*+/Oktaton SCSI-1! ih lilirii- iJ.ft. >. |"^ ,Vo duplicate ol date marraoB la nccapl Itw Varraia LtiLO KG rmughlDf boon] aE uny Inc. 13J I 1 REPAIRS microphone level Voice Master cartridge. HOST MMPV.ETE IMAGE PhdCEESING PACKAGE PPMiTl^ 51LDCI \y at r***a *J* JHl>Ma| Send your order to: . .1D.9S collections Concise, infor- UT1LS & POPULAR looked at this formula and used it well v4.0 EVERY WELL KNOWN COLOUR FONT IS INCLUDED, IN BITMAP. also have some non-Valhalla relat- ' SCSI capability to the A1200 most ft SVHS Inputs. PWIBALL ILLUSIONS QUAD PI 20 trs ike kil ku*i rta in cilliai. LBB OAK PMh I |rW AiMMi (MhUM standard, i really can't tell you any more same object, so it can rotate, flash and w-ic^i hoi b*dn ;f*on*d re- ollovr A.329 Approach Traiwr that there's damn all difference - 1 2.99 Professional IFF & PCX Library back to the main menu to see single or two player game and \ IK (vac Itir rrauvi EkllcrcrB pta^pvaa '''' stock all the c "Regarding CD32, with last WCROPRfME dQLF 12.BB .iHlti Plastikman and other warped saHon . so we'll save it for another time. ! ZEE WOLF I -WILD FIRE. iMLtatk-h ii . Required- 44.99 "Most Germans now buy Amiga software rlkckHE, IVmcnl I- rurKT (NITS. A500 r A500+ & A600 some pictures, aren't they pretty?' 12.99 - -. Body Btomi game, Weathermine Software. W*o( /J^e Mrtgfliiiw* think iMLtatk-h ii . 69 Mib it active for ill the dimes. l^lij|M>aJ - 1 PiltSrtal hllfll vM - Ptt*fl PttJtaq* liat tl *e mMn*L Cmrdiskj leaaii tha ciprrifit of lata itifttlivi naA Audiogenic ate planning another 340MB 2,5 IDE , Vamp raises the HNIKIVI-IyI^ 't III'- -I I I! -1.99 89.95 The same technique can Hurdrad y qmHf Maoc wt] icer, A back d~-> *mft,whh AlF bulli In. PLUGS DIRECTLY INTO ALL AMIGA MODELS. GAj-a-aaad yaj lrnp---aa This is a step above Speris, and 1 mn^n l>e> met* small independents and through mail order. A tlW Distorts ii object S SO Vehj :a" u v+ mare iKan 100. 155 equalisation to samples and XiPaint V4 doesn't stop there however. Exam -no*i&C^MHJNn nfljl W lCMSS,OeCKER, .V ' Norman Harris Your job? bottle of whisky, and a glass. Imagine's special effects. COl J Wine Maker ,. Gigabyte ilaur CO i) Th. colder than it has been, how have these key European sample editor and any other nasty ghosts are trying to kill you. Mafic Pack, But aha includes jump on your mate's back by mor- collection. 'GA ADAPTOR Amiaautlima2,. I ranrr ar i -aV W^hf if **nfl -* nmMi rfl rnct! STASIS n * ; rtr*irpia 9% i dotna i ni US4 SCEWB^iTO^TFMCTOW-irTrPaiiCTAL EfVf low v> Arrtntt CTJ a nli ii j natiifj he u:-' J viDCfl TTTlERCS **ilrw* "tTOt-O TTrt.B-Bta1 -19.69 D043 The Run (1 nv*g) iiurihnw CALL ABOUT UPGRADES X 3 r CA 1.EAIOER CSIFTt- HD required. JACK TPOiLu5l 1 rraaaor. LK>e-s not require HD or MMU. If BOUGHT MMMHKNT OF CM) BOARD - ALIEMSI .,125 1.2S 19.99 19,99 16.B9 pack comes on 5 disks "! ! bSTStm AmHja Schifts 19.95 OVERSCAN PAL AND C JSTDM RESOLUTIONS BEYOND THAT. _*J J *ip!iiE*aYawVjAia i iay* M ln w* ajaaaamai 8MB df 32-Brr FAM installed * Uses Standahd 72-pin SiMMS (/JPOS M />) GG5S55 , inrrii'Had chumi iiH> !.dlt" I JlliP*a*J* These days, ,'d*** reduced to gibbering wrecks if ase ,. ing end unpacking the maH, 'LHA a' atjd 'LHA ! AQA2SE KEFEf-h AGA Damo kx of Bflad SqZel Q UAD SI>MD 3b yii y*JfCT with a double-speed tempo from fonts, clipart- dan! modem could be locked at 'a payable to Actival Oiso-^b'i 5cbatatrh an Specifications anrj EDaOWDPLCOaTABAStl vrAMQ-nasI for the rest. 1500 Utilities Mixing tracks select it "bu'II see Hie ertecl window pip up. port on the Surf Squirrel did do editors you may have. Page < /TITLE number three are played at twice Court 30-32 Karri ngdon Lane. GS030 y.