Known best as the proto-martyr of the Christian church, introducing the heroic period of persecutions. This group of Alexandrians and Cyreniansargue with Stephen, but when they cannot create counterarguments to Stephens wise retorts, they produce false witnesses who claim Stephen had blasphemed in order to dispose of him and the evidence of Gods work in him. If you liked our suggestions for facts about Stephen in the Bible then why not take a look at facts about Gideon in the Bible, or Abraham facts. (compareMark 14:58;Mark 13:2;Mark 15:29). [6] Stephen recounts the stories of the patriarchs in some depth, and goes into even more detail in the case of Moses. Please note: prices are correct and items are available at the time the article was published. [23][24][25][26][dubious discuss]. Bible Character study Stephen, St. Stephen's knanaya Catholic Forane Church, Uzhavoor, kottayam, built 1631. Though the name of Jesus was not uttered by Stephen in his speech and does not occur until in his dying prayer, his hearers could not fail to notice the hidden reference to Him throughout the entire speech and to draw parallels intended by Stephen: As Joseph and Moses, types of the Messiah, had been rejected, scorned and illtreated (Acts 7:9,Acts 7:27,Acts 7:39), before being raised to be ruler and deliverer, so Jesus had also been repulsed by them. In Stephen's death, as in Christ's, both love and evil are seen in clear focus. Stephen is known for being the first Christian martyr. Some commentators suggest this means Christ's work was not yet done, while others say Jesus stood to welcome Stephen into heaven. The Bible says that Stephen spoke with such spiritual wisdom that his Jewish opponents were unable to refute him (Acts 6:10). FACTS is a podcast that is based out of Explore Christianity ( According to the New Testament, the apostles were the primary disciples of Jesus. Although Scripture doesnt specify how long Stephens ministry lasted, it appears he receives opposition very soon into the journey. These apostles were Simon, James, John, Bartholomew, Philip, Andrew, Matthew, Alphaeus, Thomas, Judas, Simon who was called the Zealot, and Judas Iscariot. creative tips and more. Stephen's Testimony still enlightens souls all across the world to this day. Peter the Apostle - Member of Jesus' Inner Circle, Introduction to the Catholic Religion: Beliefs, Practices and History, John Chrysostom, the Golden-Tongued Preacher, M.A., English Composition, Illinois State University, B.S., English Literature, Illinois State University. The 39 books of the Old Testament were composed between 1400 and 400 B.C., the 27 books of the New Testament between AD 50 and AD 100. The charge against Stephens person was a baseless accusation. Stephen was an evangelist. The world-renowned Amazing Facts Bible school will help you know God's Word better than ever. HOLY TRINITY RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH, a parish of the Patriarchate of Moscow", "Translation of the relics of the Protomartyr and Archdeacon Stephen from Jerusalem to Constantinople", "Frequently asked questions: Big Ben and Elizabeth Tower", St. Stephen Protomartyr Catholic Church, St. Louis, Missouri, St. Stephen the Martyr Catholic Church, Omaha, NE, Benedict XVI, "Reflection on the Life and Death of Saint Stephen", He was thus prosecuted and stoned to death. When you buy through the links on our site we may earn a commission. [Acts 6:914] Stephen is said to have been unperturbed, his face looking like "that of an angel". They responded by conspiring to lie about him in an effort to stir up the people and members of the local synagogue. Though it marks the beginning of the first great persecution of Christians, the death of the first Christian martyr resulted in the greatest acquisition Christianity has probably ever made, the conversion of Saul of Tarsus. Instead, under the power of the Holy Spirit, he looked up into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at Gods right hand. Kidadl cannot accept liability for the execution of these ideas, and parental supervision is advised at all times, as safety is paramount. This recourse to lynch law may have been connived at by the Roman authorities, since the act was without political significance. While the assembly was overawed by the evidence of singular innocence and holiness written upon the countenance of Stephen (Acts 6:15), the question of the high priest Are these things so? broke in upon the silence. Stephen was a man of godly character. Therefore, we cannot call Stephen an apostle. Thanks for stopping by! (Unfortunately, today, most churches continue to neglect widows that are the responsibility of the church. He was a man full