In order to identify this plant, you should look for its dark purple stems and leaves. On the other hand, growing a purple heart in full sun will help it develop a bright purple color. It gets its common name from the delicate heart-shaped blossoms. Purple heart plants are lovely to look at and have nearby, but they also help to improve air quality by filtering pollutants and respiratory irritants. Maintenance Category: Easy. Cut the overgrown stems. Tradescantia pallida is not on the ASPCAs toxic plant list of plants that are toxic to cats and dogs. There are some things when you spot them on your plant; you will need to act immediately. If you live in an area with temperatures that reach below 40F, then bring plants indoors to prevent cold damage. Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them. The purple heart plant (Tradescantia pallida), also known as purple secretia or purple queen, is a spiderwort that grows quickly and has dark purple leaves and long purple stems. The plant grows relatively low and reaches only a maximum of 12 inches upon maturity. Last update on 2023-03-27 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API. In warm enough climates theyre used as ground cover, but can also trail over walls, large containers, or hanging baskets. The plant can grow in the shade or indoors in places with low levels of light, but the foliage will remain green instead of purple. Beautifully variegated or in soothing shades of solid green, spiderworts are easy-care houseplants that will give you masses of vines to beautify your indoor space. Featuring trailing purple stems with violet-purple leaves and pink flowers that appear in the summer. Allow the soil to drain entirely and wait until the top few inches of soil are dry. Thats why I like to fertilize my houseplants with worm compost tea, an organic fertilizer option, rather than letting them go without. When its time to rehydrate your wandering dude, water the surface of the soil instead of holding your watering can directly over your plant. Neem is also a fungicide and will take care of any fungal issues that may arise as well. Lets have a look at how to grow it. These are general tips that work for most Tradescantia species grown as houseplants, but always be sure to double check specific growing information for your chosen species as there may be slight differences in requirements. From vegetables, herbs, and flowers to cacti, succulents, tropicals, and houseplants - you name it, I've grown it! Though purple heart plants will only grow to a certain height, they do tend to fill a container fairly quickly when given the proper care. If you're feeling put off of this plant because of its name- don't worry! Once the stems are sufficiently long, you can hang it and its vines will cascade down. Mealybugs are another group of nutrient suckers. Or if you havent yet added vermicomposting to your skill set, you can purchase ready-made earthworm tea packets from the Earthworm Technologies Store, available via Amazon. This striking appearance makes it perfect for everyday use as an ornamental plant in gardens and along borders or driveways. Stems are notoriously fragile and can break off very easily. In addition to the purple foliage, it also produces small pink flowers. Keep in mind that inch plants grow quickly and choose the appropriate size for your needs. Please remember, however, that although spiderworts may seem indestructible, they dont have quite the water storage capacity of a cactus, so dont think you can get away with total neglect. Plants need more water when establishing, but after a few years are relatively drought-tolerant. Keep it somewhere warm and bright for 1-2 weeks. Like most plants, Tradescantia Purpurea needs to be watered more frequently in summer, and less in winter with the growth process is paused. But you may also be able to find the much more rare variegated purple heart, which features pink striping along the leaves. When ordering spiderworts online during winter, make sure they are sent with a heat pack (or two) to avoid chill damage during transport. If your plant is getting a normal amount of water, and your plant shows healthy growth, theres no need to worry. This species can survive outdoors year-round as a perennial in USDA Hardiness Zones 7b-11a. The spreading nature of purple queen plants makes pruning a necessary part of their care, both indoors and outdoors. Supplement soil with perlite to assist with drainage. You can grow the purple heart plant indoors or outdoors with equal success, given the proper environment. The striking foliage of a purple heart plant makes it a popular choice for landscaping and growing indoors alike. Too much fertilization can cause leaf burn, so reduce feedings to once a month during the winter. Place some soil in the new pot and position your plant on top of this layer make sure you have about an inch of space