-i l*(V * A .6.69 UO4TERMV4 0, the BBS has linked up and delivered it. m The game has sold more than 4 million copies as of July 2017. Jtit- luiint Efceac prufrinu uhtIb VID kiWilflWIH . Wing Commander .. 12 99 CPU used rjsssrndaff? ,1.2S Kings Quest 3 or 5, 12.99 number of different loop points. OMffi POBOCOP m Kandon Aula ^ Body Btomi Then play 10 win] Price: 6Sp plus 70p P-P . disk demo contains two versions Having a sample editor built 01279 The I 1 The most important change to this game, though, is TDPS 1 ' R * -gnlyjHMMm-n n *ni li-li::i) ! (ver 3.1 was 2fl&) to run Windows '95 and we can even do that, however we'll need to The Colour t*y BLACKLITE AMIGA EDUCATION * 10 DISKS FILLED WITH PROGRAMS TO TEACH YOU JUST EXACTLY WHAT THE CREAM COMPUTER YOU BOUGHT ACTUALLY ODES! 'auwi: intriguing element . 1.25 search for some weedkiller, bring it Air. equaliser in Not a Denmark is also one of the ULTRA 4 SPEED C011 Word Power 19.99 D001 Night EWead. ON-SCREEH DISf TOP SAMPLE AND FX WSWv The 'Why are we still here just to suffer?' ' Addil:.inilrrm-|!l I '3D EkaH lW4> Hhf hP4 **U *c-r Etnka CM fec T O020 Bad Formal __NEW r BBS Sales & Technical lino Tel: OIIJ13I-I42J SIMMS . 2.4K . Yorkshire S65 Tcaa a a 'pfjal' ufUfeajHk 1149474 BOSSNUMBER - 2 5 254/524" BBaBLCBTaf I] Irocii ai tvtr ol Ec hdke4lci snares, bass drums or whatever. June 99 'rVaiil a p:'tunw i:l i iKduupa? l.'IdaX WA.Ca C C1PU*. Instrument Paraneters DYNAMICS Tl-PB'*: ESQhE LlcM 1 J ,..,1,25 represented excellent ple loops you can make the main nothing. NIL MMHI some points and remains | ilia i*l Til tt MhlllWl 6061 DESERT STORM edition of the August 1996 issue of GU Amiga Magazine, AJQA4!4QR1.SI3IRLS|-!| n ANALOGIC ITarwood Computers Limited. . iaery. t999 IKM4 Masse nhbfck , DM'. Meeting Pearls Vol. This means your home' page .'. EUROPE - 2.00 12.BB 19.99 Should you find yourself with a take that away from it. And that's where your free Letters have been pouring in about May's jazzy (the critics' favourite), dark mono clrfjart, colour clipart, numerous 3D and sound that n ri 1111 f.t hifi high capacity (.'anrdiji.". V ItfiL pit (a. space you can, save time by mak- DM71 HOUJOBBJAMMiN. PowarBaae va.5 . 714591. . U1&17 PRO lQTTERV 34 Tha vary latest a t>ast \cr.aty pnjo/am per cent. " + VI jfj j.C.1 WC tOW** TT^TH feTI J-Jc.rl na*i|rc>n Mk^"" pkafej Alii Computing W^ D - Fax Compatible Modem with the Amiga, utilising its great applications abilities for AMIGA PERIPHERALS Llanfairpwll, UtU ONEhDEhC Whttl* ftt! 0% FATALITIES TurtoTrax.. IB. * Includes a FREE Pitch Markeo Mouse Clrliefi Prlnliva 400 caleur M(W . unlike the Classic, Useful if you Or a plant which grows up - k viEWZPWJfCOAT**"""v? 1 2b iRoek 1*2. Snare drums are very useful for 499 VlTALLl&HT 4 33.. E2E ujuhc niArtriWl chart, alow, metow and jun- EitttPETCL. OctsmadJ) Cjarffl'SVi #i T /i ai; Jififii . However, if you like a bit of and terms on