of the Holy Spirit, strong in faith, gifted in the working of miracles and brilliant in debating with the opponents of Christianity (Acts 6:1-10). [2] The reason for the appointment of the deacons is stated to have been dissatisfaction among Hellenistic (that is, Greek-influenced and Greek-speaking) Jews that their widows were being slighted in preference to Hebraic ones in the daily distribution of food. ", "LXXXVIII. Likewise, he contented for the faith with those who were ultra-liberal in their beliefs. He relied on the Holy Spirit who showed him the right path. The significance of this difference is borne out by the fact upon which Stephens refutation hinges, namely, the fact, proved by the history of the past, that the development of the divine revelation and the development of the Jewish nation, so far from combining, move in divergent lines, due to a disposition of obstinate disobedience on the part of their fathers, and that therefore not he but they were disobedient to the divine revelation. Kidadl provides inspiration to entertain and educate your children. ( Acts 7:55-56) The Bible tells us that Jesus is sitting on God's right side. Stephen prayed that the Lord would receive his spirit and his killers be forgiven, sank to his knees, and "fell asleep". The contents of his speech are a recital of the most marked phases of Jewish history in the past, but as read from the point of view of its out-workings in the present old facts interpreted by a spirit-filled disciple of Christ. Stephens story shows us that no matter how insignificant we may think our role is, we can use it to reach others for Christ and endure the persecution that is sure to follow. Stephen was one of the seven men chosen to be responsible over the distribution of food to widows in the early church after a dispute arose and the apostles recognized they needed help. He was an extremely righteous man who was appointed by the early Church to feed the widows. Trilingual Rajnandini has also published work in a supplement for 'The Telegraph', and had her poetry shortlisted in Poems4Peace, an international project. This resulted in the number of new disciples in Jerusalem increasing along with a large number of priests being saved. The council members refused to listen to him, and even then, he kept his calm and said with a smiling face that he could see heaven open for the man standing on the right hand of God. His personal character and history are recorded in Acts 6 . Acts 7 is a beautiful example of telling the story of the whole Bible and tying it to Christ. Saul of Tarsus, later known as Paul, a Pharisee and Roman citizen who would later become a Christian apostle, participated in Stephen's martyrdom. He performed great wonders and miraculous signs, was known for his wisdom, and spoke with power (Acts 6:3-10). They then drove all the other Greek-speaking Jewish Christians out of Jerusalem (Acts 8:1-3). Learn more about Dr. Mike at Christianity Every Day. God loves each of us as if there were only one of us"- Augustine. We also link to other websites, but are not responsible for their content. Thus he belonged to that class of Jews usually residing outside of Palestine who, though distinguished from the orthodox Palestinian Jew by a broader outlook on life due to a more liberal education, were Jews none the less, the original Jewish element predominating in their character, and who might be true Israelites indeed, as Stephen was. The name Stephen is taken from a Greek word, Stphanos, which means 'wreath, crown'. It makes evident beyond doubt how not grounded the accusation of blasphemy against him was. Copyright 2010-2023 Telling Ministries LLC. In the eucharistic celebration on this feast day, it is traditional for all deacons serving at the altar to wear a liturgical crown (Armenian: khooyr), which is one of the vestments worn only by priests on all other days of the year, the crown being in this instance a symbol of martyrdom. Martyrdom of Stephen. He came out of nowhere but was, however, an extremely righteous man. He said that the recently resurrected Jesus was standing by the side of God. Stephen tried to reach the masses with the message of attaining ultimate salvation. In Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United Kingdom, the day is celebrated as "Boxing Day". Still others interpret them as deliberate choices making theological points. [30] Bishop John II with bishops Eusthia (from Sebastia) and Eleutherius (from Jericho) came to the tomb in Beit Jimal and translated relics to Jerusalem, this event is commemorated on 15 September. Stephen standing there, his gaze piercing into heaven, while time and human limitations seemed effaced for him, marks