Her hand, legs, and feet were completely paralyzed, which meant that muscular tones were 0 out of 5. A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures and bleeds. Scalp acupuncture areas are frequently used in the rehabilitation of paralysis due to stroke, multiple sclerosis, automobile accident, and Parkinson's disease. All of these have proven to respond well to scalp acupuncture treatment. Lisa was afraid of needles and started to cry and refuse the treatment before the first needle was inserted. Those symptoms typically lasted a few weeks to several months. Quadriplegia means paralysis of all four limbs or of the entire body below the neck. Although more yang ming points are used for paralysis, points from yin channels, especially tai yin and jue yin channels should not be ignored. Acupoint KI-3 or Taixi, as it is called in Chinese, is one of the effective acupressure points for hand tremors. Body acupuncture was added 15 minutes after scalp acupuncture began. Hemiplegia, affects one side of the body. There are many different acupuncture techniques to treat paralysis. TCM body style acupuncture has been shown to benefit Parkinson's disease patients. I am so overjoyed with these unexpected wonderful results. Her slurred speech sometimes even her mother could not understand. The upper 1/5 Motor Area and Speech I Area were still considered primary according to her condition. Patients may present dragging foot, unilateral muscle wasting in one or the other hand, or slurred speech. To his astonishment he did not choke at all when he took a first sip of water. The chain of nerve cells that runs from the brain through the spinal cord out to the muscles is called the motor pathway. Since the patient's attitude was relatively more positive toward acupuncture therapy, we were able to perform stronger stimulation after inserting needles at the same locations as for the initial treatment. Retain the needles for 3045 minutes. With the increase in hand functions she was able to hold a knife with both hands and cut vegetables. Former heaven or prenatal natural endowment insufficiency may also play a role. National Library of Medicine patients treated for essential tremors before and after acupuncture show the total effective rate of the scalp acupuncture treatment group was 96.7% and the conventional acupuncture group was 73.3% (P<0.05). In treating unilateral paralysis of the limbs, traditionally more points from yang ming channels are selected because yang corresponds to movement and agility, and foot yang ming stomach channel controls muscle functions. He could not elevate the hyoid bone, indicating a probable swallow reflex problem. It can help localize a lesion to a particular cortical region and spinal cord level, evaluate scalp acupuncture treatment, and give the patient encouragement when there is subtle improvement that the patient might not notice. Patients with facial paralysis for which an underlying cause can be readily found are not generally considered to have Bell's palsy. Her initial symptoms were an onset of numbness in the right arm followed by subsequent numbness descending down both her legs. The insertion of two needles on the left side of her scalp did not seem to bother her at all. As the above case study demonstrated, doctors should modify the treatment strategy and stimulate areas according to changes in a patient's condition. Primidone, a drug used to treat seizures. A waitress who noticed that he was paralyzed told him that he should come to our clinic, which specialized in treating that affliction. Dr. Jiao Shun-fa, a neurosurgeon in Shan Xi province, is the recognized founder of Chinese scalp acupuncture. She returned for the second treatment a day later, having had traveled across the country for these treatments. Soon after that, both of her arms began to move and lift. Fred started to eat more solid food and add more kinds of food gradually. Michael showed remarkable improvement right away. As a contemporary acupuncture technique, many of the specific treatments put forward in this book are also new, at least for a work that discusses Western medical concepts along with Chinese ones. We use sterile, single-use needles and always follow antiseptic protocols so there is limited risk of infection. Multiple sclerosis may occur either in discrete attacks or slowly over time. Ren During the initial consultation, David and his wife asked many questions because they were doubtful that scalp acupuncture could help him. Those areas should be stimulated unilaterally or bilaterally, according to the patient's manifestations. Second, focused ultrasound makes a lesion on the brain, which means the treatment should last long term. He felt depressed, irritable, angry, and severely fatigued. The outcome