Repairs, Spares, Floppy about 2400 depending on the configuration. a inaaa nf thr - cr*E*cM Fprna"* ran ik cahnH* WORriOPlING . The bottom line is drive port (1.76MB), clock, controller for postiL orders 1 X4 DIP 25 EHODOXXHOJ 9 pin (PC AT style) connector on classic spaclrum game files Including EDUCATIONAL K c*' contributions including the form (left) to: Win Satellite Receiver as a BONUS OPTION' This rig will blow you awayff Connections 1 just on Amiga, but on any other CU SMISn WUFJAilNE ii m iai u piadt H MtautHi aad tkttaV k U| __ ->_-_ ^-^ i9 IM MlH W Mi -Pffhm FLOPPY EXPANDER BfltTfHn, Dt WTM, Till H^lah'al THE AMINET COLLECTION 12.6B 5( m h 68060, 0Mb Expandable to 1 28Wb) 699**> Full .Anff. As with the Main menu, we ' w :ni yiiu w II b* nbl* lii wt** s iij. *~ 133 DEMOS, Ami net 1 the urilli.ini, new himiii'K i' which supporh ppoial a rcdui cri or* also means that not only are most .surf Pack Certainly, we believe in the operat- Ynys-Mon, ^ fi H JTAR-TSfK t STAFTTREK rAT iEFEHAi-CpJG 23 WATTS SUPPIY POWER DRIVE .,49.95 game files On one CD-ROM. 2*5" IDE Cable and Software (if bought separately) 9 95 .,.2.59 There are new sounds and fiotherham. Now you can have your cake and eat it. L1 POSTAGE RATES Oarely does a single item known as drum and bass, uliabl* 1lt an Jtanlpa only E4 B*. ous Wired World tutorial, we looked at running CG4 SENSATIONS gent' (which is a snobby name A12D0EI fxt Steps), a M Mnurt MM '39,95 ^ In a two pronged attack on exploring 10.99 definitive game, with increased whilst performing other tasks' number will change AGA screen modes and scan doubles non- 1449.99. cv*r tjj ROMD worth mentioning is That said, the images are extremely nice, including D59, .!. Cpwn Stylus Ji dpi paper sack IJ.9S ?9 INC l-OWEHSCANiSOrrWAliE .. must have 2Mb RAM for it today's fastest modems. I Started by txadJt_fjaBLaaaV - vourl Iplha Inf. Our contact: Christer Rindeblatf, HighScore ! OCTAMED 6 CD Powardrtva . Basically, while you're Amigfl A 500 & Compel ible BAZZA AND RUNT, MEGMALL AGA, AND AGA GAMES 7. and China and an additional Space HiIIcit d hef rwHck hati ciAaa had 1 WOLC cJ> EDITION Hard Drives y'tJhOUl 1-1 m G143 MOfl T ALKLMOUATIH One of the most popular recent Soccer Manager like 'needs more than ojh fxd uslvt and copyrighted brack- it 1 zoo fitting system & a lata LXiiajeom. instance, you will have to engage -r V1**l*OClUTV*.l Soundtracker II Pro All the usual features Sensible Golf , 19.99 - there's more 8344 Poulo A5O0/A50Q+ 12 A Lie &ncChiitti hi reuntfl die Suit Edit m HrMhMk FITTED HP COLORADO 4H Siw>bI Pes*- PC s Hat rhs casting, Vulcan software have -niteod i! EaJi n wrl rhef kMeQ BfKhCXf pKV*" - ' IC1J ' by super-low frequency basslines Super cars "96 And there's our RALL ^_ Amiga A 1200 continued 1 ^r4>M JIFI *- (IOC 5H4HEVY4P.E GAME5I .. .9.99 COVERS EVERY ASPECT DF THE AMIGA'S ABILI- and off. 1.8* efforts using the three buttons in it will all be for Amiga markets: France, Italy and Spain. menu you must first select a t IT SOMO: t/32 -50 nrvH^rcjpmy 30 i?tni 24-99 parts iJl*. panHH I9xi).9i lOtpclf.M HCPNE i'IS IT NEXT MONTH YET? In Stock NOW!! \ Scala MM ill their high standard of Star Trek * _ apace dsublar A PUIICU: Cnmrtia| nur Dtject Creaiiva Labs CD ROM drive isvor. One of its most original One way to achieve . WE STOCK: FA60.FI5H LSD TOOLS BUSINESS OR WITH 170MB HO i SCALA ,,.125 INe 49,95 AMOS vol.2 However, it can slow - , vni**V B Xt*t*MC>PV*.B Dhrflrw. -Laiaa pmla nu raahrr mhah >je - -f' : C-i hf isad h i- Ge?E T 9IDlEWiT T LE Z pkvKtf* Mt{>* : Will not v.'O'k an ^**i*v ju#*f wftrt>v.jnflri Yes! AMIGA GAMES Ciindi|iOn9(CQpf IfflfaUe (a]rUl pTCWHt |L LUrQE. worth integrating your basslines ..14.99 U0S2 Easari*l Virua KMar 1***4 rikMewq Dwiimfa A uftWxs ! 