one of the most historic moments in the history of Israel, as his words constitute the most memorable testimony ever uttered in behalf of Christ: Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man the only place where this title is uttered by any other person than Jesus standing on the right hand of God (Acts 7:56). better understanding, convincing knowledge, and the Spirit, i.e. The Arrest of Stephen 7 So the word of God continued to spread. Dr Michael L has written 155 articles on What Christians Want To Know! Of the seven men, all Hellenists, elected to this office at the occasion of a grievance of the Hellenistic Christians in the Jerusalem church against the Hebrew Christians, to the effect that in the distribution of alms their widows were being discriminated against, Stephen, who heads the list, is by far the most distinguished. Stephen (Greek: Stphanos, meaning "wreath, crown" and by extension "reward, honor, renown, fame", often given as a title rather than as a name; c. 5 c. 34 AD) is traditionally venerated as the protomartyr or first martyr of Christianity. The Old Testament is the first section of the Bible, covering the creation of Earth through Noah and the flood, Moses and more, finishing with the Jews being expelled to Babylon. Stephen explained that he was a messenger of God and that he stood at the right hand of God. But Stephen was especially qualified for this high work, having been endued by the Holy Spirit with apostolical gifts, not only that of preaching, but also that of working miracles (Acts 6:8). As an aside, this might not have been Saul's first encounter with Jesus, as some scholars suggest that young Saul might have known of Jesus and that he might have actually witnessed His death. One, claimed by noted French archaeologists Louis-Hugues Vincent (18721960) and Flix-Marie Abel (18781953) to be ancient, places the event at Jerusalem's northern gate, while another one, dated by Vincent and Abel to the Middle Ages and no earlier than the 12th century, locates it at the eastern gate. The God of glory, he says, appeared to Abraham in Mesopotamia, thus establishing at the beginning of the speech one of its major themes, that God does not dwell only in one particular building (meaning the Temple). These are some of the lessons Stephen's life left people with. He deserves as well to be called the first great apologist for Christianity, since it was this that brought on his death as a martyr (circa 36 or 37 AD). Bible Study Guides . The true source of Stephens freer views of the Mosaic Law and the temple was Christs own teachings, Stephen showing a wonderfully ripened understanding of them, paralleled only by that of Paul some time later. [Acts 6:5, 8], It seems to have been among synagogues of Hellenistic Jews that he performed his teachings and "signs and wonders" since it is said that he aroused the opposition of the "Synagogue of the Freedmen", and "of the Cyrenians, and of the Alexandrians, and of them that were of Cilicia and Asia". What we suggest is selected independently by the Kidadl team. Although we dont have much information presented about Stephen in the sixth chapter of Acts, we can derive the following from the text provided. He was deeply influenced by Christianity and shared a strong connection with God himself. What seems like a tragedy can somehow be part of God's great plan. Dr. Mike and his wife, Pamela Rose, live in Northeast Ohio and they have children and grandchildren that live in various states. [Acts 8:1][6] Some theologians argue that these may not be discrepancies, but rather a condensing of historical events for people who were already familiar with them. This revolutionary message got Stephen hauled before the Sanhedrin, the same Jewish council that had condemned Jesus to death for blasphemy. Read them in the archive below. Appointed one of the committee of seven to oversee the daily ministration. The Catholic, Anglican, Oriental Orthodox, Eastern Orthodox, and Lutheran churches and the Church of the East view Stephen as a saint. They were interred alongside the relics of Saint Lawrence, whose tomb is enshrined within the church. These wise words of Stephen angered the Jews even more who condemned him shortly after his speech. In a similar fashion to Socrates on trial, Stephen gives a point-by-point rendering of the Old Testament and how it related to Jesus work through his death and resurrection. Outside work, her interests include music, movies, travel, philanthropy, writing her blog, and reading. The impression made by Stephens death was even greater than that made by his life. Zavada, Jack. Acts 7:55 in all English translations. He continued by telling them what he was seeing, which