available from the surface of the plants old soil to the rim of the pot. Shipping Information. This is done by placing the cuttings in a glass container filled with lukewarm water. Its best to take your cutting from a healthy mature plant using a clean, sharp knife or a pair of scissors. The cultivar T. pallida 'Purpurea' is commonly called purple secretia, purple-heart, [2] or purple queen. You can make your own insecticidal spray with 1 teaspoon of gentle liquid soap and 1 liter of water. If used as a ground cover, useTradescantia pallidaspecies cautiously, as the most vigorous types can become invasive. The only thing you will need to do is to make sure you protect it from freezing temperatures and from overwatering. Additionally, leaves turn brown when overexposed to sunlight. According to Richard G. Hawks, Plant Evaluations Manager at the Chicago Botanic Garden, the common name spiderwort was most likely inspired by the web-like threads that form from the plants sap and harden after stems are severed. The best rule of thumb for watering spiderworts is to let the top one to two inches of soil dry out in between waterings. When caring for your purple queen plant, dont forget to be observing them keenly. Healthy purple hearts are generally pest free, but occasionally you may encounter an issue. It is a widely commercialized genus, important in the nursery and landscape trade. That common name is on the out as far as this writer and this publication goes. If the plant has become root bound, gently loosen up the outer layer of roots. Brown leaf tips, on the other hand, indicate that the plant isnt getting enough humidity. When grown outdoors, the purple heart plant will die back in the winter when temperatures reach below 40F, but the roots stay alive. Plants growing in partial shade will appear more green than purple. It works well in both sun and shade and can function as a unifying element to give sun and shade plantings a common plant. Tradescantia Purpurea loves to get a little sun but it needs some shade during hot summer days, especially at noon. These species have alternate leaves that are oval, elliptical, or strap shaped. Also, your purple queen plant cannot survive in cold places. These species grow to about one to one and a half feet tall and wide. Attractive and durable, these beautiful house plants will bring joy to your garden year-round with their rich purple stems and lance-shaped leaves. Purple queen plants are so adorable. In a growing purple queen plant, cut a plant section with some leaves and is at least 4 inches long. Your Tradescantia will not need to be repotted very often. Purple heart plants (aka purple queen) are easy to care for, and can grow both indoors or outside. This plant propagates quickly from any part of the plant by placing it in adaptable soil or water. In this purple heart plant care guide youll learn what it takes to keep the foliage thriving and beautiful. Indoors, a good quality general potting soil will work. This plant is the best selection for planting in an outdoor container and hanging baskets. But if the soil is too fertile, add some sand to neutralize fertility. The color is more vibrant when given plenty of light. Take your plant, place it in the hole, and then push the soil gently and fill the space around the roots. So either let your dude wander within the confines of your home, or consider growing him in a container outdoors. Insignificant 3-petaled deep pink flowers last for only a day but bloom continuously on the stiff stems above the foliage for several weeks in spring. Give it a hard prune to rejuvenate it. Get to know how heavy the plant feels when it needs to be watered this will prevent you from having to stick your finger into the plants soil every time you check it. They are certainly proving to be excellent for me. She is the proud owner of an outdoor rose garden and an indoor collection of tiny succulents. Indirect or filtered light helps avoid leaf burn or scorch, but too little sunlight will cause foliage to drop. The purple queen plant is a tender and attractive plant with striking colours which originated from northeast Mexico. You can unsubscribe at any time. This quick-growing habit makes them wonderful as houseplants for those who want to fill a space with vegetation quickly. To make matters worse, Nazi propagandists co-opted the figure in the 1930s, using it to portray Jewish people in a negative light as part of their justification for the Holocaust. Uncredited photos: Shutterstock. Now that you know how easy it is to grow the striking purple heart plant, it can be a beautiful addition to your home or garden. It belongs to the spiderwort family which includes 40 genera and 652 species and it is widely distributed in tropical and temperate regions. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Foliage will die back to ground level once temperatures begin falling below freezing. I still have this growing in a pot on my kitchen table!! Im sure you will feel so embarrassed and discouraged. Where you make your pinch or cut, the stem may branch. Purple queen plants can survive winter in zones 8-10. The best time to do this is when the plant is actively growing. In this post, Ill show you all you need to know in order to keep them thriving. It will thrive in an indoor environment. It is easy to propagate a purple queen plant. When well-intentioned plant parents give their houseplants a little too much love (i.e. Many years later, having returned from my life abroad, Ive finally decided to start cultivating an indoor jungle again. Make a habit of fertilizing your plant every month during the growth period. I know Im enjoying the masses of lovely vegetation this plant provides me, and the easy opportunities to create even more houseplants. Use these tips to keep yours thriving year after year. Ideally you should provide them with full sun for most of the day, though some shade in extremely hot climates can prevent them from burning. How do you do this? Here's what to know when caring for the purple heart plant: Yellowing leaves often signify overwatering. The foliage may die back after a light freeze, but can regrow in the spring as long as the ground doesnt freeze. Find plants you love and create idea boards for all your projects. You have entered an incorrect email address! I know you are very eager to plant your purple queen plant to decorate your home. Tradescantia pallida'Purple Heart' was known asSetcreasea pallida'Purple Heart' and is sometimes called a purple queen. Its best kept inside if it gets below 40F, but can be outdoors in warmer climates all year long. Use your hand to firm the soil down, or you can also firm the ground by using your foot. Spiderwort is not an especially alluring name, and different sources give varying reasons for this plant's unusual common name. Purple queen plants have a long, beautiful stem that grows longer as time goes by. Stories of the wandering Jew folk figure span the centuries and while not all of these stories were purely negative, the legend itself is rooted in negative stereotypes. To an untrained eye, these pests may be hard to spot they look like tiny brown bumps and can be mistaken for bits of dirt. Tradescantia pallida "Purpurea" also known as Purple Queen, Purple Heart, Setcresea Purpurea, Purple Spiderwort, or Wandering Jew "Purpurea" is a popular evergreen perennial. Tradescantia Purpureas make an outstanding addition to any plant collection. which you may know as purple queen or purple heart. And spiderworts are an integral part of this project I bought two tiny pots of T. zebrina about six months ago. Find more tips on identifying and controlling mealybugs here. Now that you have the ideal place in mind to grow a purple heart plant, lets talk about their care. Read our privacy policy for the full story on how we protect and manage your submitted data. If you have let spiderwort into your heart, you should now be prepared to also let it into your home, and to keep it happy there. On the other hand, if you want your inch plant to have long, trailing vines, theres a trick to help with this as well: Instead of hanging the container from a ceiling hook, try letting your plant grow on a flat surface for a while, which will encourage its stems to spread out horizontally. Root rot is a common disease that occurs when the plant has poor soil drainage or a lack of oxygen. Spiderwort is a common name that refers to many species in the genus Tradescantia, pronounced trad-es-KAN-tee-uh or trad-es-KAN-shuh.. Dip the cutting in a rooting hormone and place it directly into a container filled with potting soil or water. It is widely commercialized as a house plant and for outdoor gardens. And if you place your wandering dude outdoors during the summer, you may need to put it in a location where it gets some shade during the hottest part of the day, since some species will scorch under too much direct sun. During the summer season, water your plants frequently, and during the winter season, water them sparingly. Like I have said in watering, fertilize regularly during the spring season and decrease it during winter. Dip the cut end in rooting hormone before placing it in damp soil, or put it in a vase of water. It has lovely purple leaves that are long and oval. When you notice that your plants leaves are turning green, know that your plant isnt getting enough sunlight. However, if yours is looking sickly, you should look out for root rot, which is caused by soggy soil. To keep your plants soil from becoming waterlogged, make sure the pots have good drainage, and only water your spiderworts when the top inch or two of their soil has dried out. For your container or back garden, use a watering can or a hand sprinkler. As an outdoor plant, spiderworts can be used as annuals in your flower beds or as perennials if you live in the right zone. You can also subscribe without commenting. Like aphids and mealybugs, scale insects can also damage your inch plants by sucking away valuable nutrients. I have a Tradescantia pallida and it appears to be shedding for lack of a better word. Tradescantia houseplants are tender perennials, and as such, they do well when kept at average household temperatures that is to say, ideally around 70F, or at least somewhere in the range of 50 to 80F. Its also proven to survive freezes and comes back strong in the Spring! Its purple leaves are long and oval-shaped, producing small purple flowers in summer. In this reference book, authors Michael E. Peterson, DVM, and Patricia A Talcott, DVM, categorize Tradescantia species as possible pet-friendly alternatives, conveying that no incriminating data against these species has been found. But then I decided to move overseas, and every houseplant I owned needed to be rehomed. I particularly like Soil Mender 109 potting mix, which contains coconut coir instead of peat moss and is available for purchase at Arbico Organics. The most common type of Tradescantia pallida is a deep, uniformly purple shade. It is also excellent in containers and ideal for gardening beginners. It is a fun plant to use in combination recipes adding a unique dimension to mixed containers. In keeping with their laid-back demeanors, wandering dudes arent particularly prone to either diseases or insect infestations. Some Tradescantia species used as houseplants are known to cause contact dermatitis in certain individuals, so consider wearing protective gloves when handling these plants if you are prone to skin reactions. Its a spreading plant that will fill up any space its given, but rarely grows taller than 1.5. Spiderwort is characterized by a grass-like form with long, strappy leaves similar to lilies that grow up to three feet in height each season. Because of his taunting, the story goes, this man was doomed to wander the earth until the second coming of Jesus. Other common names include purple secretia, purple-heart, and purple queen. Once established, Tradescantia pallida is fairly drought tolerant, but wont do well in extended periods of dryness. When the roots are a few inches long, plant the cuttings in a pot filled with a light commercial potting soil. Ia this normal? Some of these links may be affiliate in nature, meaning we earn small commissions if items are purchased. Were not using that outdated common name anymore because it comes with a lot of negative baggage. The silver stripes on the foliage of this species are iridescent, and shimmer when the light hits them. However, if given a choice in the matter, these tropicals would choose bright, indirect sunlight. [3] It is native to the Gulf Coast region of eastern Mexico. You may be more familiar with another common name for these houseplants wandering Jew.. In order to maintain the striking color, purple queen plants need a lot of light, which can be the most challenging part of their care. Indoors, keep them evenly moist, and always drain off the excess to avoid overwatering. Growing purple queen plants is accessible in virtually any location. Grow to approximately 1' in height and are great for ground cover or in pots. If your plants colour changes to brown, it is likely because there isnt enough moisture. Some species are variegated, while others are solid green or solid purple in color. Seedlings for the purple heart plant can sometimes be challenging to come by. Copyright - Daniel Oren All Rights Reserved. A fast-growing member of the spiderwort family with dark purple leaves and long purple stems is the purple heart plant (Tradescantia pallida), also known as purple secretia or purple queen. It also goes by the common names purple queen or purple spiderwort.. They usually produce new leaves quite quickly while also shedding the older ones. Once you have your soil and new pot at the ready, remove the plant from its old pot. Tradescantia pallida is a perennial in zones 8-11. When planted outdoors, the purple heart plant grows best with regular watering and a balance of full sun and light shade despite being relatively drought-tolerant. Distributed in tropical and temperate regions 1-2 weeks established, tradescantia pallida is fairly drought tolerant, rarely! Soil will work how to grow it, scale insects can also trail over walls, large containers or! The spreading nature of purple queen plant and are great for ground cover, useTradescantia pallidaspecies cautiously as! Size for your needs or driveways about their care pot on my kitchen table! also firm the soil and! As ground cover, but can regrow in the nursery and landscape trade garden and indoor! And manage your submitted data tall and wide plants grow quickly and choose the size... 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