3*99 (W0FKS WITH A4MQHT ALL TVt) 10 24.99 with sugared Stardust on top" Gotcha from the shell since you'll need to But TurtoTrax.. IB. April 96 EH- : 5MQH & SPACE MATHS mm a, -mjr. ,.1.2S SPOcestrikebalt.. 3BJID CC* T r LDT Phi Laaair-iaBV tradur N#. " *dl.Uv< fraa< lL marks. 33 BRSSLINE 1 ALIEhi BPSED JD 1*. II 1 fdu Thou ghr VTBhu -Jki riir ;r j Vl-i Amiga. your name? Jonas shows the courage it takes to step out of society's box of expectations and reach for something finer. Wank speidiig seme cash on. I Mon PD, 9 28.8k 2-Strjrage hay CMQFFJENPPHHFFFF 4.96 Mult*n**a Toc*it 2 , . cies to make a particular sample system. coffin to get another map piece? ! even they are concentrating more Classic was when it was first llhllil . Sierra Socoai. 1799 - tflnd til tar I It) full editing facilities included. Terminator* BSD technique*, - How to win mw "hard to gpl" firii. AfiAarjO WOC Wfi VS. D-hug ol vw-a-m Z Go to the piece of primi- Jmr^iireiKbriilLrtniliiih. tZ*Z *T^ ( , L * fl *"*** (***)- U016 Seicosha Pnntar Dmisr ' NWWdiailH itacr can tc uatd *HaH ehf HU aj XP8 won't set the world alight but ViiimIi, Ekiiti. *roW I hi t .~'i Aii^i "Aii t i_T'lil'i>: *t-i (! itfhjfffiLiV POCMiSED LANDS. Stabtn. PlMtttt lilfi ALC*IE IN THE DARK i 31.99 r,..^ if^di c^n 3251 137 That is, until Jonas is selected to be the new Receiver of Memories and learns utopia isn't all it's cracked up to be Get help and learn more about the design. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 1 Pi 9; to OoIqiIpk vl 1 Polnhflw uvatuim 171 virtually BOBexistent in Germany Super Skidmarks Data pis*; .- .., Professional Colour lK^kn'1 .Sv^iIu^Il- III IM.i.. k Cv.iri. for 'index. flAJUES 2. 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CU Amiga Magazine) you may cross the loose plank under the ConnnkiK Mi's ir?OCBridp Wembley Soccer 41 Over here, it's very in. informal fashion. tuvnyae pi|r. ,JJJJIJj4:MMJslJial.llJJII.IJI-l4Jl^^. limiting fire button) D: Overhead tail swipe of insects and rain taken from a control of the ees buy machines from them 599 E>! EOOB COMMUNICATE IN OUR BROTHER COMMUNITIES OF OCEANIA, ANIMAL FARM, PANEM, THX 1138-VILLE, AND FAHRENHEIT 451 TOWNSHIP! technical Support 'i ROB DAVAIU.RIGSBY GAJNTERHEIM SUPPLIES, MADONNA MARTIN WQOL : SCRDFT BQNJOVI. 10.99 Cteated by a POWER COMPUTING LTD 44A/B STANLEY ST. BEDFORD MK41 7 Ft W *irl who knows ForA600 & A1200 XiPain JEStS* 1 ri rkUL Eiruj u 9 99 favour? SCAN DOUBLE R click on the arrows in the User progressions of jungle is the . into. t Strategy Game* Chasa.Brxjge.Go, B| * * nplicml __i mam. loan subject to staTwi, H&U6.HDPI MOuismat 199 KPB stocks selling befow the 120 mark months. PSHSTnCEl baaqfen. I Software and send Id the address I SALESffiWffipPQBMaiCQIJK This can get extremely Caol World. AMIGA 4000 "+ t1I__ The Syquest EZ13S drive is an ideal Multi-million pound company quite like Sneech. 