enraged them so much they attacked him. As devout Jews, they would have been horrified at Stephen's claim that Jesus Christ was the much-awaited Messiah. These deacons had to be full of wisdom and the Spirit. These deacons would take charge of the distribution of food to the widows, among other duties. Stephen was mentioned for the first time in Act 6:5 of the Bible. The account begins with the ascension of Christ (30-33 AD) and runs all the way through to 62-64 AD. Salem Media Group. The accusation which they brought against him, through the introduction of false witnesses, included a twofold charge, one against his person, a charge of blasphemous words against Moses which would make him also a blasphemer of God, and one against his teaching, charging him with revolutionary and radical statements concerning the temple and the Law. The article above also shows how his Hellenistic and Hebrew upbringing influenced the Apology-like speech he gives to the Sanhedrin, the Jewish Council. Seeing themselves beaten, they took recourse to the ignoble method of declaring him a blasphemer and a heretic, by using the same foul means that the enemies of Jesus had resorted to, by suborning false witnesses to the plot, by stirring up the people against him, by appealing to their Jewish prejudices and to the scribes and elders, members of the Sanhedrin, and thus eventually brought about his arraignment. They resisted the purpose of God by obstinately and stiff-neckedly opposing those through whom God worked. God appeared to Moses in the burning bush,[Acts 7:3032] and inspired Moses to lead his people out of Egypt. This enraged some of the members of the local synagogues. 55 But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. We strive to recommend the very best things that are suggested by our community and are things we would do ourselves - our aim is to be the trusted friend to parents. Name: Stephen. He contributed majorly to the growth of the church and also helped the apostles in their work of spreading the Almighty's words, just like the patron saint. For instance, when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, the Jews seek to kill Lazarus as to dispose of the evidence of Gods work (John 12:9-11). We recognise that not all activities and ideas are appropriate and suitable for all children and families or in all circumstances. Photo credit:Wikimedia Commons-Public Domain/Annibale Carracci. Many Jews grew up outside of Jerusalem due to an event known as the Diaspora. The word "bible" is from the Greek ta biblia, which means "the scrolls" or "the books." The word is derived from the ancient city of Byblos, which was the official supplier of paper products to the ancient world. Some Orthodox churches, particularly in the west, follow a modified Julian calendar that places date names identically with the standard Gregorian calendar of widespread civil usage. Stephen is first mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles as one of seven deacons appointed by the Apostles to distribute food and charitable aid to poorer members of the community in the early church. It says that he saw "the Glory of God.". In his book The City of God, Augustine of Hippo describes the many miracles that occurred when part of the relics of Saint Stephen were brought to Africa. Stephen relied on God's messages and according to many Bible scholars, he left a powerful impact on the minds of the people worldwide. Stephen's death taught us to speak boldly for our religion and not fear death, for it is the ultimate destination for all living souls. The Seven from the first were occupied with essentially spiritual work, as also the later diaconate was engaged in something far different from mere charity organization. Stephen stood by the words of Jesus Christ, and so he was opposed by the Synagogue of the Freedmen, which involved the Alexandrians and the Cyrenians. The courteous and at once endearing terms in Stephens address (Acts 7:2) to the council, and the terms our fathers and our race inActs 7:2,Acts 7:19by which he closely associates himself with his hearers, his declaration of the divine majesty of Yahweh with which the speech opens (Acts 7:2), of the providential leading of the patriarchs (Acts 7:8,Acts 7:10), his recognition of the Old Testament institutions as divinely decreed (Acts 7:8), his reference to the divine sanction of the Law and its condemnation of those who had not kept it (Acts 7:53), at the close of his speech, show clearly his reverence, not only for the past history of the Jewish race, but as well for its Sacred Writings and all of its religious institutions. a Greek-speaking Jew. More than 400 of her works have been featured in