measures included the patient's (1) subjective evaluation of her percentage of improvement before and after weekly treat By the fifth treatment, Fred wanted to add more foods and soon could eat and drink anything like a normal person. The doctor should twirl the needle as vigorously as the patient can tolerate and have the patient move the affected limb actively and passively. First, we were among an early group of people who studied these techniques and were very fortunate to have opportunities to learn it directly from famous scalp acupuncture specialists including Jiao Shun-fa, the brilliant founder of Chinese scalp acupuncture, Yu Zhi-shun, a well-known professor in scalp acupuncture development, and Sun Shentian, an outstanding professor in scalp acupuncture research. It is not advisable to use electrical stimulation on the needles in the face because it may cause facial muscle spasm. Third, manual manipulation is very difficult to learn and master without detailed description and demonstration. Chapter One provides a review for practitioners with a Western medical background and an adequate introduction for practitioners new to this material. In Sherry's case, the hemiplegia was caused by a motor neuron disorder. Treatment may include acupuncture, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, and massage. Before The longer the duration of impairment, the more gradual the improvement occurs. Her pulses were fine and wiry, and were faint in both cubit (chi) positions. At this point his weight increased and his stamina was markedly improved. The types of paralysis are classified by region. In addition to scalp acupuncture, the ear and body acupuncture were very helpful in the patient's progress and recovery. It can help increase energy, preserve youth, and promote longevity. The ear points Heart, Liver, and Shen Men along with the Head Area and Chest Area on the scalp were needled. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help At the end of her final treatment she was both laughing and crying. Research on the effect of scalp acupuncture for dysphagia. The principle of scalp acupuncture is very straightforward; the aim is to stimulate the diseased area of the brain in order to facilitate a return of function in that area. The nasogastric tube was removed and he had no problem with talking or depression after his sixth treatment. Location: parallel with and 1.5 cm to chorea and tremor control area. Infected by West Nile virus, she had immediately developed quadriplegia. This is followed by the destruction of myelin. Yin corresponds to nourishing muscles and tendons and points from yin channels have positive results for pronounced stiffness and contraction of the limbs. She had gotten married and returned to work. At each session, a few needles would be inserted in her scalp and she would go out for a walk and come back later for withdrawal of the needles. Many of these same patterns will be present in cases involving post-stroke symptomology discussed in this book such as paralysis, dysphagia, and aphasia. For children less than two years old, an effective technique is to hide each needle from their sight while inserting and stimulating. Treating quadriplegia by acupuncture is very challenging. Dr. Halpern: There are a few differences between MR-guided focused ultrasound and deep brain stimulation. Paralysis is also divided into four types in neurological practice, namely upper motor neuron paralysis, lower motor neuron paralysis, paralysis due to neuromuscular transmission diseases, and the paralysis caused by muscular diseases. Examination showed that the sensations in his right arm and hand were still normal. When treating a hemorrhagic stroke, however, scalp acupuncture should not be performed until the patient's condition is stable, probably one month after a stroke. First, focused ultrasound is nonsurgical, which means no holes are made in the skull and no hardware, like a pacemaker, is needed. Commonly used points are Feng Chi (GB 20), Yu Zhen (Bl 9), Nao Kong (GB 19), Huan Tiao (GB 30), Yang Ling Quan (GB 34), Tai Chong (Liv 3), and Tai Xi (Ki 3) for lower limbs, and Qu Chi (LI 11), He Gu (LI 4), and Wai Guan (TB 5) for upper limbs.19 Electrical stimulation is very helpful if the practitioner has difficulty performing needle rotation more than 200 times per minute. Unsure how to proceed, we considered simply demonstrating the location and technique of scalp acupuncture on this patient and not immediately showing the results to the students. There is no cure or specific treatment for Bell's palsy, although three in four patients' symptoms may subside on their own within two to three weeks. Sometimes it is necessary to show a patient how tiny the needles are or demonstrate the insertion of a needle