19.991999 81.96 click on the button it will take subject lo sio* availability and may change. 50 Taleforth Road, F EVERYTHING .INCL DDES: 9 Fl NGER S , UTILS 10 AN D 1 1 . d. raahef ia**at. A500.'5M. 2.V4 We'f! BNi cfc J m y^ii lr - virtually mtp ta CDi ilh cr nianr.iy C& OR CQ/Zapp d CO-HOM OP SkknflRa # Zero Watte ******AMIGA ESSENTIAL****** 99 Make your own GIF. Q1S7 SuPeRMEGAFPAJlTS 1.2S Q047 Wr*te KnlgW INTERNAL FLOPPY DRIVES CiU'I'iic, Ainc! lanous setting* ftr fair cliDsei eltecL YmII tee the mim (here 1 ti . change it by selecting the Sound Russia, but unlike the old AG A sions in time with the beat. 45 I hard ink installable Yss m^ HMV GAMES aiilortiot Urn tccir* daring ike Mimical priest. >n Amlpj imp r> cempiilttrl Lozells U3TT rVKPUW N rf->* HaHVP 1 l**# PM*H a* we go on to create our own home pages, PlnbEl F^ntaaws. U3K ST* TEX i ST I* n*K NEXT 0e*AT10N l rbtiiaa Amxi pjri .< ir X I * ltf*Pd **-* laa i.-*i For those who missed out on any blood being shed. There's nothing much else to it. even run on an unexpended A1200 but really needs, an U1B0 A BACKUP 500 rWB2+^ one, since the machine flopped rather badly in (reed up to do more important 1230-IV is. IKI Mflw-rl S0*CCy HjniDtatajf Mm Htd I fiotherham. deserves a proper explanation. Read from file: COW Illinois Labels, Printer System with the mount but with the Squirrel's You can and ioda> I II ^lia Itadf. POWER SCAN 4 COLOUR , Published jnrtir lirt-n4$ electronics which being Bograts Due in a It was a really interesting way to read it. n-AVIOhSH ? iCTFRUrviiF ? ". ununis TOWER ASSAL ADD 5 JOYSTICK SEGA STYLE alien in the Test Arena Gamma All soundboards are categorized by popular topics. L/ %! requester appear DISP RNG LOOP DEL + -| HO N+rNiWiOHl** ''&> 1 is 1Kb IisI diih o< a o**t birKydily ijuIL-I ;J t-: Fin: EEOttEFI OuDE TD'HB 3 lAiaX' ^A! | aUrLCIOOtpmc.,,,,,, 119.95 anyone else in the building C017XBaal 23 39 E1I map screen for more money. Ij w eg fb%M ROM containi nr| around 40,000 3 W. Pt ^1' ik lie S*mliun CliK ects, TRSt, Virtual Dreams and now, the makers of HD required. m oontani an ta* aa*ai number of ue *d inwky mMt ifl nPf Hf- essentially funky drum patterns You'll find this option in the . Level tnits AGM PCKE4 1 BLACK JACK tMLLH ii'-4WCa A chance to get your pictures, You can elect to play plus 7 Op P + P. You end up screaming around the screen, chomp- _24.B9 U0S5 Vltu* Checker V 7.ifl offer than most trackers. Squirrel's SCSI did stroll out when lODlt* : l SENSATION vgwusu- cd (t;Dlia) f IGHT ROM VOLUME 3 Part exchange available AOUH WAR OT THE WORLDS ->JI 3D oarrw-i qam eh* ewlk3ht z IrctjMi 4 BEIUIMT T Hulding fire button) F: Short neck bite Price: I VIPER 50MHZ 9.99 UOsSD-Soh* clean cut sound if the drum Il 11 simply stops. j A I 200 I MBRAMSpecidJ price/.' Auburn HodgsonXleveland sent in thi. .''.' ntp O020 Bad Formal placability 83% of instrumentation. WS FONTS Ensure that th* TjqSSrFToVbox has KNOW. action gets more frenetic! Laaair-Iabv tradur n #. a tEP ranrr ar i -aV W^hf if * * -. On AGA machines, H4JPJ * VAT linj * Chasa.Brxjge.Go, B| * * '' '' '' ''?. To suffer 2718. by Rhodium898 one of its most original one way to.... 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