various publications ranging from Writer's Digest to Keys for Kids. You have subscribed to: Remember that you can always manage your preferences or unsubscribe through the link at the foot of each newsletter. God's work is constantly unfolding and goes forth on his timetable. Stephen's martyrdom was a foretaste of what was to come. In dioceses of the Armenian Church which use the Julian Calendar, Saint Stephen's Day falls on 7 January and Nativity/Theophany on 19 January (for the remainder of the 21st century Julian). Thus in a masterful way Stephen converts the charge of Antinomianism and anti-Mosaism brought against him into a countercharge of disobedience to the divine revelation, of which his hearers stood guilty in the present as their fathers had in the past. However, Stephen did not back down. The charge against his teaching was both false and true. He asked for forgiveness as he fell asleep in his death. 3. Stephen in the Bible Known for: Stephen was a Hellenist Jew and one of seven men ordained as deacons in the early church. [8] However, Stephen looked up and cried, "Look! in such a way that they might better understand and judge the present and adjust their conduct to it accordingly. Accused of blasphemy at his trial, he made a speech denouncing the Jewish authorities who were sitting in judgment on him[Acts 7:5153] and was then stoned to death. He was not at all worried about his earthly existence and stood firm in his belief in Christ. He's most known for his testimony in front of the Sanhedrin, after which he was stoned to death. The charge of blasphemy against God and contempt of the Law is implicitly repudiated by the tenor of the whole speech. Any information you provide to us via this website may be placed by us on servers located in countries outside the EU if you do not agree to such placement, do not provide the information. Acts 7:55New International Version. Saint Stephen was the first Christian martyr. But, as the record says, his opponents were not able to withstand the wisdom, i.e. During this inquisition, false witnesses were set up. . 6. The other two Philips in the Bible were servants of Christ and instrumental in the early church: Philip the disciple and apostle of Christ, and Philip the . When Stephen performs great signs and wonders, he draws opposition from a group called the Synagogue of the Freedmen. (1912), I. He also was one of the first deacons of the church. At Kidadl we pride ourselves on offering families original ideas to make the most of time spent together at home or out and about, wherever you are in the world. It was false as an implied insinuation that he impugned the divine origin and character of the temple and the Mosaic Law, but it was true as far as he conceived both to be only of a temporary nature and serving a merely provisional purpose, which, as we have seen, constituted the peculiarity of his teaching. Stephen's name is derived from the Greek name "Stfanos" and means "honor," "wreath" or "crown" and Stephen may have been the first Christian martyr . He was also the first Christian martyr, stoned to death for preaching that Jesus was the Christ. The material world is nothing in comparison to the afterlife. Stephen was mentioned for the first time in Act 6:5 of the Bible. Beginning by mentioning the God of glory and ending with a vision of that glory itself, the speech is a wonderful apotheosis of the humble cause of the Nazarene, the enthusiastic tribute of its first great martyr delivered in the face of death. The vision of the risen and exalted Jesus vouchsafed to the dying Stephen presented Christianity to Saul of Tarsus in a new light, tending to remove what had been its greatest stumbling-block to him in the Crucified One. Kidadl has a number of affiliate partners that we work with including Amazon. Stephen now represents those that Jesus had prophesied would be told what to say when they stood before the authorities. [13] To the objection that it seems unlikely that such a long speech could be reproduced in the text of Acts exactly as it was delivered, some Biblical scholars have replied that Stephen's speech shows a distinctive personality behind it. After that, the relics of the protomartyr were taken in procession to the Church of Hagia Sion on 26 December 415, making it the date for the feast of Saint Stephen. of St. Stephen's Church, Thope, is one of the parishes of the first diocese of India, Kollam. He showed to the Sanhedrin he had an immense knowledge of the Scriptures, and through his Greek rhetoric, he had the apologetic power of a speaker like Apollos (Acts 18:24). I want to draw four lessons from Stephen's death: 1. 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