in the practitioner's own body. Fred could move his right arm up and down more and he was able to start walking to our clinic on his own. Scalp acupuncture offers great rehabilitation tools for dysphagia. It is a kidney meridian acupoint located on foot. Oropharyngeal dysphagia is often caused by stroke, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and Bell's palsy. He was able to raise his left eyebrow, reveal his upper teeth, and puff out his left cheek after only six visits. In 100 BCE, the first Chinese acupuncture text, Huang Di Nei Jing (The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine) described the relationship between the brain and the body in physiology, pathology, and treatment as it was understood at that time, and citations of acupuncture treatments on the head can be found throughout classical Chinese literature. Normally it takes several months or even as much as one to two years for this treatment to be effective. This book supplies all the needed information to practice scalp acupuncture. Often caused by a car or sporting accident, spinal cord injury is extremely serious. When choosing Hua Tou Jia Ji points, the pair of points for stimulation should be one above and one below the site of injury level. Hand or foot paralysis is relatively difficult to recover and often requires a longer process, especially for a contracted hand and foot. Examination showed she was unable to stand and walk straight by herself. Scalp acupuncture for MS is accessible, less expensive, safer, more effective, and causes fewer side effects than Western medical treatments. 8600 Rockville Pike Her primary doctor recommended that she try acupuncture treatment. This case report describes the successful, temporary treatment of essential tremor in a 74-y-old Caucasian woman, using weekly acupuncture sessions for a 10-wk period. Babies can be born with facial palsy and they exhibit many of the same symptoms as adults with Bell's palsy. If the symptoms disappear within several minutes up to a maximum of 24 hours, the diagnosis is transient ischemic attack (TIA), which is a mini or brief stroke. It has been proven to have very effective results in treating aphasia, loss of balance, loss of hearing, dizziness and vertigo. He walked back into the conference room without using his cane and his face glowed with pleasure as he told the audience, I walked for about 30 minutes without any rest and without my cane except for security. Although there is no cure for stroke, most stroke patients now have a good chance for survival and recovery. He did not like to perform speech, swallowing, and body exercises. Second, because the technological innovation and invention of scalp acupuncture is fairly new, positive results can only reasonably be achieved by practitioners who have studied it; even an established doctor in China cannot perform it without at least seeing a demonstration of it. David, a 52-year-old man, was vacationing with his wife in Santa Fe, NM, in 1993. Chinese medical pattern discrimination: Liver blood deficiency with internal stirring of liver wind, kidney qi deficiency, liver depression qi stagnation, blood stasis, Primary area: Motor Area, Sensory Area, Foot Motor and Sensory Area, Secondary area: Balance Area, Chorea and Tremor Area, and Vertigo and Hearing Area. Rotate the needles at least 200 times per minute with the thumb and index finger for 13 minutes, twirling them as vigorously as the patient can tolerate and having the patient move her affected limbs actively and passively. It is still not easy for medical practitioners and the public to accept the reality that acupuncture can help in the recovery of paralysis, aphasia, and ataxia, while Western medical technology does not so far have effective treatments for those conditions. Since then, the techniques and applications of this science have been expanded and standardized through further research and experience. We need to emphasize that this patient received only three scalp acupuncture treatments and had recovered completely. These are called plaques. absence of or decrease in body movement arm, back, or jaw pain black, tarry stools bladder pain bleeding after defecation bleeding gums blood in the urine or stools blurred vision body aches or pain burning while urinating burning, crawling, itching, numbness, prickling, "pins and needles", or tingling feelings chest pain or discomfort Treatments for internal tremors can include: reducing anxiety and stress avoiding. At the end of 20 treatments his walking appeared almost normal. Although each part of the cerebral cortex has its own functions, some variation is possible. Paralysis may affect an individual muscle but it usually affects an entire body region. That was one of the reasons that she returned to this second seminar half a year later. Her walking appeared almost normal, and she was again able to run, at least slowly. Common points are Si Bai (St 2) threaded toward Di Cang (St 4), Di Cang (St 4) threaded toward Jia Che (St 6), Yu Yao (extra point) threaded toward Tai Yang (extra point), Yang Bai (GB 14) threaded toward Yu Yao (extra point), and Xia Guan (St 7), He Gu (LI 4), and Tai Chong (Liv 3). Patients who experience some or all of these sensations usually respond and improve more quickly. In our normal practice it often takes from several weeks to several months for stroke patients to improve and recover. Acupuncture, a therapeutic technique of Oriental Medicine, can be traced back more than 2500 years. Symptoms and signs of multiple sclerosis vary widely depending on the location of affected myelin sheaths. While interviewing Tom, we were shocked to find that his right arm and hand had actually been paralyzed for 11 years. The patient thrived on this program. It helps the blood circulation and keeps muscles active, accelerating the results from ongoing acupuncture treatments. Below the level of injury on the neck there was minimal contraction and movement of arm muscles, which indicated that the muscular tone of her arm was a 2 out of 5. She agreed to allow the needle insertion only after her mother told her that she might ride a bike again if these treatments worked. Moxibustion can enhance the therapeutic results of scalp acupuncture, especially for older or weak patients. Thread another needle deeply from Wai Guan (TB 5) toward Nei Guan (Per 6) and stimulate in a similar fashion. For a child who is extremely sensitive to needles, stimulation by twirling should be avoided during the first one or two visits. However, he still could not squeeze his left eye completely closed and his smile was a little crooked. It is necessary for stroke patients to receive emergency treatment with Western medicine and it is important to identify a stroke as early as possible because patients who are treated earlier are more likely to survive and become less disabled. Common acupuncture points include He Gu (LI 4), Qu Chi (LI 11), Jian Yu (LI 15), and Wai Guan (TB 5) for upper limb paralysis and Yang Ling Quan (GB 34), Feng Shi (GB 31), Huan Tiao (GB 30) Zu San Li (St 36), and Kun Lun (Bl 60) for lower limb paralysis. References 1. For electrical stimulation in body acupuncture, fewer than four needles should be stimulated in each limb. Julia had incontinence of urine and was experiencing muscle spasms throughout her entire body. Monoplegia is impairment in the motor function of only one limb. He could neither utilize a normal gait from heel to toe nor walk backwards. The relapse rate of the scalp acupuncture group was 13.81% and was 45.5% for the conventional acupuncture group (P<0.05). Scalp acupuncture is an effective treatment for Bell's palsy. Although she felt nervous and was assisted by two people, she stood up. Speech #2. She often had a migraine headache and premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and she had considerable mucous in her nose and throat much of the time. After trying many kinds of therapies that brought no improvement, she became depressed. The incontinence of urine also showed some improvement. During treatment, some patients feel heat, cold, tingling, numbness, heaviness, distention, and/or the sensation of water or electricity moving along their spine, legs, or arms. During the second treatment, Sherry experienced a hot sensation again, more so on the left side of the body. Recent studies have shown that scalp acupuncture can be a very effective modality in controlling MS, often producing remarkable results after just a few needles are inserted. Location: Horizontal line 1.5 cm above and centered on the apex of ear, 4 cm in length. Because of these abilities, scalp acupuncture is geared toward stimulating and restoring affected brain tissue or retraining unaffected brain tissue to compensate for the lost functions of damaged brain tissue. Disability affects about 75% of stroke survivors and it can affect patients physically, mentally, emotionally, or a combination of all three. Paralyzed muscles may be flaccid, flabby, and without appreciable tone, or may be spastic, tight, and with abnormally high tone that increases when the muscle is moved. Needles should be inserted on both lower 2/5 Motor Area and lower 2/5 Sensory Area on the contralateral side. Treatment is given two to three times per week and a therapeutic course consists of 10 treatments. Commonly used points are Chi Ze (Lu 5) and Nei Guan (Per 6) for upper limbs and San Yin Jiao (Sp 6), Yin Ling Quan (Sp 9), Xue Hai (Sp 10), and Qu Quan (Liv 